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Require or disallow trailing comma (comma-dangle)

Rule Details

This rule extends the base eslint/comma-dangle rule. It adds support for TypeScript syntax.

See the ESLint documentation for more details on the comma-dangle rule.

Rule Changes

  // note you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors
  "comma-dangle": "off",
  "@typescript-eslint/comma-dangle": ["error"]

In addition to the options supported by the comma-dangle rule in ESLint core, the rule adds the following options:


This rule has a string option and an object option.

  • Object option:

    • "enums" is for trailing comma in enum. (e.g. enum Foo = {Bar,})
    • "generics" is for trailing comma in generic. (e.g. function foo<T,>() {})
    • "tuples" is for trailing comma in tuple. (e.g. type Foo = [string,])
  • See the other options allowed

Taken with ❤️ from ESLint core