
Add : Event Embedding code & data, 최종 보고서 수정

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1 +import numpy as np
2 +
3 +print(np.load("./resultEmbeding.pickle", allow_pickle=True))
4 +D
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{"class_name": "Sequential", "config": [{"class_name": "Flatten", "config": {"name": "flatten_1", "trainable": true, "batch_input_shape": [null, 5, 80], "dtype": "float32"}}, {"class_name": "Dense", "config": {"name": "dense_1", "trainable": true, "units": 512, "activation": "sigmoid", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}, {"class_name": "Dropout", "config": {"name": "dropout_1", "trainable": true, "rate": 0.8}}, {"class_name": "Dense", "config": {"name": "dense_2", "trainable": true, "units": 1024, "activation": "sigmoid", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}, {"class_name": "Dropout", "config": {"name": "dropout_2", "trainable": true, "rate": 0.8}}, {"class_name": "Dropout", "config": {"name": "dropout_3", "trainable": true, "rate": 0.8}}, {"class_name": "Dense", "config": {"name": "dense_3", "trainable": true, "units": 2, "activation": "softmax", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}], "keras_version": "2.0.2", "backend": "theano"}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{"class_name": "Sequential", "config": [{"class_name": "Conv1D", "config": {"name": "conv1d_1", "trainable": true, "batch_input_shape": [null, 5, 80], "dtype": "float32", "filters": 128, "kernel_size": [1], "strides": [1], "padding": "valid", "dilation_rate": [1], "activation": "relu", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}, {"class_name": "Conv1D", "config": {"name": "conv1d_2", "trainable": true, "filters": 128, "kernel_size": [3], "strides": [1], "padding": "same", "dilation_rate": [1], "activation": "relu", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}, {"class_name": "MaxPooling1D", "config": {"name": "max_pooling1d_1", "trainable": true, "strides": [2], "pool_size": [2], "padding": "valid"}}, {"class_name": "Flatten", "config": {"name": "flatten_1", "trainable": true}}, {"class_name": "Dropout", "config": {"name": "dropout_1", "trainable": true, "rate": 0.8}}, {"class_name": "Dense", "config": {"name": "dense_1", "trainable": true, "units": 2, "activation": "softmax", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}], "keras_version": "2.0.2", "backend": "theano"}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{"class_name": "Sequential", "config": [{"class_name": "LSTM", "config": {"name": "lstm_1", "trainable": true, "batch_input_shape": [null, 5, 80], "dtype": "float32", "return_sequences": false, "go_backwards": false, "stateful": false, "unroll": false, "implementation": 0, "units": 256, "activation": "tanh", "recurrent_activation": "hard_sigmoid", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "recurrent_initializer": {"class_name": "Orthogonal", "config": {"gain": 1.0, "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "unit_forget_bias": true, "kernel_regularizer": {"class_name": "L1L2", "config": {"l1": 0.0, "l2": 0.0010000000474974513}}, "recurrent_regularizer": null, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "recurrent_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null, "dropout": 0.0, "recurrent_dropout": 0.0}}, {"class_name": "Dropout", "config": {"name": "dropout_1", "trainable": true, "rate": 0.6}}, {"class_name": "Dense", "config": {"name": "dense_1", "trainable": true, "units": 2, "activation": "softmax", "use_bias": true, "kernel_initializer": {"class_name": "VarianceScaling", "config": {"scale": 1.0, "mode": "fan_avg", "distribution": "uniform", "seed": null}}, "bias_initializer": {"class_name": "Zeros", "config": {}}, "kernel_regularizer": {"class_name": "L1L2", "config": {"l1": 0.0, "l2": 0.0010000000474974513}}, "bias_regularizer": null, "activity_regularizer": null, "kernel_constraint": null, "bias_constraint": null}}], "keras_version": "2.0.2", "backend": "theano"}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Mon Mar 20 23:41:51 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +
