

Showing 276 changed files with 0 additions and 4886 deletions
1 -/* ICON BUTTON */
2 -.tie-icon-add-button
3 - &.icon-bubble .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-bubble"] svg > use.active,
4 - &.icon-heart .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-heart"] svg > use.active,
5 - &.icon-location .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-location"] svg > use.active,
6 - &.icon-polygon .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-polygon"] svg > use.active,
7 - &.icon-star .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-star"] svg > use.active,
8 - &.icon-star-2 .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-star-2"] svg > use.active,
9 - &.icon-arrow-3 .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-arrow-3"] svg > use.active,
10 - &.icon-arrow-2 .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-arrow-2"] svg > use.active,
11 - &.icon-arrow .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-arrow"] svg > use.active,
12 - &.icon-bubble .{prefix}-button[data-icontype="icon-bubble"] svg > use.active
13 - display: block;
14 -
15 -/* DRAW BUTTON */
16 -.tie-draw-line-select-button
17 - &.line .{prefix}-button.line svg > use.normal,
18 - &.free .{prefix}-button.free svg > use.normal
19 - display: none;
20 -
21 - &.line .{prefix}-button.line svg > use.active,
22 - &.free .{prefix}-button.free svg > use.active
23 - display: block;
24 -
25 -/* FLIP BUTTON */
26 -.tie-flip-button
27 - &.resetFlip .{prefix}-button.resetFlip,
28 - &.flipX .{prefix}-button.flipX,
29 - &.flipY .{prefix}-button.flipY
30 - svg > use.normal
31 - display: none;
32 - svg > use.active
33 - display: block;
34 -
35 -/* MASK BUTTON */
36 -.tie-mask-apply.apply.active .{prefix}-button.apply
37 - label
38 - color: #fff;
39 - svg > use.active
40 - display: block;
41 -
42 -/* CROP BUTTON */
43 -.tie-crop-button,
44 -.tie-crop-preset-button
45 - .{prefix}-button.apply
46 - margin-right: 24px;
47 - .{prefix}-button.preset.active svg > use.active
48 - display: block;
49 - .{prefix}-button.apply.active svg > use.active
50 - display: block;
51 -
52 -
53 -/* SHAPE BUTTON */
54 -.tie-shape-button
55 - &.rect .{prefix}-button.rect,
56 - &.circle .{prefix}-button.circle,
57 - &.triangle .{prefix}-button.triangle
58 - svg > use.normal
59 - display: none;
60 - svg > use.active
61 - display: block;
62 -
63 -/* TEXT BUTTON */
64 -.tie-text-effect-button
65 - .{prefix}-button.active svg > use.active
66 - display: block;
67 -.tie-text-align-button
68 - &.left .{prefix}-button.left svg > use.active,
69 - &.center .{prefix}-button.center svg > use.active,
70 - &.right .{prefix}-button.right svg > use.active
71 - display: block;
72 -.tie-mask-image-file,
73 -.tie-icon-image-file
74 - opacity: 0;
75 - position: absolute;
76 - width: 100%;
77 - height: 100%;
78 - border: 1px solid green;
79 - cursor: inherit;
80 - left: 0;
81 - top: 0;
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - .filter-color-item
4 - display: inline-block;
5 - .tui-image-editor-checkbox
6 - display: block;
7 - .{prefix}-checkbox-wrap
8 - display: inline-block !important;
9 - text-align: left;
10 - .{prefix}-checkbox-wrap.fixed-width
11 - width: 187px;
12 - white-space: normal;
13 - .{prefix}-checkbox
14 - display: inline-block;
15 - margin: 1px 0 1px 0;
16 - input
17 - width: 14px;
18 - height: 14px;
19 - opacity: 0;
20 - > label > span
21 - color: #fff;
22 - height: 14px;
23 - position: relative;
24 - input + label:before,
25 - > label > span:before
26 - content: '';
27 - position: absolute;
28 - width: 14px;
29 - height: 14px;
30 - background-color: #fff;
31 - top: 6px;
32 - left: -19px;
33 - display: inline-block;
34 - margin: 0;
35 - text-align: center;
36 - font-size: 11px;
37 - border: 0;
38 - border-radius: 2px;
39 - padding-top: 1px;
40 - box-sizing: border-box;
41 - input[type='checkbox']:checked + span:before
42 - background-size: cover;
43 - background-image: url('');
44 -
45 - .{prefix}-selectlist-wrap
46 - position: relative;
47 - select
48 - width: 100%;
49 - height: 28px;
50 - margin-top: 4px;
51 - border: 0;
52 - outline: 0;
53 - border-radius: 0;
54 - border: 1px solid #cbdbdb;
55 - background-color: #fff;
56 - -webkit-appearance: none;
57 - -moz-appearance: none;
58 - appearance: none;
59 - padding: 0 7px 0 10px;
60 - .{prefix}-selectlist
61 - display: none;
62 - position: relative;
63 - top: -1px;
64 - border: 1px solid #ccc;
65 - background-color: #fff;
66 - border-top: 0px;
67 - padding: 4px 0;
68 - li
69 - display: block;
70 - text-align: left;
71 - padding: 7px 10px;
72 - font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
73 - li:hover
74 - background-color: rgba(81, 92, 230, 0.05);
75 - .{prefix}-selectlist-wrap:before
76 - content: '';
77 - position: absolute;
78 - display: inline-block;
79 - width: 14px;
80 - height: 14px;
81 - right: 5px;
82 - top: 10px;
83 - background-image: url('');
84 - background-size: cover;
85 - .{prefix}-selectlist-wrap select::-ms-expand
86 - display:none;
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - div.tui-colorpicker-clearfix
4 - width: 159px;
5 - height: 28px;
6 - border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
7 - border-radius: 2px;
8 - background-color: #f5f5f5;
9 - margin-top: 6px;
10 - padding: 4px 7px 4px 7px;
11 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-hex
12 - width: 114px;
13 - background-color: #f5f5f5;
14 - border: 0;
15 - font-size: 11px;
16 - margin-top: 2px;
17 - font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
18 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-hex[value='#ffffff'] + .tui-colorpicker-palette-preview,
19 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-hex[value=''] + .tui-colorpicker-palette-preview
20 - border: 1px solid #ccc;
21 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-hex[value=''] + .tui-colorpicker-palette-preview
22 - background-size: cover;
23 - background-image: url('');
24 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-preview
25 - border-radius: 100%;
26 - float: left;
27 - width: 17px;
28 - height: 17px;
29 - border: 0;
30 - .color-picker-control
31 - position: absolute;
32 - display: none;
33 - z-index: 99;
34 - width: 192px;
35 - background-color: #fff;
36 - box-shadow: 0 3px 22px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
37 - padding: 16px;
38 - border-radius: 2px;
39 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-toggle-slider
40 - display: none;
41 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-button
42 - border: 0;
43 - border-radius: 100%;
44 - margin: 2px;
45 - background-size: cover;
46 - font-size: 1px;
47 - &[title='#ffffff']
48 - border: 1px solid #ccc;
49 - &[title='']
50 - border: 1px solid #ccc;
51 - .triangle
52 - width: 0;
53 - height: 0;
54 - border-right: 7px solid transparent;
55 - border-top: 8px solid #fff;
56 - border-left: 7px solid transparent;
57 - position: absolute;
58 - bottom: -8px;
59 - left: 84px;
60 - .tui-colorpicker-container,
61 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-container ul,
62 - .tui-colorpicker-palette-container
63 - width: 100%;
64 - height: auto;
65 -
66 -
67 - .filter-color-item
68 - .color-picker-control label
69 - font-color: #333;
70 - font-weight: normal;
71 - margin-right: 7pxleft
72 - .tui-image-editor-checkbox
73 - margin-top: 0;
74 - input + label:before,
75 - > label:before
76 - left: -16px;
77 - .color-picker
78 - width: 100%;
79 - height: auto;
80 - .color-picker-value
81 - width: 32px;
82 - height: 32px;
83 - border: 0px;
84 - border-radius: 100%;
85 - margin: auto;
86 - margin-bottom: 1px;
87 - &.transparent
88 - border: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
89 - background-size: cover;
90 - background-image: url('');
91 -
92 - .color-picker-value + label
93 - color: #fff;
94 -
95 - .{prefix}-submenu svg > use
96 - display: none;
97 - .{prefix}-submenu svg > use.normal
98 - display: block;
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - .{prefix}-grid-visual
4 - display: none;
5 - position: absolute;
6 - width: 100%;
7 - height: 100%;
8 - border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
9 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-flip,
10 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-rotate
11 - .tui-image-editor
12 - transition: none;
13 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-flip .{prefix}-grid-visual,
14 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-rotate .{prefix}-grid-visual
15 - display: block;
16 - .{prefix}-grid-visual
17 - table
18 - width: 100%;
19 - height: 100%;
20 - border-collapse: collapse;
21 - td
22 - border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
23 - td.dot:before
24 - content: '';
25 - position: absolute;
26 - box-sizing: border-box;
27 - width: 10px;
28 - height: 10px;
29 - border: 0;
30 - box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
31 - border-radius: 100%;
32 - background-color: #fff;
33 - td.dot.left-top:before
34 - top: -5px;
35 - left: -5px;
36 - td.dot.right-top:before
37 - top: -5px;
38 - right: -5px;
39 - td.dot.left-bottom:before
40 - bottom: -5px;
41 - left: -5px;
42 - td.dot.right-bottom:before
43 - bottom: -5px;
44 - right: -5px;
1 -/* ICON */
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - .tie-icon-add-button .{prefix}-button
4 - min-width: 42px;
5 - .svg_ic-menu
6 - .svg_ic-helpmenu
7 - width: 24px;
8 - height: 24px;
9 - .svg_ic-submenu
10 - width: 32px;
11 - height: 32px;
12 - .svg_img-bi
13 - width: 257px;
14 - height: 26px;
15 -
16 - .{prefix}-controls
17 - svg > use
18 - display: none;
19 - .enabled svg:hover > use.hover
20 - .normal svg:hover > use.hover
21 - display: block;
22 - .active svg:hover > use.hover
23 - display: none;
24 - svg > use.normal
25 - display: block;
26 - .active svg > use.active
27 - display: block;
28 - .enabled svg > use.enabled
29 - display: block;
30 - .active svg > use.normal,
31 - .enabled svg > use.normal
32 - display: none;
33 - .help svg > use.disabled,
34 - .help.enabled svg > use.normal
35 - display: block;
36 - .help.enabled svg > use.disabled
37 - display: none;
38 -
39 - .{prefix}-controls:hover
40 - z-index: 3;
1 -prefix = 'tui-image-editor'
2 -
3 -@import 'main.styl'
4 -@import 'gridtable.styl'
5 -@import 'submenu.styl'
6 -@import 'checkbox.styl'
7 -@import 'range.styl'
8 -@import 'position.styl'
9 -@import 'icon.styl'
10 -@import 'colorpicker.styl'
11 -@import 'buttons.styl'
12 -.{prefix}-container.top
13 - &.{prefix}-top-optimization
14 - .{prefix}-controls ul
15 - text-align: right;
16 - .{prefix}-controls-logo
17 - display: none;
1 -body > textarea
2 - position: fixed !important;
3 -
4 -+prefix-classes(prefix)
5 - .-container
6 - margin: 0;
7 - padding: 0;
8 - box-sizing: border-box;
9 - min-height: 300px;
10 - height: 100%;
11 - position: relative;
12 - background-color: #282828;
13 - overflow: hidden;
14 - letter-spacing: 0.3px;
15 -
16 - div, ul, label, input, li
17 - box-sizing: border-box;
18 - margin: 0;
19 - padding: 0;
20 - -ms-user-select: none;
21 - -moz-user-select: -moz-none;
22 - -khtml-user-select: none;
23 - -webkit-user-select: none;
24 - user-select: none;
25 -
26 - .-header
27 - /* BUTTON AND LOGO */
28 - min-width: 533px;
29 - position: absolute;
30 - background-color: #151515;
31 - top: 0;
32 - width: 100%;
33 - .-header-buttons,
34 - .-controls-buttons
35 - float: right;
36 - margin: 8px;
37 -
38 - .-header-logo,
39 - .-controls-logo
40 - float: left;
41 - width: 30%;
42 - padding: 17px;
43 -
44 - .-controls-logo,
45 - .-controls-buttons
46 - width: 270px;
47 - height: 100%;
48 - display: none;
49 -
50 - .-header-buttons button,
51 - .-header-buttons div,
52 - .-controls-buttons button,
53 - .-controls-buttons div
54 - display: inline-block;
55 - position: relative;
56 - width: 120px;
57 - height: 40px;
58 - padding: 0;
59 - line-height: 40px;
60 - outline: none;
61 - border-radius: 20px;
62 - border: 1px solid #ddd;
63 - font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
64 - font-size: 12px;
65 - font-weight: bold;
66 - cursor: pointer;
67 - vertical-align: middle;
68 - letter-spacing: 0.3px;
69 - text-align: center;
70 -
71 - .-download-btn
72 - background-color: #fdba3b;
73 - border-color: #fdba3b;
74 - color: #fff;
75 - .-load-btn
76 - position: absolute;
77 - left: 0;
78 - right: 0;
79 - display: inline-block;
80 - top: 0;
81 - bottom: 0;
82 - width: 100%;
83 - cursor: pointer;
84 - opacity: 0;
85 - .-main-container
86 - position: absolute;
87 - width: 100%;
88 - top: 0;
89 - bottom: 64px;
90 - .-main
91 - position: absolute;
92 - text-align: center;
93 - top: 64px;
94 - bottom: 0;
95 - right: 0;
96 - left: 0;
97 - .-wrap
98 - position: absolute;
99 - bottom: 0;
100 - width: 100%;
101 - overflow: auto;
102 - .-size-wrap
103 - display: table;
104 - width: 100%;
105 - height: 100%
106 - .-align-wrap
107 - display: table-cell;
108 - vertical-align: middle;
109 - .
