patchable-prologue.ll 4 KB
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -filetype=obj -o - -mtriple=x86_64-apple-macosx < %s | llvm-objdump --triple=x86_64-apple-macosx -d - | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-apple-macosx < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ALIGN
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=i386 < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=32,32CFI,XCHG
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=i386-windows-msvc < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=32,MOV
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=i386-windows-msvc -mcpu=pentium3 < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=32,MOV
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=i386-windows-msvc -mcpu=pentium4 < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=32,XCHG
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=x86_64-windows-msvc < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=64
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -show-mc-encoding -mtriple=i386-unknown-linux-code16 < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=16

; 16-NOT: movl   %edi, %edi
; 16-NOT: xchgw   %ax, %ax

declare void @callee(i64*)

define void @f0() "patchable-function"="prologue-short-redirect" {
; CHECK-LABEL: _f0{{>?}}:
; CHECK-NEXT:  66 90 	nop

; CHECK-ALIGN: 	.p2align	4, 0x90

; 32: f0:
; 32CFI-NEXT: .cfi_startproc
; 32-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; XCHG-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax                # encoding: [0x66,0x90]
; MOV-NEXT: movl    %edi, %edi              # encoding: [0x8b,0xff]
; 32-NEXT: retl

; 64: f0:
; 64-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; 64-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax                # encoding: [0x66,0x90]
; 64-NEXT: retq
  ret void

define void @f1() "patchable-function"="prologue-short-redirect" "frame-pointer"="all" {
; CHECK-NEXT: ff f5 	pushq	%rbp

; CHECK-ALIGN: 	.p2align	4, 0x90

; 32: f1:
; 32CFI-NEXT: .cfi_startproc
; 32-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; XCHG-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax                # encoding: [0x66,0x90]
; MOV-NEXT: movl    %edi, %edi              # encoding: [0x8b,0xff]
; 32-NEXT: pushl   %ebp

; 64: f1:
; 64-NEXT: .seh_proc f1
; 64-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; 64-NEXT: pushq   %rbp
  ret void

define void @f2() "patchable-function"="prologue-short-redirect" {
; CHECK-NEXT: 48 81 ec a8 00 00 00 	subq	$168, %rsp

; CHECK-ALIGN: 	.p2align	4, 0x90

; 32: f2:
; 32CFI-NEXT: .cfi_startproc
; 32-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; XCHG-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax                # encoding: [0x66,0x90]
; MOV-NEXT: movl    %edi, %edi              # encoding: [0x8b,0xff]
; 32-NEXT: pushl   %ebp

; 64: f2:
; 64-NEXT: .seh_proc f2
; 64-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; 64-NEXT: subq    $200, %rsp
  %ptr = alloca i64, i32 20
  call void @callee(i64* %ptr)
  ret void

define void @f3() "patchable-function"="prologue-short-redirect" optsize {
; CHECK-NEXT: 66 90 	nop

; CHECK-ALIGN: 	.p2align	4, 0x90

; 32: f3:
; 32CFI-NEXT: .cfi_startproc
; 32-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; XCHG-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax
; MOV-NEXT: movl   %edi, %edi
; 32-NEXT: retl

; 64: f3:
; 64-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; 64-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax
; 64-NEXT: retq

  ret void

; This testcase happens to produce a KILL instruction at the beginning of the
; first basic block. In this case the 2nd instruction should be turned into a
; patchable one.
; CHECK-LABEL: f4{{>?}}:
; CHECK-NEXT: 8b 0c 37  movl  (%rdi,%rsi), %ecx
; 32: f4:
; 32CFI-NEXT: .cfi_startproc
; 32-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; XCHG-NEXT: xchgw   %ax, %ax
; MOV-NEXT: movl   %edi, %edi
; 32-NEXT: pushl   %ebx

; 64: f4:
; 64-NEXT: # %bb.0:
; 64-NOT: xchgw   %ax, %ax

define i32 @f4(i8* %arg1, i64 %arg2, i32 %arg3) "patchable-function"="prologue-short-redirect" {
  %tmp10 = getelementptr i8, i8* %arg1, i64 %arg2
  %tmp11 = bitcast i8* %tmp10 to i32*
  %tmp12 = load i32, i32* %tmp11, align 4
  fence acquire
  %tmp13 = add i32 %tmp12, %arg3
  %tmp14 = cmpxchg i32* %tmp11, i32 %tmp12, i32 %tmp13 seq_cst monotonic
  %tmp15 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %tmp14, 1
  br i1 %tmp15, label %bb21, label %bb16

  br label %bb21

  %tmp22 = phi i32 [ %tmp12, %bb ], [ %arg3, %bb16 ]
  ret i32 %tmp22