10 +import numpy as np
11 +import theano
12 +from theano import tensor as T
13 +
14 +
15 +class EmbeddingLayer(object):
16 + def __init__(self, num_vocab, word_dim, rng, embedding_w=None):
17 + '''
18 + word_dim :: dimension of the word embeddings
19 + num_vocab :: number of word embeddings in the vocabulary
20 + embedding_w :: pre-train word vector
21 + '''
22 +
23 + if embedding_w is None:
24 + word_vectors = rng.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (num_vocab, word_dim))
25 + self.embedding_w = theano.shared(word_vectors,
26 + name="EmbeddingLayer_W") \
27 + .astype(theano.config.floatX)
28 + else:
29 + self.embedding_w = theano.shared(embedding_w,
30 + name="EmbeddingLayer_W") \
31 + .astype(theano.config.floatX)
32 +
33 + self.params = [self.embedding_w]
34 + self.infor = [num_vocab, word_dim]
35 +
36 + def words_ind_2vec(self, index):
37 + map_word_vectors = self.embedding_w[index]
38 + output = T.mean(map_word_vectors, axis=0)
39 + return output, map_word_vectors
40 +
41 +
42 +if __name__ == "__main__":
43 + rng = np.random.RandomState(220495)
44 + arrWords = T.ivector("words")
45 + EMBD = EmbeddingLayer(100, 150, rng=rng)
46 + Word2Vec = theano.function(
47 + inputs=[arrWords],
48 + outputs=EMBD.words_ind_2vec(arrWords)
49 + )
50 + Vec = Word2Vec([1, 2, 3, 4])
51 + Vec = Word2Vec([2, 3, 4])
52 + print("Dim: ", Vec.shape)
53 + print("Val: ", Vec)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Sat Mar 25 16:13:18 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import theano
10 +import numpy as np
11 +import theano.tensor as T
12 +from SmallUtils import createShareVar
13 +
14 +
15 +class RoleDependentLayer(object):
16 + def __init__(self, left_dependent, right_dependent, rng,
17 + n_in=100, n_out=4, trainedParams=None,
18 + name="RoleDependentEmbedding_"):
19 + if trainedParams is None:
20 + trainedParams = {
21 + name: {
22 + "T": None, "W1": None, "W2": None, "b": None
23 + }
24 + }
25 +
26 + if trainedParams[name]["T"] is not None:
27 + assert trainedParams[name]["T"].shape == (n_out, n_in, n_in)
28 + self.T = theano.shared(value=trainedParams[name]["T"],
29 + name=name+"T", borrow=True)
30 + else:
31 + self.T = createShareVar(rng=rng, name=name+"T",
32 + factor_for_init=n_out + n_in,
33 + dim=(n_out, n_in, n_in))
34 +
35 + if trainedParams[name]["W1"] is not None:
36 + assert trainedParams[name]["W1"].shape == (n_in, n_out)
37 + self.W1 = theano.shared(value=trainedParams[name]["W1"],
38 + name=name+"W1", borrow=True)
39 + else:
40 + self.W1 = createShareVar(rng=rng, name=name+"W1",
41 + factor_for_init=n_out + n_in,
42 + dim=(n_in, n_out))
43 +
44 + if trainedParams[name]["W2"] is not None:
45 + assert trainedParams[name]["W2"].shape == (n_in, n_out)
46 + self.W2 = theano.shared(value=trainedParams[name]["W2"],
47 + name=name+"W2", borrow=True)
48 + else:
49 + self.W2 = createShareVar(rng=rng, name=name+"W2",
50 + factor_for_init=n_out + n_in,
51 + dim=(n_in, n_out))
52 +
53 + if trainedParams[name]["b"] is not None:
54 + assert trainedParams[name]["b"].shape == (n_out,)
55 + self.b = theano.shared(value=trainedParams[name]["b"],
56 + name=name+"b", borrow=True)
57 + else:
58 + b_values = np.zeros(shape=(n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
59 + self.b = theano.shared(value=b_values, name=name+"b", borrow=True)
60 +
61 + # list of layer params
62 + self.params = [self.T, self.W1, self.W2, self.b]
63 +
64 + # L2 regulation
65 + self.L2 = sum([(param**2).sum() for param in self.params])
66 +
67 + # Bi-linear step
68 + def one_kernel(Tk, left, right):
69 + first_bi_libear = theano.dot(left, Tk)
70 + seccon_bi_linear = theano.dot(first_bi_libear, right)
71 + return(seccon_bi_linear.flatten())
72 +
73 + bi_1, _ = theano.scan(
74 + fn=one_kernel,
75 + sequences=[self.T],
76 + non_sequences=[left_dependent, right_dependent],
77 + n_steps=n_out
78 + )
79 +
80 + # Feed forward network step
81 + feedforward_step1 = theano.dot(left_dependent, self.W1)
82 + feedforward_step2 = theano.dot(right_dependent, self.W2)
83 + feedforward_step3 = (feedforward_step1 +
84 + feedforward_step2.dimshuffle("x", 0) +
