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Polyfill/shim for process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags


node-environment-flags is a rough polyfill and shim for process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags, which was introduced in Node.js v10.10.0.

Table of Contents


Requires Node.js v6.0.0 or newer.

$ npm i node-environment-flags


If the current Node.js version is v10.10.0 or newer, the native implementation will be provided instead.

As Polyfill (Recommended)

const nodeEnvironmentFlags = require('node-environment-flags');

nodeEnvironmentFlags.has('--require'); // true

As Shim


process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags.has('--require'); // true


  • This module approximates what process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags provides in versions of Node.js prior to v10.10.0. Since process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags is based on NODE_OPTIONS (introduced in v8.0.0), the set of supported flags for versions older than v8.0.0 is highly theoretical.
  • Version ranges are matched using semver.
  • This module is granular to the minor Node.js version number; patch version numbers are not considered.
  • Results for unmaintained (odd) versions of Node.js are based on data for the most recent LTS version; e.g., running this module against Node.js v7.10.0 will yield the same results as would v6.14.0.
  • Prior art: @ljharb's util.promisify




Copyright © 2018 Christopher Hiller. Licensed Apache-2.0.