

1 +import win32com.client
2 +import pythoncom
3 +import pandas as pd
4 +import time
5 +
6 +class XASessionEventHandler:
7 + login_state = 0
8 +
9 + def OnLogin(self, code, msg):
10 + if code == "0000":
11 + print("로그인 성공")
12 + XASessionEventHandler.login_state = 1
13 + else:
14 + print("로그인 실패")
15 +
16 +class XAQueryEventHandler:
17 + query_state = 0
18 +
19 + def OnReceiveData(self, code):
20 + XAQueryEventHandler.query_state = 1
21 +
22 +# ===================================================================================================================
23 +instXASession = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("XA_Session.XASession", XASessionEventHandler)
24 +
25 +with open('account.txt') as f:
26 + id, passwd, cert_passwd = f.read().split()
27 +
28 +instXASession.ConnectServer("hts.ebestsec.co.kr", 20001)
29 +instXASession.Login(id, passwd, cert_passwd, 0, 0)
30 +
31 +while XASessionEventHandler.login_state == 0:
32 + pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
33 +
34 +datecut = ["20210526", "20190517", "20170426","20150421","20130409","20110407","20090413","20070404","20050404","20030326","20010316","19900305","19880616","19860926","19850316"]
35 +res=pd.DataFrame()
36 +for i in range(0, 14):
37 + # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 + # T8413
39 + # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 + instXAQueryT8413 = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("XA_DataSet.XAQuery", XAQueryEventHandler)
41 + instXAQueryT8413.ResFileName = "C:\\eBEST\\xingAPI\\Res\\t8413.res"
42 +
43 + instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "shcode", 0, "207940")
44 + instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "gubun", 0, "2")
45 + instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "sdate", 0, datecut[i+1])
46 + instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "edate", 0, datecut[i])
47 + instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "comp_yn", 0, "N")
48 +
49 + instXAQueryT8413.Request(0)
50 +
51 + while XAQueryEventHandler.query_state == 0:
52 + pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
53 +
54 + count = instXAQueryT8413.GetBlockCount("t8413OutBlock1")
55 +
56 + stockdata=[]
57 + datelist=[]
58 + for j in range(count):
59 + date = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "date", j)
60 + open = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "open", j)
61 + high = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "high", j)
62 + low = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "low", j)
63 + close = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "close", j)
64 + vol = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "jdiff_vol", j)
65 + datelist.append(date)
66 + stockdata.append([date, open, high, low, close, vol])
67 +
68 + df = pd.DataFrame(stockdata, columns=['날짜','시가','고가','저가','종가','거래량'], index=datelist)
69 + print(df)
70 +
71 + res=res.append(df)
72 + XAQueryEventHandler.query_state = 0
73 + time.sleep(3)
74 +
75 +
76 + # instXAQueryT8413 = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("XA_DataSet.XAQuery", XAQueryEventHandler)
77 + # instXAQueryT8413.ResFileName = "C:\\eBEST\\xingAPI\\Res\\t8413.res"
78 +
79 + # instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "shcode", 0, "005930")
80 + # instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "gubun", 0, "2")
81 + # instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "sdate", 0, "20190520")
82 + # instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "edate", 0, "20210526")
83 + # instXAQueryT8413.SetFieldData("t8413InBlock", "comp_yn", 0, "N")
84 +
85 + # instXAQueryT8413.Request(0)
86 +
87 + # while XAQueryEventHandler.query_state == 0:
88 + # pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
89 +
90 + # count = instXAQueryT8413.GetBlockCount("t8413OutBlock1")
91 +
92 + # stockdata.clear()
93 + # for i in range(count):
94 + # date = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "date", i)
95 + # open = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "open", i)
