matrixAssignment.cpp 7.8 KB
#include "test_macros.hpp"
#include <matrix/math.hpp>

using namespace matrix;

template class matrix::Matrix<float, 3, 2>;

int main()
    Matrix3f m;
    m(0, 0) = 1;
    m(0, 1) = 2;
    m(0, 2) = 3;
    m(1, 0) = 4;
    m(1, 1) = 5;
    m(1, 2) = 6;
    m(2, 0) = 7;
    m(2, 1) = 8;
    m(2, 2) = 9;

    float data[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    Matrix3f m2(data);

    for(size_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            TEST(fabs(data[i*3 + j] - m2(i,j)) < FLT_EPSILON);

    Matrix3f m_nan;
    for(size_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

    float data2d[3][3] = {
        {1, 2, 3},
        {4, 5, 6},
        {7, 8, 9}
    m2 = Matrix3f(data2d);
    for(size_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            TEST(fabs(data[i*3 + j] - m2(i,j)) < FLT_EPSILON);

    float data_times_2[9] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18};
    Matrix3f m3(data_times_2);

    TEST(isEqual(m, m2));
    TEST(!(isEqual(m, m3)));

    m2 *= 2;
    TEST(isEqual(m2, m3));

    m2 /= 2;
    m2 -= 1;
    float data_minus_1[9] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
    TEST(isEqual(Matrix3f(data_minus_1), m2));

    m2 += 1;
    TEST(isEqual(Matrix3f(data), m2));

    m3 -= m2;

    TEST(isEqual(m3, m2));

    // set rows and columns to value
    Matrix3f m2e(data2d);

    float data2e_check1[3][3] = {
        {1, 11, 3},
        {4, 11, 6},
        {7, 11, 9}
    Matrix3f m2e_check1(data2e_check1);

    float data2e_check2[3][3] = {
        {1, 11, 3},
        {4, 11, 6},
        {0, 0, 0}
    Matrix3f m2e_check2(data2e_check2);

    m2e.setCol(1, 11);
    TEST(isEqual(m2e, m2e_check1));
    m2e.setRow(2, 0);
    TEST(isEqual(m2e, m2e_check2));

    float data_row_02_swap[9] = {
        7, 8, 9,
        4, 5, 6,
        1, 2, 3,

    float data_col_02_swap[9] = {
        3, 2, 1,
        6, 5, 4,
        9, 8, 7

    Matrix3f m4(data);

    TEST(isEqual(-m4, m4*(-1)));

    // col swap
    m4.swapCols(0, 2);
    TEST(isEqual(m4, Matrix3f(data_col_02_swap)));
    m4.swapCols(0, 2);

    // row swap
    m4.swapRows(0, 2);
    TEST(isEqual(m4, Matrix3f(data_row_02_swap)));
    m4.swapRows(0, 2);

    // swapping with same row should do nothing
    m4.swapRows(0, 0);
    m4.swapRows(1, 1);
    m4.swapRows(2, 2);
    TEST(isEqual(m4, Matrix3f(data)));

    // swapping with same col should do nothing
    m4.swapCols(0, 0);
    m4.swapCols(1, 1);
    m4.swapCols(2, 2);
    TEST(isEqual(m4, Matrix3f(data)));

    TEST(fabs(m4.min() - 1) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST(fabs((-m4).min() + 9) < FLT_EPSILON);

    Scalar<float> s = 1;
    const Vector<float, 1> & s_vect = s;
    TEST(fabs(s - 1) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST(fabs(s_vect(0) - 1.0f) < FLT_EPSILON);

    Matrix<float, 1, 1> m5 = s;
    TEST(fabs(m5(0,0) - s) < FLT_EPSILON);

    Matrix<float, 2, 2> m6;
    m6.setRow(0, Vector2f(1, 2));
    float m7_array[] = {1,2,0,0};
    Matrix<float, 2, 2> m7(m7_array);
    TEST(isEqual(m6, m7));
    m6.setCol(0, Vector2f(3, 4));
    float m8_array[] = {3,2,4,0};
    Matrix<float, 2, 2> m8(m8_array);
    TEST(isEqual(m6, m8));

    TEST(m7 != m8);

