Index.proto 3.35 KB
//===--- Index.proto - Remote index Protocol Buffers definition -----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

syntax = "proto3";

package clang.clangd.remote;

// Semantics of SymbolIndex match clangd::SymbolIndex with all required
// structures corresponding to their clangd::* counterparts.
service SymbolIndex {
  rpc Lookup(LookupRequest) returns (stream LookupReply) {}

  rpc FuzzyFind(FuzzyFindRequest) returns (stream FuzzyFindReply) {}

  rpc Refs(RefsRequest) returns (stream RefsReply) {}

  rpc Relations(RelationsRequest) returns (stream RelationsReply) {}

message LookupRequest { repeated string ids = 1; }

// The response is a stream of symbol messages and the terminating message
// indicating the end of stream.
message LookupReply {
  oneof kind {
    Symbol stream_result = 1;
    bool final_result = 2;

message FuzzyFindRequest {
  string query = 1;
  repeated string scopes = 2;
  bool any_scope = 3;
  uint32 limit = 4;
  bool restricted_for_code_completion = 5;
  repeated string proximity_paths = 6;
  repeated string preferred_types = 7;

// The response is a stream of symbol messages, and one terminating has_more
// message.
message FuzzyFindReply {
  oneof kind {
    Symbol stream_result = 1;
    bool final_result = 2; // HasMore

message RefsRequest {
  repeated string ids = 1;
  uint32 filter = 2;
  uint32 limit = 3;

// The response is a stream of reference messages, and one terminating has_more
// message.
message RefsReply {
  oneof kind {
    Ref stream_result = 1;
    bool final_result = 2; // HasMore

message Symbol {
  string id = 1;
  SymbolInfo info = 2;
  string name = 3;
  SymbolLocation definition = 4;
  string scope = 5;
  SymbolLocation canonical_declaration = 6;
  int32 references = 7;
  uint32 origin = 8;
  string signature = 9;
  string template_specialization_args = 10;
  string completion_snippet_suffix = 11;
  string documentation = 12;
  string return_type = 13;
  string type = 14;
  repeated HeaderWithReferences headers = 15;
  uint32 flags = 16;

message Ref {
  SymbolLocation location = 1;
  uint32 kind = 2;

message SymbolInfo {
  uint32 kind = 1;
  uint32 subkind = 2;
  uint32 language = 3;
  uint32 properties = 4;

message SymbolLocation {
  Position start = 1;
  Position end = 2;
  // clangd::SymbolLocation stores FileURI, but the protocol transmits a the
  // relative path. Because paths are different on the remote and local machines
  // they will be translated in the marshalling layer.
  string file_path = 3;

message Position {
  uint32 line = 1;
  uint32 column = 2;

message HeaderWithReferences {
  string header = 1;
  uint32 references = 2;

message RelationsRequest {
  repeated string subjects = 1;
  uint32 predicate = 2;
  uint32 limit = 3;

// The response is a stream of reference messages, and one terminating has_more
// message.
message RelationsReply {
  oneof kind {
    Relation stream_result = 1;
    bool final_result = 2; // HasMore

// This struct does not mirror clangd::Relation but rather the arguments of
// SymbolIndex::relations callback.
message Relation {
  string subject_id = 1;
  Symbol object = 2;