Template_UIManager.cs 16.4 KB
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 *  This is a template verison of the VIDEUIManager1.cs script. Check that script out and the "Player Interaction" demo for more reference.
 *  This one doesn't include an item popup as that demo was mostly hard coded.
 *  Doesn't include reference to a player script or gameobject. How you handle that is up to you.
 *  Doesn't save dialogue and VA state.
 *  Player choices are not instantiated. You need to set the references manually.
 *  You are NOT limited to what this script can do. This script is only for convenience. You are completely free to write your own manager or build from this one.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using VIDE_Data; //<--- Import to use VD class

public class Template_UIManager : MonoBehaviour
    #region VARS

    //These are the references to UI components and containers in the scene
    public GameObject dialogueContainer;
    public GameObject NPC_Container;
    public GameObject playerContainer;

    public Text NPC_Text;
    public Text NPC_label;
    public Image NPCSprite;
    public Image playerSprite;
    public Text playerLabel;

    public List<Button> maxPlayerChoices = new List<Button>();

    [Tooltip("Attach an Audio Source and reference it if you want to play audios")]
    public AudioSource audioSource;

    public KeyCode interactionKey;
    public bool NPC_animateText;
    public bool player_animateText;
    public float NPC_secsPerLetter;
    public float player_secsPerLetter;
    public float choiceInterval;
    [Tooltip("Tick this if using Navigation. Will prevent mixed input.")]
    public bool useNavigation;

    bool dialoguePaused = false; //Custom variable to prevent the manager from calling VD.Next
    bool animatingText = false; //Will help us know when text is currently being animated
    int availableChoices = 0;

    IEnumerator TextAnimator;


    #region MAIN

    void Awake()

        VD.LoadDialogues(); //Load all dialogues to memory so that we dont spend time doing so later
        //An alternative to this can be preloading dialogues from the VIDE_Assign component!

    //Call this to begin the dialogue and advance through it
    public void Interact(VIDE_Assign dialogue)
        //Sometimes, we might want to check the ExtraVariables and VAs before moving forward
        //We might want to modify the dialogue or perhaps go to another node, or dont start the dialogue at all
        //In such cases, the function will return true
        var doNotInteract = PreConditions(dialogue);
        if (doNotInteract) return;

        if (!VD.isActive)

    //This begins the conversation. 
    void Begin(VIDE_Assign dialogue)
        //Let's reset the NPC text variables
        NPC_Text.text = "";
        NPC_label.text = "";
        playerLabel.text = "";

        //Subscribe to events
        VD.OnActionNode += ActionHandler;
        VD.OnNodeChange += UpdateUI;
        VD.OnEnd += EndDialogue;

        VD.BeginDialogue(dialogue); //Begins dialogue, will call the first OnNodeChange

        dialogueContainer.SetActive(true); //Let's make our dialogue container visible
    //Calls next node in the dialogue
    public void CallNext()
        //Let's not go forward if text is currently being animated, but let's speed it up.
        if (animatingText) { CutTextAnim(); return; }

        if (!dialoguePaused) //Only if
            VD.Next(); //We call the next node and populate nodeData with new data. Will fire OnNodeChange.
            //Stuff we can do instead if dialogue is paused

    //If not using local input, then the UI buttons are going to call this method when you tap/click them!
    //They will send along the choice index
    public void SelectChoice(int choice)
        VD.nodeData.commentIndex = choice;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))

    //Input related stuff (scroll through player choices and update highlight)
    void Update()
        //Lets just store the Node Data variable for the sake of fewer words
        var data = VD.nodeData;

        if (VD.isActive) //If there is a dialogue active
            //Scroll through Player dialogue options if dialogue is not paused and we are on a player node
            //For player nodes, NodeData.commentIndex is the index of the picked choice
            if (!data.pausedAction && !animatingText && data.isPlayer && !useNavigation)
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow))
                    if (data.commentIndex < availableChoices - 1)
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                    if (data.commentIndex > 0)
                //Color the Player options. Blue for the selected one
                for (int i = 0; i < maxPlayerChoices.Count; i++)
                    maxPlayerChoices[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.white;
                    if (i == data.commentIndex) maxPlayerChoices[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.yellow;

            //Detect interact key
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(interactionKey))
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                if (animatingText)
                else if (!data.isPlayer)
        //Note you could also use Unity's Navi system, in which case you would tick the useNavigation flag.

