
README.md 작성

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Typescript로 작성된 오픈소스 그림퀴즈 웹 어플리케이션입니다.
캐치마인드와 skribbl.io로 대표되는 인기 게임 장르이나,
완성도가 높은 웹 버전 오픈소스가 없어 제작했습니다.
[백엔드](./server)[프론트엔드](./web)를 모두 포함합니다.
## 백엔드 (./server)
Express와 socket.io를 기반으로 한 node.js 서버입니다.
### Usage
`$ yarn`으로 의존성을 설치합니다.
!! 이하 작성해주세요.
CORS 설정, 포트 설정, 빌드, 실행 등등
## 프론트엔드 (./web)
React.js와 tailwindcss를 기반으로 한 클라이언트입니다.
### Usage
`$ npm i`로 의존성을 설치합니다.
본인의 백엔드 서버 URI를 [SocketContext.ts](./src/contexts/SocketContext.ts)에 입력합니다.
`$ npm start`로 디버그용 개발 서버를 엽니다.
`$ npm run-script build`로 프로덕션 빌드를 할 수 있습니다.
# Getting Started with Create React App
This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).
Client of SketchQuiz written in React.js and Typescript.
## Available Scripts
## Usage
In the project directory, you can run:
### Dependency
### `yarn start`
`$ npm i`
Runs the app in the development mode.\
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser.
### Config
The page will reload if you make edits.\
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Change URI in [SocketContext.ts](./src/contexts/SocketContext.ts).
### Build
### `yarn test`
`$ npm run-script build`
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\
See the section about [running tests](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/running-tests) for more information.
`$ npm run` for debug.
### `yarn build`
Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about [deployment](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/deployment) for more information.
### `yarn eject`
**Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can’t go back!**
If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.
Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own.
You don’t have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.
## Learn More
You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/getting-started).
To learn React, check out the [React documentation](https://reactjs.org/).