
Single Cycle CPU

module ALU(aluin1, aluin2, aluctrl, aluout, alubranch);
input[31:0] aluin1, aluin2;
input[3:0] aluctrl;
output reg[31:0] aluout;
output alubranch;
reg overflow;
reg[63:0] temp;
reg[31:0] HI, LO; // HI, LO register for multiplication and division.
assign alubranch = aluout == 32'h00000000 ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
initial begin
temp = 64'h0000000000000000;
HI = 32'h00000000;
LO = 32'h00000000;
always @(*) begin
overflow = 0;
4'b0000: aluout = aluin1 & aluin2; // and
4'b0001: aluout = aluin1 | aluin2; // or
4'b0010: begin // add
aluout = aluin1 + aluin2;
overflow = aluin1[31]==aluin2[31] && aluin1[31]!=aluout[31] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // overflow detection.
4'b0110: begin // sub
aluout = aluin1 - aluin2;
overflow = aluin1[31]!=aluin2[31] && aluin1[31]!=aluout[31] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // overflow detection.
4'b0111: begin // slt
aluout[31:1] = {31{1'b0}};
aluout[0] = aluin1 < aluin2 ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
4'b1000: begin // mult
temp = aluin1 * aluin2;
HI = temp[63:32];
LO = temp[31:0];
4'b1001: begin // div
HI = aluin1 % aluin2;
LO = aluin1 / aluin2;
4'b1010: aluout = HI; // mfhi
4'b1011: aluout = LO; // mflo
4'b1100: aluout = ~(aluin1 | aluin2); // nor
4'b1101: aluout = aluin1 ^ aluin2; // xor
default: aluout = 32'b0;
module ALUControl(funct, aluop, aluctrl);
input[5:0] funct;
input[1:0] aluop;
output reg[3:0] aluctrl;
always @(*) begin
2'b00: aluctrl = 4'b0010; // add
2'b01: aluctrl = 4'b0110; // sub
2'b10: case(funct) // R type instruction
6'b100000: aluctrl = 4'b0010; // add
// 6'b100001: aluctrl = 4'b0010; // addu
6'b100010: aluctrl = 4'b0110; // sub
// 6'b100011: aluctrl = 4'b0110; // subu
6'b100100: aluctrl = 4'b0000; // and
6'b100101: aluctrl = 4'b0001; // or
6'b100110: aluctrl = 4'b1101; // xor
6'b011000: aluctrl = 4'b1000; // mult
// 6'b011001: aluctrl = 4'b1000; // multu
6'b011010: aluctrl = 4'b1001; // div
// 6'b011011: aluctrl = 4'b1001; // divu
6'b101010: aluctrl = 4'b0111; // slt
// 6'b101011: aluctrl = 4'b0111; // sltu
6'b010000: aluctrl = 4'b1010; // mfhi
6'b010010: aluctrl = 4'b1011; // mflo
default: aluctrl = 4'b1111;
default: aluctrl = 4'b1111;
module Adder(adderinput1, adderinput2, adderoutput);
input[31:0] adderinput1, adderinput2;
output[31:0] adderoutput;
assign adderoutput = adderinput1 + adderinput2;
module Control(opcode, regdst, regwrite, alusrc, aluop, memread, memwrite, memtoreg, branch, jump);
input[5:0] opcode;
output reg regdst, jump, branch, memread, memtoreg, memwrite, alusrc, regwrite;
output reg[1:0] aluop;
always @(*) begin
6'b000000: begin // R type instruction
regdst = 1'b1;
regwrite = 1'b1;
alusrc = 1'b0;
aluop = 2'b10;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
memtoreg = 1'b0;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b0;
6'b001000: begin // addi
regdst = 1'b0;
regwrite = 1'b1;
alusrc = 1'b1;
aluop = 2'b00;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
memtoreg = 1'b0;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b0;
6'b001001: begin // addiu
regdst = 1'b0;
regwrite = 1'b1;
alusrc = 1'b1;
aluop = 2'b00;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
memtoreg = 1'b0;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b0;
6'b000100: begin // beq
// regdst = 1'bx; // don't care
regwrite = 1'b0;
alusrc = 1'b0;
aluop = 2'b01;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
// memtoreg = 1'bx;
branch = 1'b1;
jump = 1'b0;
6'b000010: begin // jump
// regdst = 1'bx;
regwrite = 1'b0;
// alusrc = 1'bx;
// aluop = 2'bxx;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
// memtoreg = 1'bx;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b1;
6'b100011: begin // lw
regdst = 1'b0;
regwrite = 1'b1;
alusrc = 1'b1;
aluop = 2'b00;
memread = 1'b1;
memwrite = 1'b0;
memtoreg = 1'b1;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b0;
6'b101011: begin // sw
regdst = 1'b0;
regwrite = 1'b0;
alusrc = 1'b1;
aluop = 2'b00;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b1;
// memtoreg = 1'bx;
branch = 1'b0;
jump = 1'b0;
default: begin
// regdst = 1'bx;
regwrite = 1'b0;
// alusrc = 1'bx;
aluop = 2'b00;
memread = 1'b0;
memwrite = 1'b0;
// memtoreg = 1'bx;
// branch = 1'bx;
// jump = 1'bx;
module DataMemory(address, writedata, memread, memwrite, readdata);
input[31:0] address, writedata;
input memread, memwrite;
output[31:0] readdata;
reg[31:0] mem[255:0];
assign readdata = memread ? mem[address/4] : writedata;
always @(*) begin
if(memwrite==1'b1) begin
mem[address/4] = writedata;
module InstructionMemory(address, instruction);
input[31:0] address;
output reg[31:0] instruction;
reg[31:0] instr_mem[127:0];
initial begin
instr_mem[0] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[1] = 32'b00100100000010000000000011111111; // addi $0 $8 255
instr_mem[2] = 32'b00000001000010000100100000100000; // add $8 $8 $9
instr_mem[3] = 32'b00000001000000000101000000100000; // add $8 $0 $10
instr_mem[4] = 32'b00010001000010110000000000000001; // beq $8 $11 +1
instr_mem[5] = 32'b00000001000010010000000000011000; // mult $8 $9
instr_mem[6] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[7] = 32'b00000000000000000110000000010000; // mfhi $12
instr_mem[8] = 32'b00000000000000000110100000010010; // mflo $13
instr_mem[9] = 32'b10101100000011010000000000111100; // sw $0 $13 60
instr_mem[10] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[11] = 32'b00010001000010110000000000000001; // beq $8 $11 +1
instr_mem[12] = 32'b10001100000000010000000000111100; // lw $0 $1 60
instr_mem[13] = 32'd0;
always @ (*) begin
instruction = instr_mem[address/4];
module InstructionMemory(address, instruction);
input[31:0] address;
output reg[31:0] instruction;
reg[31:0] instr_mem[127:0];
initial begin
instr_mem[0] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[1] = 32'b00100100000010000000000011111111; // addi $0 $8 255
instr_mem[2] = 32'b00000001000010000100100000100000; // add $8 $8 $9
instr_mem[3] = 32'b00000001000000000101000000100000; // add $8 $0 $10
instr_mem[4] = 32'b00010001000010110000000000000001; // beq $8 $11 +1
instr_mem[5] = 32'b00000001000010010000000000011000; // mult $8 $9
instr_mem[6] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[7] = 32'b00000000000000000110000000010000; // mfhi $12
instr_mem[8] = 32'b00000000000000000110100000010010; // mflo $13
instr_mem[9] = 32'b10101100000011010000000000111100; // sw $0 $13 15
instr_mem[10] = 32'd0;
instr_mem[11] = 32'b00010001000010110000000000000001; // beq $8 $11 +1
instr_mem[12] = 32'b10001100000000010000000000111100; // lw $0 $1 60
instr_mem[13] = 32'd0;
always @ (*) begin
instruction = instr_mem[address/4];
D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/testbench.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/testbench.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module testbench
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Adder.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Adder.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module Adder
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/SignExtend.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/SignExtend.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module SignExtend
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU_Control.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU_Control.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module ALUControl
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ShiftLeft2.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ShiftLeft2.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module ShiftLeft2
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/test.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/test.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module test
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Control.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Control.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module Control
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module ALU
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module Mux32bit
-- Compiling module Mux5bit
Top level modules:
} {} {}} {D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v} {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none {D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v}
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module DataMemory
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/clock.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/clock.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module Clock
Top level modules:
} {} {}} D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Register.v {1 {vlog -work work -stats=none D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Register.v
Model Technology ModelSim PE Student Edition vlog 10.4a Compiler 2015.03 Apr 7 2015
-- Compiling module Register
Top level modules:
} {} {}}
; vsim modelsim.ini file, version 10.4
INIVersion = "10.4a"
; Copyright 1991-2015 Mentor Graphics Corporation
; All Rights Reserved.
std = $MODEL_TECH/../std
ieee = $MODEL_TECH/../ieee
vital2000 = $MODEL_TECH/../vital2000
; VITAL concerns:
; The library ieee contains (among other packages) the packages of the
; VITAL 2000 standard. When a design uses VITAL 2000 exclusively, it should use
; the physical library ieee (recommended), or use the physical library
; vital2000, but not both. The design can use logical library ieee and/or
; vital2000 as long as each of these maps to the same physical library, either
; ieee or vital2000.
; A design using the 1995 version of the VITAL packages, whether or not
; it also uses the 2000 version of the VITAL packages, must have logical library
; name ieee mapped to physical library vital1995. (A design cannot use library
; vital1995 directly because some packages in this library use logical name ieee
; when referring to the other packages in the library.) The design source
; should use logical name ieee when referring to any packages there except the
; VITAL 2000 packages. Any VITAL 2000 present in the design must use logical
; name vital2000 (mapped to physical library vital2000) to refer to those
; packages.
; ieee = $MODEL_TECH/../vital1995
; For compatiblity with previous releases, logical library name vital2000 maps
; to library vital2000 (a different library than library ieee, containing the
; same packages).
; A design should not reference VITAL from both the ieee library and the
; vital2000 library because the vital packages are effectively different.
; A design that references both the ieee and vital2000 libraries must have
; both logical names ieee and vital2000 mapped to the same library, either of
; these:
; $MODEL_TECH/../ieee
; $MODEL_TECH/../vital2000
verilog = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog
std_developerskit = $MODEL_TECH/../std_developerskit
synopsys = $MODEL_TECH/../synopsys
modelsim_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim_lib
sv_std = $MODEL_TECH/../sv_std
mtiAvm = $MODEL_TECH/../avm
mtiRnm = $MODEL_TECH/../rnm
mtiOvm = $MODEL_TECH/../ovm-2.1.2
mtiUvm = $MODEL_TECH/../uvm-1.1d
mtiUPF = $MODEL_TECH/../upf_lib
mtiPA = $MODEL_TECH/../pa_lib
floatfixlib = $MODEL_TECH/../floatfixlib
mc2_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../mc2_lib
osvvm = $MODEL_TECH/../osvvm
; added mapping for ADMS
mgc_ams = $MODEL_TECH/../mgc_ams
ieee_env = $MODEL_TECH/../ieee_env
;vhdl_psl_checkers = $MODEL_TECH/../vhdl_psl_checkers // Source files only for this release
;verilog_psl_checkers = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog_psl_checkers // Source files only for this release
;mvc_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../mvc_lib
infact = $MODEL_TECH/../infact
vhdlopt_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../vhdlopt_lib
work = work
; Define optionset entries for the various compilers, vmake, and vsim.
; These option sets can be used with the "-optionset <optionsetname>" syntax.
; i.e.
; vlog -optionset COMPILEDEBUG top.sv
; vsim -optionset UVMDEBUG my_top
; Following are some useful examples.
; define a vsim optionset for uvm debugging
UVMDEBUG = -uvmcontrol=all -msgmode both -displaymsgmode both -classdebug -onfinish stop
; define a vopt optionset for debugging
VOPTDEBUG = +acc -debugdb
; VHDL93 variable selects language version as the default.
; Default is VHDL-2002.
; Value of 0 or 1987 for VHDL-1987.
; Value of 1 or 1993 for VHDL-1993.
; Default or value of 2 or 2002 for VHDL-2002.
; Value of 3 or 2008 for VHDL-2008
; Value of 4 or ams99 for VHDL-AMS-1999
; Value of 5 or ams07 for VHDL-AMS-2007
VHDL93 = 2002
; Ignore VHDL-2008 declaration of REAL_VECTOR in package STANDARD. Default is off.
; ignoreStandardRealVector = 1
; Show source line containing error. Default is off.
; Show_source = 1
; Turn off unbound-component warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning1 = 0
; Turn off process-without-a-wait-statement warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning2 = 0
; Turn off null-range warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning3 = 0
; Turn off no-space-in-time-literal warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning4 = 0
; Turn off multiple-drivers-on-unresolved-signal warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning5 = 0
; Turn off optimization for IEEE std_logic_1164 package. Default is on.
; Optimize_1164 = 0
; Enable compiler statistics. Specify one or more arguments:
; [all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list]
; Add '-' to disable specific statistics. Default is [time,cmd,msg].
; Stats = time,cmd,msg
; Turn on resolving of ambiguous function overloading in favor of the
; "explicit" function declaration (not the one automatically created by
; the compiler for each type declaration). Default is off.
; The .ini file has Explicit enabled so that std_logic_signed/unsigned
; will match the behavior of synthesis tools.
Explicit = 1
; Turn off acceleration of the VITAL packages. Default is to accelerate.
