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import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras

from ..utils.compute_overlap import compute_overlap

class AnchorParameters:
    """ The parameteres that define how anchors are generated.

        sizes   : List of sizes to use. Each size corresponds to one feature level.
        strides : List of strides to use. Each stride correspond to one feature level.
        ratios  : List of ratios to use per location in a feature map.
        scales  : List of scales to use per location in a feature map.
    def __init__(self, sizes, strides, ratios, scales):
        self.sizes   = sizes
        self.strides = strides
        self.ratios  = ratios
        self.scales  = scales

    def num_anchors(self):
        return len(self.ratios) * len(self.scales)

The default anchor parameters.
AnchorParameters.default = AnchorParameters(
    sizes   = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
    strides = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128],
    ratios  = np.array([0.5, 1, 2], keras.backend.floatx()),
    scales  = np.array([2 ** 0, 2 ** (1.0 / 3.0), 2 ** (2.0 / 3.0)], keras.backend.floatx()),

def anchor_targets_bbox(
    """ Generate anchor targets for bbox detection.

        anchors: np.array of annotations of shape (N, 4) for (x1, y1, x2, y2).
        image_group: List of BGR images.
        annotations_group: List of annotation dictionaries with each annotation containing 'labels' and 'bboxes' of an image.
        num_classes: Number of classes to predict.
        mask_shape: If the image is padded with zeros, mask_shape can be used to mark the relevant part of the image.
        negative_overlap: IoU overlap for negative anchors (all anchors with overlap < negative_overlap are negative).
        positive_overlap: IoU overlap or positive anchors (all anchors with overlap > positive_overlap are positive).

        labels_batch: batch that contains labels & anchor states (np.array of shape (batch_size, N, num_classes + 1),
                      where N is the number of anchors for an image and the last column defines the anchor state (-1 for ignore, 0 for bg, 1 for fg).
        regression_batch: batch that contains bounding-box regression targets for an image & anchor states (np.array of shape (batch_size, N, 4 + 1),
                      where N is the number of anchors for an image, the first 4 columns define regression targets for (x1, y1, x2, y2) and the
                      last column defines anchor states (-1 for ignore, 0 for bg, 1 for fg).

    assert(len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)), "The length of the images and annotations need to be equal."
    assert(len(annotations_group) > 0), "No data received to compute anchor targets for."
    for annotations in annotations_group:
        assert('bboxes' in annotations), "Annotations should contain bboxes."
        assert('labels' in annotations), "Annotations should contain labels."

    batch_size = len(image_group)

    regression_batch  = np.zeros((batch_size, anchors.shape[0], 4 + 1), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())
    labels_batch      = np.zeros((batch_size, anchors.shape[0], num_classes + 1), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())

    # compute labels and regression targets
    for index, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)):
        if annotations['bboxes'].shape[0]:
            # obtain indices of gt annotations with the greatest overlap
            positive_indices, ignore_indices, argmax_overlaps_inds = compute_gt_annotations(anchors, annotations['bboxes'], negative_overlap, positive_overlap)

            labels_batch[index, ignore_indices, -1]       = -1
            labels_batch[index, positive_indices, -1]     = 1

            regression_batch[index, ignore_indices, -1]   = -1
            regression_batch[index, positive_indices, -1] = 1

            # compute target class labels
            labels_batch[index, positive_indices, annotations['labels'][argmax_overlaps_inds[positive_indices]].astype(int)] = 1

            regression_batch[index, :, :-1] = bbox_transform(anchors, annotations['bboxes'][argmax_overlaps_inds, :])

        # ignore annotations outside of image
        if image.shape:
            anchors_centers = np.vstack([(anchors[:, 0] + anchors[:, 2]) / 2, (anchors[:, 1] + anchors[:, 3]) / 2]).T
            indices = np.logical_or(anchors_centers[:, 0] >= image.shape[1], anchors_centers[:, 1] >= image.shape[0])

            labels_batch[index, indices, -1]     = -1
            regression_batch[index, indices, -1] = -1

    return regression_batch, labels_batch

def compute_gt_annotations(
    """ Obtain indices of gt annotations with the greatest overlap.

        anchors: np.array of annotations of shape (N, 4) for (x1, y1, x2, y2).
        annotations: np.array of shape (N, 5) for (x1, y1, x2, y2, label).
        negative_overlap: IoU overlap for negative anchors (all anchors with overlap < negative_overlap are negative).
        positive_overlap: IoU overlap or positive anchors (all anchors with overlap > positive_overlap are positive).

        positive_indices: indices of positive anchors
        ignore_indices: indices of ignored anchors
        argmax_overlaps_inds: ordered overlaps indices

    overlaps = compute_overlap(anchors.astype(np.float64), annotations.astype(np.float64))
    argmax_overlaps_inds = np.argmax(overlaps, axis=1)
    max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(overlaps.shape[0]), argmax_overlaps_inds]

    # assign "dont care" labels
    positive_indices = max_overlaps >= positive_overlap
    ignore_indices = (max_overlaps > negative_overlap) & ~positive_indices

    return positive_indices, ignore_indices, argmax_overlaps_inds

def layer_shapes(image_shape, model):
    """Compute layer shapes given input image shape and the model.

        image_shape: The shape of the image.
        model: The model to use for computing how the image shape is transformed in the pyramid.

