parseRangeHeader.ts 1.86 KB
  Copyright 2018 Google LLC

  Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
  license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import {WorkboxError} from 'workbox-core/_private/WorkboxError.js';
import {assert} from 'workbox-core/_private/assert.js';
import '../_version.js';

 * @param {string} rangeHeader A Range: header value.
 * @return {Object} An object with `start` and `end` properties, reflecting
 * the parsed value of the Range: header. If either the `start` or `end` are
 * omitted, then `null` will be returned.
 * @private
function parseRangeHeader(rangeHeader: string): {start?: number; end?: number} {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    assert!.isType(rangeHeader, 'string', {
      moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
      funcName: 'parseRangeHeader',
      paramName: 'rangeHeader',

  const normalizedRangeHeader = rangeHeader.trim().toLowerCase();
  if (!normalizedRangeHeader.startsWith('bytes=')) {
    throw new WorkboxError('unit-must-be-bytes', {normalizedRangeHeader});

  // Specifying multiple ranges separate by commas is valid syntax, but this
  // library only attempts to handle a single, contiguous sequence of bytes.
  if (normalizedRangeHeader.includes(',')) {
    throw new WorkboxError('single-range-only', {normalizedRangeHeader});

  const rangeParts = /(\d*)-(\d*)/.exec(normalizedRangeHeader);
  // We need either at least one of the start or end values.
  if (!rangeParts || !(rangeParts[1] || rangeParts[2])) {
    throw new WorkboxError('invalid-range-values', {normalizedRangeHeader});

  return {
    start: rangeParts[1] === '' ? undefined : Number(rangeParts[1]),
    end: rangeParts[2] === '' ? undefined : Number(rangeParts[2]),

export {parseRangeHeader};