translate-api 2.4 KB
#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs');
var Translator = require('./lib/translator');
var removeEventStreamOperations = require('./lib/remove-event-stream-ops').removeEventStreamOperations;
var util = require('util');
var path = require('path');

 * Minimizes all .normal.json files by flattening shapes, removing
 * documentation and removing unused shapes. The result will be written to
 * `.min.json` file.
 * The passed parameter is base path. The directory must include the apis/
 * folder.
function ApiTranslator(basePath) {
  this._apisPath = path.join(basePath, 'apis');

 * minimize passed .normal.json filepath into .min.json
ApiTranslator.prototype.minimizeFile = function minimizeFile(filepath) {
  var opath = filepath.replace(/\.normal\.json$/, '.min.json');
  var data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(this._apisPath, filepath)).toString());
  var didModify = removeEventStreamOperations(data);
  if (didModify) {
    // original model modified, replace existing normal.json so docs/ts definitions are accurate
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this._apisPath, filepath), JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '));
  var translated = new Translator(data, {documentation: false});
  var json = JSON.stringify(translated, null, '  ');
  fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this._apisPath, opath), json);

 * minimize files in api path. If optional modelName is passed only that model
 * is minimized otherwise all .normal.json files found.
ApiTranslator.prototype.translateAll = function translateAll(modelName) {
  var paths = fs.readdirSync(this._apisPath);
  var self = this;
  paths.forEach(function(filepath) {
    if (filepath.endsWith('.normal.json')) {
      if (!modelName || filepath.startsWith(modelName)) {

 * if executed as script initialize the ApiTranslator and minimize API files
 * Optional first parameter specifies which model to minimize. If omitted all
 * files are selected.
 * Optional second parameter specifies base path. The directory must include
 * the apis/ folder with .normal.json files. Output is written into the same
 * path. If parameter is not passed the repository root will be used.
if (require.main === module) {
  var modelName = process.argv[2] || '';
  var basePath = process.argv[3] || path.join(__dirname, '..');
  new ApiTranslator(basePath).translateAll(modelName);

module.exports = ApiTranslator;