; NoVital = 1
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking. Default is checking on.
; NoVitalCheck = 1
; Ignore VITAL compliance checking errors. Default is to not ignore.
; IgnoreVitalErrors = 1
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking warnings. Default is to show warnings.
; Show_VitalChecksWarnings = 0
; Turn off PSL assertion warning messages. Default is to show warnings.
; Show_PslChecksWarnings = 0
; Enable parsing of embedded PSL assertions. Default is enabled.
; EmbeddedPsl = 0
; Keep silent about case statement static warnings.
; Default is to give a warning.
; NoCaseStaticError = 1
; Keep silent about warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static.
; Default is to give a warning.
; NoOthersStaticError = 1
; Treat as errors:
; case statement static warnings
; warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static
; Overrides NoCaseStaticError, NoOthersStaticError settings.
; PedanticErrors = 1
; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units.
; Default is to include debugging info.
; NoDebug = 1
; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
; Quiet = 1
; Turn on some limited synthesis rule compliance checking. Checks only:
; -- signals used (read) by a process must be in the sensitivity list
; CheckSynthesis = 1
; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals,
; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off.
; ScalarOpts = 1
; Turns on lint-style checking.
; Show_Lint = 1
; Require the user to specify a configuration for all bindings,
; and do not generate a compile time default binding for the
; component. This will result in an elaboration error of
; 'component not bound' if the user fails to do so. Avoids the rare
; issue of a false dependency upon the unused default binding.
; RequireConfigForAllDefaultBinding = 1
; Perform default binding at compile time.
; Default is to do default binding at load time.
; BindAtCompile = 1;
; Inhibit range checking on subscripts of arrays. Range checking on
; scalars defined with subtypes is inhibited by default.
; NoIndexCheck = 1
; Inhibit range checks on all (implicit and explicit) assignments to
; scalar objects defined with subtypes.
; NoRangeCheck = 1
; Set the prefix to be honored for synthesis/coverage pragma recognition.
; Default is "".
; AddPragmaPrefix = ""
; Ignore synthesis and coverage pragmas with this prefix.
; Default is "".
; IgnorePragmaPrefix = ""
; Turn on code coverage in VHDL design units. Default is off.
; Coverage = sbceft
; Turn off code coverage in VHDL subprograms. Default is on.
; CoverSub = 0
; Automatically exclude VHDL case statement OTHERS choice branches.
; This includes OTHERS choices in selected signal assigment statements.
; Default is to not exclude.
; CoverExcludeDefault = 1
; Control compiler and VOPT optimizations that are allowed when
; code coverage is on. Refer to the comment for this in the [vlog] area.
; CoverOpt = 3
; Turn on or off clkOpt optimization for code coverage. Default is on.
; CoverClkOpt = 1
; Turn on or off clkOpt optimization builtins for code coverage. Default is on.
; CoverClkOptBuiltins = 0
; Inform code coverage optimizations to respect VHDL 'H' and 'L'
; values on signals in conditions and expressions, and to not automatically
; convert them to '1' and '0'. Default is to not convert.
; CoverRespectHandL = 0
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table
; implementing a VHDL condition coverage or expression coverage expression.
; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered.
; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present
; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions
; covered with FEC metric.
; CoverMaxFECRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the limit on the size of expressions and conditions
; considered for expression and condition coverages. Higher FecUdpEffort leads
; to higher compile, optimize and simulation time, but more expressions and
; conditions are considered for coverage in the design. FecUdpEffort can
; be set to a number ranging from 1 (low) to 3 (high), defined as:
; 1 - (low) Only small expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 2 - (medium) Bigger expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 3 - (high) Very large expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; The default setting is 1 (low).
; FecUdpEffort = 1
; Enable or disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and
; expressions. Focused Expression Coverage data is provided by default when
; expression and/or condition coverage is active.
; CoverFEC = 0
; Enable or disable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
; UDP Coverage data is disabled by default when expression and/or condition
; coverage is active.
; CoverUDP = 1
; Enable or disable Rapid Expression Coverage mode for conditions and expressions.
; Disabling this would convert non-masking conditions in FEC tables to matching
; input patterns.
; CoverREC = 1
; Enable or disable bit-blasting multi-bit operands of reduction prefix expressions
; for expression/condition coverage.
; NOTE: Enabling this may have a negative impact on simulation performance.
; CoverExpandReductionPrefix = 0
; Enable or disable short circuit evaluation of conditions and expressions when
; condition or expression coverage is active. Short circuit evaluation is enabled
; by default.
; CoverShortCircuit = 0
; Enable code coverage reporting of code that has been optimized away.
; The default is not to report.
; CoverReportCancelled = 1
; Enable deglitching of code coverage in combinatorial, non-clocked, processes.
; Default is no deglitching.
; CoverDeglitchOn = 1
; Control the code coverage deglitching period. A period of 0, eliminates delta
; cycle glitches. The value of CoverDeglitchPeriod needs to be either be 0 or a
; time string that includes time units. Examples: 0 or 10.0ps or "10.0 ps".
; CoverDeglitchPeriod = 0
; Use this directory for compiler temporary files instead of "work/_temp"
; CompilerTempDir = /tmp
; Set this to cause the compilers to force data to be committed to disk
; when the files are closed.
; SyncCompilerFiles = 1
; Add VHDL-AMS declarations to package STANDARD
; Default is not to add
; AmsStandard = 1
; Range and length checking will be performed on array indices and discrete
; ranges, and when violations are found within subprograms, errors will be
; reported. Default is to issue warnings for violations, because subprograms
; may not be invoked.
; NoDeferSubpgmCheck = 0
; Turn ON detection of FSMs having single bit current state variable.
; FsmSingle = 1
; Turn off reset state transitions in FSM.
; FsmResetTrans = 0
; Turn ON detection of FSM Implicit Transitions.
; FsmImplicitTrans = 1
; Controls whether or not to show immediate assertions with constant expressions
; in GUI/report/UCDB etc. By default, immediate assertions with constant
; expressions are shown in GUI/report/UCDB etc. This does not affect
; evaluation of immediate assertions.
; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0
; Controls how VHDL basic identifiers are stored with the design unit.
; Does not make the language case-sensitive, affects only how declarations
; declared with basic identifiers have their names stored and printed
; (in the GUI, examine, etc.).
; Default is to preserve the case as originally depicted in the VHDL source.
; Value of 0 indicates to change all basic identifiers to lower case.
; PreserveCase = 0
; For Configuration Declarations, controls the effect that USE clauses have
; on visibility inside the configuration items being configured. If 1
; (the default), then use pre-10.0 behavior. If 0, then for stricter LRM-compliance,
; extend the visibility of objects made visible through USE clauses into nested
; component configurations.
; OldVHDLConfigurationVisibility = 0
; Allows VHDL configuration declarations to be in a different library from
; the corresponding configured entity. Default is to not allow this for
; stricter LRM-compliance.
; SeparateConfigLibrary = 1;
; Determine how mode OUT subprogram parameters of type array and record are treated.
; If 0 (the default), then only VHDL 2008 will do this initialization.
; If 1, always initialize the mode OUT parameter to its default value.
; If 2, do not initialize the mode OUT out parameter.
; Note that prior to release 10.1, all language versions did not initialize mode
; OUT array and record type parameters, unless overridden here via this mechanism.
; In release 10.1 and later, only files compiled with VHDL 2008 will cause this
; initialization, unless overridden here.
; InitOutCompositeParam = 0
; Generate symbols debugging database in only some special cases to save on
; the number of files in the library. For other design-units, this database is
; generated on-demand in vsim.
; Default is to to generate debugging database for all design-units.
; SmartDbgSym = 1
; Enable or disable automatic creation of missing libraries.
; Default is 1 (enabled)
; CreateLib = 1
; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units.
; Default is to include debugging info.
; NoDebug = 1
; Turn on `protect compiler directive processing.
; Default is to ignore `protect directives.
; Protect = 1
; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
; Quiet = 1
; Turn on Verilog hazard checking (order-dependent accessing of global vars).
; Default is off.
; Hazard = 1
; Turn on converting regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase. Allows case
; insensitivity for module names. Default is no conversion.
; UpCase = 1
; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals,
; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off.
; ScalarOpts = 1
; Turns on lint-style checking.
; Show_Lint = 1
; Show source line containing error. Default is off.
; Show_source = 1
; Turn on bad option warning. Default is off.
; Show_BadOptionWarning = 1
; Revert back to IEEE 1364-1995 syntax, default is 0 (off).
; vlog95compat = 1
; Turn off PSL warning messages. Default is to show warnings.
; Show_PslChecksWarnings = 0
; Enable parsing of embedded PSL assertions. Default is enabled.
; EmbeddedPsl = 0
; Enable compiler statistics. Specify one or more arguments:
; [all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list,kb]
; Add '-' to disable specific statistics. Default is [time,cmd,msg].
; Stats = time,cmd,msg
; Set the threshold for automatically identifying sparse Verilog memories.
; A memory with depth equal to or more than the sparse memory threshold gets
; marked as sparse automatically, unless specified otherwise in source code
; or by +nosparse commandline option of vlog or vopt.
; The default is 1M. (i.e. memories with depth equal
; to or greater than 1M are marked as sparse)
; SparseMemThreshold = 1048576
; Set the prefix to be honored for synthesis and coverage pragma recognition.
; Default is "".
; AddPragmaPrefix = ""
; Ignore synthesis and coverage pragmas with this prefix.
; Default is "".
; IgnorePragmaPrefix = ""
; Set the option to treat all files specified in a vlog invocation as a
; single compilation unit. The default value is set to 0 which will treat
; each file as a separate compilation unit as specified in the P1800 draft standard.
; MultiFileCompilationUnit = 1
; Turn on code coverage in Verilog design units. Default is off.
; Coverage = sbceft
; Automatically exclude Verilog case statement default branches.
; Default is to not automatically exclude defaults.
; CoverExcludeDefault = 1
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table
; implementing a VHDL condition coverage or expression coverage expression.
; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered.
; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present
; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions
; covered with FEC metric.
; CoverMaxFECRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the limit on the size of expressions and conditions
; considered for expression and condition coverages. Higher FecUdpEffort leads
; to higher compile, optimize and simulation time, but more expressions and
; conditions are considered for coverage in the design. FecUdpEffort can
; be set to a number ranging from 1 (low) to 3 (high), defined as:
; 1 - (low) Only small expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 2 - (medium) Bigger expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 3 - (high) Very large expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; The default setting is 1 (low).
; FecUdpEffort = 1
; Enable or disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and
; expressions. Focused Expression Coverage data is provided by default when
; expression and/or condition coverage is active.
; CoverFEC = 0
; Enable or disable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
; UDP Coverage data is disabled by default when expression and/or condition
; coverage is active.
; CoverUDP = 1
; Enable or disable Rapid Expression Coverage mode for conditions and expressions.
; Disabling this would convert non-masking conditions in FEC tables to matching
; input patterns.
; CoverREC = 1
; Enable or disable bit-blasting multi-bit operands of reduction prefix expressions
; for expression/condition coverage.
; NOTE: Enabling this may have a negative impact on simulation performance.
; CoverExpandReductionPrefix = 0
; Enable or disable short circuit evaluation of conditions and expressions when
; condition or expression coverage is active. Short circuit evaluation is enabled
; by default.
; CoverShortCircuit = 0
; Enable deglitching of code coverage in combinatorial, non-clocked, processes.
; Default is no deglitching.
; CoverDeglitchOn = 1
; Control the code coverage deglitching period. A period of 0, eliminates delta
; cycle glitches. The value of CoverDeglitchPeriod needs to be either be 0 or a
; time string that includes time units. Examples: 0 or 10.0ps or "10.0 ps".
; CoverDeglitchPeriod = 0
; Turn on code coverage in VLOG `celldefine modules, modules containing
; specify blocks, and modules included using vlog -v and -y. Default is off.
; CoverCells = 1
; Enable code coverage reporting of code that has been optimized away.
; The default is not to report.
; CoverReportCancelled = 1
; Control compiler and VOPT optimizations that are allowed when
; code coverage is on. This is a number from 0 to 5, with the following
; meanings (the default is 3):
; 5 -- All allowable optimizations are on.
; 4 -- Turn off removing unreferenced code.
; 3 -- Turn off process, always block and if statement merging.
; 2 -- Turn off expression optimization, converting primitives
; to continuous assignments, VHDL subprogram inlining.
; and VHDL clkOpt (converting FF's to builtins).
; 1 -- Turn off continuous assignment optimizations and clock suppression.
; 0 -- Turn off Verilog module inlining and VHDL arch inlining.
; HOWEVER, if fsm coverage is turned on, optimizations will be forced to
; level 3, with also turning off converting primitives to continuous assigns.
; CoverOpt = 3
; Specify the override for the default value of "cross_num_print_missing"
; option for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then LRM default
; value of 0 (zero) is used. This is a compile time option.
; SVCrossNumPrintMissingDefault = 0
; Setting following to 1 would cause creation of variables which
; would represent the value of Coverpoint expressions. This is used
; in conjunction with "SVCoverpointExprVariablePrefix" option
; in the modelsim.ini
; EnableSVCoverpointExprVariable = 0
; Specify the override for the prefix used in forming the variable names
; which represent the Coverpoint expressions. This is used in conjunction with
; "EnableSVCoverpointExprVariable" option of the modelsim.ini
; The default prefix is "expr".
