4.61 KB
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import codecs

class MarkdownTablesOutput():
    def __init__(self, groups):
        result = (
"""# Parameter Reference

This documentation was auto-generated from the source code for this PX4 version (using `make parameters_metadata`).

If a listed parameter is missing from the Firmware see: [Finding/Updating Parameters](

<!-- markdown generator: src/lib/parameters/px4params/ -->

tr > * {
    vertical-align : top;


        for group in groups:
            result += '## %s\n\n' % group.GetName()
            result += (
 <colgroup><col style="width: 23%"><col style="width: 46%"><col style="width: 11%"><col style="width: 11%"><col style="width: 9%"></colgroup>
   <tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Min > Max (Incr.)</th><th>Default</th><th>Units</th></tr>
            for param in group.GetParams():
                code = param.GetName()
                name = param.GetFieldValue("short_desc") or ''
                long_desc = param.GetFieldValue("long_desc") or ''
                min_val = param.GetFieldValue("min") or ''
                max_val = param.GetFieldValue("max") or ''
                increment = param.GetFieldValue("increment") or ''
                def_val = param.GetDefault() or ''
                unit = param.GetFieldValue("unit") or ''
                type = param.GetType()
                is_boolean = param.GetBoolean()
                reboot_required = param.GetFieldValue("reboot_required") or ''
                #board = param.GetFieldValue("board") or '' ## Disabled as no board values are defined in any parameters!
                #decimal = param.GetFieldValue("decimal") or '' #Disabled as is intended for GCS not people
                #field_codes = param.GetFieldCodes() ## Disabled as not needed for display.
                #boolean = param.GetFieldValue("boolean") # or '' # Disabled - does not appear useful.

                # Format values for display.
                # Display min/max/increment value based on what values are defined.
                max_min_combined = ''
                if min_val or max_val:
                    if not min_val:
                    if not max_val:
                    max_min_combined+='%s > %s ' % (min_val, max_val)
                if increment:
                    max_min_combined+='(%s)' % increment

                if long_desc != '':
                    long_desc = '<p><strong>Comment:</strong> %s</p>' % long_desc

                if name == code:
                    name = ""
                code='<strong id="%s">%s</strong>' % (code, code)

                if reboot_required:
                    reboot_required='<p><b>Reboot required:</b> %s</p>\n' % reboot_required

                enum_codes=param.GetEnumCodes() or '' # Gets numerical values for parameter.
                # Format codes and their descriptions for display.
                if enum_codes:
                    for item in enum_codes:
                        enum_output+='\n<li><strong>%s:</strong> %s</li> \n' % (item, param.GetEnumValue(item))

                bitmask_list=param.GetBitmaskList() #Gets bitmask values for parameter
                #Format bitmask values
                if bitmask_list:
                    for bit in bitmask_list:
                        bit_text = param.GetBitmaskBit(bit)
                        bitmask_output+='  <li><strong>%s:</strong> %s</li> \n' % (bit, bit_text)

                if is_boolean and def_val=='1':
                    def_val='Enabled (1)'
                if is_boolean and def_val=='0':
                    def_val='Disabled (0)'

                result += '<tr>\n <td>%s (%s)</td>\n <td>%s %s %s %s %s</td>\n <td>%s</td>\n <td>%s</td>\n <td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % (code, type, name, long_desc, enum_output, bitmask_output, reboot_required, max_min_combined, def_val, unit)

            #Close the table.
            result += '</tbody></table>\n\n'

        self.output = result

    def Save(self, filename):
        with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: