BBSectionsPrepare.cpp 18.8 KB
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//===-- BBSectionsPrepare.cpp ---=========---------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// BBSectionsPrepare implementation.
// The purpose of this pass is to assign sections to basic blocks when
// -fbasic-block-sections= option is used. Further, with profile information
// only the subset of basic blocks with profiles are placed in separate sections
// and the rest are grouped in a cold section. The exception handling blocks are
// treated specially to ensure they are all in one seciton.
// Basic Block Sections
// ====================
// With option, -fbasic-block-sections=list, every function may be split into
// clusters of basic blocks. Every cluster will be emitted into a separate
// section with its basic blocks sequenced in the given order. To get the
// optimized performance, the clusters must form an optimal BB layout for the
// function. Every cluster's section is labeled with a symbol to allow the
// linker to reorder the sections in any arbitrary sequence. A global order of
// these sections would encapsulate the function layout.
// There are a couple of challenges to be addressed:
// 1. The last basic block of every cluster should not have any implicit
//    fallthrough to its next basic block, as it can be reordered by the linker.
//    The compiler should make these fallthroughs explicit by adding
//    unconditional jumps..
// 2. All inter-cluster branch targets would now need to be resolved by the
//    linker as they cannot be calculated during compile time. This is done
//    using static relocations. Further, the compiler tries to use short branch
//    instructions on some ISAs for small branch offsets. This is not possible
//    for inter-cluster branches as the offset is not determined at compile
//    time, and therefore, long branch instructions have to be used for those.
// 3. Debug Information (DebugInfo) and Call Frame Information (CFI) emission
//    needs special handling with basic block sections. DebugInfo needs to be
//    emitted with more relocations as basic block sections can break a
//    function into potentially several disjoint pieces, and CFI needs to be
//    emitted per cluster. This also bloats the object file and binary sizes.
// Basic Block Labels
// ==================
// With -fbasic-block-sections=labels, or when a basic block is placed in a
// unique section, it is labelled with a symbol.  This allows easy mapping of
// virtual addresses from PMU profiles back to the corresponding basic blocks.
// Since the number of basic blocks is large, the labeling bloats the symbol
// table sizes and the string table sizes significantly. While the binary size
// does increase, it does not affect performance as the symbol table is not
// loaded in memory during run-time. The string table size bloat is kept very
// minimal using a unary naming scheme that uses string suffix compression. The
// basic blocks for function foo are named "", "", ... This
// turns out to be very good for string table sizes and the bloat in the string
// table size for a very large binary is ~8 %.  The naming also allows using
// the --symbol-ordering-file option in LLD to arbitrarily reorder the
// sections.

#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"

using llvm::SmallSet;
using llvm::SmallVector;
using llvm::StringMap;
using llvm::StringRef;
using namespace llvm;

namespace {

// This struct represents the cluster information for a machine basic block.
struct BBClusterInfo {
  // MachineBasicBlock ID.
  unsigned MBBNumber;
  // Cluster ID this basic block belongs to.
  unsigned ClusterID;
  // Position of basic block within the cluster.
  unsigned PositionInCluster;

using ProgramBBClusterInfoMapTy = StringMap<SmallVector<BBClusterInfo, 4>>;

class BBSectionsPrepare : public MachineFunctionPass {
  static char ID;

  // This contains the basic-block-sections profile.
  const MemoryBuffer *MBuf = nullptr;

  // This encapsulates the BB cluster information for the whole program.
  // For every function name, it contains the cluster information for (all or
  // some of) its basic blocks. The cluster information for every basic block
  // includes its cluster ID along with the position of the basic block in that
  // cluster.
  ProgramBBClusterInfoMapTy ProgramBBClusterInfo;

  // Some functions have alias names. We use this map to find the main alias
  // name for which we have mapping in ProgramBBClusterInfo.
  StringMap<StringRef> FuncAliasMap;

  BBSectionsPrepare(const MemoryBuffer *Buf)
      : MachineFunctionPass(ID), MBuf(Buf) {

  BBSectionsPrepare() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {

  StringRef getPassName() const override {
    return "Basic Block Sections Analysis";

