matches.d.ts 1.29 KB
import {ARIARole} from 'aria-query'

type Nullish<T> = T | null | undefined

export type MatcherFunction = (
  content: string,
  element: Nullish<Element>,
) => boolean
export type Matcher = MatcherFunction | RegExp | string

// Get autocomplete for ARIARole union types, while still supporting another string
// Ref:
export type ByRoleMatcher = ARIARole | MatcherFunction | {}

export type NormalizerFn = (text: string) => string

export interface NormalizerOptions extends DefaultNormalizerOptions {
  normalizer?: NormalizerFn

export interface MatcherOptions {
  exact?: boolean
  /** Use normalizer with getDefaultNormalizer instead */
  trim?: boolean
  /** Use normalizer with getDefaultNormalizer instead */
  collapseWhitespace?: boolean
  normalizer?: NormalizerFn
  /** suppress suggestions for a specific query */
  suggest?: boolean

export type Match = (
  textToMatch: string,
  node: HTMLElement | null,
  matcher: Matcher,
  options?: MatcherOptions,
) => boolean

export interface DefaultNormalizerOptions {
  trim?: boolean
  collapseWhitespace?: boolean

export function getDefaultNormalizer(
  options?: DefaultNormalizerOptions,
): NormalizerFn

// N.B. Don't expose fuzzyMatches + matches here: they're not public API