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The regular expression parser for ECMAScript.

💿 Installation

$ npm install regexpp
  • require Node.js 6.5.0 or newer.

📖 Usage

import {
} from "regexpp"

parseRegExpLiteral(source, options?)

Parse a given regular expression literal then make AST object.

This is equivalent to new RegExpParser(options).parseLiteral(source).

  • Parameters:
    • source (string | RegExp) The source code to parse.
    • options? (RegExpParser.Options) The options to parse.
  • Return:
    • The AST of the regular expression.

validateRegExpLiteral(source, options?)

Validate a given regular expression literal.

This is equivalent to new RegExpValidator(options).validateLiteral(source).

  • Parameters:

visitRegExpAST(ast, handlers)

Visit each node of a given AST.

This is equivalent to new RegExpVisitor(handlers).visit(ast).


new RegExpParser(options?)

parser.parseLiteral(source, start?, end?)

Parse a regular expression literal.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to parse. E.g. "/abc/g".
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.
  • Return:
    • The AST of the regular expression.

parser.parsePattern(source, start?, end?, uFlag?)

Parse a regular expression pattern.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to parse. E.g. "abc".
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.
    • uFlag? (boolean) The flag to enable Unicode mode.
  • Return:
    • The AST of the regular expression pattern.

parser.parseFlags(source, start?, end?)

Parse a regular expression flags.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to parse. E.g. "gim".
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.
  • Return:
    • The AST of the regular expression flags.


new RegExpValidator(options)

validator.validateLiteral(source, start, end)

Validate a regular expression literal.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to validate.
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.

validator.validatePattern(source, start, end, uFlag)

Validate a regular expression pattern.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to validate.
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.
    • uFlag? (boolean) The flag to enable Unicode mode.

validator.validateFlags(source, start, end)

Validate a regular expression flags.

  • Parameters:
    • source (string) The source code to validate.
    • start? (number) The start index in the source code. Default is 0.
    • end? (number) The end index in the source code. Default is source.length.


new RegExpVisitor(handlers)


Validate a regular expression literal.

  • Parameters:

📰 Changelog

🍻 Contributing

Welcome contributing!

Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.

Development Tools

  • npm test runs tests and measures coverage.
  • npm run build compiles TypeScript source code to index.js,, and index.d.ts.
  • npm run clean removes the temporary files which are created by npm test and npm run build.
  • npm run lint runs ESLint.
  • npm run update:test updates test fixtures.
  • npm run update:ids updates src/unicode/ids.ts.
  • npm run watch runs tests with --watch option.