
Rearrange Files

1 +const express = require('express');
2 +const fs = require('fs');
3 +const path = require('path');
4 +const HTTPS = require('https');
5 +
6 +const app = express();
7 +const domain = "2020105636.oss-2021.tk"
8 +const sslport = 23023;
9 +
10 +app.use(express.static(__dirname));
11 +
12 +app.get('/', function(req, res){
13 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/main.html');
14 +});
15 +
16 +app.get('/main.html', function(req, res){
17 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/main.html');
18 +});
19 +
20 +app.get('/introduction.html', function(req, res){
21 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/introduction.html');
22 +});
23 +
24 +app.get('/calendar.html', function(req, res){
25 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/calendar.html');
26 +});
27 +
28 +
29 +app.get('/simulation.html', function(req, res){
30 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/simulation.html');
31 +});
32 +
33 +try {
34 + const option = {
35 + ca: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/' + domain +'/fullchain.pem'),
36 + key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), '/etc/letsencrypt/live/' + domain +'/privkey.pem'), 'utf8').toString(),
37 + cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), '/etc/letsencrypt/live/' + domain +'/cert.pem'), 'utf8').toString(),
38 + };
39 +
40 + HTTPS.createServer(option, app).listen(sslport, () => {
41 + console.log(`[HTTPS] Server is started on port ${sslport}`);
42 + });
43 +} catch (error) {
44 + console.log('[HTTPS] HTTPS 오류가 발생하였습니다. HTTPS 서버는 실행되지 않습니다.');
45 + console.log(error);
46 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +body{
2 + background-image:url(https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/blog/155A204A5026656D0E);
3 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
4 + background-size: cover;
5 +}
6 +.container1{
7 + display:flex;
8 + justify-content: center;
9 + align-items: baseline;
10 + padding:50px 0px 0px 0px;
11 +}
12 +.logo{
13 + font-size:40px;
14 + color:white;
15 +}
16 +*{
17 + margin: 0;
18 + padding: 0;
19 + box-sizing: border-box;
20 + font-family: sans-serif;
21 +}
22 +
23 +#menu{
24 + margin:60px 250px 0px 250px;
25 + height:90px;
26 + width:1000px;
27 +}
28 +#menu ul li{
29 + list-style:none;
30 + color:white;
31 + background-color:#011638;
32 + float:left;
33 + line-height:30px;
34 + vertical-align:middle;
35 + text-align:center;
36 + display:inline;
37 +}
38 +#menu .me{
39 + text-decoration:none;
40 + color:white;
41 + display:inline-block;
42 + width:250px;
43 + font-size:20px;
44 + font-weight:bold;
45 + font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Dotum, Arial;
46 +}
47 +#menu .me:hover{
48 + color:#D499B9;
49 + background-color: #2E294E;
50 +}
51 +
52 +.row{
53 + display:flex;
54 + justify-content: space-evenly;
55 + padding: 0px 0px 50px 0px;
56 +}
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 +<head>
4 + <title> Calendar </title>
5 + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="calendar.css">
6 +</head>
7 +<body>
8 + <div class="container1">
9 + <span class="logo">Welcome to Baseball Simulator</span>
10 + </div>
11 + <nav id="menu">
12 + <ul>
13 + <li>
14 + <a class="me" href="main.html">Home</a>
15 + </li>
16 + <li>
17 + <a class="me" href="introduction.html">Introduction</a>
18 + </li>
19 + <li>
20 + <a class="me" href="calendar.html">Calendar</a>
21 + </li>
22 + <li>
23 + <a class="me" href="simulation.html">Simulation</a>
24 + </li>
25 + </ul>
26 + </nav>
27 + <div class="container2">
28 + <div class="row row1">
29 + <span class="item1">
30 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=%EC%82%BC%EC%84%B1">
31 + <img src="pngs/samsung.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
32 + </a>
33 + </span>
