
종목 선별 및 백테스팅 프로그램

Showing 39 changed files with 728 additions and 0 deletions
1 +# Default ignored files
2 +/shelf/
3 +/workspace.xml
4 +# Datasource local storage ignored files
5 +/../../../../../../../:\Users\YuJin\Desktop\캡디2\stock_pbr_test\.idea/dataSources/
6 +/dataSources.local.xml
7 +# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
8 +/httpRequests/
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="Encoding">
4 + <file url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/result_kr.csv" charset="x-windows-949" />
5 + <file url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/result_kr1.csv" charset="x-windows-949" />
6 + </component>
7 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
2 + <profile version="1.0">
3 + <option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
4 + <inspection_tool class="PyChainedComparisonsInspection" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
5 + <option name="ignoreConstantInTheMiddle" value="true" />
6 + </inspection_tool>
7 + <inspection_tool class="PyUnresolvedReferencesInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
8 + <option name="ignoredIdentifiers">
9 + <list>
10 + <option value="str.__setitem__" />
11 + <option value="dict.__getitem__" />
12 + <option value="list.pop" />
13 + <option value="str.__and__" />
14 + </list>
15 + </option>
16 + </inspection_tool>
17 + </profile>
18 +</component>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
2 + <settings>
3 + <option name="USE_PROJECT_PROFILE" value="false" />
4 + <version value="1.0" />
5 + </settings>
6 +</component>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="Python 3.9 (stock_pbr_test)" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />
4 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
4 + <modules>
5 + <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/stock_pbr_test.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/stock_pbr_test.iml" />
6 + </modules>
7 + </component>
8 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
3 + <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
4 + <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
5 + <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/venv" />
6 + </content>
7 + <orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Python 3.9 (stock_pbr_test)" jdkType="Python SDK" />
8 + <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
9 + </component>
10 +</module>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{
2 + // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
3 + // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
4 + // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
5 + "version": "0.2.0",
6 + "configurations": [
7 + {
8 + "name": "Python: Current File",
9 + "type": "python",
10 + "request": "launch",
11 + "program": "${file}",
12 + "console": "integratedTerminal"
13 + }
14 + ]
15 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{
2 + "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
3 + "python.linting.enabled": true,
4 + "python.linting.lintOnSave": true,
5 + "python.pythonPath": "C:\\Python39\\python.exe",
6 + "python.languageServer": "Pylance"
7 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from QuantDB import QuantDB
2 +from typing import List
3 +
4 +class DataProvider:
5 + DB = None
6 +
7 + def __init__(self):
8 + self.Name = "Default"
9 + self.DB = QuantDB()
10 +
11 + def __repr__(self):
12 + return self.Name
13 +
14 + def initialize(self):
15 + return self.DB.connect()
16 +
17 + def close(self):
18 + if( self.DB ):
19 + self.DB.close()
20 + self.DB = None
21 +
22 + def findFS(self, columns: List[str], year: int, quarter: int, div: str): # a: str, b: str, times: int
23 + if( self.DB ):
24 + querystring = 'SELECT '
25 + for target in columns:
26 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
27 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
28 + querystring = querystring + 'from "FinancialStatements" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"Year"=' + str(year) + ' and "Quarter"=' + str(quarter) + ' and "Div"=' + "'" + div + "'"
29 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
30 +
31 + def findAllFS(self, columns: List[str], year: int, quarter: int, div: str):
32 + if( self.DB ):
33 + querystring = 'SELECT '
34 + for target in columns:
35 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
36 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
37 + querystring = querystring + 'from "FinancialStatements" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"Year"=' + str(year) + ' and "Quarter"=' + str(quarter) + ' and "Div"=' + "'" + div + "'"
38 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
39 +
40 + def findOneFS(self, columns: List[str], stockcode: str, year: int, quarter: int, div: str):
41 + if( self.DB ):
42 + querystring = 'SELECT '
43 + for target in columns:
44 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
45 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
46 + querystring = querystring + 'from "FinancialStatements" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"id"=' + "'" + stockcode + str(year) + str(quarter) + div + "'"
47 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
48 +
49 + def findSPbyID(self, columns: List[str], stockcode: str, stockdate: str):
50 + if( self.DB ):
51 + querystring = 'SELECT '
52 + for target in columns:
53 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
54 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
55 + querystring = querystring + 'from "StockPrice" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"id"=' + "'" + stockcode + stockdate + "'"
56 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
57 +
58 + def findSP(self, columns: List[str], stockcode: str, stock_startdate: str, stock_enddate: str):
59 + if( self.DB ):
60 + querystring = 'SELECT '
61 + for target in columns:
62 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
63 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
64 + querystring = querystring + 'from "StockPrice" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"StockCode"=' + "'" + stockcode + "'" ' and "StockDate" >= ' + "'" + stock_startdate + "'" + ' and "StockDate" <= ' + "'" + stock_enddate + "' order by id asc"
65 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
66 +
67 + def findCompany(self, columns: List[str], stockcode: str):
68 + if( self.DB ):
69 + querystring = 'SELECT '
70 + for target in columns:
71 + querystring = querystring + '"' + target + '",'
72 + querystring = querystring[:-1]
73 + querystring = querystring + 'from "Company" ' + 'WHERE ' + '"StockCode"=' + "'" + stockcode + "'"
74 + return self.DB.searchData(querystring, columns)
75 +
76 + def findStockName(self, stockcode: str):
77 + if( self.DB ):
78 + df_comapanys = self.findCompany(["StockName"], stockcode)
79 + if df_comapanys is None :
80 + return ''
81 + else :
82 + return df_comapanys["StockName"][0]
83 +
84 +
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from datetime import date
2 +import pandas as pd
3 +import sys
4 +from Investment.Strategy.StrategyBase import StrategyBase
5 +
6 +
7 +class FinancialStatementsStrategyBase(StrategyBase):
8 + AdditionalFinancialStatementsItem = []
9 + FinancialStatementsCondition = ''
10 + FinancialStatementsYear = 2017
11 + FinancialStatementsQuater = 1
12 + FinancialStatementsDiv = 'CFS'
13 + StockDate = date.today()
14 + DataSearchStartDate = date.today()
15 + DataSearchEndDate = date.today()
16 + FinancialStatementsSearchTarget = []
17 + StockSearchTarget = []
18 + FinancialStatementsOrderBy = []
19 + FinancialStatementsOrderMethod = ''
20 +
21 + df_fs = None
22 + df_stock = None
23 + df_company = None
24 +
25 + def __init__(self):
26 + super().__init__()
27 + self.Division = "FinancialStatements"
28 +
29 + def __repr__(self):
30 + return self.Name
31 +
32 + def setStrategy(self):
33 + super().setStrategy()
34 +
35 + def searchData(self):
36 + try:
37 + if self.df_fs is None:
38 + self.df_fs = self.db.findFS(self.FinancialStatementsSearchTarget, self.FinancialStatementsYear,
39 + self.FinancialStatementsQuater, self.FinancialStatementsDiv)
40 + if self.df_fs is None:
41 + print('db query error')
42 + sys.exit(1)
43 + except:
44 + print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
45 + return False
46 + return True
47 +
48 + def setAdditionalData(self):
49 + try:
50 + for item in self.AdditionalFinancialStatementsItem:
51 + self.df_fs[item] = 0
