Name Last Update
corpus_examples/objc Loading commit data...
fuzzer-initialize Loading commit data...
handle-cxx Loading commit data...
handle-llvm Loading commit data...
proto-to-cxx Loading commit data...
proto-to-llvm Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
ClangFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
ClangObjectiveCFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
Dockerfile Loading commit data...
DummyClangFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
ExampleClangLLVMProtoFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
ExampleClangLoopProtoFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
ExampleClangProtoFuzzer.cpp Loading commit data...
README.txt Loading commit data...
cxx_loop_proto.proto Loading commit data...
cxx_proto.proto Loading commit data...
This directory contains three utilities for fuzzing Clang: clang-fuzzer,
clang-objc-fuzzer, and clang-proto-fuzzer. All use libFuzzer to generate inputs
to clang via coverage-guided mutation.

The three utilities differ, however, in how they structure inputs to Clang.
clang-fuzzer makes no attempt to generate valid C++ programs and is therefore
primarily useful for stressing the surface layers of Clang (i.e. lexer, parser).

clang-objc-fuzzer is similar but for Objective-C: it makes no attempt to
generate a valid Objective-C program.

clang-proto-fuzzer uses a protobuf class to describe a subset of the C++
language and then uses libprotobuf-mutator to mutate instantiations of that
class, producing valid C++ programs in the process.  As a result,
clang-proto-fuzzer is better at stressing deeper layers of Clang and LLVM.

Some of the fuzzers have example corpuses inside the corpus_examples directory.

 Building clang-fuzzer
Within your LLVM build directory, run CMake with the following variable

Then build the clang-fuzzer target.

  mkdir build && cd build
  cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
  ninja clang-fuzzer

 Running clang-fuzzer
  bin/clang-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR

 Building clang-objc-fuzzer
Within your LLVM build directory, run CMake with the following variable

Then build the clang-objc-fuzzer target.

  mkdir build && cd build
  cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
  ninja clang-objc-fuzzer

 Running clang-objc-fuzzer
  bin/clang-objc-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR

e.g. using the example objc corpus,

  bin/clang-objc-fuzzer <path to corpus_examples/objc> <path to new directory to store  corpus findings>

 Building clang-proto-fuzzer (Linux-only instructions)
Install the necessary dependencies:
- binutils  // needed for libprotobuf-mutator
- liblzma-dev  // needed for libprotobuf-mutator
- libz-dev  // needed for libprotobuf-mutator
- docbook2x  // needed for libprotobuf-mutator
- Recent version of protobuf [3.3.0 is known to work]

Within your LLVM build directory, run CMake with the following variable

Then build the clang-proto-fuzzer and clang-proto-to-cxx targets.  Optionally,
you may also build clang-fuzzer with this setup.

  mkdir build && cd build
  cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
  ninja clang-proto-fuzzer clang-proto-to-cxx

This directory also contains a Dockerfile which sets up all required
dependencies and builds the fuzzers.

 Running clang-proto-fuzzer
  bin/clang-proto-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR

Arguments can be specified after -ignore_remaining_args=1 to modify the compiler
invocation.  For example, the following command line will fuzz LLVM with a
custom optimization level and target triple:
  bin/clang-proto-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR -ignore_remaining_args=1 -O3 -triple \

To translate a clang-proto-fuzzer corpus output to C++:
  bin/clang-proto-to-cxx CORPUS_OUTPUT_FILE

Like, clang-proto-fuzzer, llvm-proto-fuzzer is also a protobuf-mutator based
fuzzer. It receives as input a cxx_loop_proto which it then converts into a
string of valid LLVM IR: a function with either a single loop or two nested
loops. It then creates a new string of IR by running optimization passes over
the original IR. Currently, it only runs a loop-vectorize pass but more passes
can easily be added to the fuzzer. Once there are two versions of the input
function (optimized and not), llvm-proto-fuzzer uses LLVM's JIT Engine to
compile both functions. Lastly, it runs both functions on a suite of inputs and
checks that both functions behave the same on all inputs. In this way,
llvm-proto-fuzzer can find not only compiler crashes, but also miscompiles
originating from LLVM's optimization passes.

llvm-proto-fuzzer is built very similarly to clang-proto-fuzzer. You can run the
fuzzer with the following command:
  bin/clang-llvm-proto-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR

To translate a cxx_loop_proto file into LLVM IR do:
  bin/clang-loop-proto-to-llvm CORPUS_OUTPUT_FILE
To translate a cxx_loop_proto file into C++ do:
  bin/clang-loop-proto-to-cxx CORPUS_OUTPUT_FILE

Note: To get a higher number of executions per second with llvm-proto-fuzzer it
helps to build it without ASan instrumentation and with the -O2 flag. Because
the fuzzer is not only compiling code, but also running it, as the inputs get
large, the time necessary to fuzz one input can get very high.
  cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
  ninja clang-llvm-proto-fuzzer clang-loop-proto-to-llvm