archive-update.test 1.7 KB
Test the 'u' option of llvm-ar

RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t && cd %t
RUN: rm -f %t/tmp.a

Create a file named evenlen that is newer than the evenlen on the source dir.
RUN: mkdir -p %t/tmp.older
RUN: echo older > %t/tmp.older/evenlen

RUN: mkdir -p %t/tmp.newer

Either the shell supports the 'touch' command with a flag to manually set the
mtime or we sleep for over two seconds so that the mtime is definitely
RUN: touch -m -t 200001010000 %t/tmp.older/evenlen || sleep 2.1

RUN: echo newer > %t/tmp.newer/evenlen
RUN: touch %t/tmp.newer/evenlen

Create an achive with the newest file
RUN: llvm-ar rU %t/tmp.a %t/tmp.newer/evenlen
RUN: llvm-ar p %t/tmp.a | FileCheck --check-prefix=NEWER %s

Check that without the 'u' option the member is replaced with an older file.
RUN: llvm-ar rU %t/tmp.a %t/tmp.older/evenlen
RUN: llvm-ar p %t/tmp.a | FileCheck --check-prefix=OLDER %s

Check that with the 'u' option the member is replaced with a newer file.
RUN: llvm-ar ruU %t/tmp.a %t/tmp.newer/evenlen
RUN: llvm-ar p %t/tmp.a | FileCheck --check-prefix=NEWER %s

Check that with the 'u' option the member is not replaced with an older file.
RUN: llvm-ar ruU %t/tmp.a %t/tmp.older/evenlen
RUN: llvm-ar p %t/tmp.a | FileCheck --check-prefix=NEWER %s

NEWER: newer
OLDER: older

RUN: rm -f %t/tmp.a
RUN: echo foo > foo
RUN: echo bar > bar
RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rcT %t/tmp.a foo
RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rcT %t/tmp.a bar
RUN: llvm-ar t %t/tmp.a | FileCheck --check-prefix=BOTH-FILES %s

RUN: rm -f %t/tmp.a
RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu rc %t/tmp.a foo
RUN: not llvm-ar --format=gnu rcT %t/tmp.a bar 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR %s
ERROR: error: cannot convert a regular archive to a thin one