Name Last Update
Kconfig Loading commit data...
Make.defs Loading commit data...
Makefile Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
ftpc_cdup.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_chdir.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_chmod.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_cmd.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_config.h Loading commit data...
ftpc_connect.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_disconnect.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_filesize.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_filetime.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_getfile.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_getreply.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_help.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_idle.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_internal.h Loading commit data...
ftpc_listdir.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_login.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_mkdir.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_noop.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_putfile.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_quit.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_rename.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_response.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_rmdir.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_rpwd.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_socket.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_transfer.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_unlink.c Loading commit data...
ftpc_utils.c Loading commit data...

Network Utilities / ftpc FTP Client

FTP Commands

  • ABOR – abort a file transfer
  • ACCT – send account information
  • APPE – append to a remote file
  • CDUP – CWD to the parent of the current directory
  • CWD – change working directory
  • DELE – delete a remote file
  • HELP – return help on using the server
  • LIST – list remote files
  • MDTM – return the modification time of a file
  • MKD – make a remote directory
  • MLSD – Standardized directory listing (instead of LIST)
  • MLST – Standardized object listing (instead of LIST)
  • MODE – set transfer mode
  • NLST – name list of remote directory
  • NOOP – do nothing
  • PASS – send password
  • PASV – enter passive mode
  • PORT – open a data port
  • PWD – print working directory
  • QUIT – terminate the connection
  • REIN – reinitialize the connection
  • RETR – retrieve a remote file
  • REST – Sets the point at which a file transfer should start
  • RMD – remove a remote directory
  • RNFR – rename from
  • RNTO – rename to
  • SITE – site-specific commands
  • SIZE – return the size of a file
  • STOR – store a file on the remote host
  • STOU – store a file uniquely
  • STRU – set file transfer structure
  • STAT – return server status
  • SYST – return system type
  • TYPE – set transfer type
  • USER – send username

FTP Replies

  • 110 – Restart marker reply.
  • 120 – Service ready in nnn minutes.
  • 125 – Data connection already open; transfer starting.
  • 150 – File status okay; about to open data connection.
  • 200 – Command okay.
  • 202 – Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
  • 211 – System status, or system help reply.
  • 212 – Directory status.
  • 213 – File status.
  • 214 – Help message.
  • 215 – NAME system type.
  • 220 – Service ready for new user.
  • 221 – Service closing control connection.
  • 225 – Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
  • 226 – Closing data connection.
  • 227 – Entering Passive Mode (h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2).
  • 230 – User logged in, proceed.
  • 250 – Requested file action okay, completed.
  • 257PATHNAME created.
  • 331 – User name okay, need password.
  • 332 – Need account for login.
  • 350 – Requested file action pending further information.
  • 421 – Service not available, closing control connection.
  • 425 – Can't open data connection.
  • 426 – Connection closed; transfer aborted.
  • 450 – Requested file action not taken.
  • 451 – Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
  • 452 – Requested action not taken.
  • 500 – Syntax error, command unrecognized.
  • 501 – Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
  • 502 – Command not implemented.
  • 503 – Bad sequence of commands.
  • 504 – Command not implemented for that parameter.
  • 530 – Not logged in.
  • 532 – Need account for storing files.
  • 550 – Requested action not taken.
  • 551 – Requested action aborted: page type unknown.
  • 552 – Requested file action aborted.
  • 553 – Requested action not taken.