merge-exclusive.d.ts 1.31 KB
// Helper type. Not useful on its own.
type Without<FirstType, SecondType> = {[KeyType in Exclude<keyof FirstType, keyof SecondType>]?: never};

Create a type that has mutually exclusive keys.

This type was inspired by [this comment](

This type works with a helper type, called `Without`. `Without<FirstType, SecondType>` produces a type that has only keys from `FirstType` which are not present on `SecondType` and sets the value type for these keys to `never`. This helper type is then used in `MergeExclusive` to remove keys from either `FirstType` or `SecondType`.

import {MergeExclusive} from 'type-fest';

interface ExclusiveVariation1 {
	exclusive1: boolean;

interface ExclusiveVariation2 {
	exclusive2: string;

type ExclusiveOptions = MergeExclusive<ExclusiveVariation1, ExclusiveVariation2>;

let exclusiveOptions: ExclusiveOptions;

exclusiveOptions = {exclusive1: true};
//=> Works
exclusiveOptions = {exclusive2: 'hi'};
//=> Works
exclusiveOptions = {exclusive1: true, exclusive2: 'hi'};
//=> Error
export type MergeExclusive<FirstType, SecondType> =
	(FirstType | SecondType) extends object ?
		(Without<FirstType, SecondType> & SecondType) | (Without<SecondType, FirstType> & FirstType) :
		FirstType | SecondType;