stack-protector-msvc.ll 4.99 KB
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i386-pc-windows-msvc < %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=MSVC-X86 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc < %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=MSVC-X64 %s

; Make sure fastisel falls back and does something secure.
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-pc-windows-msvc -O0 < %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=MSVC-X86-O0 %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -O0 < %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=MSVC-X64-O0 %s

@"\01LC" = internal constant [11 x i8] c"buf == %s\0A\00"    ; <[11 x i8]*> [#uses=1]

define void @test(i8* %a) nounwind ssp {
 %a_addr = alloca i8*    ; <i8**> [#uses=2]
 %buf = alloca [8 x i8]    ; <[8 x i8]*> [#uses=2]
 store i8* %a, i8** %a_addr
 %buf1 = bitcast [8 x i8]* %buf to i8*   ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
 %0 = load i8*, i8** %a_addr, align 4    ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
 %1 = call i8* @strcpy(i8* %buf1, i8* %0) nounwind   ; <i8*> [#uses=0]
  %buf2 = bitcast [8 x i8]* %buf to i8*    ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
 %2 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr ([11 x i8], [11 x i8]* @"\01LC", i32 0, i32 0), i8* %buf2) nounwind    ; <i32> [#uses=0]
 br label %return

return:    ; preds = %entry
 ret void

; MSVC-X86-LABEL: _test:
; MSVC-X86: movl ___security_cookie, %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X86: xorl %esp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X86: movl %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%esp)
; MSVC-X86: calll _strcpy
; MSVC-X86: movl [[SLOT]](%esp), %ecx
; MSVC-X86: xorl %esp, %ecx
; MSVC-X86: calll @__security_check_cookie@4
; MSVC-X86: retl

; MSVC-X64-LABEL: test:
; MSVC-X64: movq __security_cookie(%rip), %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rsp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X64: movq %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%rsp)
; MSVC-X64: callq strcpy
; MSVC-X64: movq [[SLOT]](%rsp), %rcx
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rsp, %rcx
; MSVC-X64: callq __security_check_cookie
; MSVC-X64: retq

; MSVC-X86-O0-LABEL: _test:
; MSVC-X86-O0: movl ___security_cookie, %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X86-O0: xorl %esp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X86-O0: movl %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%esp)
; MSVC-X86-O0: calll _strcpy
; MSVC-X86-O0: movl [[SLOT]](%esp), %ecx
; MSVC-X86-O0: xorl %esp, %ecx
; MSVC-X86-O0: calll @__security_check_cookie@4
; MSVC-X86-O0: retl

; MSVC-X64-O0-LABEL: test:
; MSVC-X64-O0: movq __security_cookie(%rip), %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X64-O0: xorq %rsp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X64-O0: movq %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%rsp)
; MSVC-X64-O0: callq strcpy
; MSVC-X64-O0: movq [[SLOT]](%rsp), %rcx
; MSVC-X64-O0: xorq %rsp, %rcx
; MSVC-X64-O0: callq __security_check_cookie
; MSVC-X64-O0: retq

declare void @escape(i32*)

define void @test_vla(i32 %n) nounwind ssp {
  %vla = alloca i32, i32 %n
  call void @escape(i32* %vla)
  ret void

; MSVC-X86-LABEL: _test_vla:
; MSVC-X86: pushl %ebp
; MSVC-X86: movl %esp, %ebp
; MSVC-X86: movl ___security_cookie, %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X86: xorl %ebp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X86: movl %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:-[0-9]*]](%ebp)
; MSVC-X86: calll __chkstk
; MSVC-X86: pushl
; MSVC-X86: calll _escape
; MSVC-X86: movl [[SLOT]](%ebp), %ecx
; MSVC-X86: xorl %ebp, %ecx
; MSVC-X86: calll @__security_check_cookie@4
; MSVC-X86: movl %ebp, %esp
; MSVC-X86: popl %ebp
; MSVC-X86: retl

; MSVC-X64-LABEL: test_vla:
; MSVC-X64: pushq %rbp
; MSVC-X64: subq $16, %rsp
; MSVC-X64: leaq 16(%rsp), %rbp
; MSVC-X64: movq __security_cookie(%rip), %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rbp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X64: movq %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:-[0-9]*]](%rbp)
; MSVC-X64: callq __chkstk
; MSVC-X64: callq escape
; MSVC-X64: movq [[SLOT]](%rbp), %rcx
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rbp, %rcx
; MSVC-X64: callq __security_check_cookie
; MSVC-X64: retq

; This case is interesting because we address local variables with RBX but XOR
; the guard value with RBP. That's fine, either value will do, as long as they
; are the same across the life of the frame.

define void @test_vla_realign(i32 %n) nounwind ssp {
  %realign = alloca i32, align 32
  %vla = alloca i32, i32 %n
  call void @escape(i32* %realign)
  call void @escape(i32* %vla)
  ret void

; MSVC-X86-LABEL: _test_vla_realign:
; MSVC-X86: pushl %ebp
; MSVC-X86: movl %esp, %ebp
; MSVC-X86: pushl %esi
; MSVC-X86: andl $-32, %esp
; MSVC-X86: subl $32, %esp
; MSVC-X86: movl %esp, %esi
; MSVC-X86: movl ___security_cookie, %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X86: xorl %ebp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X86: movl %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%esi)
; MSVC-X86: calll __chkstk
; MSVC-X86: pushl
; MSVC-X86: calll _escape
; MSVC-X86: movl [[SLOT]](%esi), %ecx
; MSVC-X86: xorl %ebp, %ecx
; MSVC-X86: calll @__security_check_cookie@4
; MSVC-X86: leal -8(%ebp), %esp
; MSVC-X86: popl %esi
; MSVC-X86: popl %ebp
; MSVC-X86: retl

; MSVC-X64-LABEL: test_vla_realign:
; MSVC-X64: pushq %rbp
; MSVC-X64: pushq %rbx
; MSVC-X64: subq $32, %rsp
; MSVC-X64: leaq 32(%rsp), %rbp
; MSVC-X64: andq $-32, %rsp
; MSVC-X64: movq %rsp, %rbx
; MSVC-X64: movq __security_cookie(%rip), %[[REG1:[^ ]*]]
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rbp, %[[REG1]]
; MSVC-X64: movq %[[REG1]], [[SLOT:[0-9]*]](%rbx)
; MSVC-X64: callq __chkstk
; MSVC-X64: callq escape
; MSVC-X64: movq [[SLOT]](%rbx), %rcx
; MSVC-X64: xorq %rbp, %rcx
; MSVC-X64: callq __security_check_cookie
; MSVC-X64: retq

declare i8* @strcpy(i8*, i8*) nounwind

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind