
2021 OSS Project Using node!

Forked from 2018102216

29aa8401 profile photo update · by Lee SeJin


A website for developers to get driven with motivation.

KHU-Hub repo: khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102216/dev-profile

Main Features

  • your basic profile
  • random quotes for developers to motivate you :sparkles:
  • the amount of commits you've done on GitHub at a glance
  • your most-contributed project on GitHub
  • today's trending repositories on GitHub

Additional Features

  • direct and easy login via GitHub
  • intuitive and easy-to-use structure

test installation

This is the usage just for the being. After cloning repository, type into terminal to automatically install modules and libraries.

npm install

To run server,

npm run dev:server

API reference

Programming Quotes API
