

1 +import os
2 +
3 +class HCF():
4 + def __init__(self, ipaddr) :
5 + self.IPaddresses = ipaddr
6 + self.IPaddressdict = {}
7 + self.InitialTTL = [2, 10, 30, 32, 60, 64, 128, 255]
8 +
9 + self.DoTraceroute(self.IPaddresses)
10 +
11 +
12 + # Traceroute
13 + def DoTraceroute(self, IPaddress) :
14 + traceroute = []
15 + for ip in IPaddress :
16 + traceroute.append(os.popen("traceroute " + ip).read())
17 +
18 + # parsing
19 + for trace, ip in zip(traceroute, IPaddress) :
20 + splitline = trace.split('\n')
21 + lastline = splitline[len(splitline)-2]
22 +
23 + if len(splitline) < 2 : # no result
24 + lastline = splitline[len(splitline)-2]
25 +
26 + hc = lastline.split(' ')[0]
27 + try:
28 + int(hc)
29 + except:
30 + hc = lastline.split(" ")[1]
31 +
32 + self.IPaddressdict[ip] = str(int(hc)-1)
33 + print(self.IPaddressdict)
34 +
35 + def CheckHopCount(self, IP, HopCount):
36 + if str(self.IPaddressdict[IP]) != str(HopCount) :
37 + return True
38 + else :
39 + return False
40 +
41 +
42 + def IsSpoofed(self, packet):
43 + TTL = packet['ttl']
44 + src = packet['src']
45 +
46 + initialTTL = 2
47 +
48 + for e in self.InitialTTL :
49 + if TTL < e :
50 + initialTTL = e
51 + break
52 + hc = initialTTL - TTL
53 +
54 + flag = self.CheckHopCount(src, hc)
55 +
56 + print("IP Spoofing " + str(flag))
57 +
58 + return flag
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#from hopCountFiltering import HCFStateManager
2 +from HCF import *
3 +from struct import *
4 +import sys
5 +import socket
6 +
7 +def PacketMonitoring():
8 + IP = []
9 + for i in range(1, 10):
10 + ip = '10.0.'+str(i+1)+'.100'
11 + IP.append(ip)
12 + packetManager = HCF(IP)
13 +
14 + # set up the socket
15 + try:
16 + sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(0x0003))
17 +
18 + except socket.error as e:
19 + err = e.args[0]
20 + print ("Error setting up socket: ", e)
21 + sys.exit()
22 +
23 + while True:
24 + packet = sock.recvfrom(65535)
25 + packet = packet[0]
26 + eth_length = 14
27 +
28 + eth_header = packet[:eth_length]
29 + eth = unpack('!6s6sH', eth_header)
30 + eth_protocol = socket.ntohs(eth[2])
31 +
32 + if eth_protocol == 8 : # IP protocol
33 + ip_header = packet[eth_length:20+eth_length]
34 + iphead = unpack("!BBHHHBBH4s4s", ip_header)
35 + version_ihl = iphead[0]
36 + version = version_ihl >> 4
37 + ihl = version_ihl & 0xF
38 + iph_length = ihl * 4
39 + ttl = iphead[5]
40 + source_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iphead[8])
41 + dest_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iphead[9])
42 +
43 + print("\nSource IP address: ", source_addr)
44 + print("TTL: ", ttl)
45 +
46 + try :
47 + packetTest = packetManager.IsSpoofed({'ttl':ttl, 'src':source_addr})
48 + except Exception as e :
49 + print(e)
50 + continue
51 +
52 +if __name__ == "__main__":
53 + PacketMonitoring()
1 +#!/usr/bin/python
2 +from mininet.topo import Topo
3 +from mininet.net import Mininet
4 +from mininet.node import Node
5 +from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
6 +from mininet.cli import CLI
7 +
8 +class LinuxRouter( Node ):
9 + "A Node with IP forwarding enabled."
10 +
11 + def config( self, **params ):
12 + super( LinuxRouter, self).config( **params )
13 + # Enable forwarding on the router
14 + self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' )
15 +
16 + def terminate( self ):
17 + self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0' )
18 + super( LinuxRouter, self ).terminate()
19 +
20 +
21 +class NetworkTopo(Topo) :
22 + def __init__(self) :
23 + self.routerIPlist = ['', '', '']
24 + self.n = 10 # n > 3
25 + self.routerlist = [0] * self.n
26 + self.switchlist = [0] * self.n
27 + self.hostlist = [0] * self.n
28 + Topo.__init__(self)
29 +
30 + def CreateRouterIP(self) :
31 + default = '10.0.'
32 + for i in range(3, self.n) :
33 + router_ip = default + str(i+1) + '.1/24'
34 + self.routerIPlist.append(router_ip)
35 +
36 + def CreateRouter(self):
37 + for i in range(0, self.n):
38 + name = 'r' + str(i)
39 + self.routerlist[i] = self.addNode(name, cls=LinuxRouter, ip=self.routerIPlist[i])
40 +
41 + def CreateSwitch(self) :
42 + for i in range(0, self.n):
43 + name = 's'+str(i)
44 + self.switchlist[i] = self.addSwitch(name)
45 +
46 + def Createlink(self):
47 + # router <-> switch
48 + for i in range(0, self.n):
49 + name2 = 'r'+str(i)+'-eth1'
50 + self.addLink(self.switchlist[i], self.routerlist[i], intfName2=name2 , params2={'ip':self.routerIPlist[i]})
51 +
52 + # router <-> router
53 + self.addLink(self.routerlist[0], self.routerlist[1], intfName1='r0-eth0', intfName2='r1-eth0', params1={'ip':''}, params2={'ip':''})
54 +
55 + cnt = 1
56 + for i in range(2, self.n):
57 + name1 = 'r'+str(i-1)+'-eth2'
58 + name2 = 'r'+str(i)+'-eth0'
59 + ip1 = '10.10'+str(cnt)+'.0.1/24'
60 + ip2 = '10.10'+str(cnt)+'.0.2/24'
61 + cnt += 1
62 + self.addLink(self.routerlist[i-1], self.routerlist[i], intfName1=name1, intfName2=name2, params1={'ip':ip1}, params2={'ip':ip2})
63 +
64 + def CreateHost(self) :
65 + for i in range(0, self.n) :
66 + name = 'h'+str(i)
67 + ip = '10.0.'+str(i+1)+'.100/24'
68 + defaultroute = 'via 10.0.'+str(i+1)+'.1'
69 + self.hostlist[i] = self.addHost(name, ip=ip, defaultRoute=defaultroute)
70 +
71 + def build(self, **_opts) :
72 + self.CreateRouterIP()
73 + self.CreateRouter()
74 + self.CreateSwitch()
75 + self.Createlink()
76 + self.CreateHost()
77 +
78 + # switch <-> host
79 + for h, s in zip(self.hostlist, self.switchlist):
80 + self.addLink(h, s)
81 +
82 +
83 +def run() :
84 + topo = NetworkTopo()
85 + net = Mininet(topo=topo)
86 + net.start()
87 + n = 10 # n > 3
88 + router = [0] * n
89 +
90 + for i in range(0, n):
91 + name = 'r'+str(i)
92 + router[i] = net.get(name)
93 + router[i].cmd('python3 RIP.py&')
94 +
95 + info(net[name].cmd('route'))
96 +
97 + CLI(net)
98 + net.stop()
99 +
100 +if __name__ == '__main__' :
101 + setLogLevel('info')
102 + run()