BannerPlugin.d.ts 1 KB
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export type BannerPluginArgument =
	| BannerPluginOptions
	| BannerFunction
	| string;
 * The banner as function, it will be wrapped in a comment
export type BannerFunction = (data: {
	hash: string;
	chunk: import("../../lib/Chunk");
	filename: string;
	basename: string;
	query: string;
}) => string;
export type Rules = Rule[] | Rule;
export type Rule = RegExp | string;

export interface BannerPluginOptions {
	 * Specifies the banner
	banner: BannerFunction | string;
	 * If true, the banner will only be added to the entry chunks
	entryOnly?: boolean;
	 * Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions
	exclude?: Rules;
	 * Include all modules matching any of these conditions
	include?: Rules;
	 * If true, banner will not be wrapped in a comment
	raw?: boolean;
	 * Include all modules that pass test assertion
	test?: Rules;