52 + for item in self.StockSearchTarget:
53 + self.df_fs[item] = 0
54 +
55 + for index, row in self.df_fs.iterrows():
56 + self.df_stock = self.db.findSPbyID(self.StockSearchTarget, row['StockCode'],
57 + self.StockDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
58 + if self.df_stock is None:
59 + print('db query error')
60 + else:
61 + if self.df_stock.size < 1:
62 + continue
63 + for item in self.StockSearchTarget:
64 + self.df_fs.loc[index, item] = self.df_stock[item][0]
65 +
66 + for item in self.AdditionalFinancialStatementsItem:
67 + if item == 'PER':
68 + if row["ProfitLoss"] != 0:
69 + self.df_fs.loc[index, item] = self.df_fs.loc[index, 'MarketCapitalization'] / row[
70 + "ProfitLoss"]
71 + elif item == 'PBR':
72 + if row["Equity"] != 0:
73 + self.df_fs.loc[index, item] = self.df_fs.loc[index, 'MarketCapitalization'] / row[
74 + "Equity"]
75 + elif item == 'ROE':
76 + if row["Equity"] != 0:
77 + self.df_fs.loc[index, item] = float(row["ProfitLoss"]) / float(
78 + row["Equity"]) * 100.00
79 + asc = True
80 + if self.FinancialStatementsOrderMethod == 'asc':
81 + asc = True
82 + elif self.FinancialStatementsOrderMethod == 'desc':
83 + asc = False
84 + self.df_all = self.df_fs.query(self.FinancialStatementsCondition).sort_values(
85 + by=self.FinancialStatementsOrderBy, ascending=asc).head(self.NumberOfStocks)
86 + self.df_all.insert(1, 'StockName', '')
87 + self.df_all['StockName'] = ''
88 +
89 + for index, row in self.df_all.iterrows():
90 + self.df_all.loc[index, "StockName"] = self.db.findStockName(row['StockCode'])
91 +
92 + except:
93 + print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
94 + return False
95 + return True
1 +from datetime import date
2 +
3 +class StrategyBase:
4 + Name = ''
5 + Division = ''
6 + NumberOfStocks = 0
7 + DataSearchStartDate = date.today()
8 + DataSearchEndDate = date.today()
9 +
10 + df_all = None
11 + db = None
12 +
13 + def __init__(self):
14 + self.Name = 'Base'
15 +
16 + def __repr__(self):
17 + return self.Name
18 +
19 + def setStrategy(self):
20 + print('setStrategy')
21 +
22 + def searchData(self):
23 + print('searchData')
24 +
25 + def setAdditionalData(self):
26 + print('setAdditionalData')
27 +
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import pandas as pd
2 +
3 +class TradingBase:
4 + Name = ''
5 + TotalInvestmentAmount = 0
6 + Method = "Split evenly"
7 + BuyingMethod = 1 # 1 : at_once
8 + BuyingDateTime = [] # datetime
9 + SellDateTime = [] # datetime
10 + NumberOfStocks = 10
11 + PriceDiv = "Open"
12 + StockBuyingSearchTarget = []
13 + StockSellSearchTarget = []
14 +
15 + df_all = None
16 + df_stock = None
17 + db = None
18 +
19 + def __init__(self):
20 + self.Name = 'Base'
21 +
22 + def __repr__(self):
23 + return self.Name
24 +
25 + def setTrading(self):
26 + print("setTrading")
27 +
28 + def doTrading(self):
29 + self.df_all['BuyingPrice'] = 0
30 + self.df_all['SellPrice'] = 0
31 + self.df_all['BuyingAmount'] = 0
32 +
33 + if self.Method == 1: # "Split evenly"
34 + if self.BuyingMethod == 1:
35 + investmentAmount = self.TotalInvestmentAmount / self.NumberOfStocks
36 + for index, row in self.df_all.iterrows():
37 + self.df_stock = self.db.findSPbyID(self.StockBuyingSearchTarget, self.df_all.loc[index, 'StockCode'], self.BuyingDateTime[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
38 + if self.df_stock is None :
39 + print('db query error')
40 + else:
41 + if self.df_stock.size < 1 :
42 + continue
43 + buyingPrice = self.df_stock[self.StockBuyingSearchTarget[0]][0]
44 +
45 + self.df_stock = self.db.findSPbyID(self.StockSellSearchTarget, self.df_all.loc[index, 'StockCode'], self.SellDateTime[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
46 + if self.df_stock is None :
47 + print('db query error')
48 + else:
49 + if self.df_stock.size < 1 :
50 + continue
51 + sellPrice = self.df_stock[self.StockSellSearchTarget[0]][0]
52 +
53 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'BuyingPrice'] = buyingPrice
54 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'SellPrice'] = sellPrice
55 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'BuyingAmount'] = int(investmentAmount / buyingPrice)
56 +
57 +
58 + elif self.BuyingMethod == 2:
59 + print('...')