96 + # high = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "high", i)
97 + # low = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "low", i)
98 + # close = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "close", i)
99 + # vol = instXAQueryT8413.GetFieldData("t8413OutBlock1", "jdiff_vol", i)
100 + # stockdata.append([date, open, high, low, close, vol])
101 +
102 + # df2 = df.append(pd.DataFrame(stockdata, columns=['날짜','시가','고가','저가','종가','거래량']))
103 +
104 + # print(df2)
105 +
106 +
107 +res.drop_duplicates()
108 +print(res)
109 +res.to_csv('C:/Users/myung/OneDrive/바탕 화면/삼성바이오로직스.csv', sep=',', na_rep='NaN',index=False)
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from google.colab import drive
2 +import pandas as pd
3 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 +import seaborn as sns
5 +from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
6 +import numpy as np
7 +from keras.models import Sequential
8 +from keras.layers import Dense
9 +from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
10 +from keras.layers import LSTM
11 +
12 +drive.mount('/content/drive')
13 +df_price = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/삼성바이오로직스.csv', encoding='cp949')
14 +pd.to_datetime(df_price['날짜'], format='%Y%m%d')
15 +
16 +df_price['날짜'] = pd.to_datetime(df_price['날짜'], format='%Y%m%d')
17 +df_price['연도'] =df_price['날짜'].dt.year
18 +df_price['월'] =df_price['날짜'].dt.month
19 +df_price['일'] =df_price['날짜'].dt.day
20 +
21 +df = df_price.loc[df_price['연도']>=1990]
22 +scaler = MinMaxScaler()
23 +scale_cols = ['시가', '고가', '저가', '종가', '거래량']
24 +
25 +df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df[scale_cols])
26 +df_scaled = pd.DataFrame(df_scaled)
27 +df_scaled.columns = scale_cols
28 +
29 +
30 +TEST_SIZE = 200
31 +window_size=20
32 +
33 +def make_dataset(data, label, window_size=20):
34 + feature_list = []
35 + label_list = []
36 + for i in range(len(data) - window_size):
37 + feature_list.append(np.array(data.iloc[i:i+window_size]))
38 + label_list.append(np.array(label.iloc[i+window_size]))
39 + return np.array(feature_list), np.array(label_list)
40 +
41 +def main():
42 + train = df_scaled[:-TEST_SIZE]
43 + test = df_scaled[-TEST_SIZE:]
44 + feature_cols = ['시가', '고가', '저가', '거래량']
45 + label_cols = ['종가']
46 +
47 + train_feature = train[feature_cols]
48 + train_label = train[label_cols]
49 +
50 + # train dataset
51 + train_feature, train_label = make_dataset(train_feature, train_label, 20)
52 +
53 + # train, validation set 생성
54 + from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
55 + x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(train_feature, train_label, test_size=0.2)
56 +
57 + x_train.shape, x_valid.shape
58 +
59 + test_feature = test[feature_cols]
60 + test_label = test[label_cols]
61 +
62 + # test dataset (실제 예측 해볼 데이터)
63 + test_feature, test_label = make_dataset(test_feature, test_label, 20)
64 +
65 + test_feature.shape, test_label.shape
66 +
67 +
68 + model = Sequential()
69 + model.add(LSTM(16,
70 + input_shape=(train_feature.shape[1], train_feature.shape[2]),
71 + activation='relu',
72 + return_sequences=False)
73 + )
74 + model.add(Dense(1))
75 +
76 + model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
77 + early_stop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=10)
78 + filename = '/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/tmp_samba.h5'
79 + checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filename, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='auto')
80 +
81 + # history = model.fit(x_train, y_train,
82 + # epochs=200,
83 + # batch_size=16,
84 + # validation_data=(x_valid, y_valid),
85 + # callbacks=[early_stop, checkpoint])
86 +
87 + # weight 로딩
88 + model.load_weights(filename)
89 +
90 + model.summary()
91 + # 예측
92 + pred = model.predict(test_feature)
93 + plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
94 + plt.plot(test_label, label='actual')
95 + plt.plot(pred, label='prediction')
96 + plt.legend()
97 + plt.show()
98 +
99 +if __name__ == "__main__":
100 + main()
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