
feat : print current gps every 2 seconds

......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include "ekf.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ecl.h>
#include <geo_lookup/geo_mag_declination.h>
#include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
......@@ -55,12 +55,11 @@
#define MASK_GPS_VDRIFT (1<<6)
#define MASK_GPS_HSPD (1<<7)
#define MASK_GPS_VSPD (1<<8)
static int hold=0;
bool Ekf::collect_gps(const gps_message &gps)
// Run GPS checks always
_gps_checks_passed = gps_is_good(gps);
if (_filter_initialised && !_NED_origin_initialised && _gps_checks_passed) {
// If we have good GPS data set the origin's WGS-84 position to the last gps fix
const double lat = gps.lat * 1.0e-7;
......@@ -142,6 +141,19 @@ bool Ekf::collect_gps(const gps_message &gps)
// start collecting GPS if there is a 3D fix and the NED origin has been set
if(hold != int(gps.time_usec/1000000))
std::cout <<"----------------------current--------------------------"<<std::endl;
std :: cout << "time : "<<gps.time_usec/1000000<<std::endl;
std :: cout << "lat : " <<gps.lat <<std::endl;
std :: cout << "lon : " <<gps.lon <<std::endl;
std :: cout << "alt : " <<gps.alt <<std::endl;
// print GPS data every 1 seocnds
return _NED_origin_initialised && (gps.fix_type >= 3);