TimelineWindow_EditorCallbacks.cs 11 KB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;

namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
    partial class TimelineWindow
        private int m_ComponentAddedFrame;

        void OnSelectionChangedInactive()
            // Case  946942 -- when selection changes and the window is open but hidden, timeline
            // needs to update selection immediately so preview mode is correctly released
            // Case 1123119 -- except when recording
            if (!hasFocus)
                RefreshSelection(!locked && state != null && !state.recording);

        void InitializeEditorCallbacks()
            Undo.postprocessModifications += PostprocessAnimationRecordingModifications;
            Undo.postprocessModifications += ProcessAssetModifications;
            Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedo;
            EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += OnPlayModeStateChanged;
            AnimationUtility.onCurveWasModified += OnCurveModified;
            EditorApplication.editorApplicationQuit += OnEditorQuit;
            Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChangedInactive;
            EditorSceneManager.sceneSaved += OnSceneSaved;
            ObjectFactory.componentWasAdded += OnComponentWasAdded;
            PrefabUtility.prefabInstanceUpdated += OnPrefabApplied;

        void OnEditorQuit()

        void RemoveEditorCallbacks()
            EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= OnPlayModeStateChanged;

            Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedo;
            Undo.postprocessModifications -= PostprocessAnimationRecordingModifications;
            Undo.postprocessModifications -= ProcessAssetModifications;
            AnimationUtility.onCurveWasModified -= OnCurveModified;
            EditorApplication.editorApplicationQuit -= OnEditorQuit;
            Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChangedInactive;
            EditorSceneManager.sceneSaved -= OnSceneSaved;
            ObjectFactory.componentWasAdded -= OnComponentWasAdded;
            PrefabUtility.prefabInstanceUpdated -= OnPrefabApplied;

        // Called when a prefab change is applied to the scene.
        // Redraw so control tracks that use prefabs can show changes
        void OnPrefabApplied(GameObject go)
            if (!state.previewMode)

            // if we added a component this frame, then rebuild, otherwise just let
            //  the individual playable handle the prefab application
            if (Time.frameCount == m_ComponentAddedFrame)

        // When the scene is save the director time will get reset.
        void OnSceneSaved(Scene scene)
            if (state != null)

        void OnCurveModified(AnimationClip clip, EditorCurveBinding binding, AnimationUtility.CurveModifiedType type)
            if (state == null || state.previewMode == false || state.rebuildGraph)

            bool hasPlayable = m_PlayableLookup.GetPlayableFromAnimClip(clip, out Playable playable);

            // mark the timeline clip as dirty
            TimelineClip timelineClip = m_PlayableLookup.GetTimelineClipFromCurves(clip);
            if (timelineClip != null)

            if (type == AnimationUtility.CurveModifiedType.CurveModified)
                if (hasPlayable)

                // updates the duration of the graph without rebuilding
                AnimationUtility.SyncEditorCurves(clip); // deleted keys are not synced when this is sent out, so duration could be incorrect

                bool isRecording = TimelineRecording.IsRecordingAnimationTrack;
                PlayableDirector masterDirector = TimelineEditor.masterDirector;
                bool isGraphValid = masterDirector != null && masterDirector.playableGraph.IsValid();

                // don't evaluate if this is caused by recording on an animation track, the extra evaluation can cause hiccups
                // Prevent graphs to be resurrected  by a changed clip.
                if (!isRecording && isGraphValid)
            else if (EditorUtility.IsDirty(clip)) // curve added/removed, or clip added/removed
                state.rebuildGraph |= timelineClip != null || hasPlayable;

        void OnPlayModeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange playModeState)
            // case 923506 - make sure we save view data before switching modes
            if (playModeState == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingEditMode ||
                playModeState == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingPlayMode)

            bool isPlaymodeAboutToChange = playModeState == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingEditMode || playModeState == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingPlayMode;

            // Important to stop the graph on any director so temporary objects are properly cleaned up
            if (isPlaymodeAboutToChange && state != null)

        UndoPropertyModification[] PostprocessAnimationRecordingModifications(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications)

            if (!state.recording)
                return modifications;

            var remaining = TimelineRecording.ProcessUndoModification(modifications, state);
            // if we've changed, we need to repaint the sequence window to show clip length changes
            if (remaining != modifications)
                // only update if us or the sequencer window has focus
                // Prevents color pickers and other dialogs from being wrongly dismissed
                bool repaint = (focusedWindow == null) ||
                    (focusedWindow is InspectorWindow) ||
                    (focusedWindow is TimelineWindow);

                if (repaint)

            return remaining;

        void DirtyModifiedObjects(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications)
            foreach (var m in modifications)
                if (m.currentValue == null || m.currentValue.target == null)

                var track = m.currentValue.target as TrackAsset;
                var playableAsset = m.currentValue.target as PlayableAsset;
                var editorClip = m.currentValue.target as EditorClip;

                if (track != null)
                else if (playableAsset != null)
                    var clip = TimelineRecording.FindClipWithAsset(state.editSequence.asset, playableAsset);
                    if (clip != null)
                else if (editorClip != null && editorClip.clip != null)

        UndoPropertyModification[] ProcessAssetModifications(UndoPropertyModification[] modifications)
            bool rebuildGraph = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < modifications.Length && !rebuildGraph; i++)
                var mod = modifications[i];

                // check if an Avatar Mask has been modified
                if (mod.previousValue != null && mod.previousValue.target is AvatarMask)
                    rebuildGraph = state.editSequence.asset != null &&
                            .Any(x => mod.previousValue.target == x.avatarMask);

            if (rebuildGraph)
                state.rebuildGraph = true;

            return modifications;

        void OnUndoRedo()
            var undos = new List<string>();
            var redos = new List<string>();
            Undo.GetRecords(undos, redos);

            var rebuildAll = redos.Any(x => x.StartsWith("Timeline ")) || undos.Any(x => x.StartsWith("Timeline"));
            var evalNow = redos.Any(x => x.Contains("Edit Curve")) || undos.Any(x => x.Contains("Edit Curve"));
            if (rebuildAll || evalNow)
                if (state != null)
                    if (evalNow) // when curves change, the new values need to be set in the transform before the inspector handles the undo
                    if (rebuildAll)

        static void ValidateSelection()
            //get all the clips in the selection
            var selectedClips = Selection.GetFiltered<EditorClip>(SelectionMode.Unfiltered).Select(x => x.clip);
            foreach (var selectedClip in selectedClips)
                var parent = selectedClip.parentTrack;
                if (selectedClip.parentTrack != null)
                    if (!parent.clips.Contains(selectedClip))

        void OnComponentWasAdded(Component c)
            m_ComponentAddedFrame = Time.frameCount;
            var go = c.gameObject;
            foreach (var seq in state.GetAllSequences())
                if (seq.director == null || seq.asset == null)

                var rebind = seq.asset.GetOutputTracks().Any(track => seq.director.GetGenericBinding(track) == go);
                // Either the playable director has a binding for the GameObject or it is a sibling of the director.
                // The second case is needed since we have timeline top level markerTracks that do not have a binding, but
                // are still "targeting" the playable director
                if (rebind || seq.director.gameObject == go)