; The variable name is
; variable name => <prefix>_<coverpoint name>
; SVCoverpointExprVariablePrefix = expr
; Override for the default value of the SystemVerilog covergroup,
; coverpoint, and cross option.goal (defined to be 100 in the LRM).
; NOTE: It does not override specific assignments in SystemVerilog
; source code. NOTE: The modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupGoal"
; in the [vsim] section can override this value.
; SVCovergroupGoalDefault = 100
; Override for the default value of the SystemVerilog covergroup,
; coverpoint, and cross type_option.goal (defined to be 100 in the LRM)
; NOTE: It does not override specific assignments in SystemVerilog
; source code. NOTE: The modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupTypeGoal"
; in the [vsim] section can override this value.
; SVCovergroupTypeGoalDefault = 100
; Specify the override for the default value of "strobe" option for the
; Covergroup Type. This is a compile time option which forces "strobe" to
; a user specified default value and supersedes SystemVerilog specified
; default value of '0'(zero). NOTE: This can be overriden by a runtime
; modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupStrobe" in the [vsim] section.
; SVCovergroupStrobeDefault = 0
; Specify the override for the default value of "per_instance" option for the
; Covergroup variables. This is a compile time option which forces "per_instance"
; to a user specified default value and supersedes SystemVerilog specified
; default value of '0'(zero).
; SVCovergroupPerInstanceDefault = 0
; Specify the override for the default value of "get_inst_coverage" option for the
; Covergroup variables. This is a compile time option which forces
; "get_inst_coverage" to a user specified default value and supersedes
; SystemVerilog specified default value of '0'(zero).
; SVCovergroupGetInstCoverageDefault = 0
; A space separated list of resource libraries that contain precompiled
; packages. The behavior is identical to using the "-L" switch.
; LibrarySearchPath = <path/lib> [<path/lib> ...]
LibrarySearchPath = mtiAvm mtiRnm mtiOvm mtiUvm mtiUPF infact
; The behavior is identical to the "-mixedansiports" switch. Default is off.
; MixedAnsiPorts = 1
; Enable SystemVerilog 3.1a $typeof() function. Default is off.
; EnableTypeOf = 1
; Only allow lower case pragmas. Default is disabled.
; AcceptLowerCasePragmaOnly = 1
; Set the maximum depth permitted for a recursive include file nesting.
; IncludeRecursionDepthMax = 5
; Turn ON detection of FSMs having single bit current state variable.
; FsmSingle = 1
; Turn off reset state transitions in FSM.
; FsmResetTrans = 0
; Turn off detections of FSMs having x-assignment.
; FsmXAssign = 0
; Turn ON detection of FSM Implicit Transitions.
; FsmImplicitTrans = 1
; List of file suffixes which will be read as SystemVerilog. White space
; in extensions can be specified with a back-slash: "\ ". Back-slashes
; can be specified with two consecutive back-slashes: "\\";
; SvFileSuffixes = sv svp svh
; This setting is the same as the vlog -sv command line switch.
; Enables SystemVerilog features and keywords when true (1).
; When false (0), the rules of IEEE Std 1364-2001 are followed and
; SystemVerilog keywords are ignored.
; Svlog = 0
; Prints attribute placed upon SV packages during package import
; when true (1). The attribute will be ignored when this
; entry is false (0). The attribute name is "package_load_message".
; The value of this attribute is a string literal.
; Default is true (1).
; PrintSVPackageLoadingAttribute = 1
; Do not show immediate assertions with constant expressions in
; GUI/reports/UCDB etc. By default immediate assertions with constant
; expressions are shown in GUI/reports/UCDB etc. This does not affect
; evaluation of immediate assertions.
; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0
; Controls if untyped parameters that are initialized with values greater
; than 2147483647 are mapped to generics of type INTEGER or ignored.
; If mapped to VHDL Integers, values greater than 2147483647
; are mapped to negative values.
; Default is to map these parameter to generic of type INTEGER
; ForceUnsignedToVHDLInteger = 1
; Enable AMS wreal (wired real) extensions. Default is 0.
; WrealType = 1
; Controls SystemVerilog Language Extensions. These options enable
; some non-LRM compliant behavior. Valid extensions are:
; "acum", "atpi", "catx", "daoa", "feci", "fin0", "idcl",
; "iddp", "pae", "sccts", "spsl", "stop0", "udm0", and "uslt".
; SvExtensions = uslt,spsl,sccts
; Generate symbols debugging database in only some special cases to save on
; the number of files in the library. For other design-units, this database is
; generated on-demand in vsim.
; Default is to to generate debugging database for all design-units.
; SmartDbgSym = 1
; Controls how $unit library entries are named. Valid options are:
; "file" (generate name based on the first file on the command line)
; "du" (generate name based on first design unit following an item
; found in $unit scope)
; CUAutoName = file
; Enable or disable automatic creation of missing libraries.
; Default is 1 (enabled)
; CreateLib = 1
; Enable use of SCV include files and library. Default is off.
; UseScv = 1
; Add C++ compiler options to the sccom command line by using this variable.
; CppOptions = -g
; Use custom C++ compiler located at this path rather than the default path.
; The path should point directly at a compiler executable.
; CppPath = /usr/bin/g++
; Specify the compiler version from the list of support GNU compilers.
; examples 4.3.3, 4.5.0
; CppInstall = 4.5.0
; Enable verbose messages from sccom. Default is off.
; SccomVerbose = 1
; sccom logfile. Default is no logfile.
; SccomLogfile = sccom.log
; Enable use of SC_MS include files and library. Default is off.
; UseScMs = 1
; Use SystemC-2.2 instead of the default SystemC-2.3. Default is off.
; Sc22Mode = 1
; Enable compiler statistics. Specify one or more arguments:
; [all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list,kb]
; Add '-' to disable specific statistics. Default is [time,cmd,msg].
; Stats = time,cmd,msg
; Enable or disable automatic creation of missing libraries.
; Default is 1 (enabled)
; CreateLib = 1
; Turn on code coverage in vopt. Default is off.
; Coverage = sbceft
; Control compiler optimizations that are allowed when
; code coverage is on. Refer to the comment for this in the [vlog] area.
; CoverOpt = 3
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of rows allowed in a UDP table
; implementing a VHDL condition coverage or expression coverage expression.
; More rows leads to a longer compile time, but more expressions covered.
; CoverMaxUDPRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the maximum number of input patterns that are present
; in FEC table. This leads to a longer compile time with more expressions
; covered with FEC metric.
; CoverMaxFECRows = 192
; Increase or decrease the limit on the size of expressions and conditions
; considered for expression and condition coverages. Higher FecUdpEffort leads
; to higher compile, optimize and simulation time, but more expressions and
; conditions are considered for coverage in the design. FecUdpEffort can
; be set to a number ranging from 1 (low) to 3 (high), defined as:
; 1 - (low) Only small expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 2 - (medium) Bigger expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; 3 - (high) Very large expressions and conditions considered for coverage.
; The default setting is 1 (low).
; FecUdpEffort = 1
; Enable code coverage reporting of code that has been optimized away.
; The default is not to report.
; CoverReportCancelled = 1
; Enable deglitching of code coverage in combinatorial, non-clocked, processes.
; Default is no deglitching.
; CoverDeglitchOn = 1
; Enable compiler statistics. Specify one or more arguments:
; [all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list,kb]
; Add '-' to disable specific statistics. Default is [time,cmd,msg].
; Stats = time,cmd,msg
; Control the code coverage deglitching period. A period of 0, eliminates delta
; cycle glitches. The value of CoverDeglitchPeriod needs to be either be 0 or a
; time string that includes time units. Examples: 0 or 10.0ps or "10.0 ps".
; CoverDeglitchPeriod = 0
; Do not show immediate assertions with constant expressions in
; GUI/reports/UCDB etc. By default immediate assertions with constant
; expressions are shown in GUI/reports/UCDB etc. This does not affect
; evaluation of immediate assertions.
; ShowConstantImmediateAsserts = 0
; Set the maximum number of iterations permitted for a generate loop.
; Restricting this permits the implementation to recognize infinite
; generate loops.
; GenerateLoopIterationMax = 100000
; Set the maximum depth permitted for a recursive generate instantiation.
; Restricting this permits the implementation to recognize infinite
; recursions.
; GenerateRecursionDepthMax = 200
; Set the number of processes created during the code generation phase.
; By default a heuristic is used to set this value. This may be set to 0
; to disable this feature completely.
; ParallelJobs = 0
; Controls SystemVerilog Language Extensions. These options enable
; some non-LRM compliant behavior. Valid extensions are "feci",
; "pae", "uslt", "spsl", "fin0" and "sccts".
; SvExtensions = uslt,spsl,sccts
; Load the specified shared objects with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.
; This gives global visibility to all symbols in the shared objects,
; meaning that subsequently loaded shared objects can bind to symbols
; in the global shared objects. The list of shared objects should
; be whitespace delimited. This option is not supported on the
; Windows or AIX platforms.
; GlobalSharedObjectList = example1.so example2.so example3.so
; Disable SystemVerilog elaboration system task messages
; IgnoreSVAInfo = 1
; IgnoreSVAWarning = 1
; IgnoreSVAError = 1
; IgnoreSVAFatal = 1
; Enable or disable automatic creation of missing libraries.
; Default is 1 (enabled)
; CreateLib = 1
; vopt flow
; Set to turn on automatic optimization of a design.
; Default is on
VoptFlow = 1
; Simulator resolution
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100.
Resolution = ns
; Disable certain code coverage exclusions automatically.
; Assertions and FSM are exluded from the code coverage by default
; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = fsm to enable code coverage for fsm
; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = assertions to enable code coverage for assertions
; Set AutoExclusionsDisable = all to enable code coverage for all the automatic exclusions
; Or specify comma or space separated list
;AutoExclusionsDisable = fsm,assertions
; User time unit for run commands
; Set to default, fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec. The default is to use the
; unit specified for Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps,
; then UserTimeUnit defaults to ps.
; Should generally be set to default.
UserTimeUnit = default
; Default run length
RunLength = 100 ns
; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time
IterationLimit = 10000000
; Specify libraries to be searched for precompiled modules
; LibrarySearchPath = <path/lib> [<path/lib> ...]
; Set XPROP assertion fail limit. Default is 5.
; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity.
; XpropAssertionLimit = 5
; Control PSL and Verilog Assume directives during simulation
; Set SimulateAssumeDirectives = 0 to disable assume being simulated as asserts
; Set SimulateAssumeDirectives = 1 to enable assume simulation as asserts
; SimulateAssumeDirectives = 1
; Control the simulation of PSL and SVA
; These switches can be overridden by the vsim command line switches:
; -psl, -nopsl, -sva, -nosva.
; Set SimulatePSL = 0 to disable PSL simulation
; Set SimulatePSL = 1 to enable PSL simulation (default)
; SimulatePSL = 1
; Set SimulateSVA = 0 to disable SVA simulation
; Set SimulateSVA = 1 to enable concurrent SVA simulation (default)
; SimulateSVA = 1
; Control SVA and VHDL immediate assertion directives during simulation
; Set SimulateImmedAsserts = 0 to disable simulation of immediate asserts
; Set SimulateImmedAsserts = 1 to enable simulation of immediate asserts
; SimulateImmedAsserts = 1
; License feature mappings for Verilog and VHDL
; qhsimvh Single language VHDL license
; qhsimvl Single language Verilog license
; msimhdlsim Language neutral license for either Verilog or VHDL
; msimhdlmix Second language only, language neutral license for either
; Verilog or VHDL
; Directives to license manager can be set either as single value or as
; space separated multi-values:
; vhdl Immediately checkout and hold a VHDL license (i.e., one of
; qhsimvh, msimhdlsim, or msimhdlmix)
; vlog Immediately checkout and hold a Verilog license (i.e., one of
; qhsimvl, msimhdlsim, or msimhdlmix)
; plus Immediately checkout and hold a VHDL license and a Verilog license
; noqueue Do not wait in the license queue when a license is not available
; viewsim Try for viewer license but accept simulator license(s) instead
; of queuing for viewer license (PE ONLY)
; noviewer Disable checkout of msimviewer license feature (PE ONLY)
; noslvhdl Disable checkout of qhsimvh license feature
; noslvlog Disable checkout of qhsimvl license feature
; nomix Disable checkout of msimhdlmix license feature
; nolnl Disable checkout of msimhdlsim license feature
; mixedonly Disable checkout of qhsimvh and qhsimvl license features
; lnlonly Disable checkout of qhsimvh,qhsimvl, and msimhdlmix license features
; Examples (remove ";" comment character to activate licensing directives):
; Single directive:
; License = plus
; Multi-directive (Note: space delimited directives):
; License = noqueue plus
; Severity level of a VHDL assertion message or of a SystemVerilog severity system task
; which will cause a running simulation to stop.
; VHDL assertions and SystemVerilog severity system task that occur with the
; given severity or higher will cause a running simulation to stop.
; This value is ignored during elaboration.
; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal
BreakOnAssertion = 3
; Severity level of a tool message which will cause a running simulation to
; stop. This value is ignored during elaboration. Default is to not break.
; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Fatal
;BreakOnMessage = 2
; The class debug feature enables more visibility and tracking of class instances
; during simulation. By default this feature is disabled (0). To enable this
; feature set ClassDebug to 1.
