TF-G1-base.xml 5.74 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <sim include="config/TF-G1_views.xml">




        <file type="string">default</file>
        <rotor-step-deg type="float">-1.0</rotor-step-deg>

        <int type="int" n="0">0</int>
        <int type="int" n="1">0</int>
        <int type="int" n="2">0</int>
        <int type="int" n="3">0</int>
        <int type="int" n="4">0</int>
        <int type="int" n="5">0</int>

	  <float n="0" alias="/position/altitude-agl-ft">0</float>


    <replay-config type="int">0</replay-config>
			<config n="0" include="/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-1.xml">
			<name type="string">My Aircraft's Flight Recorder</name>
				    <property type="string">/rotors/main/rpm</property>

					<property type="string">/rotors/main/tilt/roll-deg</property>

					<property type="string">/rotors/main/tilt/pitch-deg</property>

                <desc>Start Engine</desc>
                <desc>Toggle parking brake</desc>
                <desc>Apply rotor brake</desc>
                <desc>Toggle Look Up</desc>
                <desc>Toggle Look Down</desc>

      <title>TF-G1 (Autogyro)</title>
      <line>   Start And Take Off</line>
      <line>1:Start engine (S-Key)</line>
      <line>2:Prerotate rotor to 250 rpm (hold S-Key)</line>
      <line>3:Release parking-brake ('B'-key)</line>
      <line>4:Add power to accelerate and pull the stick back 1/3</line>
      <line>5:Wait to accelerate then add full power</line>
      <line>6:Wait for the rotor to reach sufficient rpm (~350)</line>
      <line>7:Use the stick to slowly pull up and fly</line>
      <line>   Landing</line>
      <line>1:Reduce power to 1/4</line>
      <line>2:Wait to slow down. Don't force forward pitch.</line>
      <line>3:When you slow down to 40-50 pitch down and hold ~50kt</line>
      <line>4:Over the runway round off then reduce power and pitch up a little</line>
      <line>5:Touch down and wait rotor to slow down somewhat.</line>
      <line>6:Pull the stick full back to use rotor to slow down.</line>
      <line>   Good to know</line>
      <line>The rotor accelerates faster the more you pull the stick</line>
      <line>This aircraft doesn't stall, but the rotor can slow down.</line>
      <line>The rotor rpm should be kept over 450...</line>
      <line>Max rotor rpm 600 or 3-G. Max speed 90kts.</line>
      <line>   Warning!</line>
      <line>Avoid sudden movements. This can cause Pilot Induced Oscillation (PIO).</line>
	  <line>Never force forward pitch. This can cause negative G.</line>
	  <line>Use throttle first, stick later.</line>
	  <line>Avoid flying at zero G! It is dangerous!</line>
	  <line>Negative and zero G can cause a Power Pushover (PPO).</line>

      <path n="1">Aircraft/TF-G1/config/TF-G1_hud.xml</path>
            <visibility n="1">true</visibility>
            <enable3d n="1">false</enable3d>
            <transparent n="1">false</transparent>

		<weight n="0">

		<weight n="1">

		<weight n="2">

            <menu n="10">
                <label>TF-G1 Autogyro</label>
                <enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
                    <label>Select Livery</label>


   <!-- Payload  -->


    <keyboard include="config/TF-G1-keyboard.xml"/>


      <engine n="0">


      <strobe type="bool">true</strobe>
      <beacon type="bool">true</beacon>
      <nav-lights type="bool">true</nav-lights>



      <rpm type="double">400</rpm>

		  <rpm type="double">900</rpm>