  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override;

  /// Read profiles of basic blocks if available here.
  bool doInitialization(Module &M) override;

  /// Identify basic blocks that need separate sections and prepare to emit them
  /// accordingly.
  bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;

} // end anonymous namespace

char BBSectionsPrepare::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS(BBSectionsPrepare, "bbsections-prepare",
                "Prepares for basic block sections, by splitting functions "
                "into clusters of basic blocks.",
                false, false)

// This function updates and optimizes the branching instructions of every basic
// block in a given function to account for changes in the layout.
static void updateBranches(
    MachineFunction &MF,
    const SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 4> &PreLayoutFallThroughs) {
  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
  SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Cond;
  for (auto &MBB : MF) {
    auto NextMBBI = std::next(MBB.getIterator());
    auto *FTMBB = PreLayoutFallThroughs[MBB.getNumber()];
    // If this block had a fallthrough before we need an explicit unconditional
    // branch to that block if either
    //     1- the block ends a section, which means its next block may be
    //        reorderd by the linker, or
    //     2- the fallthrough block is not adjacent to the block in the new
    //        order.
    if (FTMBB && (MBB.isEndSection() || &*NextMBBI != FTMBB))
      TII->insertUnconditionalBranch(MBB, FTMBB, MBB.findBranchDebugLoc());

    // We do not optimize branches for machine basic blocks ending sections, as
    // their adjacent block might be reordered by the linker.
    if (MBB.isEndSection())

    // It might be possible to optimize branches by flipping the branch
    // condition.
    MachineBasicBlock *TBB = nullptr, *FBB = nullptr; // For analyzeBranch.
    if (TII->analyzeBranch(MBB, TBB, FBB, Cond))

// This function provides the BBCluster information associated with a function.
// Returns true if a valid association exists and false otherwise.
static bool getBBClusterInfoForFunction(
    const MachineFunction &MF, const StringMap<StringRef> FuncAliasMap,
    const ProgramBBClusterInfoMapTy &ProgramBBClusterInfo,
    std::vector<Optional<BBClusterInfo>> &V) {
  // Get the main alias name for the function.
  auto FuncName = MF.getName();
  auto R = FuncAliasMap.find(FuncName);
  StringRef AliasName = R == FuncAliasMap.end() ? FuncName : R->second;

  // Find the assoicated cluster information.
  auto P = ProgramBBClusterInfo.find(AliasName);
  if (P == ProgramBBClusterInfo.end())
    return false;

  if (P->second.empty()) {
    // This indicates that sections are desired for all basic blocks of this
    // function. We clear the BBClusterInfo vector to denote this.
    return true;

  for (auto bbClusterInfo : P->second) {
    // Bail out if the cluster information contains invalid MBB numbers.
    if (bbClusterInfo.MBBNumber >= MF.getNumBlockIDs())
      return false;
    V[bbClusterInfo.MBBNumber] = bbClusterInfo;
  return true;

// This function sorts basic blocks according to the cluster's information.
// All explicitly specified clusters of basic blocks will be ordered
// accordingly. All non-specified BBs go into a separate "Cold" section.
// Additionally, if exception handling landing pads end up in more than one
// clusters, they are moved into a single "Exception" section. Eventually,
// clusters are ordered in increasing order of their IDs, with the "Exception"
// and "Cold" succeeding all other clusters.
// FuncBBClusterInfo represent the cluster information for basic blocks. If this
// is empty, it means unique sections for all basic blocks in the function.
static bool assignSectionsAndSortBasicBlocks(
    MachineFunction &MF,
    const std::vector<Optional<BBClusterInfo>> &FuncBBClusterInfo) {
  assert(MF.hasBBSections() && "BB Sections is not set for function.");
  // This variable stores the section ID of the cluster containing eh_pads (if
  // all eh_pads are one cluster). If more than one cluster contain eh_pads, we
  // set it equal to ExceptionSectionID.
  Optional<MBBSectionID> EHPadsSectionID;