110 - position: relative;
111 - display: inline-block;
112 -
113 -
114 -/* BIG MENU */
115 -.{prefix}-container
116 - .{prefix}-menu
117 - width: auto;
118 - list-style: none;
119 - padding: 0;
120 - margin: 0 auto;
121 - display: table-cell;
122 - text-align: center;
123 - vertical-align: middle;
124 - white-space: nowrap;
125 - > .{prefix}-item
126 - position: relative;
127 - display: inline-block;
128 - border-radius: 2px;
129 - padding: 7px 8px 3px 8px;
130 - cursor: pointer;
131 - margin: 0 4px;
132 - > .{prefix}-item[tooltip-content]:hover
133 - &:before
134 - content: '';
135 - position: absolute;
136 - display: inline-block;
137 - margin: 0 auto 0;
138 - width: 0;
139 - height: 0;
140 - border-right: 7px solid transparent;
141 - border-top: 7px solid #2f2f2f;
142 - border-left: 7px solid transparent;
143 - left: 13px;
144 - top: -2px;
145 - &:after
146 - content: attr(tooltip-content);
147 - position: absolute;
148 - display: inline-block;
149 - background-color: #2f2f2f;
150 - color: #fff;
151 - padding: 5px 8px;
152 - font-size: 11px;
153 - font-weight: lighter;
154 - border-radius: 3px;
155 - max-height: 23px;
156 - top: -25px;
157 - left: 0;
158 - min-width: 24px;
159 - > .{prefix}-item.active
160 - background-color: #fff;
161 - transition: all .3s ease;
162 - .{prefix}-wrap
163 - position: absolute;
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - &.left
4 - .{prefix}-menu
5 - > .{prefix}-item[tooltip-content]
6 - &:before
7 - left: 28px;
8 - top: 11px;
9 - border-right: 7px solid #2f2f2f;
10 - border-top: 7px solid transparent;
11 - border-bottom: 7px solid transparent;
12 - &:after
13 - top: 7px;
14 - left: 42px;
15 - white-space: nowrap;
16 - .{prefix}-submenu
17 - left: 0;
18 - height: 100%;
19 - width: 248px;
20 - .{prefix}-main-container
21 - left: 64px;
22 - width: calc(100% - 64px);
23 - height: 100%;
24 - .{prefix}-controls
25 - width: 64px;
26 - height: 100%;
27 - display: table;
28 -
30 -.{prefix}-container
31 - &.left, &.right
32 - .{prefix}-menu
33 - white-space: inherit;
34 - .{prefix}-submenu
35 - white-space: normal;
36 - > div
37 - vertical-align: middle;
38 - .{prefix}-controls li
39 - display: inline-block;
40 - margin: 4px auto;
41 - .{prefix}-icpartition
42 - position: relative;
43 - top: -7px;
44 - width: 24px;
45 - height: 1px;
46 - .{prefix}-submenu
47 - .{prefix}-partition
48 - display: block;
49 - width: 75%;
50 - margin: auto;
51 - > div
52 - border-left: 0;
53 - height:10px;
54 - border-bottom: 1px solid #3c3c3c;
55 - width: 100%;
56 - margin: 0;
57 - .{prefix}-submenu-align
58 - margin-right: 0;
59 - .{prefix}-submenu-item
60 - li
61 - margin-top: 15px;
62 - .tui-colorpicker-clearfix li
63 - margin-top: 0;
64 -
65 - .{prefix}-checkbox-wrap.fixed-width
66 - width: 182px;
67 - white-space: normal;
68 - .{prefix}-range-wrap.{prefix}-newline label.range
69 - display: block;
70 - text-align: left;
71 - width: 75%;
72 - margin: auto;
73 - .{prefix}-range
74 - width: 136px;
75 -
76 -
78 -.{prefix}-container
79 - &.right
80 - .{prefix}-menu
81 - > .{prefix}-item[tooltip-content]
82 - &:before
83 - left: -3px;
84 - top: 11px;
85 - border-left: 7px solid #2f2f2f;
86 - border-top: 7px solid transparent;
87 - border-bottom: 7px solid transparent;
88 - &:after
89 - top: 7px;
90 - left: unset;
91 - right: 43px;
92 - white-space: nowrap;
93 - .{prefix}-submenu
94 - right: 0;
95 - height: 100%;
96 - width: 248px;
97 - .{prefix}-main-container
98 - right: 64px;
99 - width: calc(100% - 64px);
100 - height: 100%;
101 - .{prefix}-controls
102 - right: 0;
103 - width: 64px;
104 - height: 100%;
105 - display: table;
106 -
107 -
109 -.{prefix}-container
110 - &.top, &.bottom
111 - .{prefix}-submenu
112 - .{prefix}-partition.only-left-right
113 - display: none;
114 -
115 -
117 -.{prefix}-container
118 - &.bottom .tui-image-editor-submenu > div
119 - padding-bottom: 24px;
120 -
121 -/* POSITION TOP */
122 -.{prefix}-container
123 - &.top
124 - .color-picker-control .triangle
125 - top: -8px;
126 - border-right: 7px solid transparent;
127 - border-top: 0px;
128 - border-left: 7px solid transparent;
129 - border-bottom: 8px solid #fff;
130 - .{prefix}-size-wrap
131 - height: 100%;
132 - .{prefix}-main-container
133 - bottom: 0;
134 - .{prefix}-menu
135 - > .{prefix}-item[tooltip-content]
136 - &:before
137 - left: 13px;
138 - border-top: 0;
139 - border-bottom: 7px solid #2f2f2f;
140 - top: 33px;
141 - &:after
142 - top: 38px;
143 - .{prefix}-submenu
144 - top: 0;
145 - bottom: auto;
146 - > div
147 - padding-top: 24px;
148 - vertical-align: top;
149 - .{prefix}-controls-logo
150 - display: table-cell;
151 - .{prefix}-controls-buttons
152 - display: table-cell;
153 - .{prefix}-main
154 - top: 64px;
155 - height: calc(100% - 64px);
156 - .{prefix}-controls
157 - top: 0;
158 - bottom: inherit;
159 -
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 -
4 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-bar
5 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-subbar
6 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-pointer
7 - .{prefix}-disabled
8 - backbround-color: red;
9 -
10 - .{prefix}-range
11 - position: relative;
12 - top: 5px;
13 - width: 166px;
14 - height: 17px;
15 - display: inline-block;
16 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-bar
17 - top: 7px;
18 - position: absolute;
19 - width: 100%;
20 - height: 2px;
21 - background-color: #666666;
22 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-subbar
23 - position: absolute;
24 - height: 100%;
25 - left: 0;
26 - right: 0;
27 - background-color: #d1d1d1;
28 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-pointer
29 - position: absolute;
30 - cursor: pointer;
31 - top: -5px;
32 - left: 0;
33 - width: 12px;
34 - height: 12px;
35 - background-color: #fff;
36 - border-radius: 100%;
37 - .{prefix}-range-wrap
38 - display: inline-block;
39 - margin-left: 4px;
40 - &.short .tui-image-editor-range
41 - width: 100px;
42 - .color-picker-control
43 - .{prefix}-range
44 - width: 108px;
45 - margin-left: 10px;
46 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-pointer
47 - background-color: #333;
48 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-bar
49 - background-color: #ccc;
50 - .{prefix}-virtual-range-subbar
51 - background-color: #606060;
52 - .{prefix}-range-wrap.{prefix}-newline.short
53 - margin-top: -2px;
54 - margin-left: 19px;
55 - label
56 - color: #8e8e8e;
57 - font-weight: normal;
58 - .{prefix}-range-wrap label
59 - vertical-align: baseline;
60 - font-size: 11px;
61 - margin-right: 7px;
62 - color: #fff;
63 - .{prefix}-range-value
64 - cursor: default;
65 - width: 40px;
66 - height: 24px;
67 - outline: none;
68 - border-radius: 2px;
69 - box-shadow: none;
70 - border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
71 - text-align: center;
72 - background-color: #1c1c1c;
73 - color: #fff;
74 - font-weight: lighter;
75 - vertical-align: baseline;
76 - font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
77 - margin-top: 21px;
78 - margin-left: 4px;
79 - .{prefix}-controls
80 - position: absolute;
81 - background-color: #151515;
82 - width: 100%;
83 - height: 64px;
84 - display: table;
85 - bottom: 0;
86 - z-index: 2;
87 - .{prefix}-icpartition
88 - display: inline-block;
89 - background-color: #282828;
90 - width: 1px;
91 - height: 24px;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -/* SUBMENU */
2 -.{prefix}-container
3 - .{prefix}-submenu
4 - display: none;
5 - position: absolute;
6 - bottom: 0;
7 - width:100%;
8 - height: 150px;
9 - white-space: nowrap;
10 - z-index: 2;
11 - .{prefix}-button:hover svg > use.active
12 - display: block;
13 - .{prefix}-submenu-item
14 - li
15 - display: inline-block;
16 - vertical-align: top;
17 - .{prefix}-newline
18 - display: block;
19 - margin-top: 0;
20 - .{prefix}-button
21 - position: relative;
22 - cursor: pointer;
23 - display: inline-block;
24 - font-weight: normal;
25 - font-size: 11px;
26 - margin: 0 9px 0 9px;
27 - .{prefix}-button.preset
28 - margin: 0 9px 20px 5px;
29 - label > span
30 - display: inline-block;
31 - cursor: pointer;
32 - padding-top: 5px;
33 - font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif;
34 - font-size: 11px;
35 - .{prefix}-button.apply label,
36 - .{prefix}-button.cancel label
37 - vertical-align: 7px;
38 - > div
39 - display: none;
40 - vertical-align: bottom;
41 - .{prefix}-submenu-style
42 - opacity: 0.95;
43 - z-index: -1;
44 - position: absolute;
45 - top: 0;
46 - bottom: 0;
47 - left: 0;
48 - right: 0;
49 - display: block;
50 -
51 - .{prefix}-partition > div
52 - width: 1px;
53 - height: 52px;
54 - border-left: 1px solid #3c3c3c;
55 - margin: 0 8px 0 8px;
56 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-filter .{prefix}-partition > div
57 - height: 108px;
58 - margin: 0 29px 0 0px;
59 - .{prefix}-submenu-align
60 - text-align: left;
61 - margin-right: 30px;
62 - label > span
63 - width: 55px;
64 - white-space: nowrap;
65 - .{prefix}-submenu-align:first-child
66 - margin-right: 0;
67 - label > span
68 - width: 70px;
69 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-crop .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-crop,
70 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-flip .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-flip,
71 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-rotate .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-rotate,
72 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-shape .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-shape,
73 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-text .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-text,
74 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-mask .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-mask,
75 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-icon .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-icon,
76 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-draw .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-draw,
77 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-filter .{prefix}-submenu > div.{prefix}-menu-filter
78 - display: table-cell;
79 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-crop,
80 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-flip,
81 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-rotate,
82 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-shape,
83 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-text,
84 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-mask,
85 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-icon,
86 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-draw,
87 - .{prefix}-main.{prefix}-menu-filter
88 - .{prefix}-submenu
89 - display: table;
90 -
1 -import './js/polyfill';
2 -import ImageEditor from './js/imageEditor';
3 -import './css/index.styl';
4 -
5 -// commands
6 -import './js/command/addIcon';
7 -import './js/command/addImageObject';
8 -import './js/command/addObject';
9 -import './js/command/addShape';
10 -import './js/command/addText';
11 -import './js/command/applyFilter';
12 -import './js/command/changeIconColor';
13 -import './js/command/changeShape';
14 -import './js/command/changeText';
15 -import './js/command/changeTextStyle';
16 -import './js/command/clearObjects';
17 -import './js/command/flip';
18 -import './js/command/loadImage';
19 -import './js/command/removeFilter';
20 -import './js/command/removeObject';
21 -import './js/command/resizeCanvasDimension';
22 -import './js/command/rotate';
23 -import './js/command/setObjectProperties';
24 -import './js/command/setObjectPosition';
25 -import './js/command/changeSelection';
26 -
27 -module.exports = ImageEditor;
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add an icon
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const { ICON } = componentNames;
10 -
11 -const command = {
12 - name: commandNames.ADD_ICON,
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Add an icon
16 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
17 - * @param {string} type - Icon type ('arrow', 'cancel', custom icon name)
18 - * @param {Object} options - Icon options
19 - * @param {string} [options.fill] - Icon foreground color
20 - * @param {string} [options.left] - Icon x position
21 - * @param {string} [options.top] - Icon y position
22 - * @returns {Promise}
23 - */
24 - execute(graphics, type, options) {
25 - const iconComp = graphics.getComponent(ICON);
26 -
27 - return iconComp.add(type, options).then((objectProps) => {
28 - this.undoData.object = graphics.getObject(objectProps.id);
29 -
30 - return objectProps;
31 - });
32 - },
33 - /**
34 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
35 - * @returns {Promise}
36 - */
37 - undo(graphics) {
38 - graphics.remove(this.undoData.object);
39 -
40 - return Promise.resolve();
41 - },
42 -};
43 -
44 -commandFactory.register(command);
45 -
46 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add an image object
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.ADD_IMAGE_OBJECT,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Add an image object
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @param {string} imgUrl - Image url to make object
16 - * @returns {Promise}
17 - */
18 - execute(graphics, imgUrl) {
19 - return graphics.addImageObject(imgUrl).then((objectProps) => {
20 - this.undoData.object = graphics.getObject(objectProps.id);
21 -
22 - return objectProps;
23 - });
24 - },
25 - /**
26 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
27 - * @returns {Promise}
28 - */
29 - undo(graphics) {
30 - graphics.remove(this.undoData.object);
31 -
32 - return Promise.resolve();
33 - },
34 -};
35 -
36 -commandFactory.register(command);
37 -
38 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add an object
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.ADD_OBJECT,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Add an object
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @param {Object} object - Fabric object
16 - * @returns {Promise}
17 - */
18 - execute(graphics, object) {
19 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
20 - if (!graphics.contains(object)) {
21 - graphics.add(object);
22 - resolve(object);
23 - } else {
24 - reject(rejectMessages.addedObject);
25 - }
26 - });
27 - },
28 - /**
29 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
30 - * @param {Object} object - Fabric object
31 - * @returns {Promise}
32 - */
33 - undo(graphics, object) {
34 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
35 - if (graphics.contains(object)) {
36 - graphics.remove(object);
37 - resolve(object);
38 - } else {
39 - reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
40 - }
41 - });
42 - },
43 -};
44 -
45 -commandFactory.register(command);
46 -
47 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add a shape
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const { SHAPE } = componentNames;
10 -
11 -const command = {
12 - name: commandNames.ADD_SHAPE,
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Add a shape
16 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
17 - * @param {string} type - Shape type (ex: 'rect', 'circle', 'triangle')
18 - * @param {Object} options - Shape options
19 - * @param {string} [options.fill] - Shape foreground color (ex: '#fff', 'transparent')
20 - * @param {string} [options.stroke] - Shape outline color
21 - * @param {number} [options.strokeWidth] - Shape outline width
22 - * @param {number} [options.width] - Width value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use)
23 - * @param {number} [options.height] - Height value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use)
24 - * @param {number} [options.rx] - Radius x value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use)
25 - * @param {number} [options.ry] - Radius y value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use)
26 - * @param {number} [options.left] - Shape x position
27 - * @param {number} [options.top] - Shape y position
28 - * @param {number} [options.isRegular] - Whether resizing shape has 1:1 ratio or not
29 - * @returns {Promise}
30 - */
31 - execute(graphics, type, options) {
32 - const shapeComp = graphics.getComponent(SHAPE);
33 -
34 - return shapeComp.add(type, options).then((objectProps) => {
35 - this.undoData.object = graphics.getObject(objectProps.id);
36 -
37 - return objectProps;
38 - });
39 - },
40 - /**
41 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
42 - * @returns {Promise}
43 - */
44 - undo(graphics) {
45 - graphics.remove(this.undoData.object);
46 -
47 - return Promise.resolve();
48 - },
49 -};
50 -
51 -commandFactory.register(command);
52 -
53 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add a text object
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { componentNames, commandNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
8 -const { TEXT } = componentNames;
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.ADD_TEXT,
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * Add a text object
15 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
16 - * @param {string} text - Initial input text
17 - * @param {Object} [options] Options for text styles
18 - * @param {Object} [options.styles] Initial styles
19 - * @param {string} [options.styles.fill] Color
20 - * @param {string} [options.styles.fontFamily] Font type for text
21 - * @param {number} [options.styles.fontSize] Size
22 - * @param {string} [options.styles.fontStyle] Type of inclination (normal / italic)
23 - * @param {string} [options.styles.fontWeight] Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold)
24 - * @param {string} [options.styles.textAlign] Type of text align (left / center / right)
25 - * @param {string} [options.styles.textDecoration] Type of line (underline / line-through / overline)
26 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} [options.position] - Initial position
27 - * @returns {Promise}