; ClassDebug = 1
; Message Format conversion specifications:
; %S - Severity Level of message/assertion
; %R - Text of message
; %T - Time of message
; %D - Delta value (iteration number) of Time
; %K - Kind of path: Instance/Region/Signal/Process/Foreign Process/Unknown/Protected
; %i - Instance/Region/Signal pathname with Process name (if available)
; %I - shorthand for one of these:
; " %K: %i"
; " %K: %i File: %F" (when path is not Process or Signal)
; except that the %i in this case does not report the Process name
; %O - Process name
; %P - Instance/Region path without leaf process
; %F - File name
; %L - Line number; if assertion message, then line number of assertion or, if
; assertion is in a subprogram, line from which the call is made
; %u - Design unit name in form library.primary
; %U - Design unit name in form library.primary(secondary)
; %% - The '%' character itself
; If specific format for Severity Level is defined, use that format.
; Else, for a message that occurs during elaboration:
; -- Failure/Fatal message in VHDL region that is not a Process, and in
; certain non-VHDL regions, uses MessageFormatBreakLine;
; -- Failure/Fatal message otherwise uses MessageFormatBreak;
; -- Note/Warning/Error message uses MessageFormat.
; Else, for a message that occurs during runtime and triggers a breakpoint because
; of the BreakOnAssertion setting:
; -- if in a VHDL region that is not a Process, uses MessageFormatBreakLine;
; -- otherwise uses MessageFormatBreak.
; Else (a runtime message that does not trigger a breakpoint) uses MessageFormat.
; MessageFormatNote = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n"
; MessageFormatWarning = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n"
; MessageFormatError = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n"
; MessageFormatFail = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n"
; MessageFormatFatal = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n"
; MessageFormatBreakLine = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F Line: %L\n"
; MessageFormatBreak = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n"
; MessageFormat = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n"
; Error File - alternate file for storing error messages
; ErrorFile = error.log
; Simulation Breakpoint messages
; This flag controls the display of function names when reporting the location
; where the simulator stops because of a breakpoint or fatal error.
; Example with function name: # Break in Process ctr at counter.vhd line 44
; Example without function name: # Break at counter.vhd line 44
; Default value is 1.
ShowFunctions = 1
; Default radix for all windows and commands.
; Radix may be one of: symbolic, ascii, binary, octal, decimal, hex, unsigned
; Flags may be one of: enumnumeric, showbase
DefaultRadix = hexadecimal
DefaultRadixFlags = showbase
; Set to 1 for make the signal_force VHDL and Verilog functions use the
; default radix when processing the force value. Prior to 10.2 signal_force
; used the default radix, now it always uses symbolic unless value explicitly indicates base
;SignalForceFunctionUseDefaultRadix = 0
; VSIM Startup command
; Startup = do startup.do
; VSIM Shutdown file
; Filename to save u/i formats and configurations.
; ShutdownFile = restart.do
; To explicitly disable auto save:
; ShutdownFile = --disable-auto-save
; Run simulator in batch mode as if -batch were specified on the command line if none of -c, -gui, or -i specified.
; Simulator runs in interactive mode as if -i were specified if this option is 0. Default is 0.
; BatchMode = 1
; File for saving command transcript when -batch option used
; This option is ignored when -c, -gui, or -i options are used or if BatchMode above is zero
; default is unset so command transcript only goes to stdout for better performance
; BatchTranscriptFile = transcript
; File for saving command transcript, this option is ignored when -batch option is used
TranscriptFile = transcript
; File for saving command history
; CommandHistory = cmdhist.log
; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described
; in VHDL or Verilog format.
; For VHDL, PathSeparator = /
; For Verilog, PathSeparator = .
; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator.
PathSeparator = /
; Specify the dataset separator for fully rooted contexts.
; The default is ':'. For example: sim:/top
; Must not be the same character as PathSeparator.
DatasetSeparator = :
; Specify a unique path separator for the Signal Spy set of functions.
; The default will be to use the PathSeparator variable.
; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator.
; SignalSpyPathSeparator = /
; Used to control parsing of HDL identifiers input to the tool.
; This includes CLI commands, vsim/vopt/vlog/vcom options,
; string arguments to FLI/VPI/DPI calls, etc.
; If set to 1, accept either Verilog escaped Id syntax or
; VHDL extended id syntax, regardless of source language.
; If set to 0, the syntax of the source language must be used.
; Each identifier in a hierarchical name may need different syntax,
; e.g. "/top/\vhdl*ext*id\/middle/\vlog*ext*id /bottom" or
; "top.\vhdl*ext*id\.middle.\vlog*ext*id .bottom"
; GenerousIdentifierParsing = 1
; Disable VHDL assertion messages
; IgnoreNote = 1
; IgnoreWarning = 1
; IgnoreError = 1
; IgnoreFailure = 1
; Disable SystemVerilog assertion messages
; IgnoreSVAInfo = 1
; IgnoreSVAWarning = 1
; IgnoreSVAError = 1
; IgnoreSVAFatal = 1
; Do not print any additional information from Severity System tasks.
; Only the message provided by the user is printed along with severity
; information.
; SVAPrintOnlyUserMessage = 1;
; Default force kind. May be freeze, drive, deposit, or default
; or in other terms, fixed, wired, or charged.
; A value of "default" will use the signal kind to determine the
; force kind, drive for resolved signals, freeze for unresolved signals
; DefaultForceKind = freeze
; Control the iteration of events when a VHDL signal is forced to a value
; This flag can be set to honour the signal update event in next iteration,
; the default is to update and propagate in the same iteration.
; ForceSigNextIter = 1
; Enable simulation statistics. Specify one or more arguments:
; [all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list,kb,eor]
; Add '-' to disable specific statistics. Default is [time,cmd,msg].
; Stats = time,cmd,msg
; If zero, open files when elaborated; otherwise, open files on
; first read or write. Default is 0.
; DelayFileOpen = 1
; Control VHDL files opened for write.
; 0 = Buffered, 1 = Unbuffered
UnbufferedOutput = 0
; Control the number of VHDL files open concurrently.
; This number should always be less than the current ulimit
; setting for max file descriptors.
; 0 = unlimited
ConcurrentFileLimit = 40
; If nonzero, close files as soon as there is either an explicit call to
; file_close, or when the file variable's scope is closed. When zero, a
; file opened in append mode is not closed in case it is immediately
; reopened in append mode; otherwise, the file will be closed at the
; point it is reopened.
; AppendClose = 1
; Control the number of hierarchical regions displayed as
; part of a signal name shown in the Wave window.
; A value of zero tells VSIM to display the full name.
; The default is 0.
; WaveSignalNameWidth = 0
; Turn off warnings when changing VHDL constants and generics
; Default is 1 to generate warning messages
; WarnConstantChange = 0
; Turn off warnings from accelerated versions of the std_logic_arith,
; std_logic_unsigned, and std_logic_signed packages.
; StdArithNoWarnings = 1
; Turn off warnings from accelerated versions of the IEEE numeric_std
; and numeric_bit packages.
; NumericStdNoWarnings = 1
; Use old-style (pre-6.6) VHDL FOR GENERATE statement iteration names
; in the design hierarchy.
; This style is controlled by the value of the GenerateFormat
; value described next. Default is to use new-style names, which
; comprise the generate statement label, '(', the value of the generate
; parameter, and a closing ')'.
; Set this to 1 to use old-style names.
; OldVhdlForGenNames = 1
; Control the format of the old-style VHDL FOR generate statement region
; name for each iteration. Do not quote the value.
; The format string here must contain the conversion codes %s and %d,
; in that order, and no other conversion codes. The %s represents
; the generate statement label; the %d represents the generate parameter value
; at a particular iteration (this is the position number if the generate parameter
; is of an enumeration type). Embedded whitespace is allowed (but discouraged);
; leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
; Application of the format must result in a unique region name over all
; loop iterations for a particular immediately enclosing scope so that name
; lookup can function properly. The default is %s__%d.
; GenerateFormat = %s__%d
; Enable more efficient logging of VHDL Variables.
; Logging VHDL variables without this enabled, while possible, is very
; inefficient. Enabling this will provide a more efficient logging methodology
; at the expense of more memory usage. By default this feature is disabled (0).
; To enabled this feature, set this variable to 1.
; VhdlVariableLogging = 1
; Enable logging of VHDL access type variables and their designated objects.
; This setting will allow both variables of an access type ("access variables")
; and their designated objects ("access objects") to be logged. Logging a
; variable of an access type will automatically also cause the designated
; object(s) of that variable to be logged as the simulation progresses.
; Further, enabling this allows access objects to be logged by name. By default
; this feature is disabled (0). To enable this feature, set this variable to 1.
; Enabling this will automatically enable the VhdlVariableLogging feature also.
; AccessObjDebug = 1
; Make each VHDL package in a PDU has its own separate copy of the package instead
; of sharing the package between PDUs. The default is to share packages.
; To ensure that each PDU has its own set of packages, set this variable to 1.
; VhdlSeparatePduPackage = 1
; Specify whether checkpoint files should be compressed.
; The default is 1 (compressed).
; CheckpointCompressMode = 0
; Specify gcc compiler used in the compilation of automatically generated DPI exportwrapper.
; Use custom gcc compiler located at this path rather than the default path.
; The path should point directly at a compiler executable.
; DpiCppPath = <your-gcc-installation>/bin/gcc
; Specify whether to enable SystemVerilog DPI "out-of-the-blue" calls.
; The term "out-of-the-blue" refers to SystemVerilog export function calls
; made from C functions that don't have the proper context setup
; (as is the case when running under "DPI-C" import functions).
; When this is enabled, one can call a DPI export function
; (but not task) from any C code.
; the setting of this variable can be one of the following values:
; 0 : dpioutoftheblue call is disabled (default)
; 1 : dpioutoftheblue call is enabled, but export call debug support is not available.
; 2 : dpioutoftheblue call is enabled, and limited export call debug support is available.
; DpiOutOfTheBlue = 1
; Specify whether continuous assignments are run before other normal priority
; processes scheduled in the same iteration. This event ordering minimizes race
; differences between optimized and non-optimized designs, and is the default
; behavior beginning with the 6.5 release. For pre-6.5 event ordering, set
; ImmediateContinuousAssign to 0.
; The default is 1 (enabled).
; ImmediateContinuousAssign = 0
; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications
; Veriuser = veriuser.sl
; Which default VPI object model should the tool conform to?
; The 1364 modes are Verilog-only, for backwards compatibility with older
; libraries, and SystemVerilog objects are not available in these modes.
; In the absence of a user-specified default, the tool default is the
; latest available LRM behavior.
; Options for PliCompatDefault are:
; Synonyms for each string are also recognized:
; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v1995 (1995, 95, 1364v1995, 1364V1995, VL1995)
; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2001 (2001, 01, 1364v2001, 1364V2001, VL2001)
; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1364v2005 (1364v2005, 1364V2005, VL2005)
; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2005 (2005, 05, 1800v2005, 1800V2005, SV2005)
; VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2008 (2008, 08, 1800v2008, 1800V2008, SV2008)
; PliCompatDefault = VPI_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_1800v2005
; Specify whether the Verilog system task $fopen or vpi_mcd_open()
; will create directories that do not exist when opening the file
; in "a" or "w" mode.
; The default is 0 (do not create non-existent directories)
; CreateDirForFileAccess = 1
; Specify default options for the restart command. Options can be one
; or more of: -force -nobreakpoint -nolist -nolog -nowave -noassertions
; DefaultRestartOptions = -force
; Specify default UVM-aware debug options if the vsim -uvmcontrol switch is not used.
; Valid options include: all, none, verbose, disable, struct, msglog, trlog, certe.
; Options can be enabled by just adding the name, or disabled by prefixing the option with a "-".
; The list of options must be delimited by commas, without spaces or tabs.
; The default is UVMControl = struct
; Some examples
; To turn on all available UVM-aware debug features:
; UVMControl = all
; To turn on the struct window, mesage logging, and transaction logging:
; UVMControl = struct,msglog,trlog
; To turn on all options except certe:
; UVMControl = all,-certe
; To completely disable all UVM-aware debug functionality:
; UVMControl = disable
; Specify the WildcardFilter setting.
; A space separated list of object types to be excluded when performing
; wildcard matches with log, wave, etc commands. The default value for this variable is:
; "Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory Assertion Cover Endpoint ScVariable CellInternal ImmediateAssert VHDLFile"
; See "Using the WildcardFilter Preference Variable" in the documentation for
; details on how to use this variable and for descriptions of the filter types.
WildcardFilter = Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory Assertion Cover Endpoint ScVariable CellInternal ImmediateAssert VHDLFile
; Specify the WildcardSizeThreshold setting.
; This integer setting specifies the size at which objects will be excluded when
; performing wildcard matches with log, wave, etc commands. Objects of size equal
; to or greater than the WildcardSizeThreshold will be filtered out from the wildcard
; matches. The size is a simple calculation of number of bits or items in the object.
; The default value is 8k (8192). Setting this value to 0 will disable the checking
; of object size against this threshold and allow all objects of any size to be logged.
WildcardSizeThreshold = 8192
; Specify whether warning messages are output when objects are filtered out due to the
; WildcardSizeThreshold. The default is 0 (no messages generated).
WildcardSizeThresholdVerbose = 0
; Turn on (1) or off (0) WLF file compression.
; The default is 1 (compress WLF file).
; WLFCompress = 0
; Specify whether to save all design hierarchy (1) in the WLF file
; or only regions containing logged signals (0).
