__init__.py 4.64 KB
from __future__ import print_function
import sys

class Backbone(object):
    """ This class stores additional information on backbones.
    def __init__(self, backbone):
        # a dictionary mapping custom layer names to the correct classes
        from .. import layers
        from .. import losses
        from .. import initializers
        self.custom_objects = {
            'UpsampleLike'     : layers.UpsampleLike,
            'PriorProbability' : initializers.PriorProbability,
            'RegressBoxes'     : layers.RegressBoxes,
            'FilterDetections' : layers.FilterDetections,
            'Anchors'          : layers.Anchors,
            'ClipBoxes'        : layers.ClipBoxes,
            '_smooth_l1'       : losses.smooth_l1(),
            '_focal'           : losses.focal(),

        self.backbone = backbone

    def retinanet(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Returns a retinanet model using the correct backbone.
        raise NotImplementedError('retinanet method not implemented.')

    def download_imagenet(self):
        """ Downloads ImageNet weights and returns path to weights file.
        raise NotImplementedError('download_imagenet method not implemented.')

    def validate(self):
        """ Checks whether the backbone string is correct.
        raise NotImplementedError('validate method not implemented.')

    def preprocess_image(self, inputs):
        """ Takes as input an image and prepares it for being passed through the network.
        Having this function in Backbone allows other backbones to define a specific preprocessing step.
        raise NotImplementedError('preprocess_image method not implemented.')

def backbone(backbone_name):
    """ Returns a backbone object for the given backbone.
    if 'densenet' in backbone_name:
        from .densenet import DenseNetBackbone as b
    elif 'seresnext' in backbone_name or 'seresnet' in backbone_name or 'senet' in backbone_name:
        from .senet import SeBackbone as b
    elif 'resnet' in backbone_name:
        from .resnet import ResNetBackbone as b
    elif 'mobilenet' in backbone_name:
        from .mobilenet import MobileNetBackbone as b
    elif 'vgg' in backbone_name:
        from .vgg import VGGBackbone as b
    elif 'EfficientNet' in backbone_name:
        from .effnet import EfficientNetBackbone as b
        raise NotImplementedError('Backbone class for  \'{}\' not implemented.'.format(backbone))

    return b(backbone_name)

def load_model(filepath, backbone_name='resnet50'):
    """ Loads a retinanet model using the correct custom objects.

        filepath: one of the following:
            - string, path to the saved model, or
            - h5py.File object from which to load the model
        backbone_name         : Backbone with which the model was trained.

        A keras.models.Model object.

        ImportError: if h5py is not available.
        ValueError: In case of an invalid savefile.
    from tensorflow import keras
    return keras.models.load_model(filepath, custom_objects=backbone(backbone_name).custom_objects)

def convert_model(model, nms=True, class_specific_filter=True, anchor_params=None, **kwargs):
    """ Converts a training model to an inference model.

        model                 : A retinanet training model.
        nms                   : Boolean, whether to add NMS filtering to the converted model.
        class_specific_filter : Whether to use class specific filtering or filter for the best scoring class only.
        anchor_params         : Anchor parameters object. If omitted, default values are used.
        **kwargs              : Inference and minimal retinanet model settings.

        A keras.models.Model object.

        ImportError: if h5py is not available.
        ValueError: In case of an invalid savefile.
    from .retinanet import retinanet_bbox
    return retinanet_bbox(model=model, nms=nms, class_specific_filter=class_specific_filter, anchor_params=anchor_params, **kwargs)

def assert_training_model(model):
    """ Assert that the model is a training model.
    assert(all(output in model.output_names for output in ['regression', 'classification'])), \
        "Input is not a training model (no 'regression' and 'classification' outputs were found, outputs are: {}).".format(model.output_names)

def check_training_model(model):
    """ Check that model is a training model and exit otherwise.
    except AssertionError as e:
        print(e, file=sys.stderr)