        A dictionary mapping layer names to image shapes.
    shape = {
        model.layers[0].name: (None,) + image_shape,

    for layer in model.layers[1:]:
        nodes = layer._inbound_nodes
        for node in nodes:
            if isinstance(node.inbound_layers, keras.layers.Layer):
                inputs = [shape[]]
                inputs = [shape[] for lr in node.inbound_layers]
            if not inputs:
            shape[] = layer.compute_output_shape(inputs[0] if len(inputs) == 1 else inputs)

    return shape

def make_shapes_callback(model):
    """ Make a function for getting the shape of the pyramid levels.
    def get_shapes(image_shape, pyramid_levels):
        shape = layer_shapes(image_shape, model)
        image_shapes = [shape["P{}".format(level)][1:3] for level in pyramid_levels]
        return image_shapes

    return get_shapes

def guess_shapes(image_shape, pyramid_levels):
    """Guess shapes based on pyramid levels.

         image_shape: The shape of the image.
         pyramid_levels: A list of what pyramid levels are used.

        A list of image shapes at each pyramid level.
    image_shape = np.array(image_shape[:2])
    image_shapes = [(image_shape + 2 ** x - 1) // (2 ** x) for x in pyramid_levels]
    return image_shapes

def anchors_for_shape(
    """ Generators anchors for a given shape.

        image_shape: The shape of the image.
        pyramid_levels: List of ints representing which pyramids to use (defaults to [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).
        anchor_params: Struct containing anchor parameters. If None, default values are used.
        shapes_callback: Function to call for getting the shape of the image at different pyramid levels.

        np.array of shape (N, 4) containing the (x1, y1, x2, y2) coordinates for the anchors.

    if pyramid_levels is None:
        pyramid_levels = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    if anchor_params is None:
        anchor_params = AnchorParameters.default

    if shapes_callback is None:
        shapes_callback = guess_shapes
    image_shapes = shapes_callback(image_shape, pyramid_levels)

    # compute anchors over all pyramid levels
    all_anchors = np.zeros((0, 4))
    for idx, p in enumerate(pyramid_levels):
        anchors = generate_anchors(
        shifted_anchors = shift(image_shapes[idx], anchor_params.strides[idx], anchors)
        all_anchors     = np.append(all_anchors, shifted_anchors, axis=0)

    return all_anchors

def shift(shape, stride, anchors):
    """ Produce shifted anchors based on shape of the map and stride size.

        shape  : Shape to shift the anchors over.
        stride : Stride to shift the anchors with over the shape.
        anchors: The anchors to apply at each location.

    # create a grid starting from half stride from the top left corner
    shift_x = (np.arange(0, shape[1]) + 0.5) * stride
    shift_y = (np.arange(0, shape[0]) + 0.5) * stride

    shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)

    shifts = np.vstack((
        shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
        shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel()

    # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to
    # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get
    # shift anchors (K, A, 4)
    # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors
    A = anchors.shape[0]
    K = shifts.shape[0]
    all_anchors = (anchors.reshape((1, A, 4)) + shifts.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)))
    all_anchors = all_anchors.reshape((K * A, 4))

    return all_anchors

def generate_anchors(base_size=16, ratios=None, scales=None):
    Generate anchor (reference) windows by enumerating aspect ratios X
    scales w.r.t. a reference window.

    if ratios is None:
        ratios = AnchorParameters.default.ratios

    if scales is None:
        scales = AnchorParameters.default.scales

    num_anchors = len(ratios) * len(scales)

    # initialize output anchors
    anchors = np.zeros((num_anchors, 4))

    # scale base_size
    anchors[:, 2:] = base_size * np.tile(scales, (2, len(ratios))).T

    # compute areas of anchors
    areas = anchors[:, 2] * anchors[:, 3]

    # correct for ratios
    anchors[:, 2] = np.sqrt(areas / np.repeat(ratios, len(scales)))
    anchors[:, 3] = anchors[:, 2] * np.repeat(ratios, len(scales))

    # transform from (x_ctr, y_ctr, w, h) -> (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    anchors[:, 0::2] -= np.tile(anchors[:, 2] * 0.5, (2, 1)).T
    anchors[:, 1::2] -= np.tile(anchors[:, 3] * 0.5, (2, 1)).T

    return anchors

def bbox_transform(anchors, gt_boxes, mean=None, std=None):
    """Compute bounding-box regression targets for an image."""

    # The Mean and std are calculated from COCO dataset.
    # Bounding box normalization was firstly introduced in the Fast R-CNN paper.
    # See  for more details
    if mean is None:
        mean = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
    if std is None:
        std = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])

    if isinstance(mean, (list, tuple)):
        mean = np.array(mean)
    elif not isinstance(mean, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError('Expected mean to be a np.ndarray, list or tuple. Received: {}'.format(type(mean)))

    if isinstance(std, (list, tuple)):
        std = np.array(std)
    elif not isinstance(std, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError('Expected std to be a np.ndarray, list or tuple. Received: {}'.format(type(std)))

    anchor_widths  = anchors[:, 2] - anchors[:, 0]
    anchor_heights = anchors[:, 3] - anchors[:, 1]

    # According to the information provided by a keras-retinanet author, they got marginally better results using
    # the following way of bounding box parametrization.
    # See for more details
    targets_dx1 = (gt_boxes[:, 0] - anchors[:, 0]) / anchor_widths
    targets_dy1 = (gt_boxes[:, 1] - anchors[:, 1]) / anchor_heights
    targets_dx2 = (gt_boxes[:, 2] - anchors[:, 2]) / anchor_widths
    targets_dy2 = (gt_boxes[:, 3] - anchors[:, 3]) / anchor_heights

    targets = np.stack((targets_dx1, targets_dy1, targets_dx2, targets_dy2))
    targets = targets.T

    targets = (targets - mean) / std

    return targets