; The default is 0 (save only regions with logged signals).
; WLFSaveAllRegions = 1
; WLF file time limit. Limit WLF file by time, as closely as possible,
; to the specified amount of simulation time. When the limit is exceeded
; the earliest times get truncated from the file.
; If both time and size limits are specified the most restrictive is used.
; UserTimeUnits are used if time units are not specified.
; The default is 0 (no limit). Example: WLFTimeLimit = {100 ms}
; WLFTimeLimit = 0
; WLF file size limit. Limit WLF file size, as closely as possible,
; to the specified number of megabytes. If both time and size limits
; are specified then the most restrictive is used.
; The default is 0 (no limit).
; WLFSizeLimit = 1000
; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be deleted when the
; simulation ends. A value of 1 will cause the WLF file to be deleted.
; The default is 0 (do not delete WLF file when simulation ends).
; WLFDeleteOnQuit = 1
; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be optimized during
; simulation. If set to 0, the WLF file will not be optimized.
; The default is 1, optimize the WLF file.
; WLFOptimize = 0
; Specify the name of the WLF file.
; The default is vsim.wlf
; WLFFilename = vsim.wlf
; Specify whether to lock the WLF file.
; Locking the file prevents other invocations of ModelSim/Questa tools from
; inadvertently overwriting the WLF file.
; The default is 1, lock the WLF file.
; WLFFileLock = 0
; Specify the update interval for the WLF file in live simulation.
; The interval is given in seconds.
; The value is the smallest interval between WLF file updates. The WLF file
; will be flushed (updated) after (at least) the interval has elapsed, ensuring
; that the data is correct when viewed from a separate viewer.
; A value of 0 means that no updating will occur.
; The default value is 10 seconds.
; WLFUpdateInterval = 10
; Specify the WLF cache size limit for WLF files.
; The value is given in megabytes. A value of 0 turns off the cache.
; On non-Windows platforms the default WLFCacheSize setting is 2000 (megabytes).
; On Windows, the default value is 1000 (megabytes) to help to avoid filling
; process memory.
; WLFSimCacheSize allows a different cache size to be set for a live simulation
; WLF file, independent of post-simulation WLF file viewing. If WLFSimCacheSize
; is not set, it defaults to the WLFCacheSize value.
; WLFCacheSize = 2000
; WLFSimCacheSize = 500
; Specify the WLF file event collapse mode.
; 0 = Preserve all events and event order. (same as -wlfnocollapse)
; 1 = Only record values of logged objects at the end of a simulator iteration.
; (same as -wlfcollapsedelta)
; 2 = Only record values of logged objects at the end of a simulator time step.
; (same as -wlfcollapsetime)
; The default is 1.
; WLFCollapseMode = 0
; Specify whether WLF file logging can use threads on multi-processor machines.
; If 0, no threads will be used; if 1, threads will be used if the system has
; more than one processor.
; WLFUseThreads = 1
; Specify the size of objects that will trigger "large object" messages
; at log/wave/list time. The size calculation of the object is the same as that
; used by the WildcardSizeThreshold. The default LargeObjectSize size is 500,000.
; Setting LargeObjectSize to 0 will disable these messages.
; LargeObjectSize = 500000
; Specify the depth of stack frames returned by $stacktrace([level]).
; This depth will be picked up when the optional 'level' argument
; is not specified or its value is not a positive integer.
; StackTraceDepth = 100
; Turn on/off undebuggable SystemC type warnings. Default is on.
; ShowUndebuggableScTypeWarning = 0
; Turn on/off unassociated SystemC name warnings. Default is off.
; ShowUnassociatedScNameWarning = 1
; Turn on/off SystemC IEEE 1666 deprecation warnings. Default is off.
; ScShowIeeeDeprecationWarnings = 1
; Turn on/off the check for multiple drivers on a SystemC sc_signal. Default is off.
; ScEnableScSignalWriteCheck = 1
; Set SystemC default time unit.
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional
; prefix of 1, 10, or 100. The default is 1 ns.
; The ScTimeUnit value is honored if it is coarser than Resolution.
; If ScTimeUnit is finer than Resolution, it is set to the value
; of Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps and ScTimeUnit is ns,
; then the default time unit will be 1 ns. However if Resolution
; is 10 ns and ScTimeUnit is ns, then the default time unit will be 10 ns.
ScTimeUnit = ns
; Set SystemC sc_main stack size. The stack size is set as an integer
; number followed by the unit which can be Kb(Kilo-byte), Mb(Mega-byte) or
; Gb(Giga-byte). Default is 10 Mb. The stack size for sc_main depends
; on the amount of data on the sc_main() stack and the memory required
; to succesfully execute the longest function call chain of sc_main().
ScMainStackSize = 10 Mb
; Set SystemC thread stack size. The stack size is set as an integer
; number followed by the unit which can be Kb(Kilo-byte), Mb(Mega-byte) or
; Gb(Giga-byte). The stack size for sc_thread depends
; on the amount of data on the sc_thread stack and the memory required
; to succesfully execute the thread.
; ScStackSize = 1 Mb
; Turn on/off execution of remainder of sc_main upon quitting the current
; simulation session. If the cumulative length of sc_main() in terms of
; simulation time units is less than the length of the current simulation
; run upon quit or restart, sc_main() will be in the middle of execution.
; This switch gives the option to execute the remainder of sc_main upon
; quitting simulation. The drawback of not running sc_main till the end
; is memory leaks for objects created by sc_main. If on, the remainder of
; sc_main will be executed ignoring all delays. This may cause the simulator
; to crash if the code in sc_main is dependent on some simulation state.
; Default is on.
ScMainFinishOnQuit = 1
; Set the SCV relationship name that will be used to identify phase
; relations. If the name given to a transactor relation matches this
; name, the transactions involved will be treated as phase transactions
ScvPhaseRelationName = mti_phase
; Customize the vsim kernel shutdown behavior at the end of the simulation.
; Some common causes of the end of simulation are $finish (implicit or explicit),
; sc_stop(), tf_dofinish(), and assertion failures.
; This should be set to "ask", "exit", or "stop". The default is "ask".
; "ask" -- In batch mode, the vsim kernel will abruptly exit.
; In GUI mode, a dialog box will pop up and ask for user confirmation
; whether or not to quit the simulation.
; "stop" -- Cause the simulation to stay loaded in memory. This can make some
; post-simulation tasks easier.
; "exit" -- The simulation will abruptly exit without asking for any confirmation.
; "final" -- Run SystemVerilog final blocks then behave as "stop".
; Note: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-onfinish" command line switch.
OnFinish = ask
; Print pending deferred assertion messages.
; Deferred assertion messages may be scheduled after the $finish in the same
; time step. Deferred assertions scheduled to print after the $finish are
; printed before exiting with severity level NOTE since it's not known whether
; the assertion is still valid due to being printed in the active region
; instead of the reactive region where they are normally printed.
; OnFinishPendingAssert = 1;
; Print "simstats" result. Default is 0.
; 0 == do not print simstats
; 1 == print at end of simulation
; 2 == print at end of each run command and end of simulation
; PrintSimStats = 1
; Assertion File - alternate file for storing VHDL/PSL/Verilog assertion messages
; AssertFile = assert.log
; Enable assertion counts. Default is off.
; AssertionCover = 1
; Run simulator in assertion debug mode. Default is off.
; AssertionDebug = 1
; Turn on/off PSL/SVA/VHDL assertion enable. Default is on.
; AssertionEnable = 0
; Set PSL/SVA/VHDL concurrent assertion fail limit. Default is -1.
; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity.
; AssertionLimit = 1
; Turn on/off concurrent assertion pass log. Default is off.
; Assertion pass logging is only enabled when assertion is browseable
; and assertion debug is enabled.
; AssertionPassLog = 1
; Turn on/off PSL concurrent assertion fail log. Default is on.
; The flag does not affect SVA
; AssertionFailLog = 0
; Turn on/off SVA concurrent assertion local var printing in -assertdebug mode. Default is on.
; AssertionFailLocalVarLog = 0
; Set action type for PSL/SVA concurrent assertion fail action. Default is continue.
; 0 = Continue 1 = Break 2 = Exit
; AssertionFailAction = 1
; Enable the active thread monitor in the waveform display when assertion debug is enabled.
; AssertionActiveThreadMonitor = 1
; Control how many waveform rows will be used for displaying the active threads. Default is 5.
; AssertionActiveThreadMonitorLimit = 5
; Assertion thread limit after which assertion would be killed/switched off.
; The default is -1 (unlimited). If the number of threads for an assertion go
; beyond this limit, the assertion would be either switched off or killed. This
; limit applies to only assert directives.
;AssertionThreadLimit = -1
; Action to be taken once the assertion thread limit is reached. Default
; is kill. It can have a value of off or kill. In case of kill, all the existing
; threads are terminated and no new attempts are started. In case of off, the
; existing attempts keep on evaluating but no new attempts are started. This
; variable applies to only assert directives.
;AssertionThreadLimitAction = kill
; Cover thread limit after which cover would be killed/switched off.
; The default is -1 (unlimited). If the number of threads for a cover go
; beyond this limit, the cover would be either switched off or killed. This
; limit applies to only cover directives.
;CoverThreadLimit = -1
; Action to be taken once the cover thread limit is reached. Default
; is kill. It can have a value of off or kill. In case of kill, all the existing
; threads are terminated and no new attempts are started. In case of off, the
; existing attempts keep on evaluating but no new attempts are started. This
; variable applies to only cover directives.
;CoverThreadLimitAction = kill
; By default immediate assertions do not participate in Assertion Coverage calculations
; unless they are executed. This switch causes all immediate assertions in the design
; to participate in Assertion Coverage calculations, whether attempted or not.
; UnattemptedImmediateAssertions = 0
; By default immediate covers participate in Coverage calculations
; whether they are attempted or not. This switch causes all unattempted
; immediate covers in the design to stop participating in Coverage
; calculations.
; UnattemptedImmediateCovers = 0
; By default pass action block is not executed for assertions on vacuous
; success. The following variable is provided to enable execution of
; pass action block on vacuous success. The following variable is only effective
; if the user does not disable pass action block execution by using either
; system tasks or CLI. Also there is a performance penalty for enabling
; the following variable.
;AssertionEnableVacuousPassActionBlock = 1
; As per strict 1850-2005 PSL LRM, an always property can either pass
; or fail. However, by default, Questa reports multiple passes and
; multiple fails on top always/never property (always/never operator
; is the top operator under Verification Directive). The reason
; being that Questa reports passes and fails on per attempt of the
; top always/never property. Use the following flag to instruct
; Questa to strictly follow LRM. With this flag, all assert/never
; directives will start an attempt once at start of simulation.
; The attempt can either fail, match or match vacuously.
; For e.g. if always is the top operator under assert, the always will
; keep on checking the property at every clock. If the property under
; always fails, the directive will be considered failed and no more
; checking will be done for that directive. A top always property,
; if it does not fail, will show a pass at end of simulation.
; The default value is '0' (i.e. zero is off). For example:
; PslOneAttempt = 1
; Specify the number of clock ticks to represent infinite clock ticks.
; This affects eventually!, until! and until_!. If at End of Simulation
; (EOS) an active strong-property has not clocked this number of
; clock ticks then neither pass or fail (vacuous match) is returned
; else respective fail/pass is returned. The default value is '0' (zero)
; which effectively does not check for clock tick condition. For example:
; PslInfinityThreshold = 5000
; Control how many thread start times will be preserved for ATV viewing for a given assertion
; instance. Default is -1 (ALL).
; ATVStartTimeKeepCount = -1
; Turn on/off code coverage
; CodeCoverage = 0
; This option applies to condition and expression coverage UDP tables. It
; has no effect unless UDP is enabled for coverage with vcom/vlog/vopt -coverudp.
; If this option is used and a match occurs in more than one row in the UDP table,
; none of the counts for all matching rows is incremented. By default, counts are
; incremented for all matching rows.
; CoverCountAll = 1
; Turn off automatic inclusion of VHDL integers in toggle coverage. Default
; is to include them.
; ToggleNoIntegers = 1
; Set the maximum number of values that are collected for toggle coverage of
; VHDL integers. Default is 100;
; ToggleMaxIntValues = 100
; Set the maximum number of values that are collected for toggle coverage of
; Verilog real. Default is 100;
; ToggleMaxRealValues = 100
; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog integers in toggle coverage, except
; for enumeration types. Default is to include them.
; ToggleVlogIntegers = 0
; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog real type in toggle coverage, except
; for shortreal types. Default is to not include them.
; ToggleVlogReal = 1
; Turn on automatic inclusion of Verilog fixed-size unpacked arrays, VHDL multi-d arrays
; and VHDL arrays-of-arrays in toggle coverage.
; Default is to not include them.
; ToggleFixedSizeArray = 1
; Increase or decrease the maximum size of Verilog unpacked fixed-size arrays,
; VHDL multi-d arrays and VHDL arrays-of-arrays that are included for toggle coverage.
; This leads to a longer simulation time with bigger arrays covered with toggle coverage.
; Default is 1024.
; ToggleMaxFixedSizeArray = 1024
; Treat Verilog multi-dimensional packed vectors and packed structures as equivalently sized
; one-dimensional packed vectors for toggle coverage. Default is 0.
; TogglePackedAsVec = 0
; Treat Verilog enumerated types as equivalently sized one-dimensional packed vectors for
; toggle coverage. Default is 0.