28 - */
29 - execute(graphics, text, options) {
30 - const textComp = graphics.getComponent(TEXT);
31 -
32 - if (this.undoData.object) {
33 - const undoObject = this.undoData.object;
34 -
35 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
36 - if (!graphics.contains(undoObject)) {
37 - graphics.add(undoObject);
38 - resolve(undoObject);
39 - } else {
40 - reject(rejectMessages.redo);
41 - }
42 - });
43 - }
44 -
45 - return textComp.add(text, options).then((objectProps) => {
46 - const { id } = objectProps;
47 - const textObject = graphics.getObject(id);
48 -
49 - this.undoData.object = textObject;
50 -
51 - return objectProps;
52 - });
53 - },
54 - /**
55 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
56 - * @returns {Promise}
57 - */
58 - undo(graphics) {
59 - graphics.remove(this.undoData.object);
60 -
61 - return Promise.resolve();
62 - },
63 -};
64 -
65 -commandFactory.register(command);
66 -
67 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Apply a filter into an image
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
7 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages, commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const { FILTER } = componentNames;
10 -
11 -/**
12 - * Chched data for undo
13 - * @type {Object}
14 - */
15 -let chchedUndoDataForSilent = null;
16 -
17 -/**
18 - * Make undoData
19 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
20 - * @param {Object} prevfilterOption - prev Filter options
21 - * @param {Object} options - Filter options
22 - * @returns {object} - undo data
23 - */
24 -function makeUndoData(type, prevfilterOption, options) {
25 - const undoData = {};
26 -
27 - if (type === 'mask') {
28 - undoData.object = options.mask;
29 - }
30 -
31 - undoData.options = prevfilterOption;
32 -
33 - return undoData;
34 -}
35 -
36 -const command = {
37 - name: commandNames.APPLY_FILTER,
38 -
39 - /**
40 - * Apply a filter into an image
41 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
42 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
43 - * @param {Object} options - Filter options
44 - * @param {number} options.maskObjId - masking image object id
45 - * @param {boolean} isSilent - is silent execution or not
46 - * @returns {Promise}
47 - */
48 - execute(graphics, type, options, isSilent) {
49 - const filterComp = graphics.getComponent(FILTER);
50 -
51 - if (type === 'mask') {
52 - const maskObj = graphics.getObject(options.maskObjId);
53 -
54 - if (!(maskObj && maskObj.isType('image'))) {
55 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters);
56 - }
57 -
58 - snippet.extend(options, { mask: maskObj });
59 - graphics.remove(options.mask);
60 - }
61 - if (!this.isRedo) {
62 - const prevfilterOption = filterComp.getOptions(type);
63 - const undoData = makeUndoData(type, prevfilterOption, options);
64 -
65 - chchedUndoDataForSilent = this.setUndoData(undoData, chchedUndoDataForSilent, isSilent);
66 - }
67 -
68 - return filterComp.add(type, options);
69 - },
70 - /**
71 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
72 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
73 - * @returns {Promise}
74 - */
75 - undo(graphics, type) {
76 - const filterComp = graphics.getComponent(FILTER);
77 -
78 - if (type === 'mask') {
79 - const mask = this.undoData.object;
80 - graphics.add(mask);
81 - graphics.setActiveObject(mask);
82 -
83 - return filterComp.remove(type);
84 - }
85 -
86 - // options changed case
87 - if (this.undoData.options) {
88 - return filterComp.add(type, this.undoData.options);
89 - }
90 -
91 - // filter added case
92 - return filterComp.remove(type);
93 - },
94 -};
95 -
96 -commandFactory.register(command);
97 -
98 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Change icon color
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages, commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const { ICON } = componentNames;
10 -
11 -const command = {
12 - name: commandNames.CHANGE_ICON_COLOR,
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Change icon color
16 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
17 - * @param {number} id - object id
18 - * @param {string} color - Color for icon
19 - * @returns {Promise}
20 - */
21 - execute(graphics, id, color) {
22 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
23 - const iconComp = graphics.getComponent(ICON);
24 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
25 -
26 - if (!targetObj) {
27 - reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
28 - }
29 -
30 - this.undoData.object = targetObj;
31 - this.undoData.color = iconComp.getColor(targetObj);
32 - iconComp.setColor(color, targetObj);
33 - resolve();
34 - });
35 - },
36 - /**
37 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
38 - * @returns {Promise}
39 - */
40 - undo(graphics) {
41 - const iconComp = graphics.getComponent(ICON);
42 - const { object: icon, color } = this.undoData;
43 -
44 - iconComp.setColor(color, icon);
45 -
46 - return Promise.resolve();
47 - },
48 -};
49 -
50 -commandFactory.register(command);
51 -
52 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview change selection
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -import { getCachedUndoDataForDimension } from '../helper/selectionModifyHelper';
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.CHANGE_SELECTION,
12 -
13 - execute(graphics, props) {
14 - if (this.isRedo) {
15 - props.forEach((prop) => {
16 - graphics.setObjectProperties(prop.id, prop);
17 - });
18 - } else {
19 - this.undoData = getCachedUndoDataForDimension();
20 - }
21 -
22 - return Promise.resolve();
23 - },
24 - undo(graphics) {
25 - this.undoData.forEach((datum) => {
26 - graphics.setObjectProperties(datum.id, datum);
27 - });
28 -
29 - return Promise.resolve();
30 - },
31 -};
32 -
33 -commandFactory.register(command);
34 -
35 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview change a shape
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
8 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages, commandNames } from '../consts';
9 -
10 -const { SHAPE } = componentNames;
11 -
12 -/**
13 - * Chched data for undo
14 - * @type {Object}
15 - */
16 -let chchedUndoDataForSilent = null;
17 -
18 -/**
19 - * Make undoData
20 - * @param {object} options - shape options
21 - * @param {Component} targetObj - shape component
22 - * @returns {object} - undo data
23 - */
24 -function makeUndoData(options, targetObj) {
25 - const undoData = {
26 - object: targetObj,
27 - options: {},
28 - };
29 -
30 - snippet.forEachOwnProperties(options, (value, key) => {
31 - undoData.options[key] = targetObj[key];
32 - });
33 -
34 - return undoData;
35 -}
36 -
37 -const command = {
38 - name: commandNames.CHANGE_SHAPE,
39 -
40 - /**
41 - * Change a shape
42 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
43 - * @param {number} id - object id
44 - * @param {Object} options - Shape options
45 - * @param {string} [options.fill] - Shape foreground color (ex: '#fff', 'transparent')
46 - * @param {string} [options.stroke] - Shape outline color
47 - * @param {number} [options.strokeWidth] - Shape outline width
48 - * @param {number} [options.width] - Width value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use)
49 - * @param {number} [options.height] - Height value (When type option is 'rect', this options can use)
50 - * @param {number} [options.rx] - Radius x value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use)
51 - * @param {number} [options.ry] - Radius y value (When type option is 'circle', this options can use)
52 - * @param {number} [options.left] - Shape x position
53 - * @param {number} [options.top] - Shape y position
54 - * @param {number} [options.isRegular] - Whether resizing shape has 1:1 ratio or not
55 - * @param {boolean} isSilent - is silent execution or not
56 - * @returns {Promise}
57 - */
58 - execute(graphics, id, options, isSilent) {
59 - const shapeComp = graphics.getComponent(SHAPE);
60 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
61 -
62 - if (!targetObj) {
63 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
64 - }
65 -
66 - if (!this.isRedo) {
67 - const undoData = makeUndoData(options, targetObj);
68 -
69 - chchedUndoDataForSilent = this.setUndoData(undoData, chchedUndoDataForSilent, isSilent);
70 - }
71 -
72 - return shapeComp.change(targetObj, options);
73 - },
74 - /**
75 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
76 - * @returns {Promise}
77 - */
78 - undo(graphics) {
79 - const shapeComp = graphics.getComponent(SHAPE);
80 - const { object: shape, options } = this.undoData;
81 -
82 - return shapeComp.change(shape, options);
83 - },
84 -};
85 -
86 -commandFactory.register(command);
87 -
88 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Change a text
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages, commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const { TEXT } = componentNames;
10 -
11 -const command = {
12 - name: commandNames.CHANGE_TEXT,
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Change a text
16 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
17 - * @param {number} id - object id
18 - * @param {string} text - Changing text
19 - * @returns {Promise}
20 - */
21 - execute(graphics, id, text) {
22 - const textComp = graphics.getComponent(TEXT);
23 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
24 -
25 - if (!targetObj) {
26 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
27 - }
28 -
29 - this.undoData.object = targetObj;
30 - this.undoData.text = textComp.getText(targetObj);
31 -
32 - return textComp.change(targetObj, text);
33 - },
34 - /**
35 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
36 - * @returns {Promise}
37 - */
38 - undo(graphics) {
39 - const textComp = graphics.getComponent(TEXT);
40 - const { object: textObj, text } = this.undoData;
41 -
42 - return textComp.change(textObj, text);
43 - },
44 -};
45 -
46 -commandFactory.register(command);
47 -
48 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Change text styles
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
7 -import { Promise } from '../util';
8 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages, commandNames } from '../consts';
9 -
10 -const { TEXT } = componentNames;
11 -
12 -/**
13 - * Chched data for undo
14 - * @type {Object}
15 - */
16 -let chchedUndoDataForSilent = null;
17 -
18 -/**
19 - * Make undoData
20 - * @param {object} styles - text styles
21 - * @param {Component} targetObj - text component
22 - * @returns {object} - undo data
23 - */
24 -function makeUndoData(styles, targetObj) {
25 - const undoData = {
26 - object: targetObj,
27 - styles: {},
28 - };
29 - snippet.forEachOwnProperties(styles, (value, key) => {
30 - const undoValue = targetObj[key];
31 - undoData.styles[key] = undoValue;
32 - });
33 -
34 - return undoData;
35 -}
36 -
37 -const command = {
38 - name: commandNames.CHANGE_TEXT_STYLE,
39 -
40 - /**
41 - * Change text styles
42 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
43 - * @param {number} id - object id
44 - * @param {Object} styles - text styles
45 - * @param {string} [styles.fill] Color
46 - * @param {string} [styles.fontFamily] Font type for text
47 - * @param {number} [styles.fontSize] Size
48 - * @param {string} [styles.fontStyle] Type of inclination (normal / italic)
49 - * @param {string} [styles.fontWeight] Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold)
50 - * @param {string} [styles.textAlign] Type of text align (left / center / right)
51 - * @param {string} [styles.textDecoration] Type of line (underline / line-through / overline)
52 - * @param {boolean} isSilent - is silent execution or not
53 - * @returns {Promise}
54 - */
55 - execute(graphics, id, styles, isSilent) {
56 - const textComp = graphics.getComponent(TEXT);
57 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
58 -
59 - if (!targetObj) {
60 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
61 - }
62 - if (!this.isRedo) {
63 - const undoData = makeUndoData(styles, targetObj);
64 -
65 - chchedUndoDataForSilent = this.setUndoData(undoData, chchedUndoDataForSilent, isSilent);
66 - }
67 -
68 - return textComp.setStyle(targetObj, styles);
69 - },
70 - /**
71 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
72 - * @returns {Promise}
73 - */
74 - undo(graphics) {
75 - const textComp = graphics.getComponent(TEXT);
76 - const { object: textObj, styles } = this.undoData;
77 -
78 - return textComp.setStyle(textObj, styles);
79 - },
80 -};
81 -
82 -commandFactory.register(command);
83 -
84 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Clear all objects
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.CLEAR_OBJECTS,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Clear all objects without background (main) image
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @returns {Promise}
16 - */
17 - execute(graphics) {
18 - return new Promise((resolve) => {
19 - this.undoData.objects = graphics.removeAll();
20 - resolve();
21 - });
22 - },
23 - /**
24 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
25 - * @returns {Promise}
26 - * @ignore
27 - */
28 - undo(graphics) {
29 - graphics.add(this.undoData.objects);
30 -
31 - return Promise.resolve();
32 - },
33 -};
34 -
35 -commandFactory.register(command);
36 -
37 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Flip an image
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -const { FLIP } = componentNames;
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.FLIP_IMAGE,
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * flip an image
15 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
16 - * @param {string} type - 'flipX' or 'flipY' or 'reset'
17 - * @returns {Promise}
18 - */
19 - execute(graphics, type) {
20 - const flipComp = graphics.getComponent(FLIP);
21 -
22 - this.undoData.setting = flipComp.getCurrentSetting();
23 -
24 - return flipComp[type]();
25 - },
26 - /**
27 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
28 - * @returns {Promise}
29 - */
30 - undo(graphics) {
31 - const flipComp = graphics.getComponent(FLIP);
32 -
33 - return flipComp.set(this.undoData.setting);
34 - },
35 -};
36 -
37 -commandFactory.register(command);
38 -
39 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Load a background (main) image
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -const { IMAGE_LOADER } = componentNames;
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.LOAD_IMAGE,
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * Load a background (main) image
15 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
16 - * @param {string} imageName - Image name
17 - * @param {string} imgUrl - Image Url
18 - * @returns {Promise}
19 - */
20 - execute(graphics, imageName, imgUrl) {
21 - const loader = graphics.getComponent(IMAGE_LOADER);
22 - const prevImage = loader.getCanvasImage();
23 - const prevImageWidth = prevImage ? prevImage.width : 0;
24 - const prevImageHeight = prevImage ? prevImage.height : 0;
25 - const objects = graphics.removeAll(true).filter((objectItem) => objectItem.type !== 'cropzone');
26 -
27 - objects.forEach((objectItem) => {
28 - objectItem.evented = true;
29 - });
30 -
31 - this.undoData = {
32 - name: loader.getImageName(),
33 - image: prevImage,
34 - objects,
35 - };
36 -
37 - return loader.load(imageName, imgUrl).then((newImage) => ({
38 - oldWidth: prevImageWidth,
39 - oldHeight: prevImageHeight,
40 - newWidth: newImage.width,
41 - newHeight: newImage.height,
42 - }));
43 - },
44 -
45 - /**
46 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
47 - * @returns {Promise}
48 - */
49 - undo(graphics) {
50 - const loader = graphics.getComponent(IMAGE_LOADER);
51 - const { objects, name, image } = this.undoData;
52 -
53 - graphics.removeAll(true);
54 - graphics.add(objects);
55 -
56 - return loader.load(name, image);
57 - },
58 -};
59 -
60 -commandFactory.register(command);
61 -
62 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Remove a filter from an image
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -const { FILTER } = componentNames;
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.REMOVE_FILTER,
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * Remove a filter from an image
15 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
16 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
17 - * @returns {Promise}
18 - */
19 - execute(graphics, type) {
20 - const filterComp = graphics.getComponent(FILTER);
21 -
22 - this.undoData.options = filterComp.getOptions(type);
23 -
24 - return filterComp.remove(type);
25 - },
26 - /**
27 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
28 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
29 - * @returns {Promise}
30 - */
31 - undo(graphics, type) {
32 - const filterComp = graphics.getComponent(FILTER);
33 - const { options } = this.undoData;
34 -
35 - return filterComp.add(type, options);
36 - },
37 -};
38 -
39 -commandFactory.register(command);
40 -
41 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Remove an object
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.REMOVE_OBJECT,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Remove an object
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @param {number} id - object id
16 - * @returns {Promise}
17 - */
18 - execute(graphics, id) {
19 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
20 - this.undoData.objects = graphics.removeObjectById(id);
21 - if (this.undoData.objects.length) {
22 - resolve();
23 - } else {
24 - reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
25 - }
26 - });
27 - },
28 - /**
29 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
30 - * @returns {Promise}
31 - */
32 - undo(graphics) {
33 - graphics.add(this.undoData.objects);
34 -
35 - return Promise.resolve();
36 - },
37 -};
38 -
39 -commandFactory.register(command);
40 -
41 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Resize a canvas
