helpers.hpp 8.06 KB
// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.

#pragma once

#include "canard.h"
#include "exposed.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>

#    error "Library version not defined"

#    error "UAVCAN specification version not defined"

namespace helpers
namespace dummy_allocator
inline auto allocate(CanardInstance* const ins, const std::size_t amount) -> void*
    (void) ins;
    (void) amount;
    return nullptr;

inline void free(CanardInstance* const ins, void* const pointer)
    (void) ins;
    (void) pointer;
}  // namespace dummy_allocator

/// We can't use the recommended true random std::random because it cannot be seeded by Catch2 (the testing framework).
template <typename T>
inline auto getRandomNatural(const T upper_open) -> T
    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::rand()) % upper_open);  // NOLINT

/// An allocator that sits on top of the standard malloc() providing additional testing capabilities.
/// It allows the user to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated; further requests will emulate OOM.
class TestAllocator
    mutable std::recursive_mutex           lock_;
    std::unordered_map<void*, std::size_t> allocated_;
    std::atomic<std::size_t>               ceiling_ = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();

    TestAllocator()                      = default;
    TestAllocator(const TestAllocator&)  = delete;
    TestAllocator(const TestAllocator&&) = delete;
    auto operator=(const TestAllocator&) -> TestAllocator& = delete;
    auto operator=(const TestAllocator &&) -> TestAllocator& = delete;

    virtual ~TestAllocator()
        std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
        for (auto [ptr, _] : allocated_)
            // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
            std::free(ptr);  // NOLINT

    [[nodiscard]] auto allocate(const std::size_t amount)
        std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
        void*            p = nullptr;
        if ((amount > 0U) && ((getTotalAllocatedAmount() + amount) <= ceiling_))
            // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
            p = std::malloc(amount);  // NOLINT
            if (p == nullptr)
                throw std::bad_alloc();  // This is a test suite failure, not a failed test. Mind the difference.
            // Random-fill the memory to make sure no assumptions are made about its contents.
            std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint16_t> dist(0, 255U);
            std::generate_n(reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(p), amount, [&]() {
                return static_cast<std::byte>(getRandomNatural(256U));
            allocated_.emplace(p, amount);
        return p;

    /// This overload is needed to avoid unnecessary const_cast<> in tests.
    /// The casts are needed because allocated memory is pointed to by const-qualified pointers.
    /// This is due to certain fundamental limitations of C; see the API docs for info.
    void deallocate(const void* const pointer)
        deallocate(const_cast<void*>(pointer));  // NOLINT

    void deallocate(void* const pointer)
        if (pointer != nullptr)
            std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
            const auto       it = allocated_.find(pointer);
            REQUIRE(it != std::end(allocated_));  // Catch an attempt to deallocate memory that is not allocated.
            // Damage the memory to make sure it's not used after deallocation.
            std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint16_t> dist(0, 255U);
            std::generate_n(reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(pointer), it->second, [&]() {
                return static_cast<std::byte>(getRandomNatural(256U));
            // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
            std::free(it->first);  // NOLINT

    [[nodiscard]] auto getNumAllocatedFragments() const
        std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
        return std::size(allocated_);

    [[nodiscard]] auto getTotalAllocatedAmount() const -> std::size_t
        std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
        std::size_t      out = 0U;
        for (auto [_, size] : allocated_)
            out += size;
        return out;

    [[nodiscard]] auto getAllocationCeiling() const { return static_cast<std::size_t>(ceiling_); }
    void               setAllocationCeiling(const std::size_t amount) { ceiling_ = amount; }

/// An enhancing wrapper over the library to remove boilerplate from the tests.
class Instance
    CanardInstance canard_ = canardInit(&Instance::trampolineAllocate, &Instance::trampolineDeallocate);
    TestAllocator  allocator_;

    static auto trampolineAllocate(CanardInstance* const ins, const std::size_t amount) -> void*
        auto* p = reinterpret_cast<Instance*>(ins->user_reference);
        return p->allocator_.allocate(amount);

    static void trampolineDeallocate(CanardInstance* const ins, void* const pointer)
        auto* p = reinterpret_cast<Instance*>(ins->user_reference);

    Instance() { canard_.user_reference = this; }

    virtual ~Instance() = default;

    Instance(const Instance&)  = delete;
    Instance(const Instance&&) = delete;
    auto operator=(const Instance&) -> Instance& = delete;
    auto operator=(const Instance &&) -> Instance& = delete;

    [[nodiscard]] auto txPush(const CanardTransfer& transfer) { return canardTxPush(&canard_, &transfer); }

    [[nodiscard]] auto txPeek() const { return canardTxPeek(&canard_); }

    void txPop() { canardTxPop(&canard_); }

    [[nodiscard]] auto rxAccept(const CanardFrame& frame,
                                const uint8_t      redundant_transport_index,
                                CanardTransfer&    out_transfer)
        return canardRxAccept(&canard_, &frame, redundant_transport_index, &out_transfer);

    [[nodiscard]] auto rxSubscribe(const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
                                   const CanardPortID       port_id,
                                   const std::size_t        extent,
                                   const CanardMicrosecond  transfer_id_timeout_usec,
                                   CanardRxSubscription&    out_subscription)
        return canardRxSubscribe(&canard_, transfer_kind, port_id, extent, transfer_id_timeout_usec, &out_subscription);

    [[nodiscard]] auto rxUnsubscribe(const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind, const CanardPortID port_id)
        return canardRxUnsubscribe(&canard_, transfer_kind, port_id);

    [[nodiscard]] auto getNodeID() const { return canard_.node_id; }
    void               setNodeID(const std::uint8_t x) { canard_.node_id = x; }

    [[nodiscard]] auto getMTU() const { return canard_.mtu_bytes; }
    void               setMTU(const std::size_t x) { canard_.mtu_bytes = x; }

    [[nodiscard]] auto getTxQueueRoot() const
        return reinterpret_cast<const exposed::TxQueueItem*>(canard_._tx_queue);

    [[nodiscard]] auto getTxQueueLength() const
        std::size_t out = 0U;
        const auto* p   = getTxQueueRoot();
        while (p != nullptr)
            p = p->next;
        return out;

    [[nodiscard]] auto getAllocator() -> TestAllocator& { return allocator_; }

    [[nodiscard]] auto getInstance() -> CanardInstance& { return canard_; }
    [[nodiscard]] auto getInstance() const -> const CanardInstance& { return canard_; }

}  // namespace helpers