60 + else:
61 + print('...')
62 + else:
63 + print('...')
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import pandas as pd
2 +import json
3 +
4 +
5 +class VerificationBase:
6 + Name = ''
7 + TotalInvestmentAmount = 0
8 + Balance: int = 0
9 + Yield: float = 0
10 +
11 + df_all = None # type: pd
12 + db = None
13 +
14 + def __init__(self):
15 + self.Name = 'Base'
16 +
17 + def __repr__(self):
18 + return self.Name
19 +
20 + def setVerification(self):
21 + print("setVerification")
22 +
23 + def doVerification(self):
24 + self.df_all['ProfitLossByStock'] = 0
25 + self.df_all['InvestmentAmount'] = 0
26 + self.df_all['Balance'] = 0
27 + self.df_all['Yield'] = 0
28 +
29 + for index, row in self.df_all.iterrows():
30 + buyingPrice = self.df_all.loc[index, 'BuyingPrice']
31 + sellPrice = self.df_all.loc[index, 'SellPrice']
32 + investmentCurrentAmount = self.df_all.loc[index, 'BuyingAmount'] * buyingPrice
33 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'ProfitLossByStock'] = sellPrice - buyingPrice
34 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'InvestmentAmount'] = investmentCurrentAmount
35 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'Balance'] = investmentCurrentAmount + self.df_all.loc[index, 'ProfitLossByStock'] * \
36 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'BuyingAmount']
37 + self.df_all.loc[index, 'Yield'] = (float(self.df_all.loc[index, 'Balance']) - float(
38 + investmentCurrentAmount)) / float(investmentCurrentAmount) * 100.00
39 +
40 + self.Balance = self.df_all['Balance'].sum()
41 + investmentCurrentTotalAmount = self.df_all['InvestmentAmount'].sum()
42 + self.df_all = self.df_all.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
43 + self.df_all.loc[len(self.df_all) - 1, 'Balance'] = self.Balance
44 + self.Yield = ((float(self.Balance) + float(self.TotalInvestmentAmount - investmentCurrentTotalAmount)) - float(
45 + self.TotalInvestmentAmount)) / float(self.TotalInvestmentAmount) * 100.00
46 + self.df_all.loc[len(self.df_all) - 1, 'Yield'] = self.Yield
47 +
48 + def saveResult(self):
49 + self.df_all.to_csv("result1.csv")
50 + self.df_all.to_csv("result_kr1.csv", encoding='euc-kr')
51 +
52 + def saveResulToJSON(self):
53 + result = self.df_all.to_json(orient="split")
54 + parsed = json.loads(result)
55 + with open("result.json", "w") as text_file:
56 + text_file.write(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
57 +
58 + def saveSummary(self, record, num):
59 + self.Yield = round(self.Yield, 5)
60 + if record[-1] < self.Yield:
61 + if record[0] == 0:
62 + record[0] = self.Yield
63 + else:
64 + for i in range(5):
65 + if record[i] == self.Yield:
66 + return False, 0
67 + elif record[i] < self.Yield:
68 + record.insert(i, self.Yield)
69 + break
70 + if len(record) > 5:
71 + record.pop()
72 + jsonobj = {"TotalInvestmentAmount": str(self.TotalInvestmentAmount), "Balance": str(self.Balance),
73 + "Yield": str(self.Yield)}
74 + with open(f"result_summary{num}.json", "w") as text_file:
75 + text_file.write(json.dumps(jsonobj, indent=4))
76 + return True, self.Yield
77 + return False, 0
1 +import psycopg2
2 +import pandas as pd