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.RESIZE_CANVAS_DIMENSION,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * resize the canvas with given dimension
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @param {{width: number, height: number}} dimension - Max width & height
16 - * @returns {Promise}
17 - */
18 - execute(graphics, dimension) {
19 - return new Promise((resolve) => {
20 - this.undoData.size = {
21 - width: graphics.cssMaxWidth,
22 - height: graphics.cssMaxHeight,
23 - };
24 -
25 - graphics.setCssMaxDimension(dimension);
26 - graphics.adjustCanvasDimension();
27 - resolve();
28 - });
29 - },
30 - /**
31 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
32 - * @returns {Promise}
33 - */
34 - undo(graphics) {
35 - graphics.setCssMaxDimension(this.undoData.size);
36 - graphics.adjustCanvasDimension();
37 -
38 - return Promise.resolve();
39 - },
40 -};
41 -
42 -commandFactory.register(command);
43 -
44 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Rotate an image
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { componentNames, commandNames } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -const { ROTATION } = componentNames;
9 -
10 -/**
11 - * Chched data for undo
12 - * @type {Object}
13 - */
14 -let chchedUndoDataForSilent = null;
15 -
16 -/**
17 - * Make undo data
18 - * @param {Component} rotationComp - rotation component
19 - * @returns {object} - undodata
20 - */
21 -function makeUndoData(rotationComp) {
22 - return {
23 - angle: rotationComp.getCurrentAngle(),
24 - };
25 -}
26 -
27 -const command = {
28 - name: commandNames.ROTATE_IMAGE,
29 -
30 - /**
31 - * Rotate an image
32 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
33 - * @param {string} type - 'rotate' or 'setAngle'
34 - * @param {number} angle - angle value (degree)
35 - * @param {boolean} isSilent - is silent execution or not
36 - * @returns {Promise}
37 - */
38 - execute(graphics, type, angle, isSilent) {
39 - const rotationComp = graphics.getComponent(ROTATION);
40 -
41 - if (!this.isRedo) {
42 - const undoData = makeUndoData(rotationComp);
43 -
44 - chchedUndoDataForSilent = this.setUndoData(undoData, chchedUndoDataForSilent, isSilent);
45 - }
46 -
47 - return rotationComp[type](angle);
48 - },
49 - /**
50 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
51 - * @returns {Promise}
52 - */
53 - undo(graphics) {
54 - const rotationComp = graphics.getComponent(ROTATION);
55 - const [, type, angle] = this.args;
56 -
57 - if (type === 'setAngle') {
58 - return rotationComp[type](this.undoData.angle);
59 - }
60 -
61 - return rotationComp.rotate(-angle);
62 - },
63 -};
64 -
65 -commandFactory.register(command);
66 -
67 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Set object properties
4 - */
5 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import { commandNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -const command = {
10 - name: commandNames.SET_OBJECT_POSITION,
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * Set object properties
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @param {number} id - object id
16 - * @param {Object} posInfo - position object
17 - * @param {number} posInfo.x - x position
18 - * @param {number} posInfo.y - y position
19 - * @param {string} posInfo.originX - can be 'left', 'center', 'right'
20 - * @param {string} posInfo.originY - can be 'top', 'center', 'bottom'
21 - * @returns {Promise}
22 - */
23 - execute(graphics, id, posInfo) {
24 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
25 -
26 - if (!targetObj) {
27 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
28 - }
29 -
30 - this.undoData.objectId = id;
31 - this.undoData.props = graphics.getObjectProperties(id, ['left', 'top']);
32 -
33 - graphics.setObjectPosition(id, posInfo);
34 - graphics.renderAll();
35 -
36 - return Promise.resolve();
37 - },
38 - /**
39 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
40 - * @returns {Promise}
41 - */
42 - undo(graphics) {
43 - const { objectId, props } = this.undoData;
44 -
45 - graphics.setObjectProperties(objectId, props);
46 - graphics.renderAll();
47 -
48 - return Promise.resolve();
49 - },
50 -};
51 -
52 -commandFactory.register(command);
53 -
54 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Set object properties
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import commandFactory from '../factory/command';
7 -import { Promise } from '../util';
8 -import { commandNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
9 -
10 -const command = {
11 - name: commandNames.SET_OBJECT_PROPERTIES,
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * Set object properties
15 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
16 - * @param {number} id - object id
17 - * @param {Object} props - properties
18 - * @param {string} [props.fill] Color
19 - * @param {string} [props.fontFamily] Font type for text
20 - * @param {number} [props.fontSize] Size
21 - * @param {string} [props.fontStyle] Type of inclination (normal / italic)
22 - * @param {string} [props.fontWeight] Type of thicker or thinner looking (normal / bold)
23 - * @param {string} [props.textAlign] Type of text align (left / center / right)
24 - * @param {string} [props.textDecoration] Type of line (underline / line-through / overline)
25 - * @returns {Promise}
26 - */
27 - execute(graphics, id, props) {
28 - const targetObj = graphics.getObject(id);
29 -
30 - if (!targetObj) {
31 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.noObject);
32 - }
33 -
34 - this.undoData.props = {};
35 - snippet.forEachOwnProperties(props, (value, key) => {
36 - this.undoData.props[key] = targetObj[key];
37 - });
38 -
39 - graphics.setObjectProperties(id, props);
40 -
41 - return Promise.resolve();
42 - },
43 - /**
44 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
45 - * @param {number} id - object id
46 - * @returns {Promise}
47 - */
48 - undo(graphics, id) {
49 - const { props } = this.undoData;
50 -
51 - graphics.setObjectProperties(id, props);
52 -
53 - return Promise.resolve();
54 - },
55 -};
56 -
57 -commandFactory.register(command);
58 -
59 -export default command;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Image crop module (start cropping, end cropping)
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import fabric from 'fabric';
7 -import Component from '../interface/component';
8 -import Cropzone from '../extension/cropzone';
9 -import { keyCodes, componentNames, CROPZONE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS } from '../consts';
10 -import { clamp, fixFloatingPoint } from '../util';
11 -
12 -const MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD = 10;
13 -const DEFAULT_OPTION = {
14 - presetRatio: null,
15 - top: -10,
16 - left: -10,
17 - height: 1,
18 - width: 1,
19 -};
20 -
21 -/**
22 - * Cropper components
23 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
24 - * @extends {Component}
25 - * @class Cropper
26 - * @ignore
27 - */
28 -class Cropper extends Component {
29 - constructor(graphics) {
30 - super(componentNames.CROPPER, graphics);
31 -
32 - /**
33 - * Cropzone
34 - * @type {Cropzone}
35 - * @private
36 - */
37 - this._cropzone = null;
38 -
39 - /**
40 - * StartX of Cropzone
41 - * @type {number}
42 - * @private
43 - */
44 - this._startX = null;
45 -
46 - /**
47 - * StartY of Cropzone
48 - * @type {number}
49 - * @private
50 - */
51 - this._startY = null;
52 -
53 - /**
54 - * State whether shortcut key is pressed or not
55 - * @type {boolean}
56 - * @private
57 - */
58 - this._withShiftKey = false;
59 -
60 - /**
61 - * Listeners
62 - * @type {object.<string, function>}
63 - * @private
64 - */
65 - this._listeners = {
66 - keydown: this._onKeyDown.bind(this),
67 - keyup: this._onKeyUp.bind(this),
68 - mousedown: this._onFabricMouseDown.bind(this),
69 - mousemove: this._onFabricMouseMove.bind(this),
70 - mouseup: this._onFabricMouseUp.bind(this),
71 - };
72 - }
73 -
74 - /**
75 - * Start cropping
76 - */
77 - start() {
78 - if (this._cropzone) {
79 - return;
80 - }
81 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
82 -
83 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
84 - // {@link http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Object.html#evented}
85 - obj.evented = false;
86 - });
87 -
88 - this._cropzone = new Cropzone(
89 - canvas,
90 - snippet.extend(
91 - {
92 - left: 0,
93 - top: 0,
94 - width: 0.5,
95 - height: 0.5,
96 - strokeWidth: 0, // {@link https://github.com/kangax/fabric.js/issues/2860}
97 - cornerSize: 10,
98 - cornerColor: 'black',
99 - fill: 'transparent',
100 - },
102 - this.graphics.cropSelectionStyle
103 - )
104 - );
105 -
106 - canvas.discardActiveObject();
107 - canvas.add(this._cropzone);
108 - canvas.on('mouse:down', this._listeners.mousedown);
109 - canvas.selection = false;
110 - canvas.defaultCursor = 'crosshair';
111 -
112 - fabric.util.addListener(document, 'keydown', this._listeners.keydown);
113 - fabric.util.addListener(document, 'keyup', this._listeners.keyup);
114 - }
115 -
116 - /**
117 - * End cropping
118 - */
119 - end() {
120 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
121 - const cropzone = this._cropzone;
122 -
123 - if (!cropzone) {
124 - return;
125 - }
126 - canvas.remove(cropzone);
127 - canvas.selection = true;
128 - canvas.defaultCursor = 'default';
129 - canvas.off('mouse:down', this._listeners.mousedown);
130 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
131 - obj.evented = true;
132 - });
133 -
134 - this._cropzone = null;
135 -
136 - fabric.util.removeListener(document, 'keydown', this._listeners.keydown);
137 - fabric.util.removeListener(document, 'keyup', this._listeners.keyup);
138 - }
139 -
140 - /**
141 - * Change cropzone visible
142 - * @param {boolean} visible - cropzone visible state
143 - */
144 - changeVisibility(visible) {
145 - if (this._cropzone) {
146 - this._cropzone.set({ visible });
147 - }
148 - }
149 -
150 - /**
151 - * onMousedown handler in fabric canvas
152 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event
153 - * @private
154 - */
155 - _onFabricMouseDown(fEvent) {
156 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
157 -
158 - if (fEvent.target) {
159 - return;
160 - }
161 -
162 - canvas.selection = false;
163 - const coord = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
164 -
165 - this._startX = coord.x;
166 - this._startY = coord.y;
167 -
168 - canvas.on({
169 - 'mouse:move': this._listeners.mousemove,
170 - 'mouse:up': this._listeners.mouseup,
171 - });
172 - }
173 -
174 - /**
175 - * onMousemove handler in fabric canvas
176 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event
177 - * @private
178 - */
179 - _onFabricMouseMove(fEvent) {
180 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
181 - const pointer = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
182 - const { x, y } = pointer;
183 - const cropzone = this._cropzone;
184 -
185 - if (Math.abs(x - this._startX) + Math.abs(y - this._startY) > MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD) {
186 - canvas.remove(cropzone);
187 - cropzone.set(this._calcRectDimensionFromPoint(x, y));
188 -
189 - canvas.add(cropzone);
190 - canvas.setActiveObject(cropzone);
191 - }
192 - }
193 -
194 - /**
195 - * Get rect dimension setting from Canvas-Mouse-Position(x, y)
196 - * @param {number} x - Canvas-Mouse-Position x
197 - * @param {number} y - Canvas-Mouse-Position Y
198 - * @returns {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}}
199 - * @private
200 - */
201 - _calcRectDimensionFromPoint(x, y) {
202 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
203 - const canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
204 - const canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
205 - const startX = this._startX;
206 - const startY = this._startY;
207 - let left = clamp(x, 0, startX);
208 - let top = clamp(y, 0, startY);
209 - let width = clamp(x, startX, canvasWidth) - left; // (startX <= x(mouse) <= canvasWidth) - left
210 - let height = clamp(y, startY, canvasHeight) - top; // (startY <= y(mouse) <= canvasHeight) - top
211 -
212 - if (this._withShiftKey) {
213 - // make fixed ratio cropzone
214 - if (width > height) {
215 - height = width;
216 - } else if (height > width) {
217 - width = height;
218 - }
219 -
220 - if (startX >= x) {
221 - left = startX - width;
222 - }
223 -
224 - if (startY >= y) {
225 - top = startY - height;
226 - }
227 - }
228 -
229 - return {
230 - left,
231 - top,
232 - width,
233 - height,
234 - };
235 - }
236 -
237 - /**
238 - * onMouseup handler in fabric canvas
239 - * @private
240 - */
241 - _onFabricMouseUp() {
242 - const cropzone = this._cropzone;
243 - const listeners = this._listeners;
244 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
245 -
246 - canvas.setActiveObject(cropzone);
247 - canvas.off({
248 - 'mouse:move': listeners.mousemove,
249 - 'mouse:up': listeners.mouseup,
250 - });
251 - }
252 -
253 - /**
254 - * Get cropped image data
255 - * @param {Object} cropRect cropzone rect
256 - * @param {Number} cropRect.left left position
257 - * @param {Number} cropRect.top top position
258 - * @param {Number} cropRect.width width
259 - * @param {Number} cropRect.height height
260 - * @returns {?{imageName: string, url: string}} cropped Image data
261 - */
262 - getCroppedImageData(cropRect) {
263 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
264 - const containsCropzone = canvas.contains(this._cropzone);
265 - if (!cropRect) {
266 - return null;
267 - }
268 -
269 - if (containsCropzone) {
270 - canvas.remove(this._cropzone);
271 - }
272 -
273 - const imageData = {
274 - imageName: this.getImageName(),
275 - url: canvas.toDataURL(cropRect),
276 - };
277 -
278 - if (containsCropzone) {
279 - canvas.add(this._cropzone);
280 - }
281 -
282 - return imageData;
283 - }
284 -
285 - /**
286 - * Get cropped rect
287 - * @returns {Object} rect
288 - */
289 - getCropzoneRect() {
290 - const cropzone = this._cropzone;
291 -
292 - if (!cropzone.isValid()) {
293 - return null;
294 - }
295 -
296 - return {
297 - left: cropzone.left,
298 - top: cropzone.top,
299 - width: cropzone.width,
300 - height: cropzone.height,
301 - };
302 - }
303 -
304 - /**
305 - * Set a cropzone square
306 - * @param {number} [presetRatio] - preset ratio
307 - */
308 - setCropzoneRect(presetRatio) {
309 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
310 - const cropzone = this._cropzone;
311 -
312 - canvas.discardActiveObject();
313 - canvas.selection = false;
314 - canvas.remove(cropzone);
315 -
316 - cropzone.set(presetRatio ? this._getPresetPropertiesForCropSize(presetRatio) : DEFAULT_OPTION);
317 -
318 - canvas.add(cropzone);
319 - canvas.selection = true;
320 -
321 - if (presetRatio) {
322 - canvas.setActiveObject(cropzone);
323 - }
324 - }
325 -
326 - /**
327 - * get a cropzone square info
328 - * @param {number} presetRatio - preset ratio
329 - * @returns {{presetRatio: number, left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}}
330 - * @private
331 - */
332 - _getPresetPropertiesForCropSize(presetRatio) {
333 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
334 - const originalWidth = canvas.getWidth();
335 - const originalHeight = canvas.getHeight();
336 -
337 - const standardSize = originalWidth >= originalHeight ? originalWidth : originalHeight;
338 - const getScale = (value, orignalValue) => (value > orignalValue ? orignalValue / value : 1);
339 -
340 - let width = standardSize * presetRatio;
341 - let height = standardSize;
342 -
343 - const scaleWidth = getScale(width, originalWidth);
344 - [width, height] = snippet.map([width, height], (sizeValue) => sizeValue * scaleWidth);
345 -
346 - const scaleHeight = getScale(height, originalHeight);
347 - [width, height] = snippet.map([width, height], (sizeValue) =>
348 - fixFloatingPoint(sizeValue * scaleHeight)
349 - );
350 -
351 - return {
352 - presetRatio,
353 - top: (originalHeight - height) / 2,
354 - left: (originalWidth - width) / 2,
355 - width,
356 - height,
357 - };
358 - }
359 -
360 - /**
361 - * Keydown event handler
362 - * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Event object
363 - * @private
364 - */
365 - _onKeyDown(e) {
366 - if (e.keyCode === keyCodes.SHIFT) {
367 - this._withShiftKey = true;
368 - }
369 - }
370 -
371 - /**
372 - * Keyup event handler
373 - * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Event object
374 - * @private
375 - */
376 - _onKeyUp(e) {
377 - if (e.keyCode === keyCodes.SHIFT) {
378 - this._withShiftKey = false;
379 - }
380 - }
381 -}
382 -
383 -export default Cropper;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add filter module
4 - */
5 -import { isUndefined, extend, forEach, filter } from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import fabric from 'fabric';
8 -import Component from '../interface/component';
9 -import Mask from '../extension/mask';
10 -import { rejectMessages, componentNames } from '../consts';
11 -import Sharpen from '../extension/sharpen';
12 -import Emboss from '../extension/emboss';
13 -import ColorFilter from '../extension/colorFilter';
14 -
15 -const { filters } = fabric.Image;
16 -filters.Mask = Mask;
17 -filters.Sharpen = Sharpen;
18 -filters.Emboss = Emboss;
19 -filters.ColorFilter = ColorFilter;
20 -
21 -/**
22 - * Filter
23 - * @class Filter
24 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
25 - * @extends {Component}
26 - * @ignore
27 - */
28 -class Filter extends Component {
29 - constructor(graphics) {
30 - super(componentNames.FILTER, graphics);
31 - }
32 -
33 - /**
34 - * Add filter to source image (a specific filter is added on fabric.js)
35 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
36 - * @param {Object} [options] - Options of filter
37 - * @returns {Promise}
38 - */
39 - add(type, options) {
40 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
41 - const sourceImg = this._getSourceImage();
42 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
43 - let imgFilter = this._getFilter(sourceImg, type);