34 + <span class="item2">
35 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=NC">
36 + <img src="pngs/nc.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
37 + </a>
38 + </span>
39 + <span class="item3">
40 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=LG">
41 + <img src="pngs/LG.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
42 + </a>
43 + </span>
44 + <span class="item4">
45 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=KT">
46 + <img src="pngs/kt.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
47 + </a>
48 + </span>
49 + <span class="item5">
50 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=SSG">
51 + <img src="pngs/ssg.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
52 + </a>
53 + </span>
54 + </div>
55 + <div class="row row2">
56 + <span class="item6">
57 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?cteam=%EB%91%90%EC%82%B0%2BOB&year=2021&opt=0&sopt=1">
58 + <img src="pngs/dusan.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;"alt="">
59 + </a>
60 + </span>
61 + <span class="item7">
62 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?cteam=%ED%9E%88%EC%96%B4%EB%A1%9C%EC%A6%88&year=2021&opt=0&sopt=1">
63 + <img src="pngs/kiwoom.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
64 + </a>
65 + </span>
66 + <span class="item8">
67 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?opt=0&sopt=1&year=2021&team=KIA">
68 + <img src="pngs/kia.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
69 + </a>
70 + </span>
71 + <span class="item9">
72 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?cteam=%ED%95%9C%ED%99%94%2B%EB%B9%99%EA%B7%B8%EB%A0%88&year=2021&opt=0&sopt=1">
73 + <img src="pngs/hanhwa.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
74 + </a>
75 + </span>
76 + <span class="item10">
77 + <a href="http://www.statiz.co.kr/team.php?cteam=%EB%A1%AF%EB%8D%B0&year=2021&opt=0&sopt=1">
78 + <img src="pngs/Lotte.png" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:150px; height:150px;" alt="">
79 + </a>
80 + </span>
81 + </div>
82 + </div>
83 +</body>
84 +</html>
1 +body{
2 + background-image:url(https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/blog/155A204A5026656D0E);
3 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
4 + -webkit-background-size: cover;
5 + -moz-background-size: cover;
6 + -o-background-size: cover;
7 + background-size: cover;
8 +}
9 +.container1{
10 + display:flex;
11 + justify-content: center;
12 + align-items: baseline;
13 + padding:50px 0px 0px 0px;
14 +}
15 +.logo{
16 + font-size:40px;
17 + color:white;
18 +}
19 +*{
20 + margin: 0;
21 + padding: 0;
22 + box-sizing: border-box;
23 + font-family: sans-serif;
24 +}
25 +
26 +#menu{
27 + margin:60px 250px 0px 250px;
28 + height:90px;
29 + width:1000px;
30 +}
31 +#menu ul li{
32 + list-style:none;
33 + color:white;
34 + background-color:#011638;
35 + float:left;
36 + line-height:30px;
37 + vertical-align:middle;
38 + text-align:center;
39 + display:inline;
40 +}
41 +#menu .me{
42 + text-decoration:none;
43 + color:white;
44 + display:inline-block;
45 + width:250px;
46 + font-size:20px;
47 + font-weight:bold;
48 + font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Dotum, Arial;
49 +}
50 +#menu .me:hover{
51 + color:#D499B9;
52 + background-color: #2E294E;
53 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 +<head>
4 + <title> Introduction </title>
5 + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="introduction.css">
6 +</head>
7 +<body>
8 + <div class="container1">
9 + <span class="logo">Welcome to Baseball Simulator</span>
10 + </div>
11 + <nav id="menu">
12 + <ul>
13 + <li>
14 + <a class="me" href="main.html">Home</a>
15 + </li>
16 + <li>
17 + <a class="me" href="introduction.html">Introduction</a>
18 + </li>
19 + <li>
20 + <a class="me" href="calendar.html">Calendar</a>