; ToggleVlogEnumBits = 0
; Turn off automatic inclusion of VHDL records in toggle coverage.
; Default is to include them.
; ToggleVHDLRecords = 0
; Limit the widths of registers automatically tracked for toggle coverage. Default is 128.
; For unlimited width, set to 0.
; ToggleWidthLimit = 128
; Limit the counts that are tracked for toggle coverage. When all edges for a bit have
; reached this count, further activity on the bit is ignored. Default is 1.
; For unlimited counts, set to 0.
; ToggleCountLimit = 1
; Change the mode of extended toggle coverage. Default is 3. Valid modes are 1, 2 and 3.
; Following is the toggle coverage calculation criteria based on extended toggle mode:
; Mode 1: 0L->1H & 1H->0L & any one 'Z' transition (to/from 'Z').
; Mode 2: 0L->1H & 1H->0L & one transition to 'Z' & one transition from 'Z'.
; Mode 3: 0L->1H & 1H->0L & all 'Z' transitions.
; ExtendedToggleMode = 3
; Enable toggle statistics collection only for ports. Default is 0.
; TogglePortsOnly = 1
; Limit the counts that are tracked for Focussed Expression Coverage. When a bin has
; reached this count, further tracking of the input patterns linked to it is ignored.
; Default is 1. For unlimited counts, set to 0.
; NOTE: Changing this value from its default value may affect simulation performance.
; FecCountLimit = 1
; Limit the counts that are tracked for UDP Coverage. When a bin has
; reached this count, further tracking of the input patterns linked to it is ignored.
; Default is 1. For unlimited counts, set to 0.
; NOTE: Changing this value from its default value may affect simulation performance.
; UdpCountLimit = 1
; Control toggle coverage deglitching period. A period of 0, eliminates delta
; cycle glitches. This is the default. The value of ToggleDeglitchPeriod needs to be either
; 0 or a time string that includes time units. Examples: 0 or 10.0ps or "10.0 ps".
; ToggleDeglitchPeriod = 10.0ps
; Turn on/off all PSL/SVA cover directive enables. Default is on.
; CoverEnable = 0
; Turn on/off PSL/SVA cover log. Default is off "0".
; CoverLog = 1
; Set "at_least" value for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is 1.
; CoverAtLeast = 2
; Set "limit" value for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is -1.
; Any positive integer, -1 for infinity.
; CoverLimit = 1
; Specify the coverage database filename.
; Default is "" (i.e. database is NOT automatically saved on close).
; UCDBFilename = vsim.ucdb
; Specify the maximum limit for the number of Cross (bin) products reported
; in XML and UCDB report against a Cross. A warning is issued if the limit
; is crossed. Default is zero. vsim switch -cvgmaxrptrhscross can override this
; setting.
; MaxReportRhsSVCrossProducts = 1000
; Specify the override for the "auto_bin_max" option for the Covergroups.
; If not specified then value from Covergroup "option" is used.
; SVCoverpointAutoBinMax = 64
; Specify the override for the value of "cross_num_print_missing"
; option for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then value
; specified in the "option.cross_num_print_missing" is used. This
; is a runtime option. NOTE: This overrides any "cross_num_print_missing"
; value specified by user in source file and any SVCrossNumPrintMissingDefault
; specified in modelsim.ini.
; SVCrossNumPrintMissing = 0
; Specify whether to use the value of "cross_num_print_missing"
; option in report and GUI for the Cross in Covergroups. If not specified then
; cross_num_print_missing is ignored for creating reports and displaying
; covergroups in GUI. Default is 0, which means ignore "cross_num_print_missing".
; UseSVCrossNumPrintMissing = 0
; Specify the threshold of Coverpoint wildcard bin value range size, above which
; a warning will be triggered. The default is 4K -- 12 wildcard bits.
; SVCoverpointWildCardBinValueSizeWarn = 4096
; Specify the override for the value of "strobe" option for the
; Covergroup Type. If not specified then value in "type_option.strobe"
; will be used. This is runtime option which forces "strobe" to
; user specified value and supersedes user specified values in the
; SystemVerilog Code. NOTE: This also overrides the compile time
; default value override specified using "SVCovergroupStrobeDefault"
; SVCovergroupStrobe = 0
; Override for explicit assignments in source code to "option.goal" of
; SystemVerilog covergroup, coverpoint, and cross. It also overrides the
; default value of "option.goal" (defined to be 100 in the SystemVerilog
; LRM) and the value of modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupGoalDefault".
; SVCovergroupGoal = 100
; Override for explicit assignments in source code to "type_option.goal" of
; SystemVerilog covergroup, coverpoint, and cross. It also overrides the
; default value of "type_option.goal" (defined to be 100 in the SystemVerilog
; LRM) and the value of modelsim.ini variable "SVCovergroupTypeGoalDefault".
; SVCovergroupTypeGoal = 100
; Enforce the 6.3 behavior of covergroup get_coverage() and get_inst_coverage()
; builtin functions, and report. This setting changes the default values of
; option.get_inst_coverage and type_option.merge_instances to ensure the 6.3
; behavior if explicit assignments are not made on option.get_inst_coverage and
; type_option.merge_instances by the user. There are two vsim command line
; options, -cvg63 and -nocvg63 to override this setting from vsim command line.
; The default value of this variable from release 6.6 onwards is 0. This default
; drives compliance with the clarified behavior in the IEEE 1800-2009 standard.
; SVCovergroup63Compatibility = 0
; Enforce the default behavior of covergroup get_coverage() builtin function, GUI
; and report. This variable sets the default value of type_option.merge_instances.
; There are two vsim command line options, -cvgmergeinstances and
; -nocvgmergeinstances to override this setting from vsim command line.
; The default value of this variable is 0. This default
; drives compliance with the clarified behavior in the IEEE 1800-2009 standard.
; SVCovergroupMergeInstancesDefault = 0
; Enable or disable generation of more detailed information about the sampling
; of covergroup, cross, and coverpoints. It provides the details of the number
; of times the covergroup instance and type were sampled, as well as details
; about why covergroup, cross and coverpoint were not covered. A non-zero value
; is to enable this feature. 0 is to disable this feature. Default is 0
; SVCovergroupSampleInfo = 0
; Specify the maximum number of Coverpoint bins in whole design for
; all Covergroups.
; MaxSVCoverpointBinsDesign = 2147483648
; Specify maximum number of Coverpoint bins in any instance of a Covergroup, default is 2^10 bins
; MaxSVCoverpointBinsInst = 1048576
; Specify the maximum number of Cross bins in whole design for
; all Covergroups.
; MaxSVCrossBinsDesign = 2147483648
; Specify maximum number of Cross bins in any instance of a Covergroup, default is 2^16 bins
; MaxSVCrossBinsInst = 67108864
; Specify whether vsim will collect the coverage data of zero-weight coverage items or not.
; By default, this variable is set 0, in which case option.no_collect setting will take effect.
; If this variable is set to 1, all zero-weight coverage items will not be saved.
; Note that the usage of vsim switch -cvgzwnocollect, if present, will override the setting
; of this variable.
; CvgZWNoCollect = 1
; Specify a space delimited list of double quoted TCL style
; regular expressions which will be matched against the text of all messages.
; If any regular expression is found to be contained within any message, the
; status for that message will not be propagated to the UCDB TESTSTATUS.
; If no match is detected, then the status will be propagated to the
; UCDB TESTSTATUS. More than one such regular expression text is allowed,
; and each message text is compared for each regular expression in the list.
; UCDBTestStatusMessageFilter = "Done with Test Bench" "Ignore .* message"
; Set weight for all PSL/SVA cover directives. Default is 1.
; CoverWeight = 2
; Check vsim plusargs. Default is 0 (off).
; 0 = Don't check plusargs
; 1 = Warning on unrecognized plusarg
; 2 = Error and exit on unrecognized plusarg
; CheckPlusargs = 1
; Load the specified shared objects with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.
; This gives global visibility to all symbols in the shared objects,
; meaning that subsequently loaded shared objects can bind to symbols
; in the global shared objects. The list of shared objects should
; be whitespace delimited. This option is not supported on the
; Windows or AIX platforms.
; GlobalSharedObjectList = example1.so example2.so example3.so
; Generate the stub definitions for the undefined symbols in the shared libraries being
; loaded in the simulation. When this flow is turned on, the undefined symbols will not
; prevent vsim from loading. Calling undefined symbols at runtime will cause fatal error.
; The valid arguments are: on, off, verbose.
; on : turn on the automatic generation of stub definitions.
; off: turn off the flow. The undefined symbols will trigger an immediate load failure.
; verbose: Turn on the flow and report the undefined symbols for each shared library.
; NOTE: This variable can be overriden with vsim switch "-undefsyms".
; The default is off.
; UndefSyms = on
; Initial seed for the random number generator of the root thread (SystemVerilog).
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-sv_seed" command line switch.
; The default value is 0.
; Sv_Seed = 0
; Specify the solver "engine" that vsim will select for constrained random
; generation.
; Valid values are:
; "auto" - automatically select the best engine for the current
; constraint scenario
; "bdd" - evaluate all constraint scenarios using the BDD solver engine
; "act" - evaluate all constraint scenarios using the ACT solver engine
; While the BDD solver engine is generally efficient with constraint scenarios
; involving bitwise logical relationships, the ACT solver engine can exhibit
; superior performance with constraint scenarios involving large numbers of
; random variables related via arithmetic operators (+, *, etc).
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-solveengine" command
; line switch.
; The default value is "auto".
; SolveEngine = auto
; Specify if the solver should attempt to ignore overflow/underflow semantics
; for arithmetic constraints (multiply, addition, subtraction) in order to
; improve performance. The "solveignoreoverflow" attribute can be specified on
; a per-call basis to randomize() to override this setting.
; The default value is 0 (overflow/underflow is not ignored). Set to 1 to
; ignore overflow/underflow.
; SolveIgnoreOverflow = 0
; Specifies the maximum size that a dynamic array may be resized to by the
; solver. If the solver attempts to resize a dynamic array to a size greater
; than the specified limit, the solver will abort with an error.
; The default value is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
; SolveArrayResizeMax = 10000
; Error message severity when randomize() failure is detected (SystemVerilog).
; 0 = No error 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal
; The default is 0 (no error).
; SolveFailSeverity = 0
; Error message severity for suppressible errors that are detected in a
; solve/before constraint.
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-solvebeforeerrorseverity"
; command line switch.
; 0 = No error 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal
; The default is 3 (failure).
; SolveBeforeErrorSeverity = 3
; Enable/disable debug information for randomize() failures.
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-solvefaildebug" command
; line switch.
; The default is 0 (disabled). Set to 1 to enable basic debug (with no
; performance penalty). Set to 2 for enhanced debug (will result in slower
; runtime performance).
; SolveFailDebug = 0
; Upon encountering a randomize() failure, generate a simplified testcase that
; will reproduce the failure. Optionally output the testcase to a file.
; Testcases for 'no-solution' failures will only be produced if SolveFailDebug
; is enabled (see above).
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-solvefailtestcase"
; command line switch.
; The default is OFF (do not generate a testcase). To enable testcase
; generation, uncomment this variable. To redirect testcase generation to a
; file, specify the name of the output file.
; SolveFailTestcase =
; Specify solver timeout threshold (in seconds). randomize() will fail if the
; CPU time required to evaluate any randset exceeds the specified timeout.
; The default value is 500. A value of 0 will disable timeout failures.
; SolveTimeout = 500
; Specify the maximum size of the solution graph generated by the BDD solver.
; This value can be used to force the BDD solver to abort the evaluation of a
; complex constraint scenario that cannot be evaluated with finite memory.
; This value is specified in 1000s of nodes.
; The default value is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
; SolveGraphMaxSize = 10000
; Specify the maximum number of evaluations that may be performed on the
; solution graph by the BDD solver. This value can be used to force the BDD
; solver to abort the evaluation of a complex constraint scenario that cannot
; be evaluated in finite time. This value is specified in 10000s of evaluations.
; The default value is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
; SolveGraphMaxEval = 10000
; Specify the maximum number of tests that the ACT solver may evaluate before
; abandoning an attempt to solve a particular constraint scenario.
; The default value is 2000000. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
; SolveACTMaxTests = 2000000
; Specify the maximum number of operations that the ACT solver may perform
; before abandoning an attempt to solve a particular constraint scenario. The
; value is specified in 1000000s of operations.
; The default value is 10000. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
; SolveACTMaxOps = 10000
; Specify the number of times the ACT solver will retry to evaluate a constraint
; scenario that fails due to the SolveACTMax[Tests|Ops] threshold.
; The default value is 0 (no retry).
; SolveACTRetryCount = 0
; Specify random sequence compatiblity with a prior letter release. This
; option is used to get the same random sequences during simulation as
; as a prior letter release. Only prior letter releases (of the current
; number release) are allowed.
; NOTE: Only those random sequence changes due to solver optimizations are
; reverted by this variable. Random sequence changes due to solver bugfixes
; cannot be un-done.
; NOTE: This variable can be overridden with the vsim "-solverev" command
; line switch.
; Default value set to "" (no compatibility).
; SolveRev =
; Environment variable expansion of command line arguments has been depricated
; in favor shell level expansion. Universal environment variable expansion
; inside -f files is support and continued support for MGC Location Maps provide
; alternative methods for handling flexible pathnames.
; The following line may be uncommented and the value set to 1 to re-enable this
; deprecated behavior. The default value is 0.