44 - if (!imgFilter) {
45 - imgFilter = this._createFilter(sourceImg, type, options);
46 - }
47 -
48 - if (!imgFilter) {
49 - reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters);
50 - }
51 -
52 - this._changeFilterValues(imgFilter, options);
53 -
54 - this._apply(sourceImg, () => {
55 - canvas.renderAll();
56 - resolve({
57 - type,
58 - action: 'add',
59 - options,
60 - });
61 - });
62 - });
63 - }
64 -
65 - /**
66 - * Remove filter to source image
67 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
68 - * @returns {Promise}
69 - */
70 - remove(type) {
71 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
72 - const sourceImg = this._getSourceImage();
73 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
74 - const options = this.getOptions(type);
75 -
76 - if (!sourceImg.filters.length) {
77 - reject(rejectMessages.unsupportedOperation);
78 - }
79 -
80 - this._removeFilter(sourceImg, type);
81 -
82 - this._apply(sourceImg, () => {
83 - canvas.renderAll();
84 - resolve({
85 - type,
86 - action: 'remove',
87 - options,
88 - });
89 - });
90 - });
91 - }
92 -
93 - /**
94 - * Whether this has the filter or not
95 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
96 - * @returns {boolean} true if it has the filter
97 - */
98 - hasFilter(type) {
99 - return !!this._getFilter(this._getSourceImage(), type);
100 - }
101 -
102 - /**
103 - * Get a filter options
104 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
105 - * @returns {Object} filter options or null if there is no that filter
106 - */
107 - getOptions(type) {
108 - const sourceImg = this._getSourceImage();
109 - const imgFilter = this._getFilter(sourceImg, type);
110 - if (!imgFilter) {
111 - return null;
112 - }
113 -
114 - return extend({}, imgFilter.options);
115 - }
116 -
117 - /**
118 - * Change filter values
119 - * @param {Object} imgFilter object of filter
120 - * @param {Object} options object
121 - * @private
122 - */
123 - _changeFilterValues(imgFilter, options) {
124 - forEach(options, (value, key) => {
125 - if (!isUndefined(imgFilter[key])) {
126 - imgFilter[key] = value;
127 - }
128 - });
129 - forEach(imgFilter.options, (value, key) => {
130 - if (!isUndefined(options[key])) {
131 - imgFilter.options[key] = options[key];
132 - }
133 - });
134 - }
135 -
136 - /**
137 - * Apply filter
138 - * @param {fabric.Image} sourceImg - Source image to apply filter
139 - * @param {function} callback - Executed function after applying filter
140 - * @private
141 - */
142 - _apply(sourceImg, callback) {
143 - sourceImg.filters.push();
144 - const result = sourceImg.applyFilters();
145 - if (result) {
146 - callback();
147 - }
148 - }
149 -
150 - /**
151 - * Get source image on canvas
152 - * @returns {fabric.Image} Current source image on canvas
153 - * @private
154 - */
155 - _getSourceImage() {
156 - return this.getCanvasImage();
157 - }
158 -
159 - /**
160 - * Create filter instance
161 - * @param {fabric.Image} sourceImg - Source image to apply filter
162 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
163 - * @param {Object} [options] - Options of filter
164 - * @returns {Object} Fabric object of filter
165 - * @private
166 - */
167 - _createFilter(sourceImg, type, options) {
168 - let filterObj;
169 - // capitalize first letter for matching with fabric image filter name
170 - const fabricType = this._getFabricFilterType(type);
171 - const ImageFilter = fabric.Image.filters[fabricType];
172 - if (ImageFilter) {
173 - filterObj = new ImageFilter(options);
174 - filterObj.options = options;
175 - sourceImg.filters.push(filterObj);
176 - }
177 -
178 - return filterObj;
179 - }
180 -
181 - /**
182 - * Get applied filter instance
183 - * @param {fabric.Image} sourceImg - Source image to apply filter
184 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
185 - * @returns {Object} Fabric object of filter
186 - * @private
187 - */
188 - _getFilter(sourceImg, type) {
189 - let imgFilter = null;
190 -
191 - if (sourceImg) {
192 - const fabricType = this._getFabricFilterType(type);
193 - const { length } = sourceImg.filters;
194 - let item, i;
195 -
196 - for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
197 - item = sourceImg.filters[i];
198 - if (item.type === fabricType) {
199 - imgFilter = item;
200 - break;
201 - }
202 - }
203 - }
204 -
205 - return imgFilter;
206 - }
207 -
208 - /**
209 - * Remove applied filter instance
210 - * @param {fabric.Image} sourceImg - Source image to apply filter
211 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
212 - * @private
213 - */
214 - _removeFilter(sourceImg, type) {
215 - const fabricType = this._getFabricFilterType(type);
216 - sourceImg.filters = filter(sourceImg.filters, (value) => value.type !== fabricType);
217 - }
218 -
219 - /**
220 - * Change filter class name to fabric's, especially capitalizing first letter
221 - * @param {string} type - Filter type
222 - * @example
223 - * 'grayscale' -> 'Grayscale'
224 - * @returns {string} Fabric filter class name
225 - */
226 - _getFabricFilterType(type) {
227 - return type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1);
228 - }
229 -}
230 -
231 -export default Filter;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Image flip module
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import Component from '../interface/component';
8 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
9 -
10 -/**
11 - * Flip
12 - * @class Flip
13 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
14 - * @extends {Component}
15 - * @ignore
16 - */
17 -class Flip extends Component {
18 - constructor(graphics) {
19 - super(componentNames.FLIP, graphics);
20 - }
21 -
22 - /**
23 - * Get current flip settings
24 - * @returns {{flipX: Boolean, flipY: Boolean}}
25 - */
26 - getCurrentSetting() {
27 - const canvasImage = this.getCanvasImage();
28 -
29 - return {
30 - flipX: canvasImage.flipX,
31 - flipY: canvasImage.flipY,
32 - };
33 - }
34 -
35 - /**
36 - * Set flipX, flipY
37 - * @param {{flipX: Boolean, flipY: Boolean}} newSetting - Flip setting
38 - * @returns {Promise}
39 - */
40 - set(newSetting) {
41 - const setting = this.getCurrentSetting();
42 - const isChangingFlipX = setting.flipX !== newSetting.flipX;
43 - const isChangingFlipY = setting.flipY !== newSetting.flipY;
44 -
45 - if (!isChangingFlipX && !isChangingFlipY) {
46 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.flip);
47 - }
48 -
49 - snippet.extend(setting, newSetting);
50 - this.setImageProperties(setting, true);
51 - this._invertAngle(isChangingFlipX, isChangingFlipY);
52 - this._flipObjects(isChangingFlipX, isChangingFlipY);
53 -
54 - return Promise.resolve({
55 - flipX: setting.flipX,
56 - flipY: setting.flipY,
57 - angle: this.getCanvasImage().angle,
58 - });
59 - }
60 -
61 - /**
62 - * Invert image angle for flip
63 - * @param {boolean} isChangingFlipX - Change flipX
64 - * @param {boolean} isChangingFlipY - Change flipY
65 - */
66 - _invertAngle(isChangingFlipX, isChangingFlipY) {
67 - const canvasImage = this.getCanvasImage();
68 - let { angle } = canvasImage;
69 -
70 - if (isChangingFlipX) {
71 - angle *= -1;
72 - }
73 - if (isChangingFlipY) {
74 - angle *= -1;
75 - }
76 - canvasImage.rotate(parseFloat(angle)).setCoords(); // parseFloat for -0 to 0
77 - }
78 -
79 - /**
80 - * Flip objects
81 - * @param {boolean} isChangingFlipX - Change flipX
82 - * @param {boolean} isChangingFlipY - Change flipY
83 - * @private
84 - */
85 - _flipObjects(isChangingFlipX, isChangingFlipY) {
86 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
87 -
88 - if (isChangingFlipX) {
89 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
90 - obj
91 - .set({
92 - angle: parseFloat(obj.angle * -1), // parseFloat for -0 to 0
93 - flipX: !obj.flipX,
94 - left: canvas.width - obj.left,
95 - })
96 - .setCoords();
97 - });
98 - }
99 - if (isChangingFlipY) {
100 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
101 - obj
102 - .set({
103 - angle: parseFloat(obj.angle * -1), // parseFloat for -0 to 0
104 - flipY: !obj.flipY,
105 - top: canvas.height - obj.top,
106 - })
107 - .setCoords();
108 - });
109 - }
110 - canvas.renderAll();
111 - }
112 -
113 - /**
114 - * Reset flip settings
115 - * @returns {Promise}
116 - */
117 - reset() {
118 - return this.set({
119 - flipX: false,
120 - flipY: false,
121 - });
122 - }
123 -
124 - /**
125 - * Flip x
126 - * @returns {Promise}
127 - */
128 - flipX() {
129 - const current = this.getCurrentSetting();
130 -
131 - return this.set({
132 - flipX: !current.flipX,
133 - flipY: current.flipY,
134 - });
135 - }
136 -
137 - /**
138 - * Flip y
139 - * @returns {Promise}
140 - */
141 - flipY() {
142 - const current = this.getCurrentSetting();
143 -
144 - return this.set({
145 - flipX: current.flipX,
146 - flipY: !current.flipY,
147 - });
148 - }
149 -}
150 -
151 -export default Flip;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Free drawing module, Set brush
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -import Component from '../interface/component';
7 -import { componentNames } from '../consts';
8 -
9 -/**
10 - * FreeDrawing
11 - * @class FreeDrawing
12 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
13 - * @extends {Component}
14 - * @ignore
15 - */
16 -class FreeDrawing extends Component {
17 - constructor(graphics) {
18 - super(componentNames.FREE_DRAWING, graphics);
19 -
20 - /**
21 - * Brush width
22 - * @type {number}
23 - */
24 - this.width = 12;
25 -
26 - /**
27 - * fabric.Color instance for brush color
28 - * @type {fabric.Color}
29 - */
30 - this.oColor = new fabric.Color('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
31 - }
32 -
33 - /**
34 - * Start free drawing mode
35 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [setting] - Brush width & color
36 - */
37 - start(setting) {
38 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
39 -
40 - canvas.isDrawingMode = true;
41 - this.setBrush(setting);
42 - }
43 -
44 - /**
45 - * Set brush
46 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [setting] - Brush width & color
47 - */
48 - setBrush(setting) {
49 - const brush = this.getCanvas().freeDrawingBrush;
50 -
51 - setting = setting || {};
52 - this.width = setting.width || this.width;
53 - if (setting.color) {
54 - this.oColor = new fabric.Color(setting.color);
55 - }
56 - brush.width = this.width;
57 - brush.color = this.oColor.toRgba();
58 - }
59 -
60 - /**
61 - * End free drawing mode
62 - */
63 - end() {
64 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
65 -
66 - canvas.isDrawingMode = false;
67 - }
68 -}
69 -
70 -export default FreeDrawing;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Add icon module
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
7 -import { Promise } from '../util';
8 -import Component from '../interface/component';
9 -import { eventNames as events, rejectMessages, componentNames, fObjectOptions } from '../consts';
10 -
11 -const pathMap = {
12 - arrow: 'M 0 90 H 105 V 120 L 160 60 L 105 0 V 30 H 0 Z',
13 - cancel:
14 - 'M 0 30 L 30 60 L 0 90 L 30 120 L 60 90 L 90 120 L 120 90 ' +
15 - 'L 90 60 L 120 30 L 90 0 L 60 30 L 30 0 Z',
16 -};
17 -
18 -/**
19 - * Icon
20 - * @class Icon
21 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
22 - * @extends {Component}
23 - * @ignore
24 - */
25 -class Icon extends Component {
26 - constructor(graphics) {
27 - super(componentNames.ICON, graphics);
28 -
29 - /**
30 - * Default icon color
31 - * @type {string}
32 - */
33 - this._oColor = '#000000';
34 -
35 - /**
36 - * Path value of each icon type
37 - * @type {Object}
38 - */
39 - this._pathMap = pathMap;
40 -
41 - /**
42 - * Type of the drawing icon
43 - * @type {string}
44 - * @private
45 - */
46 - this._type = null;
47 -
48 - /**
49 - * Color of the drawing icon
50 - * @type {string}
51 - * @private
52 - */
53 - this._iconColor = null;
54 -
55 - /**
56 - * Event handler list
57 - * @type {Object}
58 - * @private
59 - */
60 - this._handlers = {
61 - mousedown: this._onFabricMouseDown.bind(this),
62 - mousemove: this._onFabricMouseMove.bind(this),
63 - mouseup: this._onFabricMouseUp.bind(this),
64 - };
65 - }
66 -
67 - /**
68 - * Set states of the current drawing shape
69 - * @ignore
70 - * @param {string} type - Icon type ('arrow', 'cancel', custom icon name)
71 - * @param {string} iconColor - Icon foreground color
72 - */
73 - setStates(type, iconColor) {
74 - this._type = type;
75 - this._iconColor = iconColor;
76 - }
77 -
78 - /**
79 - * Start to draw the icon on canvas
80 - * @ignore
81 - */
82 - start() {
83 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
84 - canvas.selection = false;
85 - canvas.on('mouse:down', this._handlers.mousedown);
86 - }
87 -
88 - /**
89 - * End to draw the icon on canvas
90 - * @ignore
91 - */
92 - end() {
93 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
94 -
95 - canvas.selection = true;
96 - canvas.off({
97 - 'mouse:down': this._handlers.mousedown,
98 - });
99 - }
100 -
101 - /**
102 - * Add icon
103 - * @param {string} type - Icon type
104 - * @param {Object} options - Icon options
105 - * @param {string} [options.fill] - Icon foreground color
106 - * @param {string} [options.left] - Icon x position
107 - * @param {string} [options.top] - Icon y position
108 - * @returns {Promise}
109 - */
110 - add(type, options) {
111 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
112 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
113 - const path = this._pathMap[type];
114 - const selectionStyle = fObjectOptions.SELECTION_STYLE;
115 - const icon = path ? this._createIcon(path) : null;
116 - this._icon = icon;
117 -
118 - if (!icon) {
119 - reject(rejectMessages.invalidParameters);
120 - }
121 -
122 - icon.set(
123 - snippet.extend(
124 - {
125 - type: 'icon',
126 - fill: this._oColor,
127 - },
128 - selectionStyle,
129 - options,
130 - this.graphics.controlStyle
131 - )
132 - );
133 -
134 - canvas.add(icon).setActiveObject(icon);
135 -
136 - resolve(this.graphics.createObjectProperties(icon));
137 - });
138 - }
139 -
140 - /**
141 - * Register icon paths
142 - * @param {{key: string, value: string}} pathInfos - Path infos
143 - */
144 - registerPaths(pathInfos) {
145 - snippet.forEach(
146 - pathInfos,
147 - (path, type) => {
148 - this._pathMap[type] = path;
149 - },
150 - this
151 - );
152 - }
153 -
154 - /**
155 - * Set icon object color
156 - * @param {string} color - Color to set
157 - * @param {fabric.Path}[obj] - Current activated path object
158 - */
159 - setColor(color, obj) {
160 - this._oColor = color;
161 -
162 - if (obj && obj.get('type') === 'icon') {
163 - obj.set({ fill: this._oColor });
164 - this.getCanvas().renderAll();
165 - }
166 - }
167 -
168 - /**
169 - * Get icon color
170 - * @param {fabric.Path}[obj] - Current activated path object
171 - * @returns {string} color
172 - */
173 - getColor(obj) {
174 - return obj.fill;
175 - }
176 -
177 - /**
178 - * Create icon object
179 - * @param {string} path - Path value to create icon
180 - * @returns {fabric.Path} Path object
181 - */
182 - _createIcon(path) {
183 - return new fabric.Path(path);
184 - }
185 -
186 - /**
187 - * MouseDown event handler on canvas
188 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event object
189 - * @private
190 - */
191 - _onFabricMouseDown(fEvent) {
192 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
193 -
194 - this._startPoint = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
195 - const { x: left, y: top } = this._startPoint;
196 -
197 - this.add(this._type, {
198 - left,
199 - top,
200 - fill: this._iconColor,
201 - }).then(() => {
202 - this.fire(events.ADD_OBJECT, this.graphics.createObjectProperties(this._icon));
203 - canvas.on('mouse:move', this._handlers.mousemove);
204 - canvas.on('mouse:up', this._handlers.mouseup);
205 - });
206 - }
207 -
208 - /**
209 - * MouseMove event handler on canvas
210 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event object
211 - * @private
212 - */
213 - _onFabricMouseMove(fEvent) {
214 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
215 -
216 - if (!this._icon) {
217 - return;
218 - }
219 - const moveOriginPointer = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
220 -
221 - const scaleX = (moveOriginPointer.x - this._startPoint.x) / this._icon.width;
222 - const scaleY = (moveOriginPointer.y - this._startPoint.y) / this._icon.height;
223 -
224 - this._icon.set({
225 - scaleX: Math.abs(scaleX * 2),
226 - scaleY: Math.abs(scaleY * 2),
227 - });
228 -
229 - this._icon.setCoords();
230 - canvas.renderAll();
231 - }
232 -
233 - /**
234 - * MouseUp event handler on canvas
235 - * @private
236 - */
237 - _onFabricMouseUp() {
238 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
239 -
240 - this.fire(events.OBJECT_ADDED, this.graphics.createObjectProperties(this._icon));
241 -
242 - this._icon = null;
243 -
244 - canvas.off('mouse:down', this._handlers.mousedown);
245 - canvas.off('mouse:move', this._handlers.mousemove);
246 - canvas.off('mouse:up', this._handlers.mouseup);
247 - }
248 -}
249 -
250 -export default Icon;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Image loader
4 - */
5 -import Component from '../interface/component';
6 -import { componentNames, rejectMessages } from '../consts';
7 -import { Promise } from '../util';
8 -
9 -const imageOption = {
10 - padding: 0,
11 - crossOrigin: 'Anonymous',
12 -};
13 -
14 -/**
15 - * ImageLoader components
16 - * @extends {Component}
17 - * @class ImageLoader
18 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
19 - * @ignore
20 - */
21 -class ImageLoader extends Component {
22 - constructor(graphics) {
23 - super(componentNames.IMAGE_LOADER, graphics);
24 - }
25 -
26 - /**
27 - * Load image from url
28 - * @param {?string} imageName - File name
29 - * @param {?(fabric.Image|string)} img - fabric.Image instance or URL of an image
30 - * @returns {Promise}
31 - */
32 - load(imageName, img) {
33 - let promise;
34 -
35 - if (!imageName && !img) {
36 - // Back to the initial state, not error.
