Interfaces.cpp 5.13 KB
//===- Interfaces.cpp - Interface classes ---------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/TableGen/Interfaces.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"

using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;

// InterfaceMethod

InterfaceMethod::InterfaceMethod(const llvm::Record *def) : def(def) {
  llvm::DagInit *args = def->getValueAsDag("arguments");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = args->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {

StringRef InterfaceMethod::getReturnType() const {
  return def->getValueAsString("returnType");

// Return the name of this method.
StringRef InterfaceMethod::getName() const {
  return def->getValueAsString("name");

// Return if this method is static.
bool InterfaceMethod::isStatic() const {
  return def->isSubClassOf("StaticInterfaceMethod");

// Return the body for this method if it has one.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> InterfaceMethod::getBody() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("body");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// Return the default implementation for this method if it has one.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> InterfaceMethod::getDefaultImplementation() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("defaultBody");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// Return the description of this method if it has one.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> InterfaceMethod::getDescription() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("description");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

ArrayRef<InterfaceMethod::Argument> InterfaceMethod::getArguments() const {
  return arguments;

bool InterfaceMethod::arg_empty() const { return arguments.empty(); }

// Interface

Interface::Interface(const llvm::Record *def) : def(def) {
  assert(def->isSubClassOf("Interface") &&
         "must be subclass of TableGen 'Interface' class");

  auto *listInit = dyn_cast<llvm::ListInit>(def->getValueInit("methods"));
  for (llvm::Init *init : listInit->getValues())

// Return the name of this interface.
StringRef Interface::getName() const {
  return def->getValueAsString("cppClassName");

// Return the C++ namespace of this interface.
StringRef Interface::getCppNamespace() const {
  return def->getValueAsString("cppNamespace");

// Return the methods of this interface.
ArrayRef<InterfaceMethod> Interface::getMethods() const { return methods; }

// Return the description of this method if it has one.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> Interface::getDescription() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("description");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// Return the interfaces extra class declaration code.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> Interface::getExtraClassDeclaration() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("extraClassDeclaration");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// Return the traits extra class declaration code.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> Interface::getExtraTraitClassDeclaration() const {
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("extraTraitClassDeclaration");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// Return the body for this method if it has one.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> Interface::getVerify() const {
  // Only OpInterface supports the verify method.
  if (!isa<OpInterface>(this))
    return llvm::None;
  auto value = def->getValueAsString("verify");
  return value.empty() ? llvm::Optional<StringRef>() : value;

// AttrInterface

bool AttrInterface::classof(const Interface *interface) {
  return interface->getDef().isSubClassOf("AttrInterface");

// OpInterface

bool OpInterface::classof(const Interface *interface) {
  return interface->getDef().isSubClassOf("OpInterface");

// TypeInterface

bool TypeInterface::classof(const Interface *interface) {
  return interface->getDef().isSubClassOf("TypeInterface");