7 KB
#! /usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import os
import sys
import csv
from typing import Dict

from pyulog import ULog

from analyse_logdata_ekf import analyse_ekf
from plotting.pdf_report import create_pdf_report
from analysis.detectors import PreconditionError

Performs a health assessment on the ecl EKF navigation estimator data contained in a an ULog file
Outputs a health assessment summary in a csv file named <inputfilename>.mdat.csv
Outputs summary plots in a pdf file named <inputfilename>.pdf

def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyse the estimator_status and ekf2_innovation message data')
    parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='file.ulg', help='ULog input file')
    parser.add_argument('--no-plots', action='store_true',
                        help='Whether to only analyse and not plot the summaries for developers.')
    parser.add_argument('--check-level-thresholds', type=str, default=None,
                        help='The csv file of fail and warning test thresholds for analysis.')
    parser.add_argument('--check-table', type=str, default=None,
                        help='The csv file with descriptions of the checks.')
    parser.add_argument('--no-sensor-safety-margin', action='store_true',
                        help='Whether to not cut-off 5s after take-off and 5s before landing '
                             '(for certain sensors that might be influence by proximity to ground).')
    return parser.parse_args()

def create_results_table(
        check_table_filename: str, master_status: str, check_status: Dict[str, str],
        metrics: Dict[str, float], airtime_info: Dict[str, float]) -> Dict[str, list]:
    creates the output results table
    :param check_table_filename:
    :param master_status:
    :param check_status:
    :param metrics:
    :param airtime_info:

        with open(check_table_filename, 'r') as file:
            reader = csv.DictReader(file)
            test_results_table = {
                row['check_id']: [float('NaN'), row['check_description']] for row in reader}
        print('Using test description loaded from {:s}'.format(check_table_filename))
        raise PreconditionError('could not find {:s}'.format(check_table_filename))

    # store metrics
    for key, value in metrics.items():
        test_results_table[key][0] = value

    # store check results
    for key, value in check_status.items():
        test_results_table[key][0] = value

    # store check results
    for key, value in test_results_table.items():
        if key.endswith('_status'):
            test_results_table[key][0] = str(value[0])

    # store master status
    test_results_table['master_status'][0] = master_status

    # store take_off and landing information
    test_results_table['in_air_transition_time'][0] = airtime_info['in_air_transition_time']
    test_results_table['on_ground_transition_time'][0] = airtime_info['on_ground_transition_time']

    return test_results_table

def process_logdata_ekf(
        filename: str, check_level_dict_filename: str, check_table_filename: str,
        plot: bool = True, sensor_safety_margins: bool = True):

    ## load the log and extract the necessary data for the analyses
        ulog = ULog(filename)
        raise PreconditionError('could not open {:s}'.format(filename))

    ekf_instances = 1

        estimator_selector_status = ulog.get_dataset('estimator_selector_status',).data
        print('found estimator_selector_status (multi-ekf) data')

        for instances_available in estimator_selector_status['instances_available']:
            if instances_available > ekf_instances:
                ekf_instances = instances_available

        print(ekf_instances, 'ekf instances')

        print('could not find estimator_selector_status data')

        # get the dictionary of fail and warning test thresholds from a csv file
        with open(check_level_dict_filename, 'r') as file:
            reader = csv.DictReader(file)
            check_levels = {row['check_id']: float(row['threshold']) for row in reader}
        print('Using test criteria loaded from {:s}'.format(check_level_dict_filename))
        raise PreconditionError('could not find {:s}'.format(check_level_dict_filename))

    in_air_margin = 5.0 if sensor_safety_margins else 0.0

    for multi_instance in range(ekf_instances):

        print('\nestimator instance:', multi_instance)

        # perform the ekf analysis
        master_status, check_status, metrics, airtime_info = analyse_ekf(
            ulog, check_levels, multi_instance, red_thresh=1.0, amb_thresh=0.5, min_flight_duration_seconds=5.0,

        test_results = create_results_table(
            check_table_filename, master_status, check_status, metrics, airtime_info)

        # write metadata to a .csv file
        with open('{:s}-{:d}.mdat.csv'.format(filename, multi_instance), "w") as file:


            # loop through the test results dictionary and write each entry on a separate row, with data comma separated
            # save data in alphabetical order
            key_list = list(test_results.keys())
            for key in key_list:
                file.write(key + "," + str(test_results[key][0]) + "," + test_results[key][1] + "\n")
        print('Test results written to {:s}-{:d}.mdat.csv'.format(filename, multi_instance))

        if plot:
            create_pdf_report(ulog, multi_instance, '{:s}-{:d}.pdf'.format(filename, multi_instance))
            print('Plots saved to {:s}-{:d}.pdf'.format(filename, multi_instance))

    return test_results

def main() -> None:

    args = get_arguments()

    if args.check_level_thresholds is not None:
        check_level_dict_filename = args.check_level_thresholds
        file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
        check_level_dict_filename = os.path.join(file_dir, "check_level_dict.csv")

    if args.check_table is not None:
        check_table_filename = args.check_table
        file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
        check_table_filename = os.path.join(file_dir, "check_table.csv")

        test_results = process_logdata_ekf(
            args.filename, check_level_dict_filename, check_table_filename,
            plot=not args.no_plots, sensor_safety_margins=not args.no_sensor_safety_margin)
    except Exception as e:

    # print master test status to console
    if (test_results['master_status'][0] == 'Pass'):
        print('No anomalies detected')
    elif (test_results['master_status'][0] == 'Warning'):
        print('Minor anomalies detected')
    elif (test_results['master_status'][0] == 'Fail'):
        print('Major anomalies detected')

if __name__ == '__main__':