37 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
38 -
39 - canvas.backgroundImage = null;
40 - canvas.renderAll();
41 -
42 - promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
43 - this.setCanvasImage('', null);
44 - resolve();
45 - });
46 - } else {
47 - promise = this._setBackgroundImage(img).then((oImage) => {
48 - this.setCanvasImage(imageName, oImage);
49 - this.adjustCanvasDimension();
50 -
51 - return oImage;
52 - });
53 - }
54 -
55 - return promise;
56 - }
57 -
58 - /**
59 - * Set background image
60 - * @param {?(fabric.Image|String)} img fabric.Image instance or URL of an image to set background to
61 - * @returns {Promise}
62 - * @private
63 - */
64 - _setBackgroundImage(img) {
65 - if (!img) {
66 - return Promise.reject(rejectMessages.loadImage);
67 - }
68 -
69 - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
70 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
71 -
72 - canvas.setBackgroundImage(
73 - img,
74 - () => {
75 - const oImage = canvas.backgroundImage;
76 -
77 - if (oImage && oImage.getElement()) {
78 - resolve(oImage);
79 - } else {
80 - reject(rejectMessages.loadingImageFailed);
81 - }
82 - },
83 - imageOption
84 - );
85 - });
86 - }
87 -}
88 -
89 -export default ImageLoader;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Free drawing module, Set brush
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
7 -import Component from '../interface/component';
8 -import ArrowLine from '../extension/arrowLine';
9 -import { eventNames, componentNames, fObjectOptions } from '../consts';
10 -
11 -/**
12 - * Line
13 - * @class Line
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @extends {Component}
16 - * @ignore
17 - */
18 -class Line extends Component {
19 - constructor(graphics) {
20 - super(componentNames.LINE, graphics);
21 -
22 - /**
23 - * Brush width
24 - * @type {number}
25 - * @private
26 - */
27 - this._width = 12;
28 -
29 - /**
30 - * fabric.Color instance for brush color
31 - * @type {fabric.Color}
32 - * @private
33 - */
34 - this._oColor = new fabric.Color('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
35 -
36 - /**
37 - * Listeners
38 - * @type {object.<string, function>}
39 - * @private
40 - */
41 - this._listeners = {
42 - mousedown: this._onFabricMouseDown.bind(this),
43 - mousemove: this._onFabricMouseMove.bind(this),
44 - mouseup: this._onFabricMouseUp.bind(this),
45 - };
46 - }
47 -
48 - /**
49 - * Start drawing line mode
50 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [setting] - Brush width & color
51 - */
52 - setHeadOption(setting) {
53 - const {
54 - arrowType = {
55 - head: null,
56 - tail: null,
57 - },
58 - } = setting;
59 -
60 - this._arrowType = arrowType;
61 - }
62 -
63 - /**
64 - * Start drawing line mode
65 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [setting] - Brush width & color
66 - */
67 - start(setting = {}) {
68 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
69 -
70 - canvas.defaultCursor = 'crosshair';
71 - canvas.selection = false;
72 -
73 - this.setHeadOption(setting);
74 - this.setBrush(setting);
75 -
76 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
77 - obj.set({
78 - evented: false,
79 - });
80 - });
81 -
82 - canvas.on({
83 - 'mouse:down': this._listeners.mousedown,
84 - });
85 - }
86 -
87 - /**
88 - * Set brush
89 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [setting] - Brush width & color
90 - */
91 - setBrush(setting) {
92 - const brush = this.getCanvas().freeDrawingBrush;
93 -
94 - setting = setting || {};
95 - this._width = setting.width || this._width;
96 -
97 - if (setting.color) {
98 - this._oColor = new fabric.Color(setting.color);
99 - }
100 - brush.width = this._width;
101 - brush.color = this._oColor.toRgba();
102 - }
103 -
104 - /**
105 - * End drawing line mode
106 - */
107 - end() {
108 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
109 -
110 - canvas.defaultCursor = 'default';
111 - canvas.selection = true;
112 -
113 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
114 - obj.set({
115 - evented: true,
116 - });
117 - });
118 -
119 - canvas.off('mouse:down', this._listeners.mousedown);
120 - }
121 -
122 - /**
123 - * Mousedown event handler in fabric canvas
124 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event object
125 - * @private
126 - */
127 - _onFabricMouseDown(fEvent) {
128 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
129 - const { x, y } = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
130 - const points = [x, y, x, y];
131 -
132 - this._line = new ArrowLine(points, {
133 - stroke: this._oColor.toRgba(),
134 - strokeWidth: this._width,
135 - arrowType: this._arrowType,
136 - evented: false,
137 - });
138 -
139 - this._line.set(fObjectOptions.SELECTION_STYLE);
140 -
141 - canvas.add(this._line);
142 -
143 - canvas.on({
144 - 'mouse:move': this._listeners.mousemove,
145 - 'mouse:up': this._listeners.mouseup,
146 - });
147 -
148 - this.fire(eventNames.ADD_OBJECT, this._createLineEventObjectProperties());
149 - }
150 -
151 - /**
152 - * Mousemove event handler in fabric canvas
153 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event object
154 - * @private
155 - */
156 - _onFabricMouseMove(fEvent) {
157 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
158 - const pointer = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e);
159 -
160 - this._line.set({
161 - x2: pointer.x,
162 - y2: pointer.y,
163 - });
164 -
165 - this._line.setCoords();
166 -
167 - canvas.renderAll();
168 - }
169 -
170 - /**
171 - * Mouseup event handler in fabric canvas
172 - * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event object
173 - * @private
174 - */
175 - _onFabricMouseUp() {
176 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
177 -
178 - this.fire(eventNames.OBJECT_ADDED, this._createLineEventObjectProperties());
179 -
180 - this._line = null;
181 -
182 - canvas.off({
183 - 'mouse:move': this._listeners.mousemove,
184 - 'mouse:up': this._listeners.mouseup,
185 - });
186 - }
187 -
188 - /**
189 - * create line event object properties
190 - * @returns {Object} properties line object
191 - * @private
192 - */
193 - _createLineEventObjectProperties() {
194 - const params = this.graphics.createObjectProperties(this._line);
195 - const { x1, x2, y1, y2 } = this._line;
196 -
197 - return snippet.extend({}, params, {
198 - startPosition: {
199 - x: x1,
200 - y: y1,
201 - },
202 - endPosition: {
203 - x: x2,
204 - y: y2,
205 - },
206 - });
207 - }
208 -}
209 -
210 -export default Line;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Image rotation module
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -import { Promise } from '../util';
7 -import Component from '../interface/component';
8 -import { componentNames } from '../consts';
9 -
10 -/**
11 - * Image Rotation component
12 - * @class Rotation
13 - * @extends {Component}
14 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
15 - * @ignore
16 - */
17 -class Rotation extends Component {
18 - constructor(graphics) {
19 - super(componentNames.ROTATION, graphics);
20 - }
21 -
22 - /**
23 - * Get current angle
24 - * @returns {Number}
25 - */
26 - getCurrentAngle() {
27 - return this.getCanvasImage().angle;
28 - }
29 -
30 - /**
31 - * Set angle of the image
32 - *
33 - * Do not call "this.setImageProperties" for setting angle directly.
34 - * Before setting angle, The originX,Y of image should be set to center.
35 - * See "http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Object.html#setAngle"
36 - *
37 - * @param {number} angle - Angle value
38 - * @returns {Promise}
39 - */
40 - setAngle(angle) {
41 - const oldAngle = this.getCurrentAngle() % 360; // The angle is lower than 2*PI(===360 degrees)
42 -
43 - angle %= 360;
44 -
45 - const canvasImage = this.getCanvasImage();
46 - const oldImageCenter = canvasImage.getCenterPoint();
47 - canvasImage.set({ angle }).setCoords();
48 - this.adjustCanvasDimension();
49 - const newImageCenter = canvasImage.getCenterPoint();
50 - this._rotateForEachObject(oldImageCenter, newImageCenter, angle - oldAngle);
51 -
52 - return Promise.resolve(angle);
53 - }
54 -
55 - /**
56 - * Rotate for each object
57 - * @param {fabric.Point} oldImageCenter - Image center point before rotation
58 - * @param {fabric.Point} newImageCenter - Image center point after rotation
59 - * @param {number} angleDiff - Image angle difference after rotation
60 - * @private
61 - */
62 - _rotateForEachObject(oldImageCenter, newImageCenter, angleDiff) {
63 - const canvas = this.getCanvas();
64 - const centerDiff = {
65 - x: oldImageCenter.x - newImageCenter.x,
66 - y: oldImageCenter.y - newImageCenter.y,
67 - };
68 -
69 - canvas.forEachObject((obj) => {
70 - const objCenter = obj.getCenterPoint();
71 - const radian = fabric.util.degreesToRadians(angleDiff);
72 - const newObjCenter = fabric.util.rotatePoint(objCenter, oldImageCenter, radian);
73 -
74 - obj.set({
75 - left: newObjCenter.x - centerDiff.x,
76 - top: newObjCenter.y - centerDiff.y,
77 - angle: (obj.angle + angleDiff) % 360,
78 - });
79 - obj.setCoords();
80 - });
81 - canvas.renderAll();
82 - }
83 -
84 - /**
85 - * Rotate the image
86 - * @param {number} additionalAngle - Additional angle
87 - * @returns {Promise}
88 - */
89 - rotate(additionalAngle) {
90 - const current = this.getCurrentAngle();
91 -
92 - return this.setAngle(current + additionalAngle);
93 - }
94 -}
95 -
96 -export default Rotation;
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Constants
4 - */
5 -import { keyMirror } from './util';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * Editor help features
9 - * @type {Array.<string>}
10 - */
11 -export const HELP_MENUS = ['undo', 'redo', 'reset', 'delete', 'deleteAll'];
12 -
13 -/**
14 - * Filter name value map
15 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
16 - */
17 -export const FILTER_NAME_VALUE_MAP = {
18 - blur: 'blur',
19 - blocksize: 'pixelate',
20 -};
21 -
22 -/**
23 - * Fill type for shape
24 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
25 - */
26 -export const SHAPE_FILL_TYPE = {
27 - FILTER: 'filter',
28 - COLOR: 'color',
29 -};
30 -
31 -/**
32 - * Shape type list
33 - * @type {Array.<string>}
34 - */
35 -export const SHAPE_TYPE = ['rect', 'circle', 'triangle'];
36 -
37 -/**
38 - * Component names
39 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
40 - */
41 -export const componentNames = keyMirror(
43 - 'CROPPER',
44 - 'FLIP',
45 - 'ROTATION',
47 - 'LINE',
48 - 'TEXT',
49 - 'ICON',
50 - 'FILTER',
51 - 'SHAPE'
52 -);
53 -
54 -/**
55 - * Shape default option
56 - * @type {Object}
57 - */
58 -export const SHAPE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {
59 - lockSkewingX: true,
60 - lockSkewingY: true,
61 - bringForward: true,
62 - isRegular: false,
63 -};
64 -
65 -/**
66 - * Cropzone default option
67 - * @type {Object}
68 - */
69 -export const CROPZONE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {
70 - hasRotatingPoint: false,
71 - hasBorders: false,
72 - lockScalingFlip: true,
73 - lockRotation: true,
74 - lockSkewingX: true,
75 - lockSkewingY: true,
76 -};
77 -
78 -/**
79 - * Command names
80 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
81 - */
82 -export const commandNames = {
83 - CLEAR_OBJECTS: 'clearObjects',
84 - LOAD_IMAGE: 'loadImage',
85 - FLIP_IMAGE: 'flip',
86 - ROTATE_IMAGE: 'rotate',
87 - ADD_OBJECT: 'addObject',
88 - REMOVE_OBJECT: 'removeObject',
89 - APPLY_FILTER: 'applyFilter',
90 - REMOVE_FILTER: 'removeFilter',
91 - ADD_ICON: 'addIcon',
92 - CHANGE_ICON_COLOR: 'changeIconColor',
93 - ADD_SHAPE: 'addShape',
94 - CHANGE_SHAPE: 'changeShape',
95 - ADD_TEXT: 'addText',
96 - CHANGE_TEXT: 'changeText',
97 - CHANGE_TEXT_STYLE: 'changeTextStyle',
98 - ADD_IMAGE_OBJECT: 'addImageObject',
99 - RESIZE_CANVAS_DIMENSION: 'resizeCanvasDimension',
100 - SET_OBJECT_PROPERTIES: 'setObjectProperties',
101 - SET_OBJECT_POSITION: 'setObjectPosition',
102 - CHANGE_SELECTION: 'changeSelection',
103 -};
104 -
105 -/**
106 - * Event names
107 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
108 - */
109 -export const eventNames = {
110 - OBJECT_ACTIVATED: 'objectActivated',
111 - OBJECT_MOVED: 'objectMoved',
112 - OBJECT_SCALED: 'objectScaled',
113 - OBJECT_CREATED: 'objectCreated',
114 - OBJECT_ROTATED: 'objectRotated',
115 - OBJECT_ADDED: 'objectAdded',
116 - OBJECT_MODIFIED: 'objectModified',
117 - TEXT_EDITING: 'textEditing',
118 - TEXT_CHANGED: 'textChanged',
119 - ICON_CREATE_RESIZE: 'iconCreateResize',
120 - ICON_CREATE_END: 'iconCreateEnd',
121 - ADD_TEXT: 'addText',
122 - ADD_OBJECT: 'addObject',
123 - ADD_OBJECT_AFTER: 'addObjectAfter',
124 - MOUSE_DOWN: 'mousedown',
125 - MOUSE_UP: 'mouseup',
126 - MOUSE_MOVE: 'mousemove',
127 - // UNDO/REDO Events
128 - REDO_STACK_CHANGED: 'redoStackChanged',
129 - UNDO_STACK_CHANGED: 'undoStackChanged',
130 - SELECTION_CLEARED: 'selectionCleared',
131 - SELECTION_CREATED: 'selectionCreated',
132 -};
133 -
134 -/**
135 - * Editor states
136 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
137 - */
138 -export const drawingModes = keyMirror(
139 - 'NORMAL',
140 - 'CROPPER',
143 - 'TEXT',
144 - 'SHAPE',
145 - 'ICON'
146 -);
147 -
148 -/**
149 - * Shortcut key values
150 - * @type {Object.<string, number>}
151 - */
152 -export const keyCodes = {
153 - Z: 90,
154 - Y: 89,
155 - C: 67,
156 - V: 86,
157 - SHIFT: 16,
158 - BACKSPACE: 8,
159 - DEL: 46,
160 - ARROW_DOWN: 40,
161 - ARROW_UP: 38,
162 -};
163 -
164 -/**
165 - * Fabric object options
166 - * @type {Object.<string, Object>}
167 - */
168 -export const fObjectOptions = {
170 - borderColor: 'red',
171 - cornerColor: 'green',
172 - cornerSize: 10,
173 - originX: 'center',
174 - originY: 'center',
175 - transparentCorners: false,
176 - },
177 -};
178 -
179 -/**
180 - * Promise reject messages
181 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