21 + </li>
22 + <li>
23 + <a class="me" href="simulation.html">Simulation</a>
24 + </li>
25 + </ul>
26 + </nav>
27 +
28 +</body>
29 +</html>
1 +body{
2 + background-image:url(https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/blog/155A204A5026656D0E);
3 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
4 + -webkit-background-size: cover;
5 + -moz-background-size: cover;
6 + -o-background-size: cover;
7 + background-size: cover;
8 +}
9 +.container1{
10 + display:flex;
11 + justify-content: center;
12 + align-items: baseline;
13 + padding:50px 0px 0px 0px;
14 +}
15 +.logo{
16 + font-size:40px;
17 + color:white;
18 +}
19 +*{
20 + margin: 0;
21 + padding: 0;
22 + box-sizing: border-box;
23 + font-family: sans-serif;
24 +}
25 +
26 +#menu{
27 + margin:60px 250px 0px 250px;
28 + height:90px;
29 + width:1000px;
30 +}
31 +#menu ul li{
32 + list-style:none;
33 + color:white;
34 + background-color:#011638;
35 + float:left;
36 + line-height:30px;
37 + vertical-align:middle;
38 + text-align:center;
39 + display:inline;
40 +}
41 +#menu .me{
42 + text-decoration:none;
43 + color:white;
44 + display:inline-block;
45 + width:250px;
46 + font-size:20px;
47 + font-weight:bold;
48 + font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Dotum, Arial;
49 +}
50 +#menu .me:hover{
51 + color:#D499B9;
52 + background-color: #2E294E;
53 +}
54 +.container2{
55 + width:50%;
56 + height:600px;
57 + float:left;
58 +}
59 +.container3{
60 + width:50%;
61 + height:200px;
62 + float:left;
63 +}
64 +.container4{
65 + width:20%;
66 + height:400px;
67 + float:left;
68 +}
69 +.container5{
70 + width:30%;
71 + height:400px;
72 + float:left;
73 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 +<head>
4 + <title> Baseball Simulator </title>
5 + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="main.css">
6 +</head>
7 +<body>
8 + <div class="container1">
9 + <span class="logo">Welcome to Baseball Simulator</span>
10 + </div>
11 + <nav id="menu">
12 + <ul>
13 + <li>
14 + <a class="me" href="main.html">Home</a>
15 + </li>
16 + <li>
17 + <a class="me" href="introduction.html">Introduction</a>
18 + </li>
19 + <li>
20 + <a class="me" href="calendar.html">Calendar</a>
21 + </li>
22 + <li>
23 + <a class="me" href="simulation.html">Simulation</a>
24 + </li>
25 + </ul>
26 + </nav>
27 + <div class="container2">
28 + <a href="https://sports.news.naver.com/kbaseball/record/index.nhn?category=kbo&year=2021"><img src="pngs/rank.jpg" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:600px; height:400px;"></a>
29 + </div>
30 + <div class="container3">
31 + <a href="https://sports.news.naver.com/kbaseball/schedule/index.nhn"><img src="pngs/today.jpg" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:655px; height:150px;"></a>
32 + </div>
33 + <div class="container4">
34 + <img src="pngs/1.jpg" style="display:block; margin:0 auto; width:200px; height:100px;">
35 + </div>
36 + <div class="container5">
37 + <iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dL_79KkHmQE" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
38 + </div>
39 +</body>
40 +</html>
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +{
2 + "name": "homework",
3 + "version": "1.0.0",
4 + "description": "",
5 + "main": "server.js",
6 + "scripts": {
7 + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
8 + },
9 + "author": "",
10 + "license": "ISC",
11 + "dependencies": {
12 + "express": "^4.17.1"
13 + }
14 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +const express = require('express');
2 +const app = express();
3 +app.use(express.static(__dirname));
4 +
5 +app.listen(8080, function(){
6 + console.log('listening on 8080');
7 +});
8 +
9 +app.get('/', function(req, res){
10 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/main.html');
11 +});
12 +
13 +app.get('/main.html', function(req, res){