3 +from typing import List
4 +
5 +class QuantDB:
6 + Name = 'Base'
7 + Conn = None
8 + ConnectionStr = 'host=aifactory-test.cp90w5j6b2ld.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com dbname=QuantDB user=quantdb password=quantdb'
9 +
10 + def __init__(self):
11 + self.Name = "Default"
12 +
13 + def __repr__(self):
14 + return self.Name
15 +
16 + def connect(self):
17 + self.Conn = None
18 + try:
19 + self.Conn = psycopg2.connect(self.ConnectionStr)
20 + except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
21 + print(error)
22 + return False
23 + return True
24 + def searchData(self, query: str, columns: List[str]):
25 + cursor = self.Conn.cursor()
26 + try:
27 + cursor.execute(query)
28 + except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
29 + print(error)
30 + cursor.close()
31 + return None
32 + tupples = cursor.fetchall()
33 + cursor.close()
34 + df = pd.DataFrame(tupples, columns=columns)
35 + return df
36 +
37 + def searchDataOneRow(self, query: str):
38 + cursor = self.Conn.cursor()
39 + try:
40 + cursor.execute(query)
41 + except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
42 + print(error)
43 + cursor.close()
44 + return None
45 + row = cursor.fetchone()
46 + cursor.close()
47 + return row[0]
48 +
49 + def close(self):
50 + self.Conn.close()
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from Investment.Strategy.StrategyBase import StrategyBase
2 +from Investment.Strategy.FinancialStatementsStrategyBase import FinancialStatementsStrategyBase
3 +from datetime import date
4 +
5 +
6 +class Strategy(FinancialStatementsStrategyBase):
7 + def __init__(self):
8 + super().__init__()
9 +
10 + def __repr__(self):
11 + return self.Name
12 +
13 + def setStrategy(self, per=None, pbr_up=None, pbr_down=None, roe=None, order='PER'):
14 + super().setStrategy()
15 + self.Name = 'PER_ROE_V1.0'
16 + self.NumberOfStocks = 10
17 + self.AdditionalFinancialStatementsItem = ['PER', 'PBR', 'ROE']
18 + # self.FinancialStatementsCondition = '(PER > 6) and (ROE > 10) and (PBR > 0.5) and (PBR < 1)'
19 + self.setFinancialStatementsCondition(per, pbr_up, pbr_down, roe)
20 + print(self.FinancialStatementsCondition)
21 + # self.FinancialStatementsCondition = '(PER > 0) and (PER < 20) and (ROE > 10)'
22 + # self.FinancialStatementsCondition = '(PBR < 1)'
23 + self.FinancialStatementsYear = 2016
24 + self.FinancialStatementsQuater = 4
25 + self.FinancialStatementsDiv = 'CFS'
26 + self.StockDate = date(2017, 4, 10)
27 + self.FinancialStatementsSearchTarget = ['StockCode', 'Equity', 'ProfitLoss']
28 + self.StockSearchTarget = ['MarketCapitalization']
29 + self.FinancialStatementsOrderBy = [order]
30 + if order == 'PER':
31 + self.FinancialStatementsOrderMethod = 'asc'
32 + else:
33 + self.FinancialStatementsOrderMethod = 'desc'
34 + # self.FinancialStatementsOrderBy.append('ROE')
35 + # self.FinancialStatementsOrderMethod = 'desc'
36 +
37 + def setFinancialStatementsCondition(self, per, pbr_up, pbr_down, roe):
38 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition = ''
39 + if per is not None:
40 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f'(PER > {per})'