; DeprecatedEnvironmentVariableExpansion = 0
; Specify the memory threshold for the System Verilog garbage collector.
; The value is the number of megabytes of class objects that must accumulate
; before the garbage collector is run.
; The GCThreshold setting is used when class debug mode is disabled to allow
; less frequent garbage collection and better simulation performance.
; The GCThresholdClassDebug setting is used when class debug mode is enabled
; to allow for more frequent garbage collection.
; GCThreshold = 100
; GCThresholdClassDebug = 5
; Turn on/off collapsing of bus ports in VCD dumpports output
DumpportsCollapse = 1
; Location of Multi-Level Verification Component (MVC) installation.
; The default location is the product installation directory.
MvcHome = $MODEL_TECH/..
; Location of InFact installation. The default is $MODEL_TECH/../../infact
; InFactHome = $MODEL_TECH/../../infact
; Initialize SystemVerilog enums using the base type's default value
; instead of the leftmost value.
; EnumBaseInit = 1
; Suppress file type registration.
; SuppressFileTypeReg = 1
; Controls SystemVerilog Language Extensions. These options enable
; some non-LRM compliant behavior. Valid extensions are "cfce",
; SvExtensions = cfce
; Controls the formatting of '%p' and '%P' conversion specification, used in $display
; and similar system tasks.
; 1. SVPrettyPrintFlags=I<n><S|T> use <n> spaces(S) or tabs(T) per indentation level.
; The 'I' flag when present causes relevant data types to be expanded and indented into
; a more readable format.
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=I4S will cause 4 spaces to be used per indentation level).
; 2. SVPrettyPrintFlags=L<numLines> limits the output to <numLines> lines.
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=L20 will limit the output to 20 lines).
; 3. SVPrettyPrintFlags=C<numChars> limits the output to <numChars> characters.
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=C256 will limit the output to 256 characters).
; 4. SVPrettyPrintFlags=F<numFields> limits the output to <numFields> of relevant datatypes
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=F4 will limit the output to 4 fields of a structure).
; 5. SVPrettyPrintFlags=E<numElements> limits the output to <numElements> of relevant datatypes
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=E50 will limit the output to 50 elements of an array).
; 6. SVPrettyPrintFlags=D<depth> suppresses the output of sub-elements below <depth>.
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=D5 will suppresses the output of sub elements below a depth of 5).
; 7. Items 1-6 above can be combined as a comma separated list.
; (e.g. SVPrettyPrintFlags=I4S,L20,C256,F4,E50,D5)
; SVPrettyPrintFlags=I4S
; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software
libsm = $MODEL_TECH/libsm.sl
; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT)
; libsm = $MODEL_TECH/libsm.dll
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (HP 9000 Series 700)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/hp700.lib/libswift.sl
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (IBM RISC System/6000)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/ibmrs.lib/swift.o
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Sun4 Solaris)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/sun4Solaris.lib/libswift.so
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/pcnt.lib/libswift.dll
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (non-Enterprise versions of Linux)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/x86_linux.lib/libswift.so
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Enterprise versions of Linux)
; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/linux.lib/libswift.so
; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software
libhm = $MODEL_TECH/libhm.sl
; The simulator's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT)
; libhm = $MODEL_TECH/libhm.dll
; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (HP 9000 Series 700)
; libsfi = <sfi_dir>/lib/hp700/libsfi.sl
; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (IBM RISC System/6000)
; libsfi = <sfi_dir>/lib/rs6000/libsfi.a
; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Sun4 Solaris)
; libsfi = <sfi_dir>/lib/sun4.solaris/libsfi.so
; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT)
; libsfi = <sfi_dir>/lib/pcnt/lm_sfi.dll
; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Linux)
; libsfi = <sfi_dir>/lib/linux/libsfi.so
; Change a message severity or suppress a message.
; The format is: <msg directive> = <msg number>[,<msg number>...]
; suppress can be used to achieve +nowarn<CODE> functionality
; The format is: suppress = <CODE>,<msg number>,[<CODE>,<msg number>,...]
; Examples:
suppress = 8780 ;an explanation can be had by running: verror 8780
; note = 3009
; warning = 3033
; error = 3010,3016
; fatal = 3016,3033
; suppress = 3009,3016,3601
; suppress = 3009,CNNODP,3601,TFMPC
; suppress = 8683,8684
; The command verror <msg number> can be used to get the complete
; description of a message.
; Control transcripting of Verilog display system task messages and
; PLI/FLI print function call messages. The system tasks include
; $display[bho], $strobe[bho], $monitor[bho], and $write[bho]. They
; also include the analogous file I/O tasks that write to STDOUT
; (i.e. $fwrite or $fdisplay). The PLI/FLI calls include io_printf,
; vpi_printf, mti_PrintMessage, and mti_PrintFormatted. The default
; is to have messages appear only in the transcript. The other
; settings are to send messages to the wlf file only (messages that
; are recorded in the wlf file can be viewed in the MsgViewer) or
; to both the transcript and the wlf file. The valid values are
; tran {transcript only (default)}
; wlf {wlf file only}
; both {transcript and wlf file}
; displaymsgmode = tran
; Control transcripting of elaboration/runtime messages not
; addressed by the displaymsgmode setting. The default is to
; have messages appear only in the transcript. The other settings
; are to send messages to the wlf file only (messages that are
; recorded in the wlf file can be viewed in the MsgViewer) or to both
; the transcript and the wlf file. The valid values are
; tran {transcript only (default)}
; wlf {wlf file only}
; both {transcript and wlf file}
; msgmode = tran
; Controls number of displays of a particluar message
; default value is 5
; MsgLimitCount = 5
; Default Library Type (while creating a library with "vlib")
; 0 - legacy library using subdirectories for design units
; 2 - flat library
; DefaultLibType = 2
; Flat Library Page Size (while creating a library with "vlib")
; Set the size in bytes for flat library file pages. Libraries containing
; very large files may benefit from a larger value.
; FlatLibPageSize = 8192
; Flat Library Page Cleanup Percentage (while creating a library with "vlib")
; Set the percentage of total pages deleted before library cleanup can occur.
; This setting is applied together with FlatLibPageDeleteThreshold.
; FlatLibPageDeletePercentage = 50
; Flat Library Page Cleanup Threshold (while creating a library with "vlib")
; Set the number of pages deleted before library cleanup can occur.
; This setting is applied together with FlatLibPageDeletePercentage.
; FlatLibPageDeleteThreshold = 1000
; Warning -- Do not edit the project properties directly.
; Property names are dynamic in nature and property
; values have special syntax. Changing property data directly
; can result in a corrupt MPF file. All project properties
; can be modified through project window dialogs.
Project_Version = 6
Project_DefaultLib = work
Project_SortMethod = unused
Project_Files_Count = 13
Project_File_0 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/testbench.v
Project_File_P_0 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589625001 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 12 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_1 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Adder.v
Project_File_P_1 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589585757 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 0 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_2 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/SignExtend.v
Project_File_P_2 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589586199 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 10 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_3 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU_Control.v
Project_File_P_3 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589611047 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 2 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_4 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/InstructionMemory.v
Project_File_P_4 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1589714789 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options {} compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 6 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_5 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ShiftLeft2.v
Project_File_P_5 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589586193 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 9 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_6 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/test.v
Project_File_P_6 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589610276 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 11 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_7 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Control.v
Project_File_P_7 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589611718 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 4 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_8 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU.v
Project_File_P_8 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589611061 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 1 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_9 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v
Project_File_P_9 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589610975 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 7 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_10 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v
Project_File_P_10 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589611018 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 5 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_11 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/clock.v
Project_File_P_11 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589585780 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 3 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_File_12 = D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Register.v
Project_File_P_12 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1589611738 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 8 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
Project_Sim_Count = 0
Project_Folder_Count = 0
Echo_Compile_Output = 0
Save_Compile_Report = 1
Project_Opt_Count = 0
ForceSoftPaths = 0
ProjectStatusDelay = 5000
VERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit
VERILOG_CustomDoubleClick =
SYSTEMVERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit
SYSTEMVERILOG_CustomDoubleClick =
VHDL_DoubleClick = Edit
VHDL_CustomDoubleClick =
PSL_DoubleClick = Edit
PSL_CustomDoubleClick =
TEXT_DoubleClick = Edit
TEXT_CustomDoubleClick =
SYSTEMC_DoubleClick = Edit
SYSTEMC_CustomDoubleClick =
TCL_DoubleClick = Edit
TCL_CustomDoubleClick =
MACRO_DoubleClick = Edit
MACRO_CustomDoubleClick =
VCD_DoubleClick = Edit
VCD_CustomDoubleClick =
SDF_DoubleClick = Edit
SDF_CustomDoubleClick =
XML_DoubleClick = Edit
XML_CustomDoubleClick =
LOGFILE_DoubleClick = Edit
LOGFILE_CustomDoubleClick =
UCDB_DoubleClick = Edit
UCDB_CustomDoubleClick =
TDB_DoubleClick = Edit
TDB_CustomDoubleClick =
UPF_DoubleClick = Edit
UPF_CustomDoubleClick =
PCF_DoubleClick = Edit
PCF_CustomDoubleClick =
PROJECT_DoubleClick = Edit
PROJECT_CustomDoubleClick =
VRM_DoubleClick = Edit
VRM_CustomDoubleClick =
DEBUGDATABASE_DoubleClick = Edit
DEBUGDATABASE_CustomDoubleClick =
DEBUGARCHIVE_DoubleClick = Edit
DEBUGARCHIVE_CustomDoubleClick =
Project_Major_Version = 10
Project_Minor_Version = 4
module Mux32bit(muxin1, muxin2, signal, muxout);
input[31:0] muxin1, muxin2;
input signal;
output reg[31:0] muxout;
always @(*) begin
1'b0: muxout = muxin1;
1'b1: muxout = muxin2;
module Mux5bit(muxin1, muxin2, signal, muxout);
input[4:0] muxin1, muxin2;
input signal;
output reg[4:0] muxout;
always @(*) begin
1'b0: muxout = muxin1;
1'b1: muxout = muxin2;
module Register(readin1, readin2, writein, writedata, regwrite, regout1, regout2);
input[4:0] readin1, readin2, writein;
input[31:0] writedata;
input regwrite;
output[31:0] regout1, regout2;
integer i;
reg[31:0] register[31:0];
assign regout1 = register[readin1];
assign regout2 = register[readin2];
initial begin
for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) register[i] = 32'd0;
always @(*) begin
if(regwrite == 1'b1 && writein != 5'd0) begin
register[writein] = writedata;
module ShiftLeft2(shiftinput, shiftoutput);
input[31:0] shiftinput;
output[31:0] shiftoutput;
assign shiftoutput = {shiftinput[29:0], 2'b00};
module SignExtend(signedinput, signedoutput);
input[15:0] signedinput;
output[31:0] signedoutput;
assign signedoutput = {{16{signedinput[15]}},signedinput};
module Clock(clk);
output reg clk;
initial clk = 0;
always #50 clk = ~clk;
module test;
reg[31:0] in1, in2;
reg[3:0] ctrl;
wire[31:0] out;
wire a;
ALU alu(in1, in2, ctrl, out, a);
initial begin
in1 = 32'd128;
in2 = 32'd982;
ctrl = 4'b1000;
in1 = 32'd123;
in2 = 32'd246;
ctrl = 4'b0010;
ctrl = 4'b1010;
ctrl = 4'b1011;
wire clk;
Clock clock(clk);
reg[31:0] address, wdata;
reg mr, mw;
wire[31:0] rdata;
DataMemory damem(address, wdata, mr, mw, rdata);
initial begin
address = 32'd0;
wdata = 32'd127;
mr = 1'b0;
mw = 1'b1;
address = 32'd48;
wdata = 32'd255;
mr = 1'b0;
mw = 1'b1;
address = 32'd48;
wdata = 32'd255;
mr = 1'b1;
mw = 1'b0;
address = 32'd48;
wdata = 32'd4;
mr = 1'b0;
mw = 1'b1;
wire[31:0] regout1, regout2;
reg[4:0] ins1, ins2, ins3;
wire[31:0] aluresult;
reg[3:0] aluctrl;
reg rwrite;
reg[31:0] aluin2;
Register Regi(ins1, ins2, ins3, aluresult, rwrite, regout1, regout2);
ALU alu(regout1, aluin2, aluctrl, aluresult);
initial begin
rwrite = 1;
ins1 = 5'd0;
ins2 = 5'd29;
ins3 = 5'd7;
aluin2 = 32'h7fffffff;
aluctrl = 4'b0010;
rwrite = 1;
ins1 = 5'd7;
ins2 = 5'd7;
ins3 = 5'd8;
aluctrl = 4'b0010;
rwrite = 0;
rwrite = 1;
ins1 = 5'd0;
ins2 = 5'd29;
ins3 = 5'd7;
aluin2 = 32'h7fffffff;
aluctrl = 4'b0010;
rwrite = 1;
ins1 = 5'd7;
ins2 = 5'd7;
ins3 = 5'd8;
aluctrl = 4'b0010;
reg[31:0] input1, input2;
reg[3:0] ctrl;
wire[31:0] output1;
wire zero;
ALU testalu(input1, input2, ctrl, output1, zero);
initial begin
input1 <= 32'h0000000f;
input2 <= 32'h000000f0;
ctrl <= 4'h0; // add
ctrl <= 4'h1; // or
ctrl <= 4'h2; // add
ctrl <= 4'h6; // sub
ctrl <= 4'h7; // slt
ctrl <= 4'hc; // nor
input1 <= 32'h000000f0;
input2 <= 32'h0000000f;
ctrl <= 4'h6; // sub
input1 <= 32'h000000f0;
input2 <= 32'h0000000f;
ctrl <= 4'h6; // sub
input1 <= 32'h000000f0;
input2 <= 32'h0000000f;
ctrl <= 4'h6; // sub
input1 <= 32'h000000f0;
input2 <= 32'h0000000f;
ctrl <= 4'h6; // sub
reg[31:0] input1;
wire[31:0] output1;
InstructionMemory im(input1, output1);
input1 = {{28{1'b0}}, 4'b0000};
input1 = {{28{1'b0}}, 4'b1100};
input1 = {{28{1'b0}}, 4'b1000};
input1 = {{28{1'b0}}, 4'b0100};
input1 = {{28{1'b0}}, 4'b0000};
reg[7:0] input1;
wire[7:0] output1;
Adder adder1(input1, 8'b00000001, output1);
input1 = 8'b00001111;
input1 = 8'b00001000;
input1 = 8'b00000000;
input1 = 8'b11111111;
module testbench;
wire clk; // clock
reg[31:0] PC; // program counter
reg[31:0] instr_address;
wire[31:0] addPC4, addPCbranch, tempPC1, nextPC;
wire[31:0] instr; // loaded instruction.