14 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/main.html');
15 +});
16 +
17 +app.get('/introduction.html', function(req, res){
18 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/introduction.html');
19 +});
20 +
21 +app.get('/calendar.html', function(req, res){
22 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/calendar.html');
23 +});
24 +
25 +
26 +app.get('/simulation.html', function(req, res){
27 + res.sendFile(__dirname + '/simulation.html');
28 +});
29 +
1 +body{
2 + background-image:url(https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/blog/155A204A5026656D0E);
3 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
4 + -webkit-background-size: cover;
5 + -moz-background-size: cover;
6 + -o-background-size: cover;
7 + background-size: cover;
8 +}
9 +.container1{
10 + display:flex;
11 + justify-content: center;
12 + align-items: baseline;
13 + padding:50px 0px 0px 0px;
14 +}
15 +.logo{
16 + font-size:40px;
17 + color:white;
18 +}
19 +*{
20 + margin: 0;
21 + padding: 0;
22 + box-sizing: border-box;
23 + font-family: sans-serif;
24 +}
25 +
26 +#menu{
27 + margin:60px 250px 0px 250px;
28 + height:90px;
29 + width:1000px;
30 +}
31 +#menu ul li{
32 + list-style:none;
33 + color:white;
34 + background-color:#011638;
35 + float:left;
36 + line-height:30px;
37 + vertical-align:middle;
38 + text-align:center;
39 + display:inline;
40 +}
41 +#menu .me{
42 + text-decoration:none;
43 + color:white;
44 + display:inline-block;
45 + width:250px;
46 + font-size:20px;
47 + font-weight:bold;
48 + font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Dotum, Arial;
49 +}
50 +#menu .me:hover{
51 + color:#D499B9;
52 + background-color: #2E294E;
53 +}
54 +.container2{
55 + width:25%;
56 + height:800px;
57 + float:left;
58 +}
59 +.team{
60 + font-size:24px;
61 + color:white;
62 + font-family: sans-serif;
63 + text-align:center;
64 +}
65 +.a{
66 + height:50px;
67 +}
68 +.selection{
69 + padding:0px 10px 15px 10px;
70 + height:80px;
71 +}
72 +.t1{
73 + width:50px;
74 + height:30px;
75 + color: #6AAFE6;
76 + border: 1px solid #6AAFE6;
77 + background: white;
78 + font-size:15px;
79 + border-radius:5px;
80 +}
81 +.row{
82 + display:flex;
83 + justify-content: space-evenly;
84 + padding: 0px 5px 10px 0px;
85 +}
86 +.container3{
87 + width:50%;
88 + height:800px;
89 + float:left;
90 +}
91 +.container4{
92 + width:25%;
93 + height:800px;
94 + float:left;
95 +}
96 +.t2{
97 + width:50px;
98 + height:30px;
99 + color: #6f2108;
100 + border: 1px solid #6f2108;
101 + background: white;
102 + font-size:15px;
103 + border-radius:5px;
104 +}
105 +.l{
106 + width:33%;
107 + height:200px;
108 + float:left;
109 +}
110 +
111 +.vs{
112 + width:200px;
113 + height:200px;
114 +}
115 +#vss{
116 + font-size:40px;
117 + color:white;
118 + text-align:center;
119 +}
120 +.simul{
121 + height:150px;
122 + display:flex;
123 + float:left;
124 + margin-top:50px;
125 + margin-left:250px;
126 +}
127 +.but{
128 + height:150px;
129 + margin: 0px auto;
130 +}
131 +.simulbtr{
132 + width:250px;
133 + height:50px;
134 + color: #c9d6de;
135 + border: 1px solid #c9d6de;
136 + background: black;
137 + font-size:30px;
138 + border-radius:5px;
139 +}
140 +.tb{
141 + padding: 10px 0px 0px 90px;
142 +}
143 +table{
144 + border: 1px solid #444444;
145 + background-color:white;
146 + border-collapse:collapse;
147 +}
148 +td{
149 + border:1px solid #444444;
150 + padding: 10px;
151 +}
152 +#jstest{
153 + width:100%;
154 + height:300px;
155 + overflow-y: scroll;
156 + overflow-x: auto;
157 + background-color:white;
158 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 +<head>
4 + <title> Simulation </title>
5 + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="simulation.css">
6 + <script src = "player.js"></script>
7 + <script src = "temp_algorithm.js"></script>
