machine-verifier.mir 585 Bytes
# RUN: not --crash llc -mtriple=thumb -run-pass none -o /dev/null %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# This test ensures that the MIR parser runs the machine verifier after parsing.

--- |

  define i32 @inc(i32 %a) {
    ret i32 %a

name: inc
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
   ; CHECK: *** Bad machine code: Unsupported register in Thumb1 push/pop ***
   frame-setup tPUSH 14, $noreg, undef $r12, killed $lr, implicit-def $sp, implicit $sp

   ; CHECK: *** Bad machine code: Non-flag-setting Thumb1 mov is v6-only ***
   $r2 = tMOVr killed $r6, 14, $noreg