Name Last Update
unique.ptr.class Loading commit data...
unique.ptr.create Loading commit data...
unique.ptr.dltr Loading commit data...
unique.ptr.special Loading commit data...
README.TXT Loading commit data...
Test Naming and Directory Structure

The directory structure for the unique_ptr class templates differs from the
normal test directory naming conventions (e.g. matching the stable name in the standard).

Instead of having a [unique.ptr.single] and [unique.ptr.runtime] directory,
each containing their own tests, a single directory, "unique.ptr.class",
contains both sets of tests.

This allows the common behavior of the two unique_ptr specializations to be
tested in the same place without duplication.

Tests specific to [unique.ptr.single] have the suffix ".single.pass.cpp"
and those specific to [unique.ptr.runtime] are named "*.runtime.pass.cpp".
Tests for both specializations are named normally.