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; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-- < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-- -O0 < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-- -disable-tail-calls < %s | FileCheck %s

declare void @t1_callee(i8*)
define void @t1(i32* %a) {
; CHECK: jmp {{_?}}t1_callee
  %b = bitcast i32* %a to i8*
  musttail call void @t1_callee(i8* %b)
  ret void

declare i8* @t2_callee()
define i32* @t2() {
; CHECK: jmp {{_?}}t2_callee
  %v = musttail call i8* @t2_callee()
  %w = bitcast i8* %v to i32*
  ret i32* %w

; Complex frame layout: stack realignment with dynamic alloca.
define void @t3(i32 %n) alignstack(32) nounwind {
; CHECK: t3:
; CHECK: pushl %ebp
; CHECK: pushl %esi
; CHECK: andl $-32, %esp
; CHECK: movl %esp, %esi
; CHECK: popl %esi
; CHECK: popl %ebp
; CHECK-NEXT: jmp {{_?}}t3_callee
  %a = alloca i8, i32 %n
  call void @capture(i8* %a)
  musttail call void @t3_callee(i32 %n) nounwind
  ret void

declare void @capture(i8*)
declare void @t3_callee(i32)

; Test that we actually copy in and out stack arguments that aren't forwarded
; without modification.
define i32 @t4({}* %fn, i32 %n, i32 %r) {
; CHECK: incl %[[r:.*]]
; CHECK: decl %[[n:.*]]
; CHECK-DAG: movl %[[r]], {{[0-9]+}}(%esp)
; CHECK-DAG: movl %[[n]], {{[0-9]+}}(%esp)
; CHECK: jmpl *%{{.*}}

  %r1 = add i32 %r, 1
  %n1 = sub i32 %n, 1
  %fn_cast = bitcast {}* %fn to i32 ({}*, i32, i32)*
  %r2 = musttail call i32 %fn_cast({}* %fn, i32 %n1, i32 %r1)
  ret i32 %r2

; Combine the complex stack frame with the parameter modification.
define i32 @t5({}* %fn, i32 %n, i32 %r) alignstack(32) {
; CHECK: pushl %ebp
; CHECK: movl %esp, %ebp
; CHECK: pushl %esi
; 	Align the stack.
; CHECK: andl $-32, %esp
; CHECK: movl %esp, %esi
; 	Modify the args.
; CHECK: incl %[[r:.*]]
; CHECK: decl %[[n:.*]]
; 	Store them through ebp, since that's the only stable arg pointer.
; CHECK-DAG: movl %[[r]], {{[0-9]+}}(%ebp)
; CHECK-DAG: movl %[[n]], {{[0-9]+}}(%ebp)
; 	Epilogue.
; CHECK: leal {{[-0-9]+}}(%ebp), %esp
; CHECK: popl %esi
; CHECK: popl %ebp
; CHECK: jmpl *%{{.*}}

  %a = alloca i8, i32 %n
  call void @capture(i8* %a)
  %r1 = add i32 %r, 1
  %n1 = sub i32 %n, 1
  %fn_cast = bitcast {}* %fn to i32 ({}*, i32, i32)*
  %r2 = musttail call i32 %fn_cast({}* %fn, i32 %n1, i32 %r1)
  ret i32 %r2