
feat. logic and fix error, cookies alive 7days -> 30days

const Bottle = require('../models/bottle');
//message subscribe 후 message를 가공한 이후 해당 데이터를 보낼 topic과 message를 리턴하는 함수
exports.dataPublish = async (topic, message) => {
//client가 subscribe를 하면 메시지를 보낸 약병의 topic과 message를 가공 및 보낸 약병의 bottleId를 가져옴
const data = await factoring(topic, message);
const { bottleId } = data;
//가공된 데이터를 bottleId의 약병에 업데이트
await bottleInfoUpdate(data);
//가공된 데이터를 메시지로 만들어 topic과 message 리턴
const result = await transPublishingTopicAndMessage(bottleId);
return result;
//Hub topic : bottle/bottleId
//Hub로부터 받은 message : 개폐여부/온도/습도/초음파센서
exports.factoring = (topic, message) => {
const factoring = (topic, message) => {
const bottleId = parseInt(topic.split('/')[1]);
const data = message.split('/');
const [isOpen, temperature, humidity, balance] = data;
......@@ -20,7 +34,7 @@ exports.factoring = (topic, message) => {
//bottleId가 포함된 data를 받아서 해당 약병의 data를 업데이트한다.
exports.bottleInfoUpdate = async(data) => {
const bottleInfoUpdate = async(data) => {
const { bottleId, isOpen, openDate, temperature, humidity, balance } = data;
if(isOpen === '1') {
await Bottle.findOneAndUpdate({
......@@ -30,7 +44,7 @@ exports.bottleInfoUpdate = async(data) => {
await Bottle.findByIdAndUpdate({
await Bottle.findOneAndUpdate({
}, {
......@@ -39,18 +53,19 @@ exports.bottleInfoUpdate = async(data) => {
}, { new : true });
//해당 MQTT Broker(client)에 bottleId의 정보에 관한 message를 발행한다.
exports.dataPublishing = async(client, bottleId) => {
const topic = 'bottle/'.concat(bottleId);
//해당 MQTT Broker(client)에 bottleId의 정보에 관한 topic과 message를 리턴한다.
const transPublishingTopicAndMessage = async(bottleId) => {
const topic = 'bottle/'.concat(bottleId) + '/stb';
const bottle = await Bottle.findByBottleId(bottleId);
const recentOpen = await bottle.getRecentOpenDate();
const message = await transDate(recentOpen);
client.publish(topic, message, () => {
console.log('topic : ', topic, 'message : ', message);
return {
//날짜를 yymmdd로 변환해주는 함수
......@@ -21,14 +21,24 @@ exports.mqttOn = async (hosting) => {
exports.mqttSubscribe = (client, topic) => {
exports.mqttSubscribe = (client, topic, func) => {
client.on('message', (topic, message, packet) => {
console.log('\x1b[1;37mtopic : ', topic, '\x1b[0m');
console.log('\x1b[1;37mmessage : ', message.toString(), '\x1b[0m', '\n');
client.on('message', async (topic, message, packet) => {
const result = await func(topic, message.toString());
this.mqttPublishMessage(client, result);
exports.mqttPublishMessage = (client, topic, message) => {
exports.mqttPublishMessage = (client, { topic, message }) => {
client.publish(topic, message, () => {});
\ No newline at end of file
exports.mqttOff = (hosting) => {
const filterIndex = clientList.findIndex(client => {
return (client.options.clientId === hosting.clientId
&& client.options.host === hosting.host
&& client.options.port === hosting.port)
clientList.splice(filterIndex, 1);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ const jwtMiddleware = async (ctx, next) => {
userId : decoded.userId
const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
if (decoded.exp - now < 60 * 60 * 24 * 3.5) {
if (decoded.exp - now < 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) {
const user = await User.findById(decoded._id);
const token = user.generateToken();
ctx.cookies.set('access_token', token, {
httpOnly : true,
maxAge : 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
maxAge : 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30