85 + self.b.dimshuffle("x", 0))
86 + feedforward_step4 = bi_1.dimshuffle(1, 0) + feedforward_step3
87 + self.output = theano.tensor.tanh(feedforward_step4)
88 + self.test = [feedforward_step3]
89 +
90 + def output_(self, left_dependent, right_dependent):
91 +
92 + def one_kernel(Tk, left, right):
93 + first_bi_libear = theano.dot(left, Tk)
94 + seccon_bi_linear = theano.dot(first_bi_libear, right)
95 + return(seccon_bi_linear.flatten())
96 +
97 + bi_linear_tensor, _ = theano.scan(
98 + fn=one_kernel,
99 + sequences=[self.T],
100 + non_sequences=[left_dependent, right_dependent],
101 + n_steps=n_out
102 + )
103 +
104 + bi_linear_tensor = bi_linear_tensor.dimshuffle(1, 0)
105 + feedforward_step1 = theano.dot(left_dependent, self.W1)
106 + feedforward_step2 = theano.dot(right_dependent, self.W2)
107 + feedforward_step3 = (feedforward_step1 +
108 + feedforward_step2.dimshuffle("x", 0) +
109 + self.b.dimshuffle("x", 0))
110 + feedforward_step4 = bi_linear_tensor + feedforward_step3
111 + output = theano.tensor.tanh(feedforward_step4)
112 + return(output)
113 +
114 + def get_params(self):
115 + trainedParams = {
116 + "T": self.T.get_value(), "W1": self.W1.get_value(),
117 + "W2": self.W2.get_value(), "b": self.b.get_value()
118 + }
119 + return(trainedParams)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Sat Mar 25 15:55:14 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +import theano
9 +import theano.tensor as T
10 +import numpy as np
11 +
12 +def createShareVar(rng, dim, name, factor_for_init):
13 + var_values = np.asarray(
14 + rng.uniform(
15 + low=-np.sqrt(6.0 / factor_for_init),
16 + high=np.sqrt(6.0 / factor_for_init),
17 + size=dim,
18 + )
19 + )
20 + Var = theano.shared(value=var_values, name=name, borrow=True)
21 + return Var
22 +
23 +
24 +def adadelta(lr, tparams, cost, grads, listInput):
25 + """
26 + An adaptive learning rate optimizer
27 +
28 + Parameters
29 + ----------
30 + lr : Theano SharedVariable
31 + Initial learning rate
32 + tpramas: Theano SharedVariable
33 + Model parameters
34 + grads: Theano variable
35 + Gradients of cost w.r.t to parameres
36 +
37 + cost: Theano variable
38 + Objective fucntion to minimize
39 +
40 + Notes
41 + -----
42 + For more information, see [ADADELTA]_.
43 +
44 + .. [ADADELTA] Matthew D. Zeiler, *ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning
45 + Rate Method*, arXiv:1212.5701.
46 + """
47 + np_float = np.asarray(0., dtype=theano.config.floatX)
48 + zipped_grads = [theano.shared(p.get_value() * np_float,
49 + name='%s_grad' % k)
50 + for k, p in enumerate(tparams)]
51 + running_up2 = [theano.shared(p.get_value() * np_float,
52 + name='%s_rup2' % k)
53 + for k, p in enumerate(tparams)]
54 + running_grads2 = [theano.shared(p.get_value() * np_float,
55 + name='%s_rgrad2' % k)
56 + for k, p in enumerate(tparams)]
57 +
58 + zgup = [(zg, g) for zg, g in zip(zipped_grads, grads)]
59 + rg2up = [(rg2, 0.95 * rg2 + 0.05 * (g ** 2))
60 + for rg2, g in zip(running_grads2, grads)]
61 +
62 + f_grad_shared = theano.function(inputs=listInput,
63 + outputs=cost,
64 + updates=zgup + rg2up,
65 + name='adadelta_f_grad_shared')
66 +
67 + updir = [-T.sqrt(ru2 + 1e-6) / T.sqrt(rg2 + 1e-6) * zg
68 + for zg, ru2, rg2 in zip(zipped_grads,
69 + running_up2,
70 + running_grads2)]
71 + ru2up = [(ru2, 0.95 * ru2 + 0.05 * (ud ** 2))
72 + for ru2, ud in zip(running_up2, updir)]
73 + param_up = [(p, p + ud) for p, ud in zip(tparams, updir)]
74 +
75 + f_update = theano.function([lr], [], updates=ru2up + param_up,
76 + on_unused_input='ignore',
77 + name='adadelta_f_update')
78 +
79 + return f_grad_shared, f_update
80 +
81 +
82 +def ADAM_OPTIMIZER(loss, all_params, learning_rate=0.001,
83 + b1=0.9, b2=0.999, e=1e-8, gamma=1-1e-8):
84 + """
85 + CITE: http://sebastianruder.com/optimizing-gradient-descent/index.html#adam
86 + ADAM update rules
87 + Default values are taken from [Kingma2014]
88 + References:
89 + [Kingma2014] Kingma, Diederik, and Jimmy Ba.
90 + "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization."
91 + arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980 (2014).
92 + http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980v4.pdf
93 + """
94 + updates = []
95 + all_grads = theano.grad(loss, all_params)
96 + alpha = learning_rate
97 + t = theano.shared(np.float32(1))
98 + # (Decay the first moment running average coefficient)
99 + b1_t = b1*gamma**(t-1)
100 +
101 + for params_previous, g in zip(all_params, all_grads):
102 + init_moment = np.zeros(params_previous.get_value().shape,
103 + dtype=theano.config.floatX)
104 + # (the mean)
105 + first_moment = theano.shared(init_moment)
106 + # (the uncentered variance)
107 + second_moment = theano.shared(init_moment)
108 +
109 + # (Update biased first moment estimate)
110 + bias_m = b1_t*first_moment + (1 - b1_t)*g
111 +
112 + # (Update biased second raw moment estimate)
113 + bias_v = b2*second_moment + (1 - b2)*g**2
114 +
115 + # (Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate)
116 + unbias_m = bias_m / (1-b1**t)
117 +
118 + # (Compute bias-corrected second raw moment estimate)
119 + unbias_v = bias_v / (1-b2**t)
120 +
121 + # (Update parameters)
122 + update_term = (alpha * unbias_m) / (T.sqrt(unbias_v) + e)
123 + params_new = params_previous - update_term
124 +
125 + updates.append((first_moment, bias_m))
126 + updates.append((second_moment, bias_v))
127 + updates.append((params_previous, params_new))
128 + updates.append((t, t + 1.))
129 + return updates
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Thu Apr 13 17:01:36 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import sys
10 +import numpy as np
11 +np.random.seed(280295)
12 +import keras.backend as K
13 +from keras.models import Sequential
14 +from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout, Flatten
15 +from keras.layers import Conv1D, GlobalAveragePooling1D, MaxPooling1D
16 +from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping
17 +from keras import regularizers, optimizers
18 +
19 +
20 +def recall(y_true, y_pred):
21 + """Recall metric.
22 +
23 + Only computes a batch-wise average of recall.
24 +
25 + Computes the recall, a metric for multi-label classification of
26 + how many relevant items are selected.
27 + """
28 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 1] * y_pred[:, 1], 0, 1)))
29 + possible_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 1], 0, 1)))
30 + recall = true_positives / (possible_positives + K.epsilon())
31 + return recall
32 +
33 +
34 +def precision(y_true, y_pred):
35 + """Precision metric.
36 +
37 + Only computes a batch-wise average of precision.
38 +
39 + Computes the precision, a metric for multi-label classification of
40 + how many selected items are relevant.
41 + """
42 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 1] * y_pred[:, 1], 0, 1)))
43 + predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred[:, 1], 0, 1)))
44 + precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
45 + return precision
46 +
47 +
48 +def fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred):
49 +
50 + # If there are no true positives, fix the F score at 0 like sklearn.
51 + if K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1))) == 0:
52 + return 0
53 +
54 + p = precision(y_true, y_pred)
55 + r = recall(y_true, y_pred)
56 + bb = 1 ** 2
57 + fbeta_score = (1 + bb) * (p * r) / (bb * p + r + K.epsilon())
58 + return fbeta_score
59 +
60 +
61 +def main(dataX_path, dataY_path, result_path,
62 + n_epoch, input_dim, days):
63 +
64 + # load data
65 + np.random.seed(2204)
66 + X = np.load(dataX_path)
67 + Y = np.load(dataY_path)
68 +
69 + # build Model
70 + model = Sequential()
71 + model.add(Conv1D(128, 1, activation='relu', input_shape=(days, input_dim)))
72 + model.add(Conv1D(128, 3, activation='relu', padding='same'))
73 + model.add(MaxPooling1D(2))
74 + model.add(Flatten())
75 + model.add(Dropout(0.8))
76 + model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
77 + adam = optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001)
78 + model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',
79 + optimizer=adam,
80 + metrics=['accuracy', recall, precision, fbeta_score])
81 +
82 + # model Compile
83 + model_name = result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.hdf5'
84 + checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_name,
85 + monitor='val_fbeta_score',
86 + verbose=2, save_best_only=True)
87 + earlystopper = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=20, verbose=2)
88 +
89 + outmodel = open(result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.json', 'w')
90 + outmodel.write(model.to_json())
91 + outmodel.close()
92 +
93 + # process Training
94 + model.fit(X, Y, batch_size=32, verbose=2,
95 + validation_split=0.1, epochs=n_epoch,
96 + callbacks=[checkpointer])
97 +
98 +
99 +if __name__ == "__main__":
100 + dataX = sys.argv[1]
101 + dataY = sys.argv[2]
102 + model_path = sys.argv[3]
103 + n_epoch = int(sys.argv[4])
104 + input_dim = int(sys.argv[5])
105 + days = int(sys.argv[6])
106 + main(dataX, dataY, model_path, n_epoch, input_dim, days)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Thu Apr 13 17:01:36 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import sys
10 +import numpy as np
11 +np.random.seed(280295)
12 +import keras.backend as K
13 +from keras.models import Sequential
14 +from keras import regularizers, optimizers
15 +from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, LSTM, Dropout
16 +from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping
17 +
18 +def recall(y_true, y_pred):
19 + """Recall metric.
20 +
21 + Only computes a batch-wise average of recall.
22 +
23 + Computes the recall, a metric for multi-label classification of
24 + how many relevant items are selected.
25 + """
26 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0] * y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
27 + possible_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0], 0, 1)))
28 + recall = true_positives / (possible_positives + K.epsilon())
29 + return recall
30 +
31 +
32 +def precision(y_true, y_pred):
33 + """Precision metric.
34 +
35 + Only computes a batch-wise average of precision.
36 +
37 + Computes the precision, a metric for multi-label classification of
38 + how many selected items are relevant.
39 + """
40 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0] * y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
41 + predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
42 + precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
43 + return precision
44 +
45 +
46 +def fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred):
47 +
48 + # If there are no true positives, fix the F score at 0 like sklearn.
49 + if K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1))) == 0:
50 + return 0
51 +
52 + p = precision(y_true, y_pred)
53 + r = recall(y_true, y_pred)
54 + bb = 1 ** 2
55 + fbeta_score = (1 + bb) * (p * r) / (bb * p + r + K.epsilon())
56 + return fbeta_score
57 +
58 +
59 +def main(dataX_path, dataY_path, result_path,
60 + n_epoch, input_dim, days):
61 +
62 + # load data
63 + np.random.seed(2204)
64 + X = np.load(dataX_path)
65 + Y = np.load(dataY_path)
66 +
67 + # build Model
68 + model = Sequential()
69 + model.add(LSTM(256, input_shape=(days, input_dim),
70 + kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.001)))
71 +
72 + model.add(Dropout(0.6))
73 + model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax',
74 + kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.001)))
75 + adam = optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001)
76 + model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',
77 + optimizer=adam,
78 + metrics=['accuracy', recall, precision, fbeta_score])
79 +
80 + # model Compile
81 + model_name = result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.hdf5'
82 + checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_name,
83 + monitor='val_fbeta_score', mode="max",
84 + verbose=2, save_best_only=True)
85 + earlystopper = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=20, verbose=2)
86 +
87 + outmodel = open(result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.json', 'w')
88 + outmodel.write(model.to_json())
89 + outmodel.close()
90 +
91 + # process Training
92 + model.fit(X, Y, batch_size=32, verbose=2,
93 + validation_split=0.1, epochs=n_epoch,
94 + callbacks=[checkpointer])
95 +
96 +if __name__ == "__main__":
97 + dataX = sys.argv[1]
98 + dataY = sys.argv[2]
99 + model_path = sys.argv[3]
100 + n_epoch = int(sys.argv[4])
101 + input_dim = int(sys.argv[5])
102 + days = int(sys.argv[6])
103 + main(dataX, dataY, model_path, n_epoch, input_dim, days)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Thu Apr 13 17:01:36 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import sys
10 +import numpy as np
11 +np.random.seed(280295)
12 +import keras.backend as K
13 +from keras.models import Sequential
14 +from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout, Flatten
15 +from keras.layers import Conv1D, GlobalAveragePooling1D, MaxPooling1D
16 +from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping
17 +from keras import regularizers, optimizers
18 +
19 +
20 +def recall(y_true, y_pred):
21 + """Recall metric.
22 +
23 + Only computes a batch-wise average of recall.
24 +
25 + Computes the recall, a metric for multi-label classification of
26 + how many relevant items are selected.
27 + """
28 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0] * y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
29 + possible_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0], 0, 1)))
30 + recall = true_positives / (possible_positives + K.epsilon())
31 + return recall
32 +
33 +
34 +def precision(y_true, y_pred):
35 + """Precision metric.
36 +
37 + Only computes a batch-wise average of precision.
38 +
39 + Computes the precision, a metric for multi-label classification of
40 + how many selected items are relevant.
41 + """
42 + true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true[:, 0] * y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
43 + predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred[:, 0], 0, 1)))
44 + precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
45 + return precision
46 +
47 +
48 +def fbeta_score(y_true, y_pred):
49 +
50 + # If there are no true positives, fix the F score at 0 like sklearn.