    //When we call VD.Next, nodeData will change. When it changes, OnNodeChange event will fire
    //We subscribed our UpdateUI method to the event in the Begin method
    //Here's where we update our UI
    void UpdateUI(VD.NodeData data)
        //Reset some variables
        NPC_Text.text = "";
        foreach (Button b in maxPlayerChoices) { b.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = ""; b.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.white; }
        playerSprite.sprite = null;
        NPCSprite.sprite = null;

        //Look for dynamic text change in extraData

        //If this new Node is a Player Node, set the player choices offered by the node
        if (data.isPlayer)
            //Set node sprite if there's any, otherwise try to use default sprite
            if (data.sprite != null)
                playerSprite.sprite = data.sprite;
            else if (VD.assigned.defaultPlayerSprite != null)
                playerSprite.sprite = VD.assigned.defaultPlayerSprite;


            //If it has a tag, show it, otherwise let's use the alias we set in the VIDE Assign
            if (data.tag.Length > 0)
                playerLabel.text = data.tag;

            //Sets the player container on

        else  //If it's an NPC Node, let's just update NPC's text and sprite
            //Set node sprite if there's any, otherwise try to use default sprite
            if (data.sprite != null)
                //For NPC sprite, we'll first check if there's any "sprite" key
                //Such key is being used to apply the sprite only when at a certain comment index
                //Check CrazyCap dialogue for reference
                if (data.extraVars.ContainsKey("sprite"))
                    if (data.commentIndex == (int)data.extraVars["sprite"])
                        NPCSprite.sprite = data.sprite;
                        NPCSprite.sprite = VD.assigned.defaultNPCSprite; //If not there yet, set default dialogue sprite
                else //Otherwise use the node sprites
                    NPCSprite.sprite = data.sprite;
            } //or use the default sprite if there isnt a node sprite at all
            else if (VD.assigned.defaultNPCSprite != null)
                NPCSprite.sprite = VD.assigned.defaultNPCSprite;

            if (NPC_animateText)
                //This coroutine animates the NPC text instead of displaying it all at once
                TextAnimator = AnimateNPCText(data.comments[data.commentIndex]);
            } else
                NPC_Text.text = data.comments[data.commentIndex];
            if (data.audios[data.commentIndex] != null)
                audioSource.clip = data.audios[data.commentIndex];

            //If it has a tag, show it, otherwise let's use the alias we set in the VIDE Assign
            if (data.tag.Length > 0)
                NPC_label.text = data.tag;
                NPC_label.text = VD.assigned.alias;

            //Sets the NPC container on

    //This uses the returned string[] from nodeData.comments to create the UIs for each comment
    //It first cleans, then it instantiates new choices
    public void SetChoices(string[] choices)
        availableChoices = 0;

        foreach (UnityEngine.UI.Button choice in maxPlayerChoices)

        if (player_animateText)
            //This coroutine animates the Player choices instead of displaying it all at once
            TextAnimator = AnimatePlayerText(choices);
        } else
            for (int i = 0; i < choices.Length; i++)
                maxPlayerChoices[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = choices[i]; //Assumes first child of button gameobject is text gameobject
            //Highlight the button. Used by Navi
            if (useNavigation)

    //Unsuscribe from everything, disable UI, and end dialogue
    //Called automatically because we subscribed to the OnEnd event
    void EndDialogue(VD.NodeData data)
        VD.OnActionNode -= ActionHandler;
        VD.OnNodeChange -= UpdateUI;
        VD.OnEnd -= EndDialogue;
        if (dialogueContainer != null)