  for (auto &MBB : MF) {
    // With the 'all' option, every basic block is placed in a unique section.
    // With the 'list' option, every basic block is placed in a section
    // associated with its cluster, unless we want individual unique sections
    // for every basic block in this function (if FuncBBClusterInfo is empty).
    if (MF.getTarget().getBBSectionsType() == llvm::BasicBlockSection::All ||
        FuncBBClusterInfo.empty()) {
      // If unique sections are desired for all basic blocks of the function, we
      // set every basic block's section ID equal to its number (basic block
      // id). This further ensures that basic blocks are ordered canonically.
      MBB.setSectionID({static_cast<unsigned int>(MBB.getNumber())});
    } else if (FuncBBClusterInfo[MBB.getNumber()].hasValue())
    else {
      // BB goes into the special cold section if it is not specified in the
      // cluster info map.

    if (MBB.isEHPad() && EHPadsSectionID != MBB.getSectionID() &&
        EHPadsSectionID != MBBSectionID::ExceptionSectionID) {
      // If we already have one cluster containing eh_pads, this must be updated
      // to ExceptionSectionID. Otherwise, we set it equal to the current
      // section ID.
      EHPadsSectionID = EHPadsSectionID.hasValue()
                            ? MBBSectionID::ExceptionSectionID
                            : MBB.getSectionID();

  // If EHPads are in more than one section, this places all of them in the
  // special exception section.
  if (EHPadsSectionID == MBBSectionID::ExceptionSectionID)
    for (auto &MBB : MF)
      if (MBB.isEHPad())

  SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 4> PreLayoutFallThroughs(
  for (auto &MBB : MF)
    PreLayoutFallThroughs[MBB.getNumber()] = MBB.getFallThrough();

  // We make sure that the cluster including the entry basic block precedes all
  // other clusters.
  auto EntryBBSectionID = MF.front().getSectionID();

  // Helper function for ordering BB sections as follows:
  //   * Entry section (section including the entry block).
  //   * Regular sections (in increasing order of their Number).
  //     ...
  //   * Exception section
  //   * Cold section
  auto MBBSectionOrder = [EntryBBSectionID](const MBBSectionID &LHS,
                                            const MBBSectionID &RHS) {
    // We make sure that the section containing the entry block precedes all the
    // other sections.
    if (LHS == EntryBBSectionID || RHS == EntryBBSectionID)
      return LHS == EntryBBSectionID;
    return LHS.Type == RHS.Type ? LHS.Number < RHS.Number : LHS.Type < RHS.Type;

  // We sort all basic blocks to make sure the basic blocks of every cluster are
  // contiguous and ordered accordingly. Furthermore, clusters are ordered in
  // increasing order of their section IDs, with the exception and the
  // cold section placed at the end of the function.
  MF.sort([&](MachineBasicBlock &X, MachineBasicBlock &Y) {
    auto XSectionID = X.getSectionID();
    auto YSectionID = Y.getSectionID();
    if (XSectionID != YSectionID)
      return MBBSectionOrder(XSectionID, YSectionID);
    // If the two basic block are in the same section, the order is decided by
    // their position within the section.
    if (XSectionID.Type == MBBSectionID::SectionType::Default)
      return FuncBBClusterInfo[X.getNumber()]->PositionInCluster <
    return X.getNumber() < Y.getNumber();

  // Set IsBeginSection and IsEndSection according to the assigned section IDs.

  // After reordering basic blocks, we must update basic block branches to
  // insert explicit fallthrough branches when required and optimize branches
  // when possible.
  updateBranches(MF, PreLayoutFallThroughs);

  return true;

bool BBSectionsPrepare::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
  auto BBSectionsType = MF.getTarget().getBBSectionsType();
  assert(BBSectionsType != BasicBlockSection::None &&
         "BB Sections not enabled!");
  // Renumber blocks before sorting them for basic block sections.  This is
  // useful during sorting, basic blocks in the same section will retain the
  // default order.  This renumbering should also be done for basic block
  // labels to match the profiles with the correct blocks.

