generic_diff_rover.main.mix 829 Bytes
Generic differential-drive rover

This mixer is suitable for controlling any differential-drive rover. That is,
a rover where the left wheels and right wheels are driven independently,
allowing turning in place. It outputs to channels 0 (left wheels) and
1 (right wheels)

Inputs to the mixer come from channel group 0 (vehicle attitude), channels 2 (yaw), and 3 (thrust).

See the README for more information on the scaler format.

Throttle of left wheels of rover on Output 0
M: 2
S: 0 2    10000   10000      0  -10000  10000
S: 0 3    10000   10000      0  -10000  10000

Throttle of right wheels of rover on Output 1
M: 2
S: 0 2   -10000  -10000      0  -10000  10000
S: 0 3    10000   10000      0  -10000  10000