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import numpy as np

DEFAULT_PRNG = np.random

def colvec(*args):
    """ Create a numpy array representing a column vector. """
    return np.array([args]).T

def transform_aabb(transform, aabb):
    """ Apply a transformation to an axis aligned bounding box.

    The result is a new AABB in the same coordinate system as the original AABB.
    The new AABB contains all corner points of the original AABB after applying the given transformation.

        transform: The transformation to apply.
        x1:        The minimum x value of the AABB.
        y1:        The minimum y value of the AABB.
        x2:        The maximum x value of the AABB.
        y2:        The maximum y value of the AABB.
        The new AABB as tuple (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = aabb
    # Transform all 4 corners of the AABB.
    points =[
        [x1, x2, x1, x2],
        [y1, y2, y2, y1],
        [1,  1,  1,  1 ],

    # Extract the min and max corners again.
    min_corner = points.min(axis=1)
    max_corner = points.max(axis=1)

    return [min_corner[0], min_corner[1], max_corner[0], max_corner[1]]

def _random_vector(min, max, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a random vector between min and max.
        min: the minimum value for each component
        max: the maximum value for each component
    min = np.array(min)
    max = np.array(max)
    assert min.shape == max.shape
    assert len(min.shape) == 1
    return prng.uniform(min, max)

def rotation(angle):
    """ Construct a homogeneous 2D rotation matrix.
        angle: the angle in radians
        the rotation matrix as 3 by 3 numpy array
    return np.array([
        [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0],
        [np.sin(angle),  np.cos(angle), 0],
        [0, 0, 1]

def random_rotation(min, max, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a random rotation between -max and max.
        min:  a scalar for the minimum absolute angle in radians
        max:  a scalar for the maximum absolute angle in radians
        prng: the pseudo-random number generator to use.
        a homogeneous 3 by 3 rotation matrix
    return rotation(prng.uniform(min, max))

def translation(translation):
    """ Construct a homogeneous 2D translation matrix.
    # Arguments
        translation: the translation 2D vector
    # Returns
        the translation matrix as 3 by 3 numpy array
    return np.array([
        [1, 0, translation[0]],
        [0, 1, translation[1]],
        [0, 0, 1]

def random_translation(min, max, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a random 2D translation between min and max.
        min:  a 2D vector with the minimum translation for each dimension
        max:  a 2D vector with the maximum translation for each dimension
        prng: the pseudo-random number generator to use.
        a homogeneous 3 by 3 translation matrix
    return translation(_random_vector(min, max, prng))

def shear(angle):
    """ Construct a homogeneous 2D shear matrix.
        angle: the shear angle in radians
        the shear matrix as 3 by 3 numpy array
    return np.array([
        [1, -np.sin(angle), 0],
        [0,  np.cos(angle), 0],
        [0, 0, 1]

def random_shear(min, max, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a random 2D shear matrix with shear angle between -max and max.
        min:  the minimum shear angle in radians.
        max:  the maximum shear angle in radians.
        prng: the pseudo-random number generator to use.
        a homogeneous 3 by 3 shear matrix
    return shear(prng.uniform(min, max))

def scaling(factor):
    """ Construct a homogeneous 2D scaling matrix.
        factor: a 2D vector for X and Y scaling
        the zoom matrix as 3 by 3 numpy array
    return np.array([
        [factor[0], 0, 0],
        [0, factor[1], 0],
        [0, 0, 1]

def random_scaling(min, max, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a random 2D scale matrix between -max and max.
        min:  a 2D vector containing the minimum scaling factor for X and Y.
        min:  a 2D vector containing The maximum scaling factor for X and Y.
        prng: the pseudo-random number generator to use.
        a homogeneous 3 by 3 scaling matrix
    return scaling(_random_vector(min, max, prng))