182 - */
183 -export const rejectMessages = {
184 - addedObject: 'The object is already added.',
185 - flip: 'The flipX and flipY setting values are not changed.',
186 - invalidDrawingMode: 'This operation is not supported in the drawing mode.',
187 - invalidParameters: 'Invalid parameters.',
188 - isLock: 'The executing command state is locked.',
189 - loadImage: 'The background image is empty.',
190 - loadingImageFailed: 'Invalid image loaded.',
191 - noActiveObject: 'There is no active object.',
192 - noObject: 'The object is not in canvas.',
193 - redo: 'The promise of redo command is reject.',
194 - rotation: 'The current angle is same the old angle.',
195 - undo: 'The promise of undo command is reject.',
196 - unsupportedOperation: 'Unsupported operation.',
197 - unsupportedType: 'Unsupported object type.',
198 -};
199 -
200 -/**
201 - * Default icon menu svg path
202 - * @type {Object.<string, string>}
203 - */
204 -export const defaultIconPath = {
205 - 'icon-arrow': 'M40 12V0l24 24-24 24V36H0V12h40z',
206 - 'icon-arrow-2': 'M49,32 H3 V22 h46 l-18,-18 h12 l23,23 L43,50 h-12 l18,-18 z ',
207 - 'icon-arrow-3':
208 - 'M43.349998,27 L17.354,53 H1.949999 l25.996,-26 L1.949999,1 h15.404 L43.349998,27 z ',
209 - 'icon-star':
210 - 'M35,54.557999 l-19.912001,10.468 l3.804,-22.172001 l-16.108,-15.7 l22.26,-3.236 L35,3.746 l9.956,20.172001 l22.26,3.236 l-16.108,15.7 l3.804,22.172001 z ',
211 - 'icon-star-2':
212 - 'M17,31.212 l-7.194,4.08 l-4.728,-6.83 l-8.234,0.524 l-1.328,-8.226 l-7.644,-3.14 l2.338,-7.992 l-5.54,-6.18 l5.54,-6.176 l-2.338,-7.994 l7.644,-3.138 l1.328,-8.226 l8.234,0.522 l4.728,-6.83 L17,-24.312 l7.194,-4.08 l4.728,6.83 l8.234,-0.522 l1.328,8.226 l7.644,3.14 l-2.338,7.992 l5.54,6.178 l-5.54,6.178 l2.338,7.992 l-7.644,3.14 l-1.328,8.226 l-8.234,-0.524 l-4.728,6.83 z ',
213 - 'icon-polygon': 'M3,31 L19,3 h32 l16,28 l-16,28 H19 z ',
214 - 'icon-location':
215 - 'M24 62C8 45.503 0 32.837 0 24 0 10.745 10.745 0 24 0s24 10.745 24 24c0 8.837-8 21.503-24 38zm0-28c5.523 0 10-4.477 10-10s-4.477-10-10-10-10 4.477-10 10 4.477 10 10 10z',
216 - 'icon-heart':
217 - 'M49.994999,91.349998 l-6.96,-6.333 C18.324001,62.606995 2.01,47.829002 2.01,29.690998 C2.01,14.912998 13.619999,3.299999 28.401001,3.299999 c8.349,0 16.362,5.859 21.594,12 c5.229,-6.141 13.242001,-12 21.591,-12 c14.778,0 26.390999,11.61 26.390999,26.390999 c0,18.138 -16.314001,32.916 -41.025002,55.374001 l-6.96,6.285 z ',
218 - 'icon-bubble':
219 - 'M44 48L34 58V48H12C5.373 48 0 42.627 0 36V12C0 5.373 5.373 0 12 0h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-8z',
220 -};
221 -
222 -export const defaultRotateRangeValus = {
223 - realTimeEvent: true,
224 - min: -360,
225 - max: 360,
226 - value: 0,
227 -};
228 -
229 -export const defaultDrawRangeValus = {
230 - min: 5,
231 - max: 30,
232 - value: 12,
233 -};
234 -
235 -export const defaultShapeStrokeValus = {
236 - realTimeEvent: true,
237 - min: 2,
238 - max: 300,
239 - value: 3,
240 -};
241 -
242 -export const defaultTextRangeValus = {
243 - realTimeEvent: true,
244 - min: 10,
245 - max: 100,
246 - value: 50,
247 -};
248 -
249 -export const defaultFilterRangeValus = {
250 - tintOpacityRange: {
251 - realTimeEvent: true,
252 - min: 0,
253 - max: 1,
254 - value: 0.7,
255 - useDecimal: true,
256 - },
257 - removewhiteDistanceRange: {
258 - realTimeEvent: true,
259 - min: 0,
260 - max: 1,
261 - value: 0.2,
262 - useDecimal: true,
263 - },
264 - brightnessRange: {
265 - realTimeEvent: true,
266 - min: -1,
267 - max: 1,
268 - value: 0,
269 - useDecimal: true,
270 - },
271 - noiseRange: {
272 - realTimeEvent: true,
273 - min: 0,
274 - max: 1000,
275 - value: 100,
276 - },
277 - pixelateRange: {
278 - realTimeEvent: true,
279 - min: 2,
280 - max: 20,
281 - value: 4,
282 - },
283 - colorfilterThresholeRange: {
284 - realTimeEvent: true,
285 - min: 0,
286 - max: 1,
287 - value: 0.2,
288 - useDecimal: true,
289 - },
290 - blurFilterRange: {
291 - value: 0.1,
292 - },
293 -};
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview CropperDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * CropperDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class CropperDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.CROPPER);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @override
22 - */
23 - start(graphics) {
24 - const cropper = graphics.getComponent(components.CROPPER);
25 - cropper.start();
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * stop this drawing mode
30 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
31 - * @override
32 - */
33 - end(graphics) {
34 - const cropper = graphics.getComponent(components.CROPPER);
35 - cropper.end();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -export default CropperDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview FreeDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * FreeDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class FreeDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.FREE_DRAWING);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [options] - Brush width & color
22 - * @override
23 - */
24 - start(graphics, options) {
25 - const freeDrawing = graphics.getComponent(components.FREE_DRAWING);
26 - freeDrawing.start(options);
27 - }
28 -
29 - /**
30 - * stop this drawing mode
31 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
32 - * @override
33 - */
34 - end(graphics) {
35 - const freeDrawing = graphics.getComponent(components.FREE_DRAWING);
36 - freeDrawing.end();
37 - }
38 -}
39 -
40 -export default FreeDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview IconDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * IconDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class IconDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.ICON);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @override
22 - */
23 - start(graphics) {
24 - const icon = graphics.getComponent(components.ICON);
25 - icon.start();
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * stop this drawing mode
30 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
31 - * @override
32 - */
33 - end(graphics) {
34 - const icon = graphics.getComponent(components.ICON);
35 - icon.end();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -export default IconDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview LineDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * LineDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class LineDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.LINE_DRAWING);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @param {{width: ?number, color: ?string}} [options] - Brush width & color
22 - * @override
23 - */
24 - start(graphics, options) {
25 - const lineDrawing = graphics.getComponent(components.LINE);
26 - lineDrawing.start(options);
27 - }
28 -
29 - /**
30 - * stop this drawing mode
31 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
32 - * @override
33 - */
34 - end(graphics) {
35 - const lineDrawing = graphics.getComponent(components.LINE);
36 - lineDrawing.end();
37 - }
38 -}
39 -
40 -export default LineDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview ShapeDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * ShapeDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class ShapeDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.SHAPE);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @override
22 - */
23 - start(graphics) {
24 - const shape = graphics.getComponent(components.SHAPE);
25 - shape.start();
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * stop this drawing mode
30 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
31 - * @override
32 - */
33 - end(graphics) {
34 - const shape = graphics.getComponent(components.SHAPE);
35 - shape.end();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -export default ShapeDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview TextDrawingMode class
4 - */
5 -import DrawingMode from '../interface/drawingMode';
6 -import { drawingModes, componentNames as components } from '../consts';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * TextDrawingMode class
10 - * @class
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -class TextDrawingMode extends DrawingMode {
14 - constructor() {
15 - super(drawingModes.TEXT);
16 - }
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * start this drawing mode
20 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
21 - * @override
22 - */
23 - start(graphics) {
24 - const text = graphics.getComponent(components.TEXT);
25 - text.start();
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * stop this drawing mode
30 - * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance
31 - * @override
32 - */
33 - end(graphics) {
34 - const text = graphics.getComponent(components.TEXT);
35 - text.end();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -export default TextDrawingMode;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Blur extending fabric.Image.filters.Convolute
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -const ARROW_ANGLE = 30;
8 -const CHEVRON_SIZE_RATIO = 2.7;
9 -const TRIANGLE_SIZE_RATIO = 1.7;
11 -
12 -const ArrowLine = fabric.util.createClass(
13 - fabric.Line,
14 - /** @lends Convolute.prototype */ {
15 - /**
16 - * Line type
17 - * @param {String} type
18 - * @default
19 - */
20 - type: 'line',
21 -
22 - /**
23 - * Constructor
24 - * @param {Array} [points] Array of points
25 - * @param {Object} [options] Options object
26 - * @override
27 - */
28 - initialize(points, options = {}) {
29 - this.callSuper('initialize', points, options);
30 -
31 - this.arrowType = options.arrowType;
32 - },
33 -
34 - /**
35 - * Render ArrowLine
36 - * @private
37 - * @override
38 - */
39 - _render(ctx) {
40 - const { x1: fromX, y1: fromY, x2: toX, y2: toY } = this.calcLinePoints();
41 - const linePosition = {
42 - fromX,
43 - fromY,
44 - toX,
45 - toY,
46 - };
47 - this.ctx = ctx;
48 - ctx.lineWidth = this.strokeWidth;
49 -
50 - this._renderBasicLinePath(linePosition);
51 - this._drawDecoratorPath(linePosition);
52 -
53 - this._renderStroke(ctx);
54 - },
55 -
56 - /**
57 - * Render Basic line path
58 - * @param {Object} linePosition - line position
59 - * @param {number} option.fromX - line start position x
60 - * @param {number} option.fromY - line start position y
61 - * @param {number} option.toX - line end position x
62 - * @param {number} option.toY - line end position y
63 - * @private
64 - */
65 - _renderBasicLinePath({ fromX, fromY, toX, toY }) {
66 - this.ctx.beginPath();
67 - this.ctx.moveTo(fromX, fromY);
68 - this.ctx.lineTo(toX, toY);
69 - },
70 -
71 - /**
72 - * Render Arrow Head
73 - * @param {Object} linePosition - line position
74 - * @param {number} option.fromX - line start position x
75 - * @param {number} option.fromY - line start position y
76 - * @param {number} option.toX - line end position x
77 - * @param {number} option.toY - line end position y
78 - * @private
79 - */
80 - _drawDecoratorPath(linePosition) {
81 - this._drawDecoratorPathType('head', linePosition);
82 - this._drawDecoratorPathType('tail', linePosition);
83 - },
84 -
85 - /**
86 - * Render Arrow Head
87 - * @param {string} type - 'head' or 'tail'
88 - * @param {Object} linePosition - line position
89 - * @param {number} option.fromX - line start position x
90 - * @param {number} option.fromY - line start position y
91 - * @param {number} option.toX - line end position x
92 - * @param {number} option.toY - line end position y
93 - * @private
94 - */
95 - _drawDecoratorPathType(type, linePosition) {
96 - switch (this.arrowType[type]) {
97 - case 'triangle':
98 - this._drawTrianglePath(type, linePosition);
99 - break;
100 - case 'chevron':
101 - this._drawChevronPath(type, linePosition);
102 - break;
103 - default:
104 - break;
105 - }
106 - },
107 -
108 - /**
109 - * Render Triangle Head
110 - * @param {string} type - 'head' or 'tail'
111 - * @param {Object} linePosition - line position
112 - * @param {number} option.fromX - line start position x
113 - * @param {number} option.fromY - line start position y
114 - * @param {number} option.toX - line end position x
115 - * @param {number} option.toY - line end position y
116 - * @private
117 - */
118 - _drawTrianglePath(type, linePosition) {
119 - const decorateSize = this.ctx.lineWidth * TRIANGLE_SIZE_RATIO;
120 -
121 - this._drawChevronPath(type, linePosition, decorateSize);
122 - this.ctx.closePath();
123 - },
124 -
125 - /**
126 - * Render Chevron Head
127 - * @param {string} type - 'head' or 'tail'
128 - * @param {Object} linePosition - line position
129 - * @param {number} option.fromX - line start position x
130 - * @param {number} option.fromY - line start position y
131 - * @param {number} option.toX - line end position x
132 - * @param {number} option.toY - line end position y
133 - * @param {number} decorateSize - decorate size
134 - * @private
135 - */
136 - _drawChevronPath(type, { fromX, fromY, toX, toY }, decorateSize) {
137 - const { ctx } = this;
138 - if (!decorateSize) {
139 - decorateSize = this.ctx.lineWidth * CHEVRON_SIZE_RATIO;
140 - }
141 -
142 - const [standardX, standardY] = type === 'head' ? [fromX, fromY] : [toX, toY];
143 - const [compareX, compareY] = type === 'head' ? [toX, toY] : [fromX, fromY];
144 -
145 - const angle =
146 - (Math.atan2(compareY - standardY, compareX - standardX) * RADIAN_CONVERSION_VALUE) /
147 - Math.PI;
148 - const rotatedPosition = (changeAngle) =>
149 - this.getRotatePosition(decorateSize, changeAngle, {
150 - x: standardX,
151 - y: standardY,
152 - });
153 -
154 - ctx.moveTo(...rotatedPosition(angle + ARROW_ANGLE));
155 - ctx.lineTo(standardX, standardY);
156 - ctx.lineTo(...rotatedPosition(angle - ARROW_ANGLE));
157 - },
158 -
159 - /**
160 - * return position from change angle.