  if (BBSectionsType == BasicBlockSection::Labels) {
    return true;

  std::vector<Optional<BBClusterInfo>> FuncBBClusterInfo;
  if (BBSectionsType == BasicBlockSection::List &&
      !getBBClusterInfoForFunction(MF, FuncAliasMap, ProgramBBClusterInfo,
    return true;
  assignSectionsAndSortBasicBlocks(MF, FuncBBClusterInfo);
  return true;

// Basic Block Sections can be enabled for a subset of machine basic blocks.
// This is done by passing a file containing names of functions for which basic
// block sections are desired.  Additionally, machine basic block ids of the
// functions can also be specified for a finer granularity. Moreover, a cluster
// of basic blocks could be assigned to the same section.
// A file with basic block sections for all of function main and three blocks
// for function foo (of which 1 and 2 are placed in a cluster) looks like this:
// ----------------------------
// list.txt:
// !main
// !foo
// !!1 2
// !!4
static Error getBBClusterInfo(const MemoryBuffer *MBuf,
                              ProgramBBClusterInfoMapTy &ProgramBBClusterInfo,
                              StringMap<StringRef> &FuncAliasMap) {
  line_iterator LineIt(*MBuf, /*SkipBlanks=*/true, /*CommentMarker=*/'#');

  auto invalidProfileError = [&](auto Message) {
    return make_error<StringError>(
        Twine("Invalid profile " + MBuf->getBufferIdentifier() + " at line " +
              Twine(LineIt.line_number()) + ": " + Message),

  auto FI = ProgramBBClusterInfo.end();

  // Current cluster ID corresponding to this function.
  unsigned CurrentCluster = 0;
  // Current position in the current cluster.
  unsigned CurrentPosition = 0;

  // Temporary set to ensure every basic block ID appears once in the clusters
  // of a function.
  SmallSet<unsigned, 4> FuncBBIDs;

  for (; !LineIt.is_at_eof(); ++LineIt) {
    StringRef S(*LineIt);
    if (S[0] == '@')
    // Check for the leading "!"
    if (!S.consume_front("!") || S.empty())
    // Check for second "!" which indicates a cluster of basic blocks.
    if (S.consume_front("!")) {
      if (FI == ProgramBBClusterInfo.end())
        return invalidProfileError(
            "Cluster list does not follow a function name specifier.");
      SmallVector<StringRef, 4> BBIndexes;
      S.split(BBIndexes, ' ');
      // Reset current cluster position.
      CurrentPosition = 0;
      for (auto BBIndexStr : BBIndexes) {
        unsigned long long BBIndex;
        if (getAsUnsignedInteger(BBIndexStr, 10, BBIndex))
          return invalidProfileError(Twine("Unsigned integer expected: '") +
                                     BBIndexStr + "'.");
        if (!FuncBBIDs.insert(BBIndex).second)
          return invalidProfileError(Twine("Duplicate basic block id found '") +
                                     BBIndexStr + "'.");
        if (!BBIndex && CurrentPosition)
          return invalidProfileError("Entry BB (0) does not begin a cluster.");

            ((unsigned)BBIndex), CurrentCluster, CurrentPosition++});
    } else { // This is a function name specifier.
      // Function aliases are separated using '/'. We use the first function
      // name for the cluster info mapping and delegate all other aliases to
      // this one.
      SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Aliases;
      S.split(Aliases, '/');
      for (size_t i = 1; i < Aliases.size(); ++i)
        FuncAliasMap.try_emplace(Aliases[i], Aliases.front());

      // Prepare for parsing clusters of this function name.
      // Start a new cluster map for this function name.
      FI = ProgramBBClusterInfo.try_emplace(Aliases.front()).first;
      CurrentCluster = 0;
  return Error::success();

bool BBSectionsPrepare::doInitialization(Module &M) {
  if (!MBuf)
    return false;
  if (auto Err = getBBClusterInfo(MBuf, ProgramBBClusterInfo, FuncAliasMap))
  return false;

void BBSectionsPrepare::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {

MachineFunctionPass *
llvm::createBBSectionsPreparePass(const MemoryBuffer *Buf) {
  return new BBSectionsPrepare(Buf);