
[Add] textrank algorithm code

__name__ = 'textrank'
__author__ = 'GyuhoLee'
__version__ = '0.0.1'
from .summarizer import KeywordSummarizer
from .summarizer import KeysentenceSummarizer
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import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
def pagerank(x, df=0.85, max_iter=30, bias=None):
x : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
shape = (n vertex, n vertex)
df : float
Damping factor, 0 < df < 1
max_iter : int
Maximum number of iteration
bias : numpy.ndarray or None
If None, equal bias
R : numpy.ndarray
PageRank vector. shape = (n vertex, 1)
assert 0 < df < 1
# initialize
A = normalize(x, axis=0, norm='l1')
R = np.ones(A.shape[0]).reshape(-1,1)
# check bias
if bias is None:
bias = (1 - df) * np.ones(A.shape[0]).reshape(-1,1)
bias = bias.reshape(-1,1)
bias = A.shape[0] * bias / bias.sum()
assert bias.shape[0] == A.shape[0]
bias = (1 - df) * bias
# iteration
for _ in range(max_iter):
R = df * (A * R) + bias
return R
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from collections import Counter
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from .utils import scan_vocabulary
from .utils import tokenize_sents
def sent_graph(sents, tokenize=None, min_count=2, min_sim=0.3,
similarity=None, vocab_to_idx=None, verbose=False):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
tokenize(sent) return list of str
min_count : int
Minimum term frequency
min_sim : float
Minimum similarity between sentences
similarity : callable or str
similarity(s1, s2) returns float
s1 and s2 are list of str.
available similarity = [callable, 'cosine', 'textrank']
vocab_to_idx : dict
Vocabulary to index mapper.
If None, this function scan vocabulary first.
verbose : Boolean
If True, verbose mode on
sentence similarity graph : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
shape = (n sents, n sents)
if vocab_to_idx is None:
idx_to_vocab, vocab_to_idx = scan_vocabulary(sents, tokenize, min_count)
idx_to_vocab = [vocab for vocab, _ in sorted(vocab_to_idx.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
x = vectorize_sents(sents, tokenize, vocab_to_idx)
if similarity == 'cosine':
x = numpy_cosine_similarity_matrix(x, min_sim, verbose, batch_size=1000)
x = numpy_textrank_similarity_matrix(x, min_sim, verbose, batch_size=1000)
return x
def vectorize_sents(sents, tokenize, vocab_to_idx):
rows, cols, data = [], [], []
for i, sent in enumerate(sents):
counter = Counter(tokenize(sent))
for token, count in counter.items():
j = vocab_to_idx.get(token, -1)
if j == -1:
n_rows = len(sents)
n_cols = len(vocab_to_idx)
return csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_rows, n_cols))
def numpy_cosine_similarity_matrix(x, min_sim=0.3, verbose=True, batch_size=1000):
n_rows = x.shape[0]
mat = []
for bidx in range(math.ceil(n_rows / batch_size)):
b = int(bidx * batch_size)
e = min(n_rows, int((bidx+1) * batch_size))
psim = 1 - pairwise_distances(x[b:e], x, metric='cosine')
rows, cols = np.where(psim >= min_sim)
data = psim[rows, cols]
mat.append(csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(e-b, n_rows)))
if verbose:
print('\rcalculating cosine sentence similarity {} / {}'.format(b, n_rows), end='')
mat = sp.sparse.vstack(mat)
if verbose:
print('\rcalculating cosine sentence similarity was done with {} sents'.format(n_rows))
return mat
def numpy_textrank_similarity_matrix(x, min_sim=0.3, verbose=True, min_length=1, batch_size=1000):
n_rows, n_cols = x.shape
# Boolean matrix
rows, cols = x.nonzero()
data = np.ones(rows.shape[0])
z = csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_rows, n_cols))
# Inverse sentence length
size = np.asarray(x.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1)
size[np.where(size <= min_length)] = 10000
size = np.log(size)
mat = []
for bidx in range(math.ceil(n_rows / batch_size)):
# slicing
b = int(bidx * batch_size)
e = min(n_rows, int((bidx+1) * batch_size))
# dot product
inner = z[b:e,:] * z.transpose()
# sentence len[i,j] = size[i] + size[j]
norm = size[b:e].reshape(-1,1) + size.reshape(1,-1)
norm = norm ** (-1)
norm[np.where(norm == np.inf)] = 0
# normalize
sim = inner.multiply(norm).tocsr()
rows, cols = (sim >= min_sim).nonzero()
data = np.asarray(sim[rows, cols]).reshape(-1)
# append
mat.append(csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(e-b, n_rows)))
if verbose:
print('\rcalculating textrank sentence similarity {} / {}'.format(b, n_rows), end='')
mat = sp.sparse.vstack(mat)
if verbose:
print('\rcalculating textrank sentence similarity was done with {} sents'.format(n_rows))
return mat
def graph_with_python_sim(tokens, verbose, similarity, min_sim):
if similarity == 'cosine':
similarity = cosine_sent_sim
elif callable(similarity):
similarity = similarity
similarity = textrank_sent_sim
rows, cols, data = [], [], []
n_sents = len(tokens)
for i, tokens_i in enumerate(tokens):
if verbose and i % 1000 == 0:
print('\rconstructing sentence graph {} / {} ...'.format(i, n_sents), end='')
for j, tokens_j in enumerate(tokens):
if i >= j:
sim = similarity(tokens_i, tokens_j)
if sim < min_sim:
if verbose:
print('\rconstructing sentence graph was constructed from {} sents'.format(n_sents))
return csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_sents, n_sents))
def textrank_sent_sim(s1, s2):
s1, s2 : list of str
Tokenized sentences
Sentence similarity : float
Non-negative number
n1 = len(s1)
n2 = len(s2)
if (n1 <= 1) or (n2 <= 1):
return 0
common = len(set(s1).intersection(set(s2)))
base = math.log(n1) + math.log(n2)
return common / base
def cosine_sent_sim(s1, s2):
s1, s2 : list of str
Tokenized sentences
Sentence similarity : float
Non-negative number
if (not s1) or (not s2):
return 0
s1 = Counter(s1)
s2 = Counter(s2)
norm1 = math.sqrt(sum(v ** 2 for v in s1.values()))
norm2 = math.sqrt(sum(v ** 2 for v in s2.values()))
prod = 0
for k, v in s1.items():
prod += v * s2.get(k, 0)
return prod / (norm1 * norm2)
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import numpy as np
from .rank import pagerank
from .sentence import sent_graph
from .word import word_graph
class KeywordSummarizer:
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
Tokenize function: tokenize(str) = list of str
min_count : int
Minumum frequency of words will be used to construct sentence graph
window : int
Word cooccurrence window size. Default is -1.
'-1' means there is cooccurrence between two words if the words occur in a sentence
min_cooccurrence : int
Minimum cooccurrence frequency of two words
vocab_to_idx : dict or None
Vocabulary to index mapper
df : float
PageRank damping factor
max_iter : int
Number of PageRank iterations
verbose : Boolean
If True, it shows training progress
def __init__(self, sents=None, tokenize=None, min_count=2,
window=-1, min_cooccurrence=2, vocab_to_idx=None,
df=0.85, max_iter=30, verbose=False):
self.tokenize = tokenize
self.min_count = min_count
self.window = window
self.min_cooccurrence = min_cooccurrence
self.vocab_to_idx = vocab_to_idx
self.df = df
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.verbose = verbose
if sents is not None:
def train_textrank(self, sents, bias=None):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
bias : None or numpy.ndarray
PageRank bias term
g, self.idx_to_vocab = word_graph(sents,
self.tokenize, self.min_count,self.window,
self.min_cooccurrence, self.vocab_to_idx, self.verbose)
self.R = pagerank(g, self.df, self.max_iter, bias).reshape(-1)
if self.verbose:
print('trained TextRank. n words = {}'.format(self.R.shape[0]))
def keywords(self, topk=30):
topk : int
Number of keywords selected from TextRank
keywords : list of tuple
Each tuple stands for (word, rank)
if not hasattr(self, 'R'):
raise RuntimeError('Train textrank first or use summarize function')
idxs = self.R.argsort()[-topk:]
keywords = [(self.idx_to_vocab[idx], self.R[idx]) for idx in reversed(idxs)]
return keywords
def summarize(self, sents, topk=30):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
topk : int
Number of keywords selected from TextRank
keywords : list of tuple
Each tuple stands for (word, rank)
return self.keywords(topk)
class KeysentenceSummarizer:
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
Tokenize function: tokenize(str) = list of str
min_count : int
Minumum frequency of words will be used to construct sentence graph
min_sim : float
Minimum similarity between sentences in sentence graph
similarity : str
available similarity = ['cosine', 'textrank']
vocab_to_idx : dict or None
Vocabulary to index mapper
df : float
PageRank damping factor
max_iter : int
Number of PageRank iterations
verbose : Boolean
If True, it shows training progress
def __init__(self, sents=None, tokenize=None, min_count=2,
min_sim=0.3, similarity=None, vocab_to_idx=None,
df=0.85, max_iter=30, verbose=False):
self.tokenize = tokenize
self.min_count = min_count
self.min_sim = min_sim
self.similarity = similarity
self.vocab_to_idx = vocab_to_idx
self.df = df
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.verbose = verbose
if sents is not None:
def train_textrank(self, sents, bias=None):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
bias : None or numpy.ndarray
PageRank bias term
Shape must be (n_sents,)
g = sent_graph(sents, self.tokenize, self.min_count,
self.min_sim, self.similarity, self.vocab_to_idx, self.verbose)
self.R = pagerank(g, self.df, self.max_iter, bias).reshape(-1)
if self.verbose:
print('trained TextRank. n sentences = {}'.format(self.R.shape[0]))
def summarize(self, sents, topk=30, bias=None):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
topk : int
Number of key-sentences to be selected.