41 + if pbr_up:
42 + if len(self.FinancialStatementsCondition) == 0:
43 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f'(PBR > {pbr_up})'
44 + else:
45 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f' and (PBR > {pbr_up})'
46 + if pbr_down:
47 + if len(self.FinancialStatementsCondition) == 0:
48 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f'(PBR < {pbr_down})'
49 + else:
50 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f' and (PBR < {pbr_down})'
51 + if roe:
52 + if len(self.FinancialStatementsCondition) == 0:
53 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f'(ROE > {roe})'
54 + else:
55 + self.FinancialStatementsCondition += f' and (ROE > {roe})'
56 +
57 + def searchData(self):
58 + return FinancialStatementsStrategyBase.searchData(self)
59 +
60 + def setAdditionalData(self):
61 + return FinancialStatementsStrategyBase.setAdditionalData(self)
1 +from Investment.Trading.TradingBase import TradingBase
2 +from datetime import date
3 +
4 +class Trading(TradingBase):
5 + def __init__(self):
6 + super().__init__
7 +
8 + def __repr__(self):
9 + return self.Name
10 +
11 + def setTrading(self):
12 + super().setTrading()
13 + self.Name = 'Split evenly'
14 + self.TotalInvestmentAmount = 100000000
15 + self.Method = 1 # 1 : "Split evenly",
16 + self.BuyingMethod = 1 # 1 : at once
17 + self.BuyingDateTime = [date(2017, 4, 10)]
18 + self.SellDateTime = [date(2018, 4, 16)]
19 + self.NumberOfStocks = 10
20 + self.PriceDiv = 'Open'
21 + self.StockBuyingSearchTarget = ['Open']
22 + self.StockSellSearchTarget = ['Open']
23 +
24 + def doTrading(self):
25 + return super().doTrading()
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from Investment.Verification.VerificationBase import VerificationBase
2 +from datetime import date
3 +
4 +
5 +class Verification(VerificationBase):
6 + def __init__(self):
7 + super().__init__
8 +
9 + def __repr__(self):
10 + return self.Name
11 +
12 + def setVerification(self):
13 + super().setVerification()
14 +
15 + def doVerification(self):
16 + return super().doVerification()
17 +
18 + def saveResult(self):
19 + return super().saveResult()
20 +
21 + def saveResulToJSON(self):
22 + return super().saveResulToJSON()
23 +
24 + def saveSummary(self, record, num):
25 + return super().saveSummary(record, num)
1 +import datetime
2 +import Strategy
3 +import Trading
4 +import Verification
5 +import sys
6 +import DataProvider
7 +
8 +
9 +def single():
10 + record = [0]
11 + # record = [18.91309, 17.8967, 17.14154, 16.07653, 16.03074]
12 + strategy_record = [[3, 0.7000000000000001, 10, 18.91309], [3, 0.7000000000000001, 11, 17.8967],
13 + [3, 0.8, 11, 17.14154], [4, 0.7000000000000001, 11, 16.07653],
14 + [3, 0.7000000000000001, 5, 16.03074]]
15 + st = Strategy.Strategy()
16 + tr = Trading.Trading()
17 + ve = Verification.Verification()
18 + db = DataProvider.DataProvider()
19 + if db.initialize():
20 + print('db connection')
21 + # print(db.findSP(['StockDate','Open'], '004990', '2019-04-11', '2019-12-31'))
22 + st.db = db
23 + st.setStrategy(10, 0, 1.5, 0)
24 + if (st.searchData() == False):
25 + print("st.searchData error")
26 + sys.exit(-1)