    //To prevent errors
    void OnDisable()



    //DIALOGUE CONDITIONS --------------------------------------------

    bool PreConditions(VIDE_Assign assigned)
        var data = VD.nodeData;
        if (VD.isActive)
            if (!data.isPlayer)


        } else

        return false;

    //Conditions we check after VD.Next was called but before we update the UI
    void PostConditions(VD.NodeData data)
        //Don't conduct extra variable actions if we are waiting on a paused action
        if (data.pausedAction) return;


        if (!data.isPlayer) //For player nodes
            //Checks for extraData that concerns font size (CrazyCap node 2)
            if (data.extraData[data.commentIndex].Contains("fs"))
                int fSize = 14;

                string[] fontSize = data.extraData[data.commentIndex].Split(","[0]);
                int.TryParse(fontSize[1], out fSize);
                NPC_Text.fontSize = fSize;
                NPC_Text.fontSize = 14;
        } else


    void ReplaceWord(VD.NodeData data)
        if (data.comments[data.commentIndex].Contains("[NAME]"))
            data.comments[data.commentIndex] = data.comments[data.commentIndex].Replace("[NAME]", VD.assigned.gameObject.name);

        if (data.comments[data.commentIndex].Contains("[WEAPON]"))
            data.comments[data.commentIndex] = data.comments[data.commentIndex].Replace("[WEAPON]", "sword");



    //Called when dialogue sare finished loading
    void OnLoadedAction()
        //Debug.Log("Finished loading all dialogues");
        VD.OnLoaded -= OnLoadedAction;

    //Another way to handle Action Nodes is to listen to the OnActionNode event, which sends the ID of the action node
    void ActionHandler(int actionNodeID)
        //Debug.Log("ACTION TRIGGERED: " + actionNodeID.ToString());

    IEnumerator AnimatePlayerText(string[] choices)
        animatingText = true;

        for (int c = 0; c < choices.Length; c++)
            string[] words = choices[c].Split(' ');
            Text txtref = maxPlayerChoices[c].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>();
            txtref.text = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                string word = words[i];
                if (i != words.Length - 1) word += " ";

                string previousText = txtref.text;

                float lastHeight = txtref.preferredHeight;
                txtref.text += word;
                if (txtref.preferredHeight > lastHeight)
                    previousText += System.Environment.NewLine;

                for (int j = 0; j < word.Length; j++)
                    txtref.text = previousText + word.Substring(0, j + 1);
                    yield return new WaitForSeconds(player_secsPerLetter);
            txtref.text = choices[c];
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(choiceInterval);

        //Highlight the button. Used by Navi
        if (useNavigation)
        animatingText = false;

    IEnumerator AnimateNPCText(string text)
        animatingText = true;

        string[] words = text.Split(' ');

        for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
            string word = words[i];
            if (i != words.Length - 1) word += " ";

            string previousText = NPC_Text.text;

            float lastHeight = NPC_Text.preferredHeight;
            NPC_Text.text += word;
            if (NPC_Text.preferredHeight > lastHeight)
                previousText += System.Environment.NewLine;

            for (int j = 0; j < word.Length; j++)
                NPC_Text.text = previousText + word.Substring(0, j + 1);
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(NPC_secsPerLetter);
        NPC_Text.text = text;
        animatingText = false;

    void CutTextAnim()
        if (VD.nodeData.isPlayer)
                availableChoices = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < VD.nodeData.comments.Length; i++)
                maxPlayerChoices[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = VD.nodeData.comments[i]; //Assumes first child of button gameobject is text gameobject
            if (useNavigation)
            NPC_Text.text = VD.nodeData.comments[VD.nodeData.commentIndex]; //Now just copy full text	
        animatingText = false;


    //Utility note: If you're on MonoDevelop. Go to Tools > Options > General and enable code folding.
    //That way you can exapnd and collapse the regions and methods
