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Consistent with type definition either interface or type (consistent-type-definitions)

There are two ways to define a type.

// type alias
type T1 = {
  a: string;
  b: number;

// interface keyword
interface T2 {
  a: string;
  b: number;


This rule accepts one string option:

  • "interface": enforce using interfaces for object type definitions.
  • "type": enforce using types for object type definitions.

For example:

  // Use type for object definitions
  "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": ["error", "type"]

Rule Details

Examples of incorrect code with interface option.

type T = { x: number };

Examples of correct code with interface option.

type T = string;
type Foo = string | {};

interface T {
  x: number;

Examples of incorrect code with type option.

interface T {
  x: number;

Examples of correct code with type option.

type T = { x: number };

When Not To Use It

If you specifically want to use an interface or type literal for stylistic reasons, you can disable this rule.