    // min, max, constrain matrix values with scalar
    float data_m9[9] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18};
    float lower_bound = 7;
    float upper_bound = 11;
    float data_m9_lower_bounded[9] = {7, 7, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18};
    float data_m9_upper_bounded[9] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11};
    float data_m9_lower_constrained[9] = {7, 7, 7, 8, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11};
    Matrix3f m9(data_m9);
    Matrix3f m9_lower_bounded(data_m9_lower_bounded);
    Matrix3f m9_upper_bounded(data_m9_upper_bounded);
    Matrix3f m9_lower_upper_constrained(data_m9_lower_constrained);
    TEST(isEqual(max(m9, lower_bound), m9_lower_bounded));
    TEST(isEqual(max(lower_bound, m9), m9_lower_bounded));
    TEST(isEqual(min(m9, upper_bound), m9_upper_bounded));
    TEST(isEqual(min(upper_bound, m9), m9_upper_bounded));
    TEST(isEqual(constrain(m9, lower_bound, upper_bound), m9_lower_upper_constrained));
    TEST(isEqual(constrain(m9, 8.0f, 7.0f), m_nan));

    // min, max, constrain matrix values with matrix of same size
    float data_m10[9] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18};
    float data_m10_lower_bound[9] = {5, 7, 4, 8, 19, 10, 20, 16, 18};
    float data_m10_lower_bounded_ref[9] = {5, 7, 6, 8, 19, 12, 20, 16, 18};
    float data_m10_upper_bound[9] = {6, 4, 8, 18, 20, 11, 30, 16, 18};
    float data_m10_upper_bounded_ref[9] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18};
    float data_m10_constrained_ref[9] = {5, NAN, 6, 8, 19, 11, 20, 16, 18};
    Matrix3f m10(data_m10);
    Matrix3f m10_lower_bound(data_m10_lower_bound);
    Matrix3f m10_lower_bounded_ref(data_m10_lower_bounded_ref);
    Matrix3f m10_upper_bound(data_m10_upper_bound);
    Matrix3f m10_upper_bounded_ref(data_m10_upper_bounded_ref);
    Matrix3f m10_constrained_ref(data_m10_constrained_ref);
    TEST(isEqual(max(m10, m10_lower_bound), m10_lower_bounded_ref));
    TEST(isEqual(max(m10_lower_bound, m10), m10_lower_bounded_ref));
    TEST(isEqual(min(m10, m10_upper_bound), m10_upper_bounded_ref));
    TEST(isEqual(min(m10_upper_bound, m9), m10_upper_bounded_ref));
    TEST(isEqual(constrain(m10, m10_lower_bound, m10_upper_bound), m10_constrained_ref));

    // min, max, constrain with NAN
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::min(5.f, NAN), 5.f));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::min(NAN, 5.f), 5.f));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::min(NAN, NAN), NAN));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::max(5.f, NAN), 5.f));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::max(NAN, 5.f), 5.f));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::max(NAN, NAN), NAN));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::constrain(NAN, 5.f, 6.f), NAN));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::constrain(1.f, 5.f, 4.f), NAN));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::constrain(6.f, NAN, 5.f), 5.f));
    TEST(isEqualF(matrix::typeFunction::constrain(1.f, 5.f, NAN), 5.f));
    Vector2f v1{NAN, 5.0f};
    Vector2f v1_min = min(v1, 1.f);
    Matrix3f m11 = min(m10_constrained_ref,NAN);
    TEST(isEqualF(fmin(NAN, 1.f), float(v1_min(0))));
    TEST(isEqual(m11, m10_constrained_ref));

    // check write_string()
    float comma[6] = {
        1.f, 12345.123f,
        12345.1228f, .1234567891011f,
        12345678910.123456789f, 1234567891011.123456789101112f
    Matrix<float, 3, 2> Comma(comma);
    const size_t len = 15*2*3 + 2 + 1;
    char buffer[len];
    Comma.print(); // for debugging in case of failure
    Comma.write_string(buffer, len);
    printf("%s\n", buffer); // for debugging in case of failure
    char output[] = "\t       1\t12345.123\n\t12345.123\t0.12345679\n\t1.2345679e+10\t1.234568e+12\n";
    printf("%s\n", output); // for debugging in case of failure
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if(buffer[i] != output[i]) { // for debugging in case of failure
            printf("%d: \"%c\" != \"%c\"", int(i), buffer[i], output[i]); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE only print on failure
        TEST(buffer[i] == output[i]);
        if (buffer[i] == '\0') {

    // check print()
    // Redirect stdout
    TEST(freopen("testoutput.txt", "w", stdout) != NULL);
    // write
    // read
    FILE *fp = fopen("testoutput.txt", "r");
    TEST(fp != nullptr);
    TEST(!fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        char c = static_cast<char>(fgetc(fp));
        if (c == '\n') {
        printf("%d %d %d\n", static_cast<int>(i), output[i], c);
        TEST(c == output[i]);

    return 0;

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