def random_flip(flip_x_chance, flip_y_chance, prng=DEFAULT_PRNG):
    """ Construct a transformation randomly containing X/Y flips (or not).
        flip_x_chance: The chance that the result will contain a flip along the X axis.
        flip_y_chance: The chance that the result will contain a flip along the Y axis.
        prng:          The pseudo-random number generator to use.
        a homogeneous 3 by 3 transformation matrix
    flip_x = prng.uniform(0, 1) < flip_x_chance
    flip_y = prng.uniform(0, 1) < flip_y_chance
    # 1 - 2 * bool gives 1 for False and -1 for True.
    return scaling((1 - 2 * flip_x, 1 - 2 * flip_y))

def change_transform_origin(transform, center):
    """ Create a new transform representing the same transformation,
        only with the origin of the linear part changed.
        transform: the transformation matrix
        center: the new origin of the transformation
        translate(center) * transform * translate(-center)
    center = np.array(center)
    return np.linalg.multi_dot([translation(center), transform, translation(-center)])

def random_transform(
    min_translation=(0, 0),
    max_translation=(0, 0),
    min_scaling=(1, 1),
    max_scaling=(1, 1),
    """ Create a random transformation.

    The transformation consists of the following operations in this order (from left to right):
      * rotation
      * translation
      * shear
      * scaling
      * flip x (if applied)
      * flip y (if applied)

    Note that by default, the data generators in `keras_retinanet.preprocessing.generators` interpret the translation
    as factor of the image size. So an X translation of 0.1 would translate the image by 10% of it's width.
    Set `relative_translation` to `False` in the `TransformParameters` of a data generator to have it interpret
    the translation directly as pixel distances instead.

        min_rotation:    The minimum rotation in radians for the transform as scalar.
        max_rotation:    The maximum rotation in radians for the transform as scalar.
        min_translation: The minimum translation for the transform as 2D column vector.
        max_translation: The maximum translation for the transform as 2D column vector.
        min_shear:       The minimum shear angle for the transform in radians.
        max_shear:       The maximum shear angle for the transform in radians.
        min_scaling:     The minimum scaling for the transform as 2D column vector.
        max_scaling:     The maximum scaling for the transform as 2D column vector.
        flip_x_chance:   The chance (0 to 1) that a transform will contain a flip along X direction.
        flip_y_chance:   The chance (0 to 1) that a transform will contain a flip along Y direction.
        prng:            The pseudo-random number generator to use.
    return np.linalg.multi_dot([
        random_rotation(min_rotation, max_rotation, prng),
        random_translation(min_translation, max_translation, prng),
        random_shear(min_shear, max_shear, prng),
        random_scaling(min_scaling, max_scaling, prng),
        random_flip(flip_x_chance, flip_y_chance, prng)

def random_transform_generator(prng=None, **kwargs):
    """ Create a random transform generator.

    Uses a dedicated, newly created, properly seeded PRNG by default instead of the global DEFAULT_PRNG.

    The transformation consists of the following operations in this order (from left to right):
      * rotation
      * translation
      * shear
      * scaling
      * flip x (if applied)
      * flip y (if applied)

    Note that by default, the data generators in `keras_retinanet.preprocessing.generators` interpret the translation
    as factor of the image size. So an X translation of 0.1 would translate the image by 10% of it's width.
    Set `relative_translation` to `False` in the `TransformParameters` of a data generator to have it interpret
    the translation directly as pixel distances instead.

        min_rotation:    The minimum rotation in radians for the transform as scalar.
        max_rotation:    The maximum rotation in radians for the transform as scalar.
        min_translation: The minimum translation for the transform as 2D column vector.
        max_translation: The maximum translation for the transform as 2D column vector.
        min_shear:       The minimum shear angle for the transform in radians.
        max_shear:       The maximum shear angle for the transform in radians.
        min_scaling:     The minimum scaling for the transform as 2D column vector.
        max_scaling:     The maximum scaling for the transform as 2D column vector.
        flip_x_chance:   The chance (0 to 1) that a transform will contain a flip along X direction.
        flip_y_chance:   The chance (0 to 1) that a transform will contain a flip along Y direction.
        prng:            The pseudo-random number generator to use.

    if prng is None:
        # RandomState automatically seeds using the best available method.
        prng = np.random.RandomState()

    while True:
        yield random_transform(prng=prng, **kwargs)