51 + if K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1))) == 0:
52 + return 0
53 +
54 + p = precision(y_true, y_pred)
55 + r = recall(y_true, y_pred)
56 + bb = 1 ** 2
57 + fbeta_score = (1 + bb) * (p * r) / (bb * p + r + K.epsilon())
58 + return fbeta_score
59 +
60 +
61 +def main(dataX_path, dataY_path, result_path,
62 + n_epoch, input_dim, days):
63 +
64 + # load data
65 + np.random.seed(2204)
66 + X = np.load(dataX_path)
67 + Y = np.load(dataY_path)
68 +
69 + # build Model
70 + model = Sequential()
71 + model.add(Flatten(input_shape=(days, input_dim)))
72 + model.add(Dense(512, activation='sigmoid'))
73 + model.add(Dropout(0.8))
74 + model.add(Dense(1024, activation='sigmoid'))
75 + model.add(Dropout(0.8))
76 +# model.add(Dense(1024, activation='sigmoid'))
77 + model.add(Dropout(0.8))
78 + model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
79 +
80 + adam = optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001)
81 + model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',
82 + optimizer=adam,
83 + metrics=['accuracy', recall, precision, fbeta_score])
84 +
85 + # model Compile
86 + model_name = result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.hdf5'
87 + checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_name, monitor='val_acc',
88 + verbose=2, save_best_only=True)
89 + earlystopper = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=20, verbose=2)
90 +
91 + outmodel = open(result_path+'model2_price_move_predict.json', 'w')
92 + outmodel.write(model.to_json())
93 + outmodel.close()
94 +
95 + # process Training
96 + model.fit(X, Y, batch_size=32, verbose=2,
97 + validation_split=0.1, epochs=n_epoch,
98 + callbacks=[checkpointer])
99 +
100 +
101 +if __name__ == "__main__":
102 + dataX = sys.argv[1]
103 + dataY = sys.argv[2]
104 + model_path = sys.argv[3]
105 + n_epoch = int(sys.argv[4])
106 + input_dim = int(sys.argv[5])
107 + days = int(sys.argv[6])
108 + main(dataX, dataY, model_path, n_epoch, input_dim, days)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Thu Mar 16 21:57:57 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import bs4
10 +import json
11 +import sys
12 +import urllib.request as urlreq
13 +from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
14 +import requests
15 +
16 +BLOOMBERG_params = {
17 + "sort_by_newest": "time:desc",
18 + "sort_by_oldest": "time:asc",
19 + "source_from_bloomberg": "sites=bview",
20 + "end_time": "2017-03-12T15:20:16.240Z"
21 +}
22 +
24 + "query_list_news": ["div", {"class": "search-result-story__container"}],
25 + "query_headline": ["h1", {"class": "search-result-story__headline"}],
26 + "query_time_published": ["time", {"class": "published-at"}],
27 + "query_body": ["div", {"class": "search-result-story__body"}]
28 +}
29 +
30 +
31 +def parser_url(query_string, page,
32 + sort_by="sort_by_oldest",
33 + source="source_from_bloomberg"):
34 + url = "https://www.bloomberg.com/"
35 + # add search query
36 + url = url + "search?query=" + query_string + "&"
37 + # add sort by
38 + url = url + "sort=" + BLOOMBERG_params[sort_by] + "&"
39 + # add time to query -- use present time
40 + url = url + "sites=" + BLOOMBERG_params[source] + "&"
41 + # add page number
42 + url = url + "page=" + str(page)
43 + return url
44 +
45 +
46 +def get_rid_off_key(list_contents):
47 + body_string = ""
48 + for substring in list_contents:
49 + if (type(substring) == bs4.element.Tag):
50 + # join all body string and
51 + # eliminate highlight query string key
52 + body_string += substring.string
53 + else:
54 + if (type(substring.string) == bs4.element.NavigableString):
55 + body_string += substring.string
56 + return(body_string)
57 +
58 +
59 +def extract_from_url(url):
60 + try:
61 + with requests.get(url) as response:
62 + html_of_page = response.read()
63 + soup_object = BeautifulSoup(html_of_page, "lxml")
64 + # Extract list of news in soup object
65 + param_to_find = DATA_TO_EXTRACT["query_list_news"]
66 + list_of_news = soup_object.find_all(param_to_find[0],
67 + attrs=param_to_find[1])
68 + if (len(list_of_news) == 0):
69 + return None
70 + # create list result extracted
71 + result = []
72 + for block_new in list_of_news:
73 + # extract time from block