8 + <script src = "simulation.js"></script>
9 +</head>
10 +<body>
11 + <div class="container1">
12 + <span class="logo">Welcome to Baseball Simulator</span>
13 + </div>
14 + <nav id="menu">
15 + <ul>
16 + <li>
17 + <a class="me" href="main.html">Home</a>
18 + </li>
19 + <li>
20 + <a class="me" href="introduction.html">Introduction</a>
21 + </li>
22 + <li>
23 + <a class="me" href="calendar.html">Calendar</a>
24 + </li>
25 + <li>
26 + <a class="me" href="simulation.html">Simulation</a>
27 + </li>
28 + </ul>
29 + </nav>
30 + <div class="container2">
31 + <div class="a">
32 + <p class="team">원정팀</p>
33 + </div>
34 + <div class="selection">
35 + <div class="row row1">
36 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(1); w(1);" class="t1">삼성</button>
37 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(2); w(2);" class="t1">NC</button>
38 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(3); w(3);" class="t1">LG</button>
39 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(4); w(4);" class="t1">KT</button>
40 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(5); w(5);" class="t1">SSG</button>
41 + </div>
42 + <div class="row row2">
43 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(6); w(6);" class="t1">두산</button>
44 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(7); w(7);" class="t1">키움</button>
45 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(8); w(8);" class="t1">KIA</button>
46 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(9); w(9);" class="t1">한화</button>
47 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange1(10); w(10);" class="t1">롯데</button>
48 + </div>
49 + </div>
50 + <div class="tb">
51 + <table>
52 + <tbody>
53 + <tr>
54 + <td>1번 타자</td>
55 + <td><select name="won" id="won1" onclick="hitter1list_append(1,this.value);">
56 + <option value="">선택</option>
57 + </select></td>
58 + </tr>
59 + <tr>
60 + <td>2번 타자</td>
61 + <td><select name="won" id="won2" onclick="hitter1list_append(2,this.value);">
62 + <option value="">선택</option>
63 + </select></td>
64 + </tr>
65 + <tr>
66 + <td>3번 타자</td>
67 + <td><select name="won" id="won3" onclick="hitter1list_append(3,this.value);">
68 + <option value="">선택</option>
69 + </select></td>
70 + </tr>
71 + <tr>
72 + <td>4번 타자</td>
73 + <td><select name="won" id="won4" onclick="hitter1list_append(4,this.value);">
74 + <option value="">선택</option>
75 + </select></td>
76 + </tr>
77 + <tr>
78 + <td>5번 타자</td>
79 + <td><select name="won" id="won5" onclick="hitter1list_append(5,this.value);">
80 + <option value="">선택</option>
81 + </select></td>
82 + </tr>
83 + <tr>
84 + <td>6번 타자</td>
85 + <td><select name="won" id="won6" onclick="hitter1list_append(6,this.value);">
86 + <option value="">선택</option>
87 + </select></td>
88 + </tr>
89 + <tr>
90 + <td>7번 타자</td>
91 + <td><select name="won" id="won7" onclick="hitter1list_append(7,this.value);">
92 + <option value="">선택</option>
93 + </select></td>
94 + </tr>
95 + <tr>
96 + <td>8번 타자</td>
97 + <td><select name="won" id="won8" onclick="hitter1list_append(8,this.value);">
98 + <option value="">선택</option>
99 + </select></td>
100 + </tr>
101 + <tr>
102 + <td>9번 타자</td>
103 + <td><select name="won" id="won9" onclick="hitter1list_append(9,this.value);">
104 + <option value="">선택</option>
105 + </select></td>
106 + </tr>
107 + <tr>
108 + <td>선발 투수</td>
109 + <td><select name="won" id="won" onclick="pitcher1list_append(this.value);">
110 + <option value="">선택</option>
111 + </select></td>
112 + </tr>
113 + </tbody>
114 + </table>
115 + </div>
116 + </div>
117 + <div class="container3">
118 + <div class="l">
119 + <img src="pngs/kia.png" id="wonjung" class="vs" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 50px;">
120 + </div>
121 + <div class="l">
122 + <p id="vss">VS</p>
123 + </div>
124 + <div class="l">
