braket.d.ts 12.4 KB
import {Request} from '../lib/request';
import {Response} from '../lib/response';
import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
import {Service} from '../lib/service';
import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config-base';
interface Blob {}
declare class Braket extends Service {
   * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
  constructor(options?: Braket.Types.ClientConfiguration)
  config: Config & Braket.Types.ClientConfiguration;
   * Cancels the specified task.
  cancelQuantumTask(params: Braket.Types.CancelQuantumTaskRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.CancelQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.CancelQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Cancels the specified task.
  cancelQuantumTask(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.CancelQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.CancelQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Creates a quantum task.
  createQuantumTask(params: Braket.Types.CreateQuantumTaskRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.CreateQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.CreateQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Creates a quantum task.
  createQuantumTask(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.CreateQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.CreateQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Retrieves the devices available in Amazon Braket.
  getDevice(params: Braket.Types.GetDeviceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.GetDeviceResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.GetDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
   * Retrieves the devices available in Amazon Braket.
  getDevice(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.GetDeviceResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.GetDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
   * Retrieves the specified quantum task.
  getQuantumTask(params: Braket.Types.GetQuantumTaskRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.GetQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.GetQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Retrieves the specified quantum task.
  getQuantumTask(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.GetQuantumTaskResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.GetQuantumTaskResponse, AWSError>;
   * Searches for devices using the specified filters.
  searchDevices(params: Braket.Types.SearchDevicesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.SearchDevicesResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.SearchDevicesResponse, AWSError>;
   * Searches for devices using the specified filters.
  searchDevices(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.SearchDevicesResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.SearchDevicesResponse, AWSError>;
   * Searches for tasks that match the specified filter values.
  searchQuantumTasks(params: Braket.Types.SearchQuantumTasksRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.SearchQuantumTasksResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.SearchQuantumTasksResponse, AWSError>;
   * Searches for tasks that match the specified filter values.
  searchQuantumTasks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Braket.Types.SearchQuantumTasksResponse) => void): Request<Braket.Types.SearchQuantumTasksResponse, AWSError>;
declare namespace Braket {
  export interface CancelQuantumTaskRequest {
     * The client token associated with the request.
    clientToken: String64;
     * The ARN of the task to cancel.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
  export interface CancelQuantumTaskResponse {
     * The status of the cancellation request.
    cancellationStatus: CancellationStatus;
     * The ARN of the task.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
  export type CancellationStatus = "CANCELLED"|"CANCELLING"|string;
  export interface CreateQuantumTaskRequest {
     * The action associated with the task.
    action: JsonValue;
     * The client token associated with the request.
    clientToken: String64;
     * The ARN of the device to run the task on.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
     * The parameters for the device to run the task on.
    deviceParameters?: CreateQuantumTaskRequestdeviceParametersJsonValue;
     * The S3 bucket to store task result files in.
    outputS3Bucket: CreateQuantumTaskRequestoutputS3BucketString;
     * The key prefix for the location in the S3 bucket to store task results in.
    outputS3KeyPrefix: CreateQuantumTaskRequestoutputS3KeyPrefixString;
     * The number of shots to use for the task.
    shots: CreateQuantumTaskRequestshotsLong;
  export type CreateQuantumTaskRequestdeviceParametersJsonValue = string;
  export type CreateQuantumTaskRequestoutputS3BucketString = string;
  export type CreateQuantumTaskRequestoutputS3KeyPrefixString = string;
  export type CreateQuantumTaskRequestshotsLong = number;
  export interface CreateQuantumTaskResponse {
     * The ARN of the task created by the request.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
  export type DeviceArn = string;
  export type DeviceStatus = "OFFLINE"|"ONLINE"|string;
  export interface DeviceSummary {
     * The ARN of the device.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
     * The name of the device.
    deviceName: String;
     * The status of the device.
    deviceStatus: DeviceStatus;
     * The type of the device.
    deviceType: DeviceType;
     * The provider of the device.
    providerName: String;
  export type DeviceSummaryList = DeviceSummary[];
  export type DeviceType = "QPU"|"SIMULATOR"|string;
  export interface GetDeviceRequest {
     * The ARN of the device to retrieve.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
  export interface GetDeviceResponse {
     * The ARN of the device.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
     * Details about the capabilities of the device.
    deviceCapabilities: JsonValue;
     * The name of the device.
    deviceName: String;
     * The status of the device.
    deviceStatus: DeviceStatus;
     * The type of the device.
    deviceType: DeviceType;
     * The name of the partner company for the device.
    providerName: String;
  export interface GetQuantumTaskRequest {
     * the ARN of the task to retrieve.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
  export interface GetQuantumTaskResponse {
     * The time at which the task was created.