27 + if (st.setAdditionalData() == False):
28 + print("st.setAdditionalData error")
29 + sys.exit(-1)
30 +
31 + tr.df_all = st.df_all
32 + tr.db = db
33 + tr.setTrading()
34 + if (tr.doTrading() == False):
35 + print("tr.doTrading error")
36 + sys.exit(-1)
37 +
38 + ve.TotalInvestmentAmount = tr.TotalInvestmentAmount
39 + ve.df_all = tr.df_all
40 +
41 + ve.setVerification()
42 + ve.doVerification()
43 + ve.saveResult()
44 + # ve.saveResulToJSON()
45 + r, Yield = ve.saveSummary(record, 0)
46 + else:
47 + print("db error")
48 + db.close()
49 +
50 +
51 +def multi():
52 + start = datetime.datetime.now()
53 + record = [0]
54 + strategy_record = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
55 + num = 0
56 + st = Strategy.Strategy()
57 + tr = Trading.Trading()
58 + ve = Verification.Verification()
59 + db = DataProvider.DataProvider()
60 + for per in range(8):
61 + pbr = 1
62 + while pbr > 0.3:
63 + for roe in range(10, 20):
64 + if db.initialize():
65 + print('db connection')
66 + # print(db.findSP(['StockDate','Open'], '004990', '2019-04-11', '2019-12-31'))
67 + st.db = db
68 + else:
69 + print("db error")
70 + st.setStrategy(per, pbr, 1.2, roe)
71 + if (st.searchData() == False):
72 + print("st.searchData error")
73 + sys.exit(-1)
74 + if (st.setAdditionalData() == False):
75 + print("st.setAdditionalData error")
76 + sys.exit(-1)
77 +
78 + tr.df_all = st.df_all
79 + tr.db = db
80 + tr.setTrading()
81 + if (tr.doTrading() == False):
82 + print("tr.doTrading error")
83 + sys.exit(-1)
84 +
85 + ve.TotalInvestmentAmount = tr.TotalInvestmentAmount
86 + ve.df_all = tr.df_all
87 + ve.setVerification()
88 + ve.doVerification()
89 + ve.saveResult()
90 + # ve.saveResulToJSON()
91 + r, Yield = ve.saveSummary(record, num)
92 + if r:
93 + for i in range(5):
94 + if strategy_record[i][3] < Yield:
95 + strategy_record.insert(i, [per, pbr, roe, Yield])
96 + break
97 + strategy_record.pop()
98 + print(record, strategy_record)
99 + num += 1
100 + pbr -= 0.1
101 + db.close()
102 + end = datetime.datetime.now()
103 + print('time: ', end - start)
104 + print(strategy_record)
105 +
106 +
107 +if __name__ == '__main__':
108 + single()
109 + # multi()
1 +,StockCode,StockName,Equity,ProfitLoss,PER,MarketCapitalization,PBR,BuyingPrice,SellPrice,BuyingAmount,ProfitLossByStock,InvestmentAmount,Balance,Yield
2 +0,002030,아세아,1225090202229.0,67565442549.0,3.171475522336699,214282147200.0,0.17491132229294026,97800.0,125000.0,102.0,27200.0,9975600.0,12750000.0,27.811860940695297
3 +1,058650,세아홀딩스,2924149208280.0,161892654956.0,3.1872971639154417,516000000000.0,0.17646158360828446,126000.0,133500.0,79.0,7500.0,9954000.0,10546500.0,5.952380952380952
4 +2,001940,KISCO홀딩스,1273968329992.0,77864434261.0,2.956621941518533,230215694800.0,0.18070754930104554,63000.0,65300.0,158.0,2300.0,9954000.0,10317400.0,3.650793650793651
5 +3,000880,한화,14227936000000.0,1288691000000.0,2.0445549284118534,2634799535250.0,0.1851849442709048,35700.0,38350.0,280.0,2650.0,9996000.0,10738000.0,7.42296918767507
6 +4,007860,서연,1072030023657.0,132366474007.0,1.7827205413624674,235972432200.0,0.22011737264132844,10150.0,6480.0,985.0,-3670.0,9997750.0,6382800.0,-36.1576354679803