125 + <img src="pngs/dusan.png" id="home" class="vs">
126 + </div>
127 + <div class="simul">
128 + <div class="but">
129 + <input type="button" onclick="pre_algorithm(hitter_list1, hitter_list2, pitcher1, pitcher2);" class="simulbtr" value="시뮬레이션">
130 + </div>
131 + <div class="result">
132 +
133 + </div>
134 + </div>
135 + <div id="jstest"></div>
136 + </div>
137 + <div class="container4">
138 + <div class="a">
139 + <p class="team">홈팀</p>
140 + </div>
141 + <div class="selection">
142 + <div class="row row1">
143 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(1);" class="t2">삼성</button>
144 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(2);" class="t2">NC</button>
145 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(3);" class="t2">LG</button>
146 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(4);" class="t2">KT</button>
147 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(5);" class="t2">SSG</button>
148 + </div>
149 + <div class="row row2">
150 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(6);" class="t2">두산</button>
151 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(7);" class="t2">키움</button>
152 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(8);" class="t2">KIA</button>
153 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(9);" class="t2">한화</button>
154 + <button type="submit" onclick="imgchange2(10);" class="t2">롯데</button>
155 + </div>
156 + </div>
157 + <div class="tb">
158 + <table>
159 + <tbody>
160 + <tr>
161 + <td>1번 타자</td>
162 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom1" onclick="hitter2list_append(1,this.value);">
163 + <option value="">선택</option>
164 + </select></td>
165 + </tr>
166 + <tr>
167 + <td>2번 타자</td>
168 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom2" onclick="hitter2list_append(2,this.value);">
169 + <option value="">선택</option>
170 + </select></td>
171 + </tr>
172 + <tr>
173 + <td>3번 타자</td>
174 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom3" onclick="hitter2list_append(3,this.value);">
175 + <option value="">선택</option>
176 + </select></td>
177 + </tr>
178 + <tr>
179 + <td>4번 타자</td>
180 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom4" onclick="hitter2list_append(4,this.value);">
181 + <option value="">선택</option>
182 + </select></td>
183 + </tr>
184 + <tr>
185 + <td>5번 타자</td>
186 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom5" onclick="hitter2list_append(5,this.value);">
187 + <option value="">선택</option>
188 + </select></td>
189 + </tr>
190 + <tr>
191 + <td>6번 타자</td>
192 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom6" onclick="hitter2list_append(6,this.value);">
193 + <option value="">선택</option>
194 + </select></td>
195 + </tr>
196 + <tr>
197 + <td>7번 타자</td>
198 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom7" onclick="hitter2list_append(7,this.value);">
199 + <option value="">선택</option>
200 + </select></td>
201 + </tr>
202 + <tr>
203 + <td>8번 타자</td>
204 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom8" onclick="hitter2list_append(8,this.value);">
205 + <option value="">선택</option>
206 + </select></td>
207 + </tr>
208 + <tr>
209 + <td>9번 타자</td>
210 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom9" onclick="hitter2list_append(9,this.value);">
211 + <option value="">선택</option>
212 + </select></td>
213 + </tr>
214 + <tr>
215 + <td>선발 투수</td>
216 + <td><select name="hom" id="hom" onclick="pitcher2list_append(this.value);">
217 + <option value="">선택</option>
218 + </select></td>
219 + </tr>
220 + </tbody>
221 + </table>
222 + </div>
223 + </div>
224 +</body>
225 +</html>
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +function pre_algorithm(hitter_list1, hitter_list2, pitcher1, pitcher2){//algorithm(hitter_list1, hitter_list2, pitcher1, pitcher2) => html에서 가지고와야 한다.