    createdAt: SyntheticTimestamp_date_time;
     * The ARN of the device the task was run on.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
     * The parameters for the device on which the task ran.
    deviceParameters: JsonValue;
     * The time at which the task ended.
    endedAt?: SyntheticTimestamp_date_time;
     * The reason that a task failed.
    failureReason?: String;
     * The S3 bucket where task results are stored.
    outputS3Bucket: String;
     * The folder in the S3 bucket where task results are stored.
    outputS3Directory: String;
     * The ARN of the task.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
     * The number of shots used in the task.
    shots: Long;
     * The status of the task.
    status: QuantumTaskStatus;
  export type JsonValue = string;
  export type Long = number;
  export type QuantumTaskArn = string;
  export type QuantumTaskStatus = "CANCELLED"|"CANCELLING"|"COMPLETED"|"CREATED"|"FAILED"|"QUEUED"|"RUNNING"|string;
  export interface QuantumTaskSummary {
     * The time at which the task was created.
    createdAt: SyntheticTimestamp_date_time;
     * The ARN of the device the task ran on.
    deviceArn: DeviceArn;
     * The time at which the task finished.
    endedAt?: SyntheticTimestamp_date_time;
     * The S3 bucket where the task result file is stored..
    outputS3Bucket: String;
     * The folder in the S3 bucket where the task result file is stored.
    outputS3Directory: String;
     * The ARN of the task.
    quantumTaskArn: QuantumTaskArn;
     * The shots used for the task.
    shots: Long;
     * The status of the task.
    status: QuantumTaskStatus;
  export type QuantumTaskSummaryList = QuantumTaskSummary[];
  export interface SearchDevicesFilter {
     * The name to use to filter results.
    name: SearchDevicesFilternameString;
     * The values to use to filter results.
    values: SearchDevicesFiltervaluesString256List;
  export type SearchDevicesFilternameString = string;
  export type SearchDevicesFiltervaluesString256List = String256[];
  export interface SearchDevicesRequest {
     * The filter values to use to search for a device.
    filters: SearchDevicesRequestfiltersSearchDevicesFilterList;
     * The maximum number of results to return in the response.
    maxResults?: SearchDevicesRequestmaxResultsInteger;
     * A token used for pagination of results returned in the response. Use the token returned from the previous request continue results where the previous request ended.
    nextToken?: String;
  export type SearchDevicesRequestfiltersSearchDevicesFilterList = SearchDevicesFilter[];
  export type SearchDevicesRequestmaxResultsInteger = number;
  export interface SearchDevicesResponse {
     * An array of DeviceSummary objects for devices that match the specified filter values.
    devices: DeviceSummaryList;
     * A token used for pagination of results, or null if there are no additional results. Use the token value in a subsequent request to continue results where the previous request ended.
    nextToken?: String;
  export interface SearchQuantumTasksFilter {
     * The name of the device used for the task.
    name: String64;
     * An operator to use in the filter.
    operator: SearchQuantumTasksFilterOperator;
     * The values to use for the filter.
    values: SearchQuantumTasksFiltervaluesString256List;
  export type SearchQuantumTasksFilterOperator = "BETWEEN"|"EQUAL"|"GT"|"GTE"|"LT"|"LTE"|string;
  export type SearchQuantumTasksFiltervaluesString256List = String256[];
  export interface SearchQuantumTasksRequest {
     * Array of SearchQuantumTasksFilter objects.
    filters: SearchQuantumTasksRequestfiltersSearchQuantumTasksFilterList;
     * Maximum number of results to return in the response.
    maxResults?: SearchQuantumTasksRequestmaxResultsInteger;
     * A token used for pagination of results returned in the response. Use the token returned from the previous request continue results where the previous request ended.
    nextToken?: String;
  export type SearchQuantumTasksRequestfiltersSearchQuantumTasksFilterList = SearchQuantumTasksFilter[];
  export type SearchQuantumTasksRequestmaxResultsInteger = number;
  export interface SearchQuantumTasksResponse {
     * A token used for pagination of results, or null if there are no additional results. Use the token value in a subsequent request to continue results where the previous request ended.
    nextToken?: String;
     * An array of QuantumTaskSummary objects for tasks that match the specified filters.
    quantumTasks: QuantumTaskSummaryList;
  export type String = string;
  export type String256 = string;
  export type String64 = string;
  export type SyntheticTimestamp_date_time = Date;
   * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
  export type apiVersion = "2019-09-01"|"latest"|string;
  export interface ClientApiVersions {
     * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
    apiVersion?: apiVersion;
  export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
   * Contains interfaces for use with the Braket client.
  export import Types = Braket;
export = Braket;