wire[4:0] reg_writereg1; // register number for the write data.
wire[31:0] reg_writedata; // data that will be written in the register.
wire[31:0] reg_readdata1, reg_readdata2; // data from the requested register.
wire[31:0] alu_input2; // input data of ALU.
wire[31:0] alu_result; // result data of ALU.
wire alu_branch; // indicator for branch operation.
wire[31:0] mem_readdata; // data from the requested address.
wire ctrl_regdst, ctrl_regwrite, ctrl_alusrc, ctrl_memread, ctrl_memwrite, ctrl_memtoreg, ctrl_branch, ctrl_jump;
wire[1:0] ctrl_aluop; // control signals.
wire[3:0] aluctrl; // alu control signal.
wire[31:0] extend_output;
wire[31:0] shiftBranch_output;
wire[31:0] shiftJump_output;
Clock clock(clk);
InstructionMemory instrmem(instr_address, instr);
Register register(instr[25:21], instr[20:16], reg_writereg1, reg_writedata, ctrl_regwrite, reg_readdata1, reg_readdata2);
ALU alu(reg_readdata1, alu_input2, aluctrl, alu_result, alu_branch);
DataMemory datamem(alu_result, reg_readdata2, ctrl_memread, ctrl_memwrite, mem_readdata);
Control ctrl(instr[31:26], ctrl_regdst, ctrl_regwrite, ctrl_alusrc, ctrl_aluop, ctrl_memread, ctrl_memwrite, ctrl_memtoreg, ctrl_branch, ctrl_jump);
ALUControl ALUctrl(instr[5:0], ctrl_aluop, aluctrl);
Mux5bit mux_writereg(instr[20:16], instr[15:11], ctrl_regdst, reg_writereg1);
Mux32bit mux_alu(reg_readdata2, extend_output, ctrl_alusrc, alu_input2);
Mux32bit mux_writedata(alu_result, mem_readdata, ctrl_memtoreg, reg_writedata);
Mux32bit mux_branch(addPC4, addPCbranch, {ctrl_branch&alu_branch} , tempPC1);
Mux32bit mux_jump(tempPC1, {addPC4[31:28], shiftJump_output[27:0]}, ctrl_jump, nextPC);
SignExtend extend(instr[15:0], extend_output);
Adder add_pc4(PC, 32'h00000004, addPC4);
Adder add_branch(addPC4, shiftBranch_output, addPCbranch);
ShiftLeft2 shiftBranch(extend_output, shiftBranch_output);
ShiftLeft2 shiftJump({6'b000000, instr[25:0]}, shiftJump_output);
initial begin
PC = 32'h00000000;
always @(posedge clk) begin
case(nextPC[31]) // if nextPC is available, PC = nextPC.
1'b0: PC = nextPC;
1'b1: PC = nextPC;
instr_address = PC;
wire clk; // clock
reg[31:0] PC, nextPC; // program counter
// Instruction Memory (IM)
reg[31:0] address; // instruction address. input of IM.
wire[31:0] instr; // loaded instruction. output of IM
// Register
reg[4:0] reg_readreg1, reg_readreg2; // register numbers of the read data. input of register.
reg[4:0] reg_writereg1; // register number for the write data. input of register.
reg[31:0] reg_writedata; // data that will be written in the register. input of register.
reg reg_sig_regwrite; // regwrite control signal. input of register
wire[31:0] reg_readdata1, reg_readdata2; // data from the requested register. outputs of register.
// ALU
reg[31:0] alu_input1, alu_input2; // input data of ALU. inputs of ALU.
reg[3:0] alu_control; // ALU control signal. input of ALU.
wire[31:0] alu_result; // result data of ALU. output of ALU.
wire alu_branch; // indicator for branch operation. output of ALU.
//Data Memory (DM)
reg[31:0] mem_addr; // address of the read data. input of DM.
reg[31:0] mem_writedata; // data that will be written in the memory. input of DM.
reg mem_memread, mem_memwrite; // control signals for DM. input of DM.
wire[31:0] mem_readdata; // data from the requested address. output of DM.
// Control Unit
reg[5:0] ctrl_opcode; // opcode of the instruction. input of control unit.
wire ctrl_regdst, ctrl_regwrite, ctrl_alusrc, ctrl_memread; // ??
wire ctrl_memwrite, ctrl_memtoreg, ctrl_branch, ctrl_jump; // ??? control signals outputs of control unit.
wire[1:0] ctrl_aluop; // ??
// ALU Control Unit
reg[5:0] aluctrl_funct; // function code of the R type instructions. input of ALU control unit.
reg[1:0] aluctrl_aluop; // aluop signal. input of ALU control unit.
wire[3:0] aluctrl_sig; // alu control signal. output of ALU control unit.
// Multiplexer (Mux)
// mux_writereg Mux for Write Register.
reg[4:0] mux_writereg_input1, mux_writereg_input2;
reg mux_writereg_signal;
wire[4:0] mux_writereg_output;
// mux_alu Mux for ALU input 2.
reg[31:0] mux_alu_input1, mux_alu_input2;
reg mux_alu_signal;
wire[31:0] mux_alu_output;
// mux_writedata Mux for Write Data of Register.
reg[31:0] mux_writedata_input1, mux_writedata_input2;
reg mux_writedata_signal;
wire[31:0] mux_writedata_output;
// mux_branch Mux for Branch
reg[31:0] mux_branch_input1, mux_branch_input2;
reg mux_branch_signal;
wire[31:0] mux_branch_output;
// mux_jump Mux for Jump
reg[31:0] mux_jump_input1, mux_jump_input2;
reg mux_jump_signal;
wire[31:0] mux_jump_output;
// Sign Extend
reg[15:0] extend_input;
wire[31:0] extend_output;
// Adder
// add_pc4
reg[31:0] add_pc4_input; // input2 is 4.
wire[31:0] add_pc4_output;
// add_branch
reg[31:0] add_branch_input1, add_branch_input2;
wire[31:0] add_branch_output;
// Shift Left 2
// shiftBranch ShiftLeft2 which is used for Branch instructions.
reg[31:0] shiftBranch_input;
wire[31:0] shiftBranch_output;
// shiftJump ShiftLeft2 which is used for Jump instructions.
reg[31:0] shiftJump_input;
wire[31:0] shiftJump_output;
Clock clock(clk);
InstructionMemory instrmem(address, instr);
Register register(reg_readreg1, reg_readreg2, reg_writereg1, reg_writedata, reg_sig_regwrite, reg_readdata1, reg_readdata2);
ALU alu(alu_input1, alu_input2, alu_control, alu_result, alu_branch);
DataMemory datamem(mem_addr, mem_writedata, mem_memread, mem_memwrite, mem_readdata);
Control ctrl(ctrl_opcode, ctrl_regdst, ctrl_regwrite, ctrl_alusrc, ctrl_aluop, ctrl_memread, ctrl_memwrite, ctrl_memtoreg, ctrl_branch, ctrl_jump);
ALUControl aluctrl(aluctrl_funct, aluctrl_aluop, aluctrl_sig);
Mux5bit mux_writereg(mux_writereg_input1, mux_writereg_input2, mux_writereg_signal, mux_writereg_output);
Mux32bit mux_alu(mux_alu_input1, mux_alu_input2, mux_alu_signal, mux_alu_output);
Mux32bit mux_writedata(mux_writedata_input1, mux_writedata_input2, mux_writedata_signal, mux_writedata_output);
Mux32bit mux_branch(mux_branch_input1, mux_branch_input2, mux_branch_signal, mux_branch_output);
Mux32bit mux_jump(mux_jump_input1, mux_jump_input2, mux_jump_signal, mux_jump_output);
SignExtend extend(extend_input, extend_output);
Adder add_pc4(add_pc4_input, 32'h00000004, add_pc4_output);
Adder add_branch(add_branch_input1, add_branch_input2, add_branch_output);
ShiftLeft2 shiftBranch(shiftBranch_input, shiftBranch_output);
ShiftLeft2 shiftJump(shiftJump_input, shiftJump_output);
initial begin
PC = 32'h00000000;
nextPC = 32'h00000000;
always @(posedge clk) begin
// IF
1'b0: PC = nextPC;
1'b1: PC = nextPC;
address = PC;
add_pc4_input = PC;
// ID
ctrl_opcode <= instr[31:26];
reg_readreg1 <= instr[25:21];
reg_readreg2 <= instr[20:16];
mux_writereg_input1 <= instr[20:16];
mux_writereg_input2 <= instr[15:11];
extend_input <= instr[15:0];
aluctrl_funct <= instr[5:0];
shiftJump_input <= {6'b000000, instr[25:0]};
mux_writereg_signal <= ctrl_regdst;
aluctrl_aluop <= ctrl_aluop;
// EX
mux_alu_input1 <= reg_readdata2;
mux_alu_input2 <= extend_output;
mux_alu_signal <= ctrl_alusrc;
shiftBranch_input <= extend_output;
alu_input1 <= reg_readdata1;
alu_input2 <= mux_alu_output;
alu_control <= aluctrl_sig;
add_branch_input1 <= add_pc4_output;
add_branch_input2 <= shiftBranch_output;
mux_branch_input1 <= add_pc4_output;
mux_branch_input2 <= add_branch_output;
mux_branch_signal <= ctrl_branch & alu_branch;
// MEM
mux_jump_input1 <= mux_branch_output;
mux_jump_input2 <= {add_pc4_output[31:28], shiftJump_output[27:0]};
mux_jump_signal <= ctrl_jump;
mem_addr <= alu_result;
mem_writedata <= reg_readdata2;
mem_memread <= ctrl_memread;
mem_memwrite <= ctrl_memwrite;
// WB
mux_writedata_input1 <= alu_result;
mux_writedata_input2 <= mem_readdata;
mux_writedata_signal <= ctrl_memtoreg;
reg_sig_regwrite <= ctrl_regwrite;
reg_writereg1 <= mux_writereg_output;
reg_writedata <= mux_writedata_output;
nextPC <= mux_jump_output;
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!s112 1.1
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!i10e 25
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cModel Technology
Z0 !s110 1589714636
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!s100 C]ac0M5ljAN8jKk:YMWUe1
Z1 VDg1SIo80bB@j0V0VzS_@n1
Z2 dD:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle
L0 1
Z3 OP;L;10.4a;61
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!s108 1589714635.000000
!s107 D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Adder.v|
!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Adder.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
Z4 o-work work -L mtiAvm -L mtiRnm -L mtiOvm -L mtiUvm -L mtiUPF -L infact -O0
!i10b 1
!s100 iQ=Ee?Z0WEj<ciYnJKX4Q1
L0 1
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!s101 -O0
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L0 1
!s85 0
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ALU_Control.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 OWQXV6kDYiT>ChTOoCFa]2
L0 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/clock.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 gY[fP@o0^cofOhmoM3fic0
L0 1
!s85 0
!s107 D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Control.v|
!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Control.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 OEL;4hO=oB7l=fz0MFd4@3
8D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v
FD:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v
L0 1
!s85 0
!s107 D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v|
!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Data Memory.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!s110 1589714794
!i10b 1
!s100 K@_X5c@ME[5c??9<ZFd<Z1
L0 1
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!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 6HOE]5bDRSA[<HBJLTnYP0
Z6 w1589610975
Z7 8D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v
Z8 FD:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v
L0 1
!s85 0
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Z10 !s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Mux.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 1oCn>`bHoZ=?A6[JF911T3
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!s101 -O0
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!s100 nIf0^jhJBW[j`45[PBZ8o0
L0 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/Register.v|
!s101 -O0
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L0 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/ShiftLeft2.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
Z11 !s110 1589714637
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!s100 ahVKzC^1fD@70fO3WnVUV0
L0 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/SignExtend.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
!s100 Sm5D9nHWJl4JV?TA`lU4`0
L0 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/test.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
!i10b 1
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!s90 -reportprogress|300|-work|work|-stats=none|D:/class/Capstone1/KNW_Project2/Project/SingleCycle/testbench.v|
!s101 -O0
!i113 1
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cModel Technology