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Clones RegExps with flag and lastIndex preservation.

const regexpClone = require('regexp-clone');

const a = /somethin/misguy;
console.log(; // true
console.log(a.ignoreCase); // true
console.log(a.multiline); // true
console.log(a.dotAll); // true
console.log(a.unicode); // true
console.log(a.sticky); // true

const b = regexpClone(a);
console.log(; // true
console.log(b.ignoreCase); // true
console.log(b.multiline); // true
console.log(b.dotAll); // true
console.log(b.unicode); // true
console.log(b.sticky); // true

const c = /hi/g;
c.test('this string hi there');
assert.strictEqual(c.lastIndex, 3);

const d = regexpClone(c);
assert.strictEqual(d.lastIndex, 3);
d.test('this string hi there');
assert.strictEqual(d.lastIndex, 14);
assert.strictEqual(c.lastIndex, 3);
npm install regexp-clone