74 + param_to_find = DATA_TO_EXTRACT["query_time_published"]
75 + time = block_new.find_all(param_to_find[0],
76 + attrs=param_to_find[1])
77 + time = time[0]["datetime"]
78 +
79 + # extract new headline
80 + param_to_find = DATA_TO_EXTRACT["query_headline"]
81 + headline = block_new.find_all(param_to_find[0],
82 + attrs=param_to_find[1])
83 + headline = get_rid_off_key(headline[0].a.contents)
84 +
85 + # extract new body list if string
86 + param_to_find = DATA_TO_EXTRACT["query_body"]
87 + body = block_new.find_all(param_to_find[0],
88 + attrs=param_to_find[1])
89 + print(body)
90 +
91 + body_string = get_rid_off_key(body[0].contents)
92 + extracted_from_block = {"time": time,
93 + "headline": headline,
94 + "body": body_string}
95 + # for debug :
96 + # print("\t".join(extracted_from_block))
97 + if len(body_string) >= 5:
98 + result.append(extracted_from_block)
99 + except Exception as inst:
100 + print("Something whenwrong :)", inst)
101 + print("ULR: ", url)
102 + result = []
103 + return(result)
104 +
105 +
106 +def Query(key, max_page=5000):
107 + # Init page and looping until return None
108 + page = 1
109 + result = "not None"
110 + all_result_query = []
111 + error = 0
112 + while True and page < max_page:
113 + print("Colected: %d articles" % len(all_result_query))
114 + new_url = parser_url(key, page)
115 + result = extract_from_url(new_url)
116 + if len(result) > 0 or error > 10:
117 + page += 1
118 + error = 0
119 + else:
120 + error += 1
121 +
122 + if result is not None:
123 + all_result_query += result
124 + else:
125 + break
126 + return(all_result_query)
127 +
128 +
129 +if __name__ == "__main__":
130 + print("Begin query information about: ", sys.argv[1])
131 + print("Then will save result in: ", sys.argv[2])
132 +
133 + News = Query(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[4]))
134 + file_name1 = sys.argv[2]
135 +
136 + with open(file_name1, "w") as W:
137 + json.dump(News, W, indent=1)
138 +
139 + file_name2 = sys.argv[3]
140 + with open(file_name2, "w") as W:
141 + W.write("\n".join([new["body"] for new in News]))
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Mon Mar 20 17:52:11 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +import sys
9 +import json
10 +import numpy as np
11 +
12 +
13 +def updateDict(words, dictUp):
14 + # update word dictionary with given "words" and the dict "dictUp"
15 + for w in words:
16 + if w in dictUp:
17 + dictUp[w] += 1
18 + else:
19 + dictUp[w] = 0
20 + return dictUp
21 +
22 +def extractVocab(eventsFile, fromIndex=0, toIndex="END"):
23 + # from Events file, extract infor about words and create a mapping
24 + vocab = dict()
25 + with open(eventsFile, "r") as file:
26 + list_events = file.read().strip().splitlines()
27 + if toIndex == -1:
28 + list_events = list_events[fromIndex:]
29 + else:
30 + list_events = sorted(set(list_events[fromIndex:toIndex]))
31 + for i, event in enumerate(list_events):
32 + if event[0] != "\t":
33 + index = i
34 + break
35 + list_events = list_events[index:]
36 + for event in list_events:
37 + event = event.split("\t")
38 + words = event[1].split(" ") + \
39 + event[2].split(" ") + \
40 + event[3].split(" ")
41 + vocab = updateDict(words, vocab)
42 + vocab_words = vocab.keys()
43 + support_words = ["NOISEWORDS"]
44 + vocab_words = support_words + \
45 + sorted(vocab_words, key=lambda x: vocab[x], reverse=True)
46 + IndexWords = range(len(vocab_words))
47 + Count = ["NOISEWORDS"] + [vocab[w] for w in vocab_words[1:]]
48 + result = [dict(zip(vocab_words, Count)),
49 + dict(zip(IndexWords, vocab_words)),
50 + dict(zip(vocab_words, IndexWords))]
51 + return result, list_events
52 +
53 +
54 +def convertEvent(eventsFile, vocabMapping, countMin=5):
55 + # convert all Events to index for training
56 + wordCount, _, word2index = vocabMapping
57 + Events = []
58 + with open(eventsFile, "r") as file:
59 + list_events = file.read().strip().splitlines()
60 +
61 + for event in list_events:
62 + event = event.split("\t")
63 + list_obj = [event[1].split(" "),
64 + event[2].split(" "),
65 + event[3].split(" ")]
66 +
67 + # Covert only words that appear more than countMin
68 + wordsIndexed = []
69 + for obj in list_obj:
70 + objIndex = []
71 + for w in obj:
72 + if wordCount[w] >= countMin:
