HISTORY.md 1.65 KB


  • Add prop totalBoundaryShowSizeChanger.
  • Fix items count not being consistent. #18201
  • Update default page size options from 10,25,50,100 to 10,20,50,100.


  • When total is greater then 100, will show size changer defaultly.
  • Update default page size options from 10,20,30,40 to 10,25,50,100.


  • Remove prop-types and react-lifecycles-compat

# 1.20.0

  • Add locale ms_MY

# 1.19.0

  • Support Latvian localization

# 1.18.0

  • Support disabled

# 1.17.0

  • Add prevIcon, nextIcon, jumpPrevIcon, jumpNextIcon.

# 1.16.1

  • Add locale sl_SI. #130

# 1.16.0

  • Add locale id_ID
  • Add prop showPrevNextJumpers

# 1.15.2

  • Add locale tr_TR.

# 1.12.0

  • itemRender(current, type) => itemRender(current, type, element): element.

# 1.11.0

  • Add goButton.

# 1.10.0

  • Add itemRender.

# 1.9.0

  • Add keyboard support
  • Add es folder.

# 1.8.0

  • Add locale zh_TW.
  • Add showTitle.

# 1.7.5

  • Add locale sk_SK(Slovak).

# 1.7.4

  • Add locale et_EE(Estonian).

# 1.7.3

  • Add locale Czech.

# 1.7.2

  • Add locale ko_KR(Korean).

# 1.7.1

  • Add locale ca_ES (Catalan).

# 1.7.0

  • support showLessItems. #55
  • Add pageSize as onChange's second argument.

# 1.6.0

  • Add range as showTotal's second argument.

# 1.5.5 / 2016-09-01

  • Fix #34

# 1.5.4 / 2016-07-31

  • Add space before per page #33

# 1.5.0 / 2016-03-02

  • Add defaultPageSize and fix pageSize to a controlled prop

# 1.3.0 / 2015-11-25

  • Add defaultCurrent prop

# 1.2.0

  • Allow specifying the page size for sizeChanger