bias : None or numpy.ndarray
PageRank bias term
Shape must be (n_sents,)
keysents : list of tuple
Each tuple stands for (sentence index, rank, sentence)
>>> from textrank import KeysentenceSummarizer
>>> summarizer = KeysentenceSummarizer(tokenize = tokenizer, min_sim = 0.5)
>>> keysents = summarizer.summarize(texts, topk=30)
n_sents = len(sents)
if isinstance(bias, np.ndarray):
if bias.shape != (n_sents,):
raise ValueError('The shape of bias must be (n_sents,) but {}'.format(bias.shape))
elif bias is not None:
raise ValueError('The type of bias must be None or numpy.ndarray but the type is {}'.format(type(bias)))
self.train_textrank(sents, bias)
idxs = self.R.argsort()[-topk:]
keysents = [(idx, self.R[idx], sents[idx]) for idx in reversed(idxs)]
return keysents
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from collections import Counter
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import numpy as np
def scan_vocabulary(sents, tokenize=None, min_count=2):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
tokenize(str) returns list of str
min_count : int
Minumum term frequency
idx_to_vocab : list of str
Vocabulary list
vocab_to_idx : dict
Vocabulary to index mapper.
counter = Counter(w for sent in sents for w in tokenize(sent))
counter = {w:c for w,c in counter.items() if c >= min_count}
idx_to_vocab = [w for w, _ in sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x:-x[1])]
vocab_to_idx = {vocab:idx for idx, vocab in enumerate(idx_to_vocab)}
return idx_to_vocab, vocab_to_idx
def tokenize_sents(sents, tokenize):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
tokenize(sent) returns list of str (word sequence)
tokenized sentence list : list of list of str
if tokenize is not None:
return [tokenize(sent) for sent in sents]
return sents
def vectorize(tokens, vocab_to_idx):
tokens : list of list of str
Tokenzed sentence list
vocab_to_idx : dict
Vocabulary to index mapper
sentence bow : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
shape = (n_sents, n_terms)
rows, cols, data = [], [], []
for i, tokens_i in enumerate(tokens):
for t, c in Counter(tokens_i).items():
j = vocab_to_idx.get(t, -1)
if j == -1:
n_sents = len(tokens)
n_terms = len(vocab_to_idx)
x = csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_sents, n_terms))
return x
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from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from .utils import scan_vocabulary
from .utils import tokenize_sents
def word_graph(sents, tokenize=None, min_count=2, window=2,
min_cooccurrence=2, vocab_to_idx=None, verbose=False):
sents : list of str
Sentence list
tokenize : callable
tokenize(str) returns list of str
min_count : int
Minumum term frequency
window : int
Co-occurrence window size
min_cooccurrence : int
Minimum cooccurrence frequency
vocab_to_idx : dict
Vocabulary to index mapper.
If None, this function scan vocabulary first.
verbose : Boolean
If True, verbose mode on
co-occurrence word graph : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
idx_to_vocab : list of str
Word list corresponding row and column
if vocab_to_idx is None:
idx_to_vocab, vocab_to_idx = scan_vocabulary(sents, tokenize, min_count)
idx_to_vocab = [vocab for vocab, _ in sorted(vocab_to_idx.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
tokens = tokenize_sents(sents, tokenize)
g = cooccurrence(tokens, vocab_to_idx, window, min_cooccurrence, verbose)
return g, idx_to_vocab
def cooccurrence(tokens, vocab_to_idx, window=2, min_cooccurrence=2, verbose=False):
tokens : list of list of str
Tokenized sentence list
vocab_to_idx : dict
Vocabulary to index mapper
window : int
Co-occurrence window size
min_cooccurrence : int
Minimum cooccurrence frequency
verbose : Boolean
If True, verbose mode on
co-occurrence matrix : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
shape = (n_vocabs, n_vocabs)
counter = defaultdict(int)
for s, tokens_i in enumerate(tokens):
if verbose and s % 1000 == 0:
print('\rword cooccurrence counting {}'.format(s), end='')
vocabs = [vocab_to_idx[w] for w in tokens_i if w in vocab_to_idx]
n = len(vocabs)
for i, v in enumerate(vocabs):
if window <= 0:
b, e = 0, n
b = max(0, i - window)
e = min(i + window, n)
for j in range(b, e):
if i == j:
counter[(v, vocabs[j])] += 1
counter[(vocabs[j], v)] += 1
counter = {k:v for k,v in counter.items() if v >= min_cooccurrence}
n_vocabs = len(vocab_to_idx)
if verbose:
print('\rword cooccurrence counting from {} sents was done'.format(s+1))
return dict_to_mat(counter, n_vocabs, n_vocabs)
def dict_to_mat(d, n_rows, n_cols):
d : dict
key : (i,j) tuple
value : float value
rows, cols, data = [], [], []
for (i, j), v in d.items():
return csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_rows, n_cols))
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