73 + objIndex.append(word2index[w])
74 + else:
75 + objIndex.append(0)
76 + wordsIndexed.append(objIndex)
77 + Events.append(wordsIndexed)
78 + return Events
79 +
80 +
81 +if __name__ == "__main__":
82 + # in
83 + EventPath = "../../Thesis_data/Apple_query_result_body.txt"
84 + fromIndex = 0
85 + toIndex = -1
86 + minCountWord = 5
87 + # out
88 + EventNewPath = "./Events_for_training.txt"
89 + VocabPath = "./Vocab_in_events_for_training.json"
90 + IndexdEventPath = "./IndexedEvents_for_training.npy"
91 +
92 + vocabMapping, EventNew = extractVocab(EventPath, fromIndex, toIndex)
93 + with open(VocabPath, "w") as W:
94 + json.dump(vocabMapping, W, indent=2)
95 +
96 + with open(EventNewPath, "w") as W:
97 + W.write("\n".join(EventNew))
98 +
99 + indexed_events = convertEvent(EventNewPath, vocabMapping, minCountWord)
100 + np.save(arr=np.array(indexed_events), file=IndexdEventPath)
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Mon Mar 20 11:58:54 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +
9 +import sys
10 +import json
11 +
12 +
13 +def findDate(news_body, list_news):
14 + date = ""
15 + for ind, new in enumerate(list_news):
16 + if news_body in new["body"]:
17 + date = new["time"]
18 + break
19 + return date
20 +
21 +
22 +def extractAllDate(list_events, list_news, choosedInfor=[1, 2, 3, 0, 6]):
23 + list_result = []
24 + N = len(list_events)
25 + i = 0.0
26 + for event in list_events:
27 + i += 1
28 + if i % 1000 == 0:
29 + print("Done %f percents" % (i/N*100))
30 + date = [findDate(event[6], list_news)]
31 + infor = date + [event[i] for i in choosedInfor]
32 + list_result.append(infor)
33 + return list_result
34 +
35 +if __name__ == "__main__":
36 + events = open(sys.argv[1], "r").read().strip().splitlines()
37 + events = [event.split("\t") for event in events
38 + if len(event.split("\t")) > 5]
39 + news = json.load(open(sys.argv[2], "r"))
40 + result = extractAllDate(events, news)
41 +
42 + with open(sys.argv[3], "w") as W:
43 + for line in result[1:]:
44 + W.write("\t".join(line)+"\n")
1 +#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 +"""
4 +Created on Thu Apr 13 16:57:11 2017
5 +
6 +@author: red-sky
7 +"""
8 +import sys
9 +import numpy as np
10 +import pickle
11 +import pandas as pd
12 +
13 +
14 +def main(VectorsPath, EventPath, StockPricePath, days):
15 +
16 + with open(VectorsPath, "rb") as H:
17 + Vec = pickle.load(H)
18 + Vectors = np.array([list(b[0]) for a, b in Vec.values()])
19 +# Vectors = np.load(VectorsPath)
20 + with open(EventPath, "r") as H:
21 + F = np.array([a.split("\t")[0:4] for a in H.read().splitlines()])
22 +
23 + D = {}
24 + for date, vec in zip(F[:, 0], Vectors):
25 + if date[:10] in D:
26 + D[date[:10]].append(vec)
27 + else:
28 + D[date[:10]] = [vec]
29 +
30 + D2 = {}
31 + for date in sorted(D.keys()):
32 + D2[date] = np.mean(D[date], 0)
33 +
34 + Dates = np.array(sorted(D2.keys()))
35 + SampleIndex = [list(range(i-days, i)) for i in range(5, len(Dates))]
36 + DataX = []
37 + DateX = []
38 + for listIndex in SampleIndex:
39 + DataX.append([D2[date] for date in Dates[listIndex]])
40 + DateX.append(Dates[listIndex[-1]])
41 +
42 + Df = pd.read_csv(StockPricePath)
43 + LabelY = []
44 + DataX_yesData = []
45 + for i, date in enumerate(DateX):
46 + retu = list(Df.loc[Df["Date"] == date]["ReturnOpen"])
47 + print(retu)
48 + if len(retu) > 0:
49 + retu = float(retu[0])*100
50 + if retu > 0:
51 + LabelY.append([1, 0])
52 + if retu < -0:
53 + LabelY.append([0, 1])
54 + if retu <= 0 and retu >= -0:
55 + LabelY.append([0, 1])
56 + DataX_yesData.append(list(DataX[i]))
57 + print(date)
58 +# else:
59 +
60 + dataX = np.array(DataX_yesData)
61 + dataY = np.array(LabelY)
62 + print("DataX:", dataX.shape)
63 + print("DataY:", dataY.shape, np.sum(dataY, 0) / np.sum(dataY))
64 + return (dataX, dataY)
65 +
66 +if __name__ == "__main__":
67 + VectorsPath = sys.argv[1]
68 + EventPath = sys.argv[2]
69 + StockPricePath = sys.argv[3]
70 + days = int(sys.argv[5])
71 + DataX, LabelY = main(VectorsPath, EventPath, StockPricePath, days)
72 + DataPath = sys.argv[4]
73 + np.save(arr=DataX, file=DataPath+"/DailyVector" + sys.argv[5] + ".npy")
74 + np.save(arr=LabelY, file=DataPath+"/DailyReturn" + sys.argv[5] + ".npy")