7 +5,019010,베뉴지,236756098347.0,12783309005.0,4.769735283419287,60973000000.0,0.25753507692391236,12850.0,12800.0,778.0,-50.0,9997300.0,9958400.0,-0.38910505836575876
8 +6,092230,KPX홀딩스,936238978408.0,53425479418.0,4.894772873332309,261505587400.0,0.2793149969516004,63000.0,63000.0,158.0,0.0,9954000.0,9954000.0,0.0
9 +7,023600,삼보판지,329937058742.0,40288485800.0,2.380332695452158,95900000000.0,0.29066149878904834,6860.0,9790.0,1457.0,2930.0,9995020.0,14264030.0,42.711370262390666
10 +8,033160,엠케이전자,593852198159.0,74507668124.0,2.391281644105155,178168819130.0,0.30002215986122605,8360.0,10250.0,1196.0,1890.0,9998560.0,12259000.0,22.607655502392344
11 +9,021820,세원정공,569620475934.0,56809840064.0,3.309285852384124,188000000000.0,0.3300443153693494,18350.0,13700.0,544.0,-4650.0,9982400.0,7452800.0,-25.340599455040874
12 +10,,,,,,,,,,,,,104622930.0,4.8183
1 +,StockCode,StockName,Equity,ProfitLoss,PER,MarketCapitalization,PBR,ROE,BuyingPrice,SellPrice,BuyingAmount,ProfitLossByStock,InvestmentAmount,Balance,Yield
2 +0,008370,원풍,75070172618.0,5235935528.0,10.049779971240318,52620000000.0,0.7009441721648979,6.974721577694294,4505.0,4050.0,2219.0,-455.0,9996595.0,8986950.0,-10.099889012208656
3 +1,119860,다나와,65170505380.0,8935066130.0,10.052978437217229,89824027140.0,1.378292628179708,13.71029130110453,6930.0,17950.0,1443.0,11020.0,9999990.0,25901850.0,159.01875901875903
4 +2,014970,삼륭물산,65649138867.0,9219435245.0,10.073013968004718,92867500000.0,1.4146034754262697,14.043497605776448,6470.0,5500.0,1545.0,-970.0,9996150.0,8497500.0,-14.992272024729521
5 +3,004430,송원산업,354189000000.0,42244000000.0,10.084272322696714,426000000000.0,1.2027476855577106,11.926965546643178,18500.0,29150.0,540.0,10650.0,9990000.0,15741000.0,57.567567567567565
6 +4,017040,광명전기,98063359627.0,11593891042.0,10.111208407111059,117228248575.0,1.1954337381555842,11.822857269115863,2800.0,3620.0,3571.0,820.0,9998800.0,12927020.0,29.28571428571429
7 +5,027710,팜스토리,166916854808.0,12896142588.0,10.173269575747343,131195935035.0,0.7859957293462735,7.726087699671845,1515.0,1300.0,6600.0,-215.0,9999000.0,8580000.0,-14.19141914191419
8 +6,069510,에스텍,124146823459.0,14748421661.0,10.208414395835193,150558000000.0,1.2127414605152778,11.879822012418003,14150.0,10800.0,706.0,-3350.0,9989900.0,7624800.0,-23.674911660777383
9 +7,012200,계양전기,179133111299.0,17233731189.0,10.214851216454122,176040000000.0,0.9827328890981124,9.620628516988308,5500.0,4140.0,1818.0,-1360.0,9999000.0,7526520.0,-24.727272727272727
10 +8,204320,만도,1515053750297.0,210079641643.0,10.237241834478636,2150636096000.0,1.4195114170559329,13.866151059117046,231500.0,231000.0,43.0,-500.0,9954500.0,9933000.0,-0.21598272138228944
11 +9,098660,에스티오,33858491829.0,3213669838.0,10.254857832723014,32955727310.0,0.9733371313890958,9.491473672927961,3865.0,2820.0,2587.0,-1045.0,9998755.0,7295340.0,-27.037516170763258
12 +10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113013980.0,13.09129
1 +{
2 + "TotalInvestmentAmount": "100000000",
3 + "Balance": "103082220",
4 + "Yield": "3.100435"
5 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file