2 + var base1 = 0; var base2 = 0; var base3 = 0; //1이면 주자 있고 0이면 비어있는것
3 + var out = 0; var ining = 1; var home_away = 1;//아웃카운트, 이닝, home이면 1이고 away이면 2.
4 + var score1 = 0; var score2 = 0;
5 + var hitter_num1 = 1; var hitter_num2 = 1;
6 + var hit=false;
7 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML="";
8 + while(true){
9 + if(ining == 9 && home_away == 2 && score1 < score2){//9회 초 후 home팀이 이기고 있을 때!
10 + break;
11 + }
12 + else if(ining==10 && home_away==1 && score1>score2 && hit==false){//9회 말 후 home팀이 이기고 있을 때!
13 + break;
14 + }
15 + else if(ining>9 && score1 < score2){//9회 말 후 home팀이 이기고 있을 때!
16 + break;
17 + }
18 + else if(ining>=11 && home_away==1 && hit==false && score1>score2){//연장 이후 원정팀이 이기고 있을 때!
19 + break;
20 + }
21 + else if(ining>=10 && home_away==2 && hit==true && score1<score2){//끝내기
22 + break;
23 + }
24 + else if(ining==13 && score1==score2){//무승부
25 + break;
26 + }
27 +
28 + if(home_away == 1){
29 + var hitter = hitter_list1[hitter_num1]; //hitter = hitter_list1[hitter_number1%9]
30 + var pitcher = pitcher2; //pitcher = pitcher1
31 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=(ining+ "회 초"+ "<br\><br\>");
32 + }
33 + else if(home_away == 2){
34 + var hitter = hitter_list2[hitter_num2]; //hitter = hitter_list2[hitter_number2%9]
35 + var pitcher = pitcher1; //pitcher = pitcher2
36 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=(ining+ "회 말"+ "<br\><br\>");
37 + }
38 +
39 + var num = Math.random();
40 + //hitter_number1 = hitter_number(kia); hitter_number2 = hitter_number(dusan);
41 + if(home_away == 1){
42 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=(hitter_num1+"번 타자: "+hitter[0]+ "<br\><br\>");
43 + }
44 + else if(home_away == 2){
45 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=(hitter_num2+"번 타자: "+hitter[0]+ "<br\><br\>");
46 + }
47 + var one = 0; var two = 0; var three = 0; var homerun = 0;
48 + one = pitcher[2] * (hitter[2] - hitter[3] - hitter[4] - hitter[5])/hitter[2];
49 + two = pitcher[2] * hitter[3]/hitter[2];
50 + three = pitcher[2] * hitter[4]/hitter[2];
51 + homerun = pitcher[2] * hitter[5]/hitter[2];
52 + hit=true;
53 + if(num <= one){ //안타
54 + var num1 = Math.random();
55 + if(num1 <= 0.5){
56 + switch(home_away){
57 + case 1:
58 + score1 = score1 + base3;
59 + break;
60 + case 2:
61 + score2 = score2 + base3;
62 + break;
63 + }
64 + base3 = base2;
65 + base2 = base1;
66 + base1 = 1;
67 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("1루타!");
68 +
69 + }
70 + else{
71 + switch(home_away){
72 + case 1:
73 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2;
74 + break;
75 + case 2:
76 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2;
77 + break;
78 + }
79 + base3 = base1;
80 + base2 = 0;
81 + base1 = 1;
82 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("1루타!");
83 +
84 + }
85 +
86 + }
87 + else if((one < num) && (num <= one + two)){//2루타
88 + var num2 = Math.random();
89 + if(num2 <= 0.4){
90 + switch(home_away){
91 + case 1:
92 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2;
93 + break;
94 + case 2:
95 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2;
96 + break;
97 + }
98 + base3 = base1;
99 + base2 = 1;
100 + base1 = 0;
101 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("2루타!");
102 +
103 + }
104 + else if(0.4 < num2 && num2 <=0.7){
105 + switch(home_away){
106 + case 1:
