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Create boxes in the terminal


$ npm install boxen


const boxen = require('boxen');

console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1}));
│             │
│   unicorn   │
│             │

console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'}));

   ║             ║
   ║   unicorn   ║
   ║             ║



boxen(text, options?)


Type: string

Text inside the box.


Type: object


Type: string\ Values: 'black' 'red' 'green' 'yellow' 'blue' 'magenta' 'cyan' 'white' 'gray' or a hex value like '#ff0000'

Color of the box border.


Type: string | object\ Default: 'single'\ Values:

  • 'single' ┌───┐ │foo│ └───┘
  • 'double' ╔═══╗ ║foo║ ╚═══╝
  • 'round' ('single' sides with round corners) ╭───╮ │foo│ ╰───╯
  • 'bold' ┏━━━┓ ┃foo┃ ┗━━━┛
  • 'singleDouble' ('single' on top and bottom, 'double' on right and left) ╓───╖ ║foo║ ╙───╜
  • 'doubleSingle' ('double' on top and bottom, 'single' on right and left) ╒═══╕ │foo│ ╘═══╛
  • 'classic' +---+ |foo| +---+

Style of the box border.

Can be any of the above predefined styles or an object with the following keys:

    topLeft: '+',
    topRight: '+',
    bottomLeft: '+',
    bottomRight: '+',
    horizontal: '-',
    vertical: '|'

Type: boolean\ Default: false

Reduce opacity of the border.


Type: number | object\ Default: 0

Space between the text and box border.

Accepts a number or an object with any of the top, right, bottom, left properties. When a number is specified, the left/right padding is 3 times the top/bottom to make it look nice.


Type: number | object\ Default: 0

Space around the box.

Accepts a number or an object with any of the top, right, bottom, left properties. When a number is specified, the left/right margin is 3 times the top/bottom to make it look nice.


Type: string\ Default: 'left'\ Values: 'right' 'center' 'left'

Float the box on the available terminal screen space.


Type: string\ Values: 'black' 'red' 'green' 'yellow' 'blue' 'magenta' 'cyan' 'white' 'gray' or a hex value like '#ff0000'

Color of the background.


Type: string\ Default: 'left'\ Values: 'left' 'center' 'right'

Align the text in the box based on the widest line.


  • boxen-cli - CLI for this module
  • cli-boxes - Boxes for use in the terminal
  • ink-box - Box component for Ink that uses this package

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