1.24 KB
Usage: nodemon [options] [script.js] [args]
--config file ............ alternate nodemon.json config file to use
-e, --ext ................ extensions to look for, ie. js,pug,hbs.
-x, --exec app ........... execute script with "app", ie. -x "python -v".
-w, --watch path ......... watch directory "path" or files. use once for
each directory or file to watch.
-i, --ignore ............. ignore specific files or directories.
-V, --verbose ............ show detail on what is causing restarts.
-- <your args> ........... to tell nodemon stop slurping arguments.
Note: if the script is omitted, nodemon will try to read "main" from
package.json and without a nodemon.json, nodemon will monitor .js, .mjs, .coffee,
.litcoffee, and .json by default.
For advanced nodemon configuration use nodemon.json: nodemon --help config
See also the sample:
$ nodemon server.js
$ nodemon -w ../foo server.js apparg1 apparg2
$ nodemon --exec python
$ nodemon --exec "make build" -e "styl hbs"
$ nodemon app.js -- --config # pass config to app.js
\x1B[1mAll options are documented under: \x1B[4mnodemon --help options\x1B[0m