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Libuavcan platform driver for Kinetis FlexCAN

The Directory contains the Kinetis FlexCAN platform driver for Libuavcan on NuttX.

Configuation is set by the NuttX board.h for the following:

Driver board.h

and the following commandline defines:

Setting Description
UAVCAN_KINETIS_NUM_IFACES - {1..2} Sets the number of CAN interfaces the SW will support
UAVCAN_KINETIS_TIMER_NUMBER - {0..3} Sets the Periodic Interrupt Timer (PITn) channel

Things that could be improved:

  1. Build time command line configuartion of Mailbox/FIFO and filters
  2. Build time command line configuartion clock source
    • Curently the driver use const uavcan::uint8_t CLOCKSEL = 0; To Select OSCERCLK
  3. Dynamic filter disable. There are no filter enable bits on the FlexCAN, just the number of Filters can be set. But this changes the memory map. So the configuration show below has been chosen.
/* Layout of Fifo, filters and Message buffers  */

enum { FiFo = 0 };
/* 0                       */
/* 1                       */
/* 2                       */
/* 3         Fifo          */
/* 4                       */
/* 5                       */
enum { FirstFilter = 6 };
/* 6                       */
/* 7                       */
/* 8         Filters       */
/* 9                       */
enum { NumHWFilters = 16 };
enum { NumMBinFiFoAndFilters = 10 };
/* 10                      */
/* 11                      */
/* 12                      */
/* 13 Tx Message Buffers   */
/* 14                      */
/* 15                      */
/*-- ----------------------*/

A dedicated example application may be added later here. For now, please consider the following open source projects as a reference: