JungHyun Kim

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# IoT 펌웨어 취약점 분석을 위한 프레임워크
## Overview
2021-1 캡스톤디자인2(CSE405-00) 수업 프로젝트로 만든 Arduino M0 계열 취약점 분석 툴.
## Date
2021.03 ~ 2021.06
## Usage
1. Analyze the given firmware:
```python3 m0-angr.py --type a --name firm.bin```
It generates the followings:
+ `api.txt`: It contains the list of restored APIs.
+ `cfg.txt`: It contains the restored Control-Flow Graph in the form of disassembly.
+ `vuln.txt`: It contains the list of found vulnerabilities.
2. Generate exploitable payloads:
```python3 m0-angr.py --type g --name firm.bin --out payload.bin --code {{vuln_offset}} --dest {{dest_offset}} --ret {{ret_offset}} ```
+ `{{vuln_offset}}`: The offset where vulnerable codes are located(listed in the generated `vuln.txt`).
+ `{{dest_offset}}`: The offset to jump into. It must be of the prologue in a function.
+ `{{ret_offset}}`: The offset to go back to after its first step of ROP ends.
3. Enjoy~.
## Requirements
+ Ubuntu 18.04
+ Python 3.6+
+ Radare2
+ Angr
## Member
+ 2015104162 김정현
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