161 - * @param {number} distance - change distance
162 - * @param {number} angle - change angle
163 - * @param {Object} referencePosition - reference position
164 - * @returns {Array}
165 - * @private
166 - */
167 - getRotatePosition(distance, angle, referencePosition) {
168 - const radian = (angle * Math.PI) / RADIAN_CONVERSION_VALUE;
169 - const { x, y } = referencePosition;
170 -
171 - return [distance * Math.cos(radian) + x, distance * Math.sin(radian) + y];
172 - },
173 - }
174 -);
175 -
176 -export default ArrowLine;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Blur extending fabric.Image.filters.Convolute
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * Blur object
9 - * @class Blur
10 - * @extends {fabric.Image.filters.Convolute}
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -const Blur = fabric.util.createClass(
14 - fabric.Image.filters.Convolute,
15 - /** @lends Convolute.prototype */ {
16 - /**
17 - * Filter type
18 - * @param {String} type
19 - * @default
20 - */
21 - type: 'Blur',
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * constructor
25 - * @override
26 - */
27 - initialize() {
28 - this.matrix = [1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9, 1 / 9];
29 - },
30 - }
31 -);
32 -
33 -export default Blur;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview ColorFilter extending fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * ColorFilter object
9 - * @class ColorFilter
10 - * @extends {fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter}
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -const ColorFilter = fabric.util.createClass(
14 - fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter,
15 - /** @lends BaseFilter.prototype */ {
16 - /**
17 - * Filter type
18 - * @param {String} type
19 - * @default
20 - */
21 - type: 'ColorFilter',
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * Constructor
25 - * @member fabric.Image.filters.ColorFilter.prototype
26 - * @param {Object} [options] Options object
27 - * @param {Number} [options.color='#FFFFFF'] Value of color (0...255)
28 - * @param {Number} [options.threshold=45] Value of threshold (0...255)
29 - * @override
30 - */
31 - initialize(options) {
32 - if (!options) {
33 - options = {};
34 - }
35 - this.color = options.color || '#FFFFFF';
36 - this.threshold = options.threshold || 45;
37 - this.x = options.x || null;
38 - this.y = options.y || null;
39 - },
40 -
41 - /**
42 - * Applies filter to canvas element
43 - * @param {Object} canvas Canvas object passed by fabric
44 - */
45 - // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
46 - applyTo(canvas) {
47 - const { canvasEl } = canvas;
48 - const context = canvasEl.getContext('2d');
49 - const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvasEl.width, canvasEl.height);
50 - const { data } = imageData;
51 - const { threshold } = this;
52 - let filterColor = fabric.Color.sourceFromHex(this.color);
53 - let i, len;
54 -
55 - if (this.x && this.y) {
56 - filterColor = this._getColor(imageData, this.x, this.y);
57 - }
58 -
59 - for (i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i += 4) {
60 - if (
61 - this._isOutsideThreshold(data[i], filterColor[0], threshold) ||
62 - this._isOutsideThreshold(data[i + 1], filterColor[1], threshold) ||
63 - this._isOutsideThreshold(data[i + 2], filterColor[2], threshold)
64 - ) {
65 - continue;
66 - }
67 - data[i] = data[i + 1] = data[i + 2] = data[i + 3] = 0;
68 - }
69 - context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
70 - },
71 -
72 - /**
73 - * Check color if it is within threshold
74 - * @param {Number} color1 source color
75 - * @param {Number} color2 filtering color
76 - * @param {Number} threshold threshold
77 - * @returns {boolean} true if within threshold or false
78 - */
79 - _isOutsideThreshold(color1, color2, threshold) {
80 - const diff = color1 - color2;
81 -
82 - return Math.abs(diff) > threshold;
83 - },
84 -
85 - /**
86 - * Get color at (x, y)
87 - * @param {Object} imageData of canvas
88 - * @param {Number} x left position
89 - * @param {Number} y top position
90 - * @returns {Array} color array
91 - */
92 - _getColor(imageData, x, y) {
93 - const color = [0, 0, 0, 0];
94 - const { data, width } = imageData;
95 - const bytes = 4;
96 - const position = (width * y + x) * bytes;
97 -
98 - color[0] = data[position];
99 - color[1] = data[position + 1];
100 - color[2] = data[position + 2];
101 - color[3] = data[position + 3];
102 -
103 - return color;
104 - },
105 - }
106 -);
107 -
108 -export default ColorFilter;
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Emboss extending fabric.Image.filters.Convolute
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * Emboss object
9 - * @class Emboss
10 - * @extends {fabric.Image.filters.Convolute}
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -const Emboss = fabric.util.createClass(
14 - fabric.Image.filters.Convolute,
15 - /** @lends Convolute.prototype */ {
16 - /**
17 - * Filter type
18 - * @param {String} type
19 - * @default
20 - */
21 - type: 'Emboss',
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * constructor
25 - * @override
26 - */
27 - initialize() {
28 - const matrix = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.7, -1, -1, -1, -1];
29 - this.matrix = matrix;
30 - },
31 - }
32 -);
33 -
34 -export default Emboss;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Mask extending fabric.Image.filters.Mask
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * Mask object
9 - * @class Mask
10 - * @extends {fabric.Image.filters.BlendImage}
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -const Mask = fabric.util.createClass(
14 - fabric.Image.filters.BlendImage,
15 - /** @lends Mask.prototype */ {
16 - /**
17 - * Apply filter to canvas element
18 - * @param {Object} pipelineState - Canvas element to apply filter
19 - * @override
20 - */
21 - applyTo(pipelineState) {
22 - if (!this.mask) {
23 - return;
24 - }
25 -
26 - const canvas = pipelineState.canvasEl;
27 - const { width, height } = canvas;
28 - const maskCanvasEl = this._createCanvasOfMask(width, height);
29 - const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
30 - const maskCtx = maskCanvasEl.getContext('2d');
31 - const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
32 -
33 - this._drawMask(maskCtx, canvas, ctx);
34 - this._mapData(maskCtx, imageData, width, height);
35 -
36 - pipelineState.imageData = imageData;
37 - },
38 -
39 - /**
40 - * Create canvas of mask image
41 - * @param {number} width - Width of main canvas
42 - * @param {number} height - Height of main canvas
43 - * @returns {HTMLElement} Canvas element
44 - * @private
45 - */
46 - _createCanvasOfMask(width, height) {
47 - const maskCanvasEl = fabric.util.createCanvasElement();
48 -
49 - maskCanvasEl.width = width;
50 - maskCanvasEl.height = height;
51 -
52 - return maskCanvasEl;
53 - },
54 -
55 - /**
56 - * Draw mask image on canvas element
57 - * @param {Object} maskCtx - Context of mask canvas
58 - * @private
59 - */
60 - _drawMask(maskCtx) {
61 - const { mask } = this;
62 - const maskImg = mask.getElement();
63 - const { angle, left, scaleX, scaleY, top } = mask;
64 -
65 - maskCtx.save();
66 - maskCtx.translate(left, top);
67 - maskCtx.rotate((angle * Math.PI) / 180);
68 - maskCtx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
69 - maskCtx.drawImage(maskImg, -maskImg.width / 2, -maskImg.height / 2);
70 - maskCtx.restore();
71 - },
72 -
73 - /**
74 - * Map mask image data to source image data
75 - * @param {Object} maskCtx - Context of mask canvas
76 - * @param {Object} imageData - Data of source image
77 - * @param {number} width - Width of main canvas
78 - * @param {number} height - Height of main canvas
79 - * @private
80 - */
81 - _mapData(maskCtx, imageData, width, height) {
82 - const { data, height: imgHeight, width: imgWidth } = imageData;
83 - const sourceData = data;
84 - const len = imgWidth * imgHeight * 4;
85 - const maskData = maskCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
86 -
87 - for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
88 - sourceData[i + 3] = maskData[i]; // adjust value of alpha data
89 - }
90 - },
91 - }
92 -);
93 -
94 -export default Mask;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Sharpen extending fabric.Image.filters.Convolute
4 - */
5 -import fabric from 'fabric';
6 -
7 -/**
8 - * Sharpen object
9 - * @class Sharpen
10 - * @extends {fabric.Image.filters.Convolute}
11 - * @ignore
12 - */
13 -const Sharpen = fabric.util.createClass(
14 - fabric.Image.filters.Convolute,
15 - /** @lends Convolute.prototype */ {
16 - /**
17 - * Filter type
18 - * @param {String} type
19 - * @default
20 - */
21 - type: 'Sharpen',
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * constructor
25 - * @override
26 - */
27 - initialize() {
28 - const matrix = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0];
29 - this.matrix = matrix;
30 - },
31 - }
32 -);
33 -
34 -export default Sharpen;
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Command factory
4 - */
5 -import Command from '../interface/command';
6 -
7 -const commands = {};
8 -
9 -/**
10 - * Create a command
11 - * @param {string} name - Command name
12 - * @param {...*} args - Arguments for creating command
13 - * @returns {Command}
14 - * @ignore
15 - */
16 -function create(name, ...args) {
17 - const actions = commands[name];
18 - if (actions) {
19 - return new Command(actions, args);
20 - }
21 -
22 - return null;
23 -}
24 -
25 -/**
26 - * Register a command with name as a key
27 - * @param {Object} command - {name:{string}, execute: {function}, undo: {function}}
28 - * @param {string} command.name - command name
29 - * @param {function} command.execute - executable function
30 - * @param {function} command.undo - undo function
31 - * @ignore
32 - */
33 -function register(command) {
34 - commands[command.name] = command;
35 -}
36 -
37 -export default {
38 - create,
39 - register,
40 -};
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Error-message factory
4 - */
5 -import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet';
6 -import { keyMirror } from '../util';
7 -
8 -const types = keyMirror('UN_IMPLEMENTATION', 'NO_COMPONENT_NAME');
9 -const messages = {
10 - UN_IMPLEMENTATION: 'Should implement a method: ',
11 - NO_COMPONENT_NAME: 'Should set a component name',
12 -};
13 -const map = {
14 - UN_IMPLEMENTATION(methodName) {
15 - return messages.UN_IMPLEMENTATION + methodName;
16 - },
18 - return messages.NO_COMPONENT_NAME;
19 - },
20 -};
21 -
22 -export default {
23 - types: snippet.extend({}, types),
24 -
25 - create(type, ...args) {
26 - type = type.toLowerCase();
27 - const func = map[type];
28 -
29 - return func(...args);
30 - },
31 -};
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Selection modification helper
4 - */
5 -
6 -import { extend } from 'tui-code-snippet/src/js/object';
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * Cached selection's info
10 - * @type {Array}
11 - * @private
12 - */
13 -let cachedUndoDataForChangeDimension = null;
14 -
15 -/**
16 - * Set cached undo data
17 - * @param {Array} undoData - selection object
18 - * @private
19 - */
20 -export function setCachedUndoDataForDimension(undoData) {
21 - cachedUndoDataForChangeDimension = undoData;
22 -}
23 -
24 -/**
25 - * Get cached undo data
26 - * @returns {Object} cached undo data
27 - * @private
28 - */
29 -export function getCachedUndoDataForDimension() {
30 - return cachedUndoDataForChangeDimension;
31 -}
32 -
33 -/**
34 - * Make undo data
35 - * @param {fabric.Object} obj - selection object
36 - * @param {Function} undoDatumMaker - make undo datum
37 - * @returns {Array} undoData
38 - * @private
39 - */
40 -export function makeSelectionUndoData(obj, undoDatumMaker) {
41 - let undoData;
42 -
43 - if (obj.type === 'activeSelection') {
44 - undoData = obj.getObjects().map((item) => {
45 - const { angle, left, top, scaleX, scaleY, width, height } = item;
46 -
47 - obj.realizeTransform(item);
48 - const result = undoDatumMaker(item);
49 -
50 - item.set({
51 - angle,
52 - left,
53 - top,
54 - width,
55 - height,
56 - scaleX,
57 - scaleY,
58 - });
59 -
60 - return result;
61 - });
62 - } else {
63 - undoData = [undoDatumMaker(obj)];
64 - }
65 -
66 - return undoData;
67 -}
68 -
69 -/**
70 - * Make undo datum
71 - * @param {number} id - object id
72 - * @param {fabric.Object} obj - selection object
73 - * @param {boolean} isSelection - whether or not object is selection
74 - * @returns {Object} undo datum
75 - * @private
76 - */
77 -export function makeSelectionUndoDatum(id, obj, isSelection) {
78 - return isSelection
79 - ? {
80 - id,
81 - width: obj.width,
82 - height: obj.height,
83 - top: obj.top,
84 - left: obj.left,
85 - angle: obj.angle,
86 - scaleX: obj.scaleX,
87 - scaleY: obj.scaleY,
88 - }
89 - : extend({ id }, obj);
90 -}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -/**
2 - * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
3 - * @fileoverview Shape resize helper
4 - */
5 -const DIVISOR = {
6 - rect: 1,
7 - circle: 2,
8 - triangle: 1,
9 -};
10 -const DIMENSION_KEYS = {
11 - rect: {
12 - w: 'width',
13 - h: 'height',
14 - },
15 - circle: {
16 - w: 'rx',
17 - h: 'ry',
18 - },
19 - triangle: {
20 - w: 'width',
21 - h: 'height',
22 - },
23 -};
24 -
25 -/**
26 - * Set the start point value to the shape object
27 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
28 - * @ignore
29 - */
30 -function setStartPoint(shape) {
31 - const { originX, originY } = shape;
32 - const originKey = originX.substring(0, 1) + originY.substring(0, 1);
33 -
34 - shape.startPoint = shape.origins[originKey];
35 -}
36 -
37 -/**
38 - * Get the positions of ratated origin by the pointer value
39 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} origin - Origin value
40 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} pointer - Pointer value
41 - * @param {number} angle - Rotating angle
42 - * @returns {Object} Postions of origin
43 - * @ignore
44 - */
45 -function getPositionsOfRotatedOrigin(origin, pointer, angle) {
46 - const sx = origin.x;
47 - const sy = origin.y;
48 - const px = pointer.x;
49 - const py = pointer.y;
50 - const r = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
51 - const rx = (px - sx) * Math.cos(r) - (py - sy) * Math.sin(r) + sx;
52 - const ry = (px - sx) * Math.sin(r) + (py - sy) * Math.cos(r) + sy;
53 -
54 - return {
55 - originX: sx > rx ? 'right' : 'left',
56 - originY: sy > ry ? 'bottom' : 'top',
57 - };
58 -}
59 -
60 -/**
61 - * Whether the shape has the center origin or not
62 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
63 - * @returns {boolean} State
64 - * @ignore
65 - */
66 -function hasCenterOrigin(shape) {
67 - return shape.originX === 'center' && shape.originY === 'center';
68 -}
69 -
70 -/**
71 - * Adjust the origin of shape by the start point
72 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} pointer - Pointer value
73 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
74 - * @ignore
75 - */
76 -function adjustOriginByStartPoint(pointer, shape) {
77 - const centerPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('center', 'center');
78 - const angle = -shape.angle;
79 - const originPositions = getPositionsOfRotatedOrigin(centerPoint, pointer, angle);
80 - const { originX, originY } = originPositions;
81 - const origin = shape.getPointByOrigin(originX, originY);
82 - const left = shape.left - (centerPoint.x - origin.x);
83 - const top = shape.top - (centerPoint.y - origin.y);
84 -
85 - shape.set({
86 - originX,
87 - originY,
88 - left,
89 - top,
90 - });
91 -
92 - shape.setCoords();
93 -}
94 -
95 -/**
96 - * Adjust the origin of shape by the moving pointer value
97 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} pointer - Pointer value
98 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
99 - * @ignore
100 - */
101 -function adjustOriginByMovingPointer(pointer, shape) {
102 - const origin = shape.startPoint;
103 - const angle = -shape.angle;
104 - const originPositions = getPositionsOfRotatedOrigin(origin, pointer, angle);
105 - const { originX, originY } = originPositions;
106 -
107 - shape.setPositionByOrigin(origin, originX, originY);
108 - shape.setCoords();
109 -}
110 -
111 -/**
112 - * Adjust the dimension of shape on firing scaling event
113 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
114 - * @ignore
115 - */
116 -function adjustDimensionOnScaling(shape) {
117 - const { type, scaleX, scaleY } = shape;
118 - const dimensionKeys = DIMENSION_KEYS[type];
119 - let width = shape[dimensionKeys.w] * scaleX;
120 - let height = shape[dimensionKeys.h] * scaleY;
121 -
122 - if (shape.isRegular) {
123 - const maxScale = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);
124 -
125 - width = shape[dimensionKeys.w] * maxScale;
126 - height = shape[dimensionKeys.h] * maxScale;
127 - }
128 -
129 - const options = {
130 - hasControls: false,
131 - hasBorders: false,
132 - scaleX: 1,
133 - scaleY: 1,
134 - };
135 -
136 - options[dimensionKeys.w] = width;
137 - options[dimensionKeys.h] = height;
138 -
139 - shape.set(options);
140 -}
141 -
142 -/**
143 - * Adjust the dimension of shape on firing mouse move event
144 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} pointer - Pointer value
145 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
146 - * @ignore
147 - */
148 -function adjustDimensionOnMouseMove(pointer, shape) {
149 - const { type, strokeWidth, startPoint: origin } = shape;
150 - const divisor = DIVISOR[type];
151 - const dimensionKeys = DIMENSION_KEYS[type];
152 - const isTriangle = !!(shape.type === 'triangle');
153 - const options = {};
154 - let width = Math.abs(origin.x - pointer.x) / divisor;
155 - let height = Math.abs(origin.y - pointer.y) / divisor;
156 -
157 - if (width > strokeWidth) {
158 - width -= strokeWidth / divisor;
159 - }
160 -
161 - if (height > strokeWidth) {
162 - height -= strokeWidth / divisor;
163 - }
164 -
165 - if (shape.isRegular) {
166 - width = height = Math.max(width, height);
167 -
168 - if (isTriangle) {
169 - height = (Math.sqrt(3) / 2) * width;
170 - }
171 - }
172 -
173 - options[dimensionKeys.w] = width;
174 - options[dimensionKeys.h] = height;
175 -
176 - shape.set(options);
177 -}
178 -
179 -module.exports = {
180 - /**
181 - * Set each origin value to shape
182 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
183 - */
184 - setOrigins(shape) {
185 - const leftTopPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('left', 'top');
186 - const rightTopPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('right', 'top');
187 - const rightBottomPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('right', 'bottom');
188 - const leftBottomPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('left', 'bottom');
189 -
190 - shape.origins = {
191 - lt: leftTopPoint,
192 - rt: rightTopPoint,
193 - rb: rightBottomPoint,
194 - lb: leftBottomPoint,
195 - };
196 - },
197 -
198 - /**
199 - * Resize the shape
200 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
201 - * @param {{x: number, y: number}} pointer - Mouse pointer values on canvas
202 - * @param {boolean} isScaling - Whether the resizing action is scaling or not
203 - */
204 - resize(shape, pointer, isScaling) {
205 - if (hasCenterOrigin(shape)) {
206 - adjustOriginByStartPoint(pointer, shape);
207 - setStartPoint(shape);
208 - }
209 -
210 - if (isScaling) {
211 - adjustDimensionOnScaling(shape, pointer);
212 - } else {
213 - adjustDimensionOnMouseMove(pointer, shape);
214 - }
215 -
216 - adjustOriginByMovingPointer(pointer, shape);
217 - },
218 -
219 - /**
220 - * Adjust the origin position of shape to center
221 - * @param {fabric.Object} shape - Shape object
222 - */
223 - adjustOriginToCenter(shape) {
224 - const centerPoint = shape.getPointByOrigin('center', 'center');
225 - const { originX, originY } = shape;
226 - const origin = shape.getPointByOrigin(originX, originY);
227 - const left = shape.left + (centerPoint.x - origin.x);
228 - const top = shape.top + (centerPoint.y - origin.y);
229 -
230 - shape.set({
231 - hasControls: true,
232 - hasBorders: true,
233 - originX: 'center',
234 - originY: 'center',
235 - left,
236 - top,
237 - });
238 -
239 - shape.setCoords(); // For left, top properties
240 - },
241 -};
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