107 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2 + base1;
108 + break;
109 + case 2:
110 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2 + base1;
111 + break;
112 + }
113 + base3 = 0;
114 + base2 = 1;
115 + base1 = 0;
116 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("2루타!");
117 +
118 + }
119 + else{
120 + switch(home_away){
121 + case 1:
122 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2;
123 + break;
124 + case 2:
125 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2;
126 + break;
127 + }
128 + base3 = 0;
129 + base2 = 1;
130 + base1 = 0;
131 +
132 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("2루타!");
133 +
134 + }
135 +
136 + }
137 + else if((one + two < num) && (num <= one + two + three)){//3루타
138 + switch(home_away){
139 + case 1:
140 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2 + base1;
141 + break;
142 + case 2:
143 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2 + base1;
144 + break;
145 + }
146 + base3 = 1;
147 + base2 = 0;
148 + base1 = 0;
149 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("3루타!");
150 +
151 + }
152 + else if(one + two + three < num && num <= one + two + three + homerun){//홈런
153 + switch(home_away){
154 + case 1:
155 + score1 = score1 + base3 + base2 + base1 + 1;
156 + break;
157 + case 2:
158 + score2 = score2 + base3 + base2 + base1 + 1;
159 + break;
160 + }
161 + base3 = 0;
162 + base2 = 0;
163 + base1 = 0;
164 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("홈런!");
165 +
166 + }
167 +
168 +
169 + else if( pitcher[2] < num && (num <= pitcher[2] +pitcher[1]*0.01)){//볼넷
170 + if(base1==1 && base2==1 && base3==1){//만루 밀어내기 득점 -> 스코어 ++
171 + if(home_away==1){
172 + score1++;
173 + }
174 + else{
175 + score2++;
176 + }
177 + }
178 + else{//스코어 추가되지 않는 경우
179 + if((base2==1 && base1==0 )||(base3==1 && base1==0)||(base2==1&&base3==1&&base1==0)){//2루만 채워져있거나 3루만 채워져있거나 2,3루만 채워져있거나
180 + base1=1;
181 + }
182 + else if(base1==1 && base3==1 && base2==0){//1루 3루 채워져있고 2루 비워져있거나
183 + base2=base1;
184 + base1=1;
185 + }
186 + else{
187 + base3 = base2;
188 + base2 = base1;
189 + base1 = 1;
190 + }
191 + }
192 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("볼넷!");
193 + }
194 +
195 + else{//아웃
196 + out++;
197 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("아웃!");
198 +
199 + }
200 +
201 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("베이스 상태"+"<br\>"+ "1루 " + base1 + "<br\>"+"2루 " + base2 + "<br\>"+
202 + "3루 " + base3 + "<br\><br\>");///////////////////////////
203 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("score: "+score1 +"vs"+score2+ "<br\>");
204 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("아웃카운트: "+out+"<br\><br\>");
205 + if(out >= 3){
206 + switch(home_away){
207 + case 1:
208 + home_away = 2;
209 + hit=false;
210 + break;
211 + case 2:
212 + home_away = 1;
213 + ining++;
214 + hit=false;
215 + break;
216 + }
217 + out=0;
218 + base1=0; base2=0; base3=0;
219 + }
220 + else{
221 + if(home_away == 1){
222 + hitter_num1++;
223 + if(hitter_num1>=10){
224 + hitter_num1=1;
225 + }
226 + }
227 + else if(home_away == 2){
228 + hitter_num2++;
229 + if(hitter_num2>=10){
230 + hitter_num2=1;
231 + }
232 + }
233 + }
234 +
235 + }
236 + document.getElementById('jstest').innerHTML+=("<br\><br\>"+"최종스코어 : "+